Becoming her everything

by: mentalregressor | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 15, 2016

A young man has been getting more and more annoyed with seeing the "mentally challenged" boy walking around naked outside. But what happens when the boy goes missing and a replacement is needed?

Chapter 1
Whole Story

Eric peeked out the window and sighed, there he was again, running around his garden making childish aeroplane noises while completely buck naked. People were walking past and staring but naturally no one said anything. While this kind of behaviour might have been considered acceptable for say, a 3 year old, the boy running around was about 19 years old and named Tom, or Tommy as the woman called him. Eric himself was 20 and he was completely tired of seeing this almost every day. The boy himself was fairly tall, with bright blue eyes with his hair shaved very short. he was also slightly chubby and had a slight tan from walking around outside so much.

About 3 months ago a woman had moved into the house opposite him with this 18 year old man baby. According to her, he was her everything. She said she loved him more than anything and didn’t care what anyone else thought about the two of them. She’d often take him for walks holding his hand while once again, he decided not to wear clothing, or as he called it, go "nakey". No one really tried to stop it anymore as whenever it was brought push would get upset and storm home with Tommy. However there was only so much Eric could take, he’d made his decision, tomorrow morning he was going to go over there and tell her exactly what he thought of her letting her son...expose himself all over town like this.


The next morning Eric got up and started walking over to the woman house, the closer he got the more nervous he felt, but he knew something had to be said. As he reached the door he took a deep breath and knocked 4 times. after a few seconds the door opened revealing the woman, she looked like she was in her 40s, fairly pale, blonde hair and dark brown eyes, however they were rimmed red looking like she’d been crying, adding to Eric’s discomfort. However almost as soon as she saw him there seemed to be a very faint sign of excitement in her eyes.

"Hello dear, what can I do for you?" She asked in a soft, almost motherly voice.

"Um, I came to talk to you about your son" Eric mumbled, clearing his throat slightly.

"Oh, well do come in" She waved him inside before closing the door.

As Eric walked through to the living room he noticed something odd, Tommy was nowhere to be seen or heard. If he wasn’t out in the garden he was almost aways with his mother. He figured the boy must be at another family members house, which caused him some relief before he sat down. About a minute later the woman walked over with two cups of tea, which Eric politely accepted and took a gulp of as she sat in the chair next to him.

"So what was it you wanted to say about my son?" She asked gently, watching him closely as Eric swallowed.

"Well um..." Eric paused.

"No need to be shy dear, if you have a problem please say so" "She smiled at him

"Well I’m just not a fan of seeing him always running around outside without any clothes on and just being childish, it makes everyone uncomfortable" Eric took another sip of tea as the woman simply kept smiling at him.

"But surely nudity is nothing to be ashamed of? And as for being childish it makes him happy and isn’t that all that matters?"

As soon as she said it Eric felt a slight tingling through his body and he found wha she said to oddly make some sense

"I...I guess so..." He admitted

He put the now empty cup on the nearby table as the tingling continued to spread through his body, it eventually spread to his head where it suddenly became quite hard to think straight. He didn’t even notice the woman walk over and kneel next to him.

"Besides, you wouldn’t have had to worry about that anyway, you see, he wasn’t always my son, he was just an average every day teen. But you see things can get quite lonely without a husband or any friends. Luckily I was able to create a drug, it enters the mind and destroys enough for someone to become a sweet little toddler or baby again, mentally anyway. unfortunately he broke free this morning. Ran away before I could catch him, I was devastated, didn’t know what I was going to do. But then..." She took his hand and smiled wider "You came along, and I had exactly what I needed to have myself a nice healthy happy boy again. Nice to see you finished all your tea, there was enough of the drug in that to reduce you right down to to mentality of about 2 years old" She squeezed his hand

Eric couldn’t believe what he was hearing, surely this couldn’t be true. The fuzzy feeling kept on spreading through his body and thoughts as his managed to mumble.

"You won’t...get away with this, I have f...friends...and family, they’ll know it’" He managed a smile as he thought of that one until she chuckled and squeezed his shoulder

"Oh honey, the drug can also make slight physical changes. come on i’ll show you"

Eric didn’t have the strength to stop her as she pulled him up and took him over to a full body mirror, causing his eyes to widen in shock. His eyes had changed from green to a piercing blue. His facial shape had also changed slightly and he’d gone from skinny to chubby and while there were one or two slight differences, he now looked like a copy of Tommy. The woman rubbed his chest soothingly.

"Now your hair is a bit long but I can cut that, and you’re a bit pale but after running around in the sun for a week or two you’ll get that lovely tan"

Eric tried to pull away, to try and get to the door to tell someone what was going on. But as soon as he put weight on his legs he collapsed to the floor in front of the mirror. Once again the woman kneeled next to him

"Now let’s get you all ready for your playtime shall we?"

Almost instantly she began pulling off his clothes, Eric couldn’t find the strength to stop her, eventually she pulled off his boxers and socks. He looked down and realised to his horror that all his skin bellow hi neck was bare and smooth. The woman sat next to him and pulled his head against her chest.

"Now just let that nice fuzzy feeling take over, no more thoughts, no more worries, just you and me. the drug is much stronger now so you won’t ever need to worry about those bad things for the rest of your life" She said as she stroked his hair.

Eric tried to fight it as hard as he could. He didn’t want to become a shameless, naked man baby, dependant on someone else to think for him! But as much as he tried, he could slowly feel his thoughts becoming disconnected and difficult. Memories of anything more than a few minutes ago were fading into nothingness. His blue eyes were becoming glassy and unfocused, causing he woman to smile as a string of drool ran down his chin. She quietly grabbed an electric razor and started shaving away at his hair.

Eric barely noticed, he was busy staring at his own reflection in the mirror. That man look funny, he thought before looking down at himself. Him nakey, him like being nakey. there wet stuff on chin, it feel funny. Him reach down and pull toes into mouth. It nice to have something to suck on, more wet stuff moving down leg. Nice woman then help him up, she call herself mamma. She stand me up and help me outside. It feel nice and warm, mamma tell me to play on grass and she come get me soon. Me start running around, ground feel nice on skin, not know why people wear clothes. People staring so him must be doing something right. Him happy him getting attention.


Beth watched lovingly from the window as her new "little" boy ran around naked outside. He looked so happy and carefree. She knew he’d be more happy this way, eventually he sat down and started pulling at the grass, still making no effort to cover his exposed penis. She had her son back, she had back her everything

I Hope you enjoyed this, it’s my first story and I had fun writing it, let me know if you have any suggestions or anything



End Chapter 1

Becoming her everything

by: mentalregressor | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 15, 2016


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