Continuous Story Anyone?

by: Oni | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 24, 2015

Continuous Story written by Louder and Areg in the early days of the ARchive. Includes Parts 1 through 24.

Chapter 1
Continuous Story Anyone?

Chapter Description: Continuous Story written by Louder and Areg in the early days of the ARchive. Includes Parts 1 through 24.

Continuous Story Anyone? by Louder on 01-30-03 07:01

I’ll post a start.... let’s see if anyone is game to add to it:

Marcia was feeling worn down. Her 39 year old body was catching up to her quickly. Even though she tried remain fit her body was losing its definition. She was beginning to dread looking in the mirrow each morning.

Dull, lifeless brown hair threatening to turn gray and wrinkles that seemed to mulitply overnight would greet her.

She knew she needed to work harder on a workout routine and watch her diet but it seemed to get harder every time she tried it.

She knew she was going to have to push herself. She didn’t want to end up looking like her mother!

She did her morning power-walk and pushed herself harder and harder. She had already went farther than she had in years. She was out of breath and she could feel her joints aching. She’d pushed it too far! She still had to get back home.

Looking ahead, she saw a small shop that she’d never noticed before. Needing a break, she ducked in and grabbed her knees trying to catch her breath.

The air conditioning felt good. She wiped her brow and glanced around the room.

"Howdy do, mam!" a cheerful man said as heard the door buzzer when she entered. "What can I do ya for?"

"Oh..." she puffed "I’m just catching my breath. Trying to keep in shape and I kind of over-done things this morning"

"Welllllllllll I think I’ve got just the thing for you!" he told her.

Marcia realized this man must be a salesman thru and thru. Way more cheerful than he needs to be and ready to pounce even though she was obviously not in a buying mood.

"I’m afraid I’m not interested in anything this morning. Sorry to get your hopes up. I just needed to catch my breath and cool off. I didn’t even know your shop was here" she said as she looked around "Ummm just what is it you sell here?"

"Dreams! I sell dreams!" he said as his arms flung out in emphasis.

"Oh... I see..." Marcia replied pretending to understand.

"Mam, pardon me for saying, but your’s appears to be a simple one. Your killing yourself trying to get into shape. How could that be enjoyable?" he asked.

"Obviously it’s not but at my age I do what I can"

"I see... "he replied shaking his head. "I think what you want is right inside here!"

The man pointed to a doorway covered by a curtain.

"Oh... Seriously... I’m not looking to buy anything...." she said but was cut off.

"Buy? Who said anything about ’buying’? We can talk about that later. Why don’t you just step inside see what awaits!" he told her

Marcia shrugged. What could it hurt she figured?

"Now that’s the spirit! I could tell when I saw you what your dream was. It’s right in here" he said as he pulled the curtain back revealing a wooden door. "Guaranteed to put a spring back in your step... or skip.... or crawl..."

"And just what is it?" she asked curiously as she entered the darkened room "I could certainly use a little spring in my step"

The man did not follow her.

"Ummmm it’s kind of dark in here...." she said as she felt a chill. "What is it I am looking for in here?"

"Your dream! To be young again!" the man said as he closed the door behind her "It’s already started.... about a year a minute! Aren’t you thrilled?"

Marcia had figured the man for a harmless salesman but now he seemed more like a lunatic. She turned for the door but it was locked. "HEY!!! Let me out!" she yelled as she banged on the door.

"Not before I make your dream come true" the man answered.

Marcia kept yelling. And then she noticed something strange. Her voice sounded different. Not a lot...maybe clearer.... maybe higher....

She looked at her watch. It had been 15 minutes. It was hard to see in the dim light but while looking at her watch she noticed her hand. It looked wrong somehoe. Did her hand look different? Younger?


OK... if someone wants to... you can pick it up from there.....

Continuous Story Anyone? by areg5 on 01-30-03 15:01

Marcia didn’t know what to do next. Maybe her hand did look a little younger. And the tiredness she had felt after running was gone. She felt inexplicably refreshed. Whatever, maybe the rest in the dark, cool room just gave her the chance to catch her breath. Well, she was in there for 20 minutes. It was time for her to go home and get ready for work. She opened the door and left the room.

"Feel better now young lady?" the storekeeper asked, with a grin.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Thanks for letting me get myself together." Marcia responded, blushing. ’Young lady,’ he has said. How many eons had it been since anyone accused her of that.

"My pleasure. Stop by anytime. My door is always open to you, Marcia," he said. And with that, Marcia jogged home.

She was really glad of the rest. Why, she felt like she could run for miles! By the time she got home she was ready for even more laps! But she had to get ready for work. Bill, her husband, had already left for work and the kids had gone to school. They had 2 daughters; Jennifer, 16 and Kayla who had just turned 11. They were certainly a handful. Jennifer’s main concerns anymore were obviously boys, boys and more boys! She certainly attracted her share (like Marcia had in her youger days). She had beautiful long blond hair, and shapely slender body. Kayla couldn’t wait to grow up, of course, but still had time. She was only in fifth grade after all.

Marcia took off her sweats and went to the bathroom to shower. She stopped in front of the full length mirror and stared, her jaw dropping. The young woman looking back at her didn’t even look like she was 20 years old. Her breasts had regained their youthful perkiness, and not a hint of gray in her hair. She looked like a coed.

"! I’m young!" she said aloud. How was this even possible? That guy at the store wasn’t kidding! She stepped into the shower and washed. Dare she go to work? What would the others say! Would they even recognize her? She got out and dried off. She went to the task of picking out her clothes. Geez, when did she start wearing such old lady stuff anyway? She put on a pair off lacy panties and a bra, noticing that she had to adjust the straps a bit. She no longer sagged and was a little bit smaller than she was before her run. She chose a short blue miniskirt that she hadn’t worn in years, and a form fitting white sleeveless top. After all, she wanted to show off her new figure! She didn’t put on much makeup. She grabbed her bag and car keys and went to work.

Continuous Story Anyone? by Louder on 01-31-03 00:01

Marcia figured she’d tell everyone that she’d been on a diet and had spent the weekend at a spa. It’s a big place... how much do they really pay attention to her she wonderd?

A diet... a little time in the tanner... a little rest and relaxation.... some hair color....some new skin creams... maybe imply she’d seen a plastic surgeon? She figured that should satisfy her co-workers. It was none of their business anyway.

She walked into work and was immediately stopped.

"Can I help you, miss?" the security man asked.

"Miss? ... Oh!... I work here... It’s ME!" she said to Bob the long time security man.

"Me, who?" Bob replied.

"Marcia!" she replied almost giggling "I’m here for work"

"I’m sorry, miss, but the company is not accepting applications at this time" he told her.

"NNNNOOOOO... It’s ME! I work here!." she told him.

"Miss.... we don’t have an intern program anymore and I’m quite sure I’d remember us hiring a kid like you!"

A kid? He called her a kid! So much for telling people she’d been to a spa. She had to think. Obviously this wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought.

"Uhhhh sorry... uhhhhh wrong building" she said and ran for the door.

It became clear a 19 year old wasn’t going to easily pass herself off as a 39 year old. Bob didn’t even recognize here. He called her a ’kid’.

All of a sudden some of the excitement about being younger began to mix with some fears. She now realized she had a better chance of passing for a high school student than she did a middle-aged office worker. She looked barely old enough for college... barely old enough to vote... barely older than her oldest daughter!!!!

What would her husband Bill think she wondered? She glanced at window seeing her passing reflection. She didn’t even recognize herself at first. One thing she quickly decided after seeing her reflection, Bill probably wasn’t going to have a problem with a 19 year old wife!

But what about her kids? How would they handle a teenage mother? Jennifer was 16 already. Only a 3 year difference! Kayla might think it was cool... but what about Jennifer? Would Marcia still be able to be taken seriously when she punished her?

And work... what of work? Where could she get a job? Who would believe her diploma?

She sat down on a park bench to try and collect her thoughts. So much had changed. It dawned her that maybe this was a dream.... or maybe it would wear off... or maybe she’d lost her mind!

School was only a half-day today so she had to think of how she was going to explain this to the kids. They’d soon be home when she got there.

"Hi kids... remember me? I’m your mother! I’m a teenager now too!" she rehearsed. Maybe a note would be better. Less initial shock that way.

A couple of guys came walking by and gave her an extended look. When was the last time a couple of 20 year olds looked at ME that way she wondered? This was all so confusing!

First things first she decided. I’ll go home and wait on the kids. I’ll tell them first, see how they react, and go from there. After all, I just LOOK younger.... it’s not like I’m some impulsive schoolgirl teenybopper or anything she decided.

’I’m still me.... a little more energy.... a younger body.... that’s all’ she kept telling herself as she drove home.

Once home she went inside and opened the fridge. She was going to grab a glass of tea but spied the diet coke instead. She took her beverage to the table and sat down. Her nerves started working on her. What if the kids don’t believe me? What if they think it’s a joke?

She saw some bubblegum in the candydish and helped herself to a piece. It was really boring just sitting there waiting on the kids, She nervously bounced her foot to a long forgotten song and absently started blowing bubbles and clicking her gum.

She went to Jennifer’s room and found some nail polish and headed to the couch where she started doing her nails. She saw the remote and used it to turn on MTV... and turn it up a little more than normal.

Jennifer had stopped to pick up a few items and had Kayla with her. "Sounds like somebody is home?" she said as they got out of the car "I hope it’s not mom.... she’ll be worried because we’re a little late!"

"There’s mom’s car!" Kayla said and pointed.

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Oh well, it’s no big deal. She’ll just hafta, like, get over it" she said as her shoved open the door to see a teen girl sitting on the couch, painting her toenails and blowing bubblegum bubbles.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!" all three girls chorused taken by surprise!


That was part 3... awaiting someone to make a part 4!

Continuous Story Anyone? by areg5 on 01-31-03 14:01

"Who the hell are you and how did you get into our house?" Jennifer demanded.

"I can explain..." Marcia started. Could she really explain? Who would believe the explanation?

"I’m gonna call 911," Kayla said, running over to the phone.

"No, please! Wait, Jen....please Kayla, I can explain," Marcia managed out. She was starting to cry. How did she get herself into this mess?

"How do you know our names," Jennifer asked. She was eyeing Marcia curiously. She thought she almost recognized her...should recognize her...but didn’t. "Well? You better tell me or we WILL call the cops." Jennifer looked at Marcia with her arms folded.

"Listen, girls..this is going to be really hard for you to accept, but just hear me out. I know your names because a gave them to you. Well, your father helped too of course. I know I don’t look like it, but I’m your mother," Marcia said shakily. The teen just looked at her, dumbfounded. Then she walked over to Marcia and looked at her very closely, from head to toe. They were about the same height, and were eye to eye.

"You sorta look like mom but you can’t be her! She’s old!" Jennifer said.

"Really old," added Kayla.

"I beg your pardon! I am not old!" Marcia snapped, regaining some of her adult composure. "I don’t mean now, but even when I was 39 I wasn’t OLD. I was an adult and in the prime of life," she added.

"Kinda sounds like mom," Kayla said.

"I know!" Marcia exclaimed. She ran to the closet and got out her high school year book. She turned to her page and showed it to the kids. "See? That’s me, right?" Marcia felt triumphant.

Jennifer look from the picture to her mother. "Ohmygod! You’re not lying! It is you!" Jennifer said, then looked at the picture. "Haha. Look at her hair, Kayla! Stayin Aliiiiiiiive! Ha ha."

"It happened to be the style back then I’ll have you know! We wore it bigger then you kids do now," Marcia retorted.

"’You kids?’ You mean US kids now, don’t you mom?" Jennifer laughed, believing her at last. She hugged her mother and Marcia hugged her back, crying. "But you didn’t tell us how you got so young!"

"You hafta tell us mom!" Kayla said excitedly. She had less trouble accepting her mother’s transformation than her big sister did. She was a kid after all, and kids more easily accept magical things when they are younger.

"Well, I went out for my morning run," Marcia started.

"You ’power walk’ mom," Jennifer corrected her.

"Yeah, and it looks really dumb!" Kayla laughed.

"I stand corrected, anyway I was getting hot and tired..." and with that Marcia related the entire story to her daughters of her regression, and ended with her inability to get into her office because the security guard thought she was a kid. They nodded as she told her tale, understanding and accepting it entirely. "I didn’t know how I was going to tell you girls but at least that’s behind me. I still don’t know what I’m going to tell your father, but since he knew me when I was a little older than I am know at least he should believe me." That was the hope anyway, Marcia thought.

"I believe you mom...but it’s weird. I mean, you look like you could go to my school. You can’t be much older than I am," Jennifer said. "Its I KNOW you’re my mom...but you don’t FEEL like my mom, do you know what I mean... Marcia?"

Now, usually when her daughters call her by her first name Marcia is amused and corrects them with something along the lines of ’A child shouldn’t call her parent by her first name.’ But as she started to say that, she looked at her...daughters. She KNEW that they were her daughters, but they didn’t FEEL like her daughters. What did they FEEL like now, Marcia asked herself. "I know what you mean Jen. You don’t feel like my daughters feel like my sisters, ya know? You have to be my sisters, but I’m still the oldest, so I’m in charge," Marcia said, wondering to herself what her husband would FEEL like now. She shuddered.

"Yeah well you’re in charge until daddy gets home," Jen responded.

"I’m sure daddy will back me up," Marcia said, not even catching the slip. "I guess I’ll get out of my work clothes now. They don’t feel right anyway." The girls nodded, and Marcia went up to her room. She took off her top and skirt and tossed them carelessly on the floor. She stood in front of the mirror, admiring her now sexy figure in the mirror. There were definitely advantages to being younger, she thought. How can’t her husband like being married to a hottie all of the sudden? She looked through her drawers but everything she found looked, well...old! Darn! When did she start being such a frump anyway? She thought for a moment and went to Jen’s room where she found her sister changing out of her school uniform.

"I need some help Jen," Marcia started. "Can I, uh...borrow something to wear? My old clothes just don’t feel right.

"I can see that Marcia! Except for your underwear, that is, huh?" And with that Marcia looked down at the sexy bra and panties she had on. "You would never let me wear anything that sexy, you said it would make me look trashy.

"Well, you are a little young for them," Marcia said.

"But its ok for YOU to wear them? I don’t see any of the other girls at school wearing that kind of stuff," Jen said.

"I don’t go to your school, Jen, and if you don’t want to help me..." Marcia trailed off.

Jennifer smiled. "Its not that, of course I’ll help you. We can trade. Look, you want to wear some of my clothes, you can. What are sister’s for," Jennifer asked, going to her dresser. She took out a pair of cotton panties and a sport bra, handing them to Marcia. "You can start with these. We’re about the same size now. You let me wear your stuff. And you can pick out whatever else you want."

It sounded like a fair deal to Marcia, and what did she care if Jennifer wore her underwear anyway? Share and share alike. She took off the lacy bra and panties and gave them to Jennifer, and put on the cotton stuff. Hanes Her Way was more comfortable than Victoria’s Secret anyway. Jennifer put on the sexier stuff, and the two girls looked at each other. Marcia was a little taken aback. She new that she was older than her little sister, but Jen definitely looked more mature in the sexier lingerie. It really wouldn’t be hard to confuse her for a girl bordering her twenties.

"I was wrong, Jen. That doesn’t make you look in the least bit trashy," Marcia said.

"I feel like I did when I was little and played dress up," Jennifer said, a little excitedly. "I’m gonna wear them on my date tonight, k?" she asked.

"Date? With who?" Marcia asked.

"You know, with Peter," Jen responded. Jennifer had been seeing more and more of him lately.

"Well, sure, go ahead and wear long as YOU are the only one who sees them if you get my meaning!" Marcia warned.

"You know I’m a good girl! Now, pick out whatever you want from my stuff," Jennifer said, looking at her sister. She looked like any average teenager, going through the closet. The sport bra flattened her out a little bit, giving her and even more youthful look. Marcia found a red plaid mini and a white top, a pretty conservative look. She checked herself in the mirror, arranging her hair and frowning.

"Darn hair," she pouted.

"What’s the matter, not BIG enough for you," Jennifer laughed, remembering the school photo.

", it’s not as a matter of fact! " Marcia laughed. "I just don’t know what to do with it," she said, fixing it into a ponytail. That will have to suffice until she can get it restyled to suit her newfound youth.

"Wow, Marcia, you look great," Jennifer said. It was amazing how a change in clothing and a simple change in hairstyle could have such a dramatic effect on her former mother’s appearance. When she first saw her in adult clothing, Marcia clearly looked like a college student. Now she looked like she belonged in high school. Meanwhile, Jennifer picked out a pair of jeans and a pink top. They went downstairs to watch MTV.

"What’s for dinner Marcia," Kayla asked.

"How should I know? Let mom...." Marcia started. Oh yeah. SHE was the mom. Maybe not anymore but she was the one who had made dinner typically. Oh well, maybe Bill will have some ideas. The three girls laughed. They heard a car pull into the driveway.

"Looks like daddy’s home," Kayla said. Marcia shivered with fear...and excitement.

Continuous Story Pt 5 by Louder on 01-31-03 21:01

"OK... that’s him.... Like, this is sooooooo weird! I’m gonna let you explain it to so we don’t have another scene like when you guys first saw me" Marcia said

"OH... like he is gonna believe us?" Jennifer asked rhetorically.

"Oooooooooooo" Marcia squealed as she ran out of the room "Just do your best!!!"

"Hello?" Bill said as he entered the room and immediately sensed his kids staring at him and looking like they were about to burst wanting to tell him something. "Out with it you two! What’s up?"

"Ummmmmmmm...." Jennifer started trying to find the words.

"Mom turned into a teeeeeeeeeeenager!" Kayla explained before Jennifer could even start.

"Uhhhh yeah... Something like that, Dad" Jennifer added.

"What are you two talking about?" Bill wanted know.

"Pretty much it’s like Kayla said. I don’t understand it all myself. We’re kinda, like, as shocked as you!" Jennifer said.

"Shocked? I don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about! How ’bout somebody making some sense?" Bill replied.

"Geeez..... I don’t know how else to say it. We came home and mom was YOUNG! She’s a teenager again. She, like, found the Fountain of Youth or something" Jennifer told her still confused father,

"See... I am still not following... It sounds like you are trying to tell me your mother has turned into a kid? You mean she’s dressed up like a kid for something?" Bill asked as he tried to make sense of things.

Marcia had been listening to the goings on. It sounded like a good time to make her entrance.

"TADA!" Marcia said as she entered the room and twirled around modeling her plaid skirt and white top. It made her look just like a schoolgirl. "I guess you could say I am dressing like a teen... cause, like, I AM one!" Marcia giggled at her comment and at the look of shock on Bill’s face.

"Ok... quit fooling around you guys! Where’s your mother.

"I’m right HERE, Bill!" she said "Don’t you recognize me?"

Bill shook his head and rolled his eyes in frustration. He didn’t have time for these games.

"It’s her, Dad!" Kayla said.

"Dad, I’m still as freaked out as you are but it’s her" Jennifer added.

"OK... well... let’s see... my wife is now barely older than my daughters? ...I’m married to a teenage hottie? Well, I can play along. I guess if you are my wife you’ll have no problem kissing me... AND... using a little tongue!" Bill said jokingly figuring that should end this little charade.

Marcia giggled, shrugged, and headed straight toward Bill. She got on her tip-toes and kissed him... with tongue!

"Believe me NOW, hubby?" Marcia asked still giggling.

Jennifer and Kayla laughed. Bill was too shocked to say anything. His face was blank. He half expected the police to bust thru the door at any minute. He had to collect his thoughts before he could even speak.

"What’d you do that for?" Bill asked "What’s wrong you?"

"I just did what you said.... I’m your wife... Get used to it!"

Kayla brought the high school yearbook for Bill to see. "See??? There’s mom... They’re the same!" Kayla told him pointing to her mother’s picture.

"Look at that hair!" Bill said motioning with his hands at the side of his head "BIG hair! Wish I’d had stock in Aqua Net back then!"

"HEY!" Marcia complained feigning anger. "So do ya, like, believe me now?"

"Give me the story" he said "I believe it just enough that I want to hear more before decide just what to believe"

"Ok... here we go again... I was, like, feeling all tired and stuff... cuz... I was like getting old...older anyway... And so I’ve been dieting and working out... and like.... you know...stuff? I mean, every morning I’d look in the mirror and go "Ewwwwwwww" and see a new wrinkle or gray hair or something. And my clothes... like... they were all so.... dull and boring.... but what else could I wear? I mean... like.... you know? So anyway, everybody’s like so young these days.... except me.... or something like that. So I am, like, really pushing it this morning to... ummmm... try to get, like, in better shape or something. So I go really far. And I was, like, outta breath and, like, starting to hurt... so I stopped in to catch my breath and this guy, like... told me he had what I wanted... or could fill my dreams or something. So, I’m like, huh? And he’s like ’In here’.. So, I’m like... ~OK~ and he like locks me in for a little bit so I don’t get out until I’m ready. I felt great too! And then when I got home I kinda saw why! I’m young again! It’s sooooooooooooo cool!!!"

"What did you say?" Bill ask as he looked to Jennifer to translate.,

"Some guy offered to make her dream come true and I guess her dream was to be young again" Jennifer explained.

"That’s impossible!" Bill said.

"Mission Impossible, right here!" Marcia said as she blew a bubblegum bubble. "Us girls are all cool with it too" Marcia added "Are you, like, cool with it?"

Bill scanned his 19 year old wife up and down. What wasn’t to like!? Talk about a trophy wife! He started imagining her in all kinds and manners of dress... and undress! Bikinis, short shorts, high heels, short tops... It was too good to be true. He still wasn’t sure if this was real though. It LOOKED real... but it was so far-fetched.

"Uhhh What’s not to like... you’re beautiful" he stammered as he accepted the story.

"You really think I’m pretty!?" she asked.

"Are you serious??? If the kids weren’t here I’d ask you to.... Ummmmmm nevermind... the kids ARE here!" he said without finishing his thought.

Marcia giggled and winked at him. She knew what he meant.

Kayla and Jennifer groaned.

"How about another kiss?" Bill asked.

"Sure! If your old heart can handle it" Marcia said as she looked up into his eyes.

She landed another kiss on him but this time wasn’t as passionate. Something felt weird about it. She backed away.

"What’s wrong?" he asked.

"The girls are here..." she said making an excuse. That wasn’t it. Maybe it was part of it but there was more. It seemed wrong to be kissing Bill like that. At least right now. She wasn’t sure exactly what the problem was herself. It just felt different and wrong ...Especially with her sisters watching.

Then she realized they weren’t really her sisters but it surely seemed like it. She remembered thinking that morning how easy Jennifer and Kayla had it being kids... and how hard it was being a parent.... and growing old.

She knew that deep down that morning she’d wished she could be one of them... a sister... to have a more carefree life. Surely, that wasn’t part of her ’dream’ she wondered? Had she not only lost her age but was she also losing her wisdom? Her desire to be a parent? Even her -ability- to be a parent? She had to admit things certainly felt different now.

Was it just being young or was it something more?

"How bout I take you shopping and buy you some new things?" Bill asked his youthened wife as he contemplated having a say in what she wore.

"Ummm... I can just, like, borrow Jennifer’s stuff for now" Marcia replied still lost in thought "We’re about the same size"

He didn’t want to see his young trophy wife wearing his daughter’s clothing. He had different ideas!

"....Besides... me an Jennifer have plans" she lied.

"We do??" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah.... " Marcia said and winked at Jennifer. Marcia knew Bill could be boring and right now he was kind of creeping her out the way he kept looking at her. Like he was dressing and undressing her in his mind. With him acting like that she didn’t think this was a good time to tell him that she’d regained her virginity and wasn’t wanting to give it up just yet.... especially the way he was giving her the creeps...




Continuous Story Pt 6 by areg5 on 02-01-03 12:02

The older girls ran up to Jennifer’s room and shut the door, leaving a dumbfounded Bill behind to ponder his situation. Kayla looked at him with a smile.

"What’s for dinner daddy," she asked.

"You know I hate to cook. That was your mother’s responsibility," he said, taking a couple of frozen dinners from the freezer. The change in Marcia was unbelievable, and it wasn’t just her looks. She didn’t act like his wife or the girls mother. She acted like a teenager, and seemed to have the same teenage concerns now. She was so impossibly cute. He couldn’t believe his luck. He couldn’t wait for the quiet time he was certain to have with her later. He smiled.

"Why do you have that dopey look on your face daddy," Kayla asked, giggling. This roused Bill from his musings and he popped the frozen dinners in the oven.

"Never you mind," he responded.

Jennifer looked at Marcia sitting on her bed. She thought her sister looked a little uncomfortable. She went to her closet and started picking out clothes to wear on her date.

"What’s the big idea, Marcia? Why did you tell daddy we had plans," Jennifer asked.

"I dunno, like daddy was really weirding me out, y’know? Like he couldn’t wait to get his paws on me, so like I had to say something, y’know? So like I mean we could hang tonight it would be really kewl," Marcia said, hopefully.

"Like NO WAY! I told you, I have a date! So like DUH, I’m really gonna want YOU hanging around," Jennifer shot back.

"Please Jen! You can’t leave me here! I won’t get in the way, I promise," Marcia pleaded.

"Nope. No way. You would be like a fifth wheel," Jennifer said, taking off her top and jeans. "You’re a big girl, you have to take care of yourself. I’m not gonna have you mess up my date," Jennifer sat down at her vanity and started fixing her makeup. Just then there was knock on the front door. Jennifer looked over at the clock. "Oh jeez, he’s here! I’m not even dressed yet. I don’t want him alone with daddy down there, you know how mean he can be to my boyfriends. Marcia! Go down and tell him I’ll be right down! And save him from daddy!"

"Ok, like I guess I don’t have anything ELSE to do," Marcia sort of huffed, and went downstairs. She got to the front door just as Bill was opening it. When she saw Peter, her jaw sorta dropped. Now, Marcia had of course seen Peter before, but from quite a different perspective. He seemed like a nice boy for her daughter to date, always got her back home on time, and was very polite. He was 17 years old, nearly 6 ft tall, and built quite well. What she realized now was just how handsome he was...and that he was a HUNK!

"Um...good evening sir, is Jennifer ready," Peter asked. He looked over at Marcia standing behind Bill and their eyes locked. As he looked at her, Marcia felt weak in the knees.

"Still getting dressed. You know how girls are! Why don’t you come in and sit down, she should be ready in a moment," Bill said, letting him in. Bill went back into the kitchen to finish his dinner leaving Marcia in the living room with Peter. She gulped.

"H...hello, I’m Marcia...Jennifer’s...cousin," she was so tongue tied around Peter she couldn’t believe it.

Peter looked Marcia up and down, obviously attracted to her. "Hello," he said. "Jennifer never told me she had such a pretty cousin," he added. He was so cute!

"I guess she doesn’t talk about me much, but we go like waaaaay back," Marcia said. She sat down on the sofa and Peter sat down next to her, sorta close. He brushed against her leg and she trembled. "Um so like where are ya going tonight," Marcia asked.

"I dunno, we’re just gonna hang with with my buds, y’know. Do you go to school around here," Peter asked.

"I’m....uh...home from school...I go to state..." she lied. She looked into Peter’s eyes and smiled. He put his hand on her knee, and looked long into her eyes...and that was when Jennifer came downstairs.

"I’m ready! Hi Peter!" she said. She was wearing tight shorts and a white belly shirt. The fact that her sister was sitting practically on top of her boyfriend did not go unnoticed. She scowled at Marcia, causing Marcia to shrink into her seat.

"Uh...yeah, you have a really nice cousin," Peter said standing.

"Oh, yeah, she’s the greatest. Oh Peter, I just have to talk to Marcia before we leave," She said, pulling Marcia into the other room. She shut the door.

"What the hell do you think you’re doing hitting on my boyfriend! I can’t believe you!" she exclaimed, clearly very mad.

"C’mon, Jen...I wasn’t doing anything," Marcia said.

"The hell you weren’t! Gawd! You are SO immature, I can’t believe you," Jennifer fumed.

"Who are you calling immature," Marcia responded.

"Who do you think! We’re going out now. Don’t wait up!" Jennifer said, turning in a huff. They went back into the living room. She smiled and took Peter by the arm. "Ok, ready!" she said.

"Let’s get out of here! Later, Marcia," he said. He and Jennifer left, and as they did she shot another fiery glance causing Marcia to gulp. Guess it isn’t kewl to hit on her sister’s boyfriend, Marcia thought.

Marcia went into the kitchen where Bill and Kayla were finishing their frozen dinners.

"Are you hungry? I didn’t make anything for you, I thought you might have been going out with Jennifer. Said you had plans, remember," Bill asked, more than a little sarcastically.

"Well they like fell through, an like why would I want to hang with her anyway, she’s like SUCH a child," Marcia said. She went to the fridge and fixed herself a salad. She sat down and ate it at the table next to Bill. She felt his hand under the table, rubbing her thigh. She shivered. Kayla giggled.

"I’m gonna watch MTV you guys," she said, clearing her plate.

"Ok sweetie, goodnight," Bill said. He was finally alone with Marcia, who was shifting uneasily in her chair. Marcia got up and cleared the table.

"Um...I ...I guess we should go upstairs," she said uneasily. Bill practically sprang up out of his chair. They went up to their bedroom and got ready for bed. Bill undressed, wearing only his tee shirt and boxers, got into the bed and turned on the tv. He pretended to watch the news as his young wife readied herself for bed. She took off her skirt and top. Wow, in her underwear she looked even younger. Bill began to feel a little uneasy. She took off her bra revealing her young, firm breasts and put on a nightie. A short nightie, that revealed the hem of her panties. She climbed into the bed next to her husband and he snuggled next to her. He leaned over and kissed her.

Marcia kissed him back, and felt his hand on her thigh again...and higher. She shivered again...excited...and scared. She forgot what it felt like to be a had been so long.

"What’s wrong sweetie," Bill asked. "You’re acting like this is your first time," he said.

"Um...I...well," she started, now scared out of her wits.

"Don’t be scared honey," he said, feeling her tremble. He ran his fingers through her hair, looking at her face. Did she look a little different. Her breasts heaved under her nightie. She sure is a lot smaller than she was when she was 39, he thought. And..was she smaller than she was just a few moments ago? Uh oh. He turned on the light and stared at the young girl in the bed next to him.

Continuous Story Pt 7 (edited) by Louder on 02-01-03 22:02

I put in a few edits. I wrote part 7 rather quickly and didn’t check it very thoroughly.

------------Part 7 (edited)

Marcia pulled away quickly and grabbed the sheet to cover herself. She grasped it tightly.

"No!" she whined "I’ve changed my mind!"

Bill took a deep breath. She looked and acted so young. Did she look even younger or was it her now immature actions making her seem that way?

Bill was filled with conflicting emotions. His wife didn’t just look younger but she was also acting younger. Not only did she look like a teenager but she was acting more and more like one as well.

"I’m sorry..." she whined "You were going too fast! I’m not ready!"

Marcia looked like she was about to cry. Her emotions were on a rollercoaster ride.

"I’m going to get dressed now... OK?" she lightly sobbed.

Bill wanted to calm her. This wasn’t the way he had imagined things earlier. And he was very much wondering if Marcia might still be even younger. Her teenaged emotions were about ready to overload making her seem so fragile. He felt more like a parent right now.

"Honey... Don’t cry. I know this must be overwhelming. Maybe you can get the man to change you back?" Bill said not believing he’d just suggested his wife return to middle-age. But it seemed that could be best for their marriage. A 42 year old man married to a 19 year old might not make for the best long term relationship. He loved his wife and he knew she loved him. At least the middle-aged version of his wife loved him. But how could this 19 year old woman...girl... a kid... feel the same way about their relationship as she once did? Her whole world has changed. She could have a second chance to re-write her future. Was Bill being selfish to want his 39 year old wife back? He was torn. He knew he could handle the body but he wasn’t sure he could handle the mind.

On the other hand, Bill didn’t want to lose her. ...But with her being a 19 year old... maybe he already had lost her. Was any of his 39 year old wife still in there at all?

"Marcia, this will all work out. We’ll think of something. After all, you’re still my wife and I love you" Bill said softly.

Marcia paused as if lost in thought. She spoke slowly "Uhhhhh... If I’m still a virgin.... are we really ummm married... I mean, like, -officially-?"

Virgin?!!! No wonder she was so nervous and acting strangely. It all fit. Marcia really had reverted back to an innocent teen both physically and mentally.

Just how much had she really changed he wondered. He had to know.

"Marcia, are you saying you’re a virgin.. again?" he asked choosing his words carefuly.

Marcia looked to the floor and nervously kicked at the sheet around. She bit her lower lip and twisted her toe in the carpet.

"Yeah...." she finally said and smiled a shy smile still not looking Bill in the eyes.

"But... you still remember... uhhhh... -how- uhhhh to do -it-?" he said still choosing his words carefully.

"Ummm kinda... I guess.... ummmm.... I dunno..... Sorta.... Do we hafta talk about this stuff?" she answered.

"Kind of? Marcia, do you or do you not still remember how to make love to your husband?"

"Well, Like, maybe not all the way... but I think maybe we’ve done it before.... right?"

"We have two children together! Of course we have!" Bill told her.

"Children? ...Oh... yeah.... I guess I forgot" she replied nervously.

"You forgot about the kids or how to make love?" Bill demanded.

"Uhhhhh I don’t wanna talk about this anymore" she said as a tear streamed down her face and she turned to leave the room still wrapped in the sheet.

"Where are you going?" Bill asked.

"I told you. I’m wanna get dressed"

"But your clothes are in here!?"

"Like, YOU’RE in here! I’m just not gonna, like, just dress in front of you! DUH!... Plus... Jenn’s stuff is WAY more cooler! Just leave me alone!" Marcia said and headed for Jenn’s room... and closet.

Bill sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. His wife had regressed emotionally as well as physically and might still be regressing. Her emotions certainly were still regressing and maybe that just made her seem all the more younger? How could he ever relate as an equal to a 19 year old? And what did she mean by asking if they were ’officially’ married if she was a virgin? What was she thinking? What is a teenager ever thinking he wondered?


Marcia found a pair of cut-off sweatpants and a cute little T-shirt. Perfect for lounging around in. She locked the door. She needed her privacy. Jenn really did have a neat room she thought as she checked out the posters and the closet filled with clothes.

She grabbed the remote to Jenn’s TV, found a re-run of 90210 and hopped on the bed to make herself comfortable. She used to hate that show but now she realized it was really cool... and everyone was so cute! She laid on her stomach with her head at the foot of the bed and kicked her bare feet in the air. She wanted to call someone to talk but who could she call? All her friends were OLD! She thought about calling Jenn’s cell phone but was afraid to interrupt her date.

Bill sat in their bedroom worrying about what the future might hold for their relationship. How could he relate to a 19 year old version of his wife?

Marcia also contemplated the future:

She wondered if maybe she should go by Marci instead of Marcia? She wondered if she should highlight her hair or maybe just go blond? She wondered how hip-huggers would look on her? Maybe get her belly button pierced? So many decisions she thought!


Jenn got home from her date and saw her dad watching TV. He look depressed. "Where’s mom?" she asked.

"I don’t know where ’mom’ is.... on the other hand.... there is some kid that used to be her locked in your room. Say’s she won’t come out until she talks to you!" Bill was obviously frustrated. He shrugged and took a swig of his beer. "Maybe you can get through to her" he said as he shook his head.


Jenn headed to her room and knocked on the door. "Mom?.... Marcia?"

She expected to see her in tears, worried about the future.

The door swung open. Marci was standing there in a pair of Jenn’s hip-hugger jeans, a short top and sandals. "HI!" she said "I’ve been waiting on you! I hope you don’t mind that I’ve been trying on some of your stuff. I got kinda, like, bored waiting"

"Dad said you wanted to talk to me?" Jenn said slightly confused since she expected to find her distraught.

"Yeah....I did... It’s kinda like important. Have you ever thought about getting your belly button pierced? I’ve been thinking about it. Do you think it would look cool?" Marcia asked looking down at her exposed midriff

"Uh... I thought you and dad had a fight or something with the way he’s acting?"

"Oh.... Him? Your dad is such a horn dog! Sheesh! He’s like a dirty old man or something! He really was weirding me out! How was your date? Tell me all the details!"

"Well... we kinda had an argument. We might break up for a while... see other people... you know... It’s kinda been building I think" Jennifer explained.

"You’re broke up? Cool!" Marcia said excitedly and then changed her tone "errrrr I mean... cool that you’re, like, taking it so well"

"Uhh?? Yeah... It’s no big deal. So the belly button ring was what you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Yeah... and some other stuff. Do you think Marci is a cooler name than Marcia? Marcia sounds kinda old...."

"I guess it is up to you" Jennifer said shrugging "Why?"

"I’m just wondering.... Do you think my hair would look cooler blond? I found this picture of Britney and I could do my hair like that" Marcia said grabbing a magazine.

Jennifer took the magazine to see the picture. She couldn’t believe her mother was basing fashion ideas on Britney Spears. "You’re acting kinda different than when I left. Has something changed?"

"Just clothes!" Marcia said laughing as she strapped on another pair of Jennifer’s shoes. "You’ve got LOT’S of, like, really cute stuff! You wanna go to the beach tomorrow? I saw some really cool two pieces in that catalog over there. We could stop at the mall and see if they have some like those. We could put ’em on my credit card! Heh... or maybe your horn dog dad would pay for ’em? I bet he’d, like, love to see me in a bikini! He probably wouldn’t allow me to wear it out of of the house though!"

Jennifer looked toward the swimsuit catalog sitting on top of the TV. She noticed the timer on the VCR had been set. "I didn’t set that. Did you set the timer on my VCR?"

"Oh... yeah... like... 90210 was a two parter and I don’t want to miss it tomorrow night! I can’t believe I never watched those shows the first time ’round! I’ve got a lot of catching up to do!"



Continuous Story Pt 8 by areg5 on 02-02-03 14:02

Marci decided not to sleep with Bill that night. No telling WHAT he would do in the middle of the night! She wasn’t ready for that, she was SO SURE! Like, it was so far fetched that she would have had sex with HIM, he’s like SO OLD! Like , if it happened why didn’t she remember it? Just like his CLAIMS that she ha d 2 kids that were like just a little younger than she was. How plausible was THAT? Still, in the back of her mind she sorta believed him. Its just that certain things were getting hard to remember. Anyway, Jennifer had a queen sized bed so she borrowed a nightshirt from her sister and slept with her.

One thing she did remember were her plans to shop for clothes the next day at the mall. She was in dire need of some clothing from this century! She couldn’t go on wearing Jennifer’s stuff forever. She fell asleep dreaming of 2 piece tops.

As she slept she dreamed of the beach, lying on the warm sand sunning herself. Cute guys walked by eyeballing her, and she looked back unseen from under her sunglasses. The sun was so warm...but, oh no! What was she doing here? She had a final exam, and she would be late! She went to the cabana and looked for her clothes but they were gone. She couldn’t go to class in a string bikini (even if she looked hot in it!). Maybe she was in the wrong cabana...that must be it. She left her clothes in another one. She went to the next cabana...nothing. Nothing in the next one either. Darn! She would miss her test and fail the class, she had to do something! She saw a little sort of familiar looking shop standing on the strip, a little bit away from the cabanas. Maybe they had some clothing! All she need was some sort of shorts and tee shirt. Something!

As she walked into the shop she felt a little bit of a shiver. The air conditioning felt shocking on her nearly naked body after being in the sun all day. A cheerful looking salesman approached her. "Can I help you, young lady?" he asked.

"Like, I lost my clothing and I am like so sure that I’m gonna miss my final exam and like I can’t wear this to class I would like just die do you have any clothing here it doesn’t matter what it is as long as it fits me and I don’t have any money cuz I don’t have any pockets but please mister you have to help me," Marci exclaimed.

"Slow down little lady! So you need clothing, do you? I guess I can see that you do! Now, I don’t have a lot of stuff here but I may have something just right for you. I think its something you can wear to school, at least I’ve seen girls wearing this sort of thing to school before. I have it in the back room, you can change there," he said, leading her to a room that looked strangely familiar. "Now, don’t you worry about paying me now, I’ll settle up with you later," he said, closing the door.

There was a stool in the corner and on it were a plain white pair of cotton panties and a cotton bra. "Huh, how boring," Marci thought. She took off her sexy string bikini and put on the panties. At least they were a bikini cut! The bra was certainly a little snug, about a B-cup...and she thought she was a little bigger, but she squeezed into it. On a hanger on the wall was a blue plaid skirt and a white top. Hey, that was the same thing Jennifer wore to school! It was a school uniform! Her friends at college would get a kick out of her wearing something like that and REALLY bust on her, but she was desperate. She quickly put on the skirt and top. And white socks and shoes. She opened the door and went out into the shop. It took her about 5 minutes to dress.

"Well, young lady, that fits you just fine," the salesman said.

"Gosh, thanks mister. I can’t thank you enough," Marci said.

"No thanks necessary. Now, you’d better run off to school or you’ll miss your test," he said with a smile and a wink.

Marci ran out of the shop to her car. She opened the door and got in and that’s when she realized she didn’t have her car keys. Darn! What was she going to do? She saw some kids waiting for the school bus at the corner of the road. Maybe they could drop her off! It was worth a try. She ran up to the bus stop just as the school bus arrived. She got on.

"Please, sir I hafta get to class," she said to the bus driver.

"That’s why I’m here, kid," he said gruffly. "Now sit down, or we can’t get moving," he ordered. Marci took a seat relieved that she wouldn’t miss her test after all. The bus made its way into town. She saw the state university campus up ahead, and the bus continued on past it.

"Mister, that was my stop!" she got up and exclaimed.

"That’s funny, kid. Look, you have to sit down until we get to school. This is your last warning or you get a demerit. Now sit down!" he said. Marci wasn’t about to argue with him. The bus pulled into the Central Middle School lot, and she and the other kids got off the bus. Maybe if she ran from here she could still make it! She turned to leave when one of the teachers caught up to her.

"Marci, where are you going? Don’t you remember, you have a Social Studies test today! You better be off to class," Ms. Jones, her Social Studies teacher said. Like DUH, where did she think she was going! She went to her classroom and took her seat, relieved she wouldn’t miss her final exam after all. Its not like she wanted to repeat 8th grade!

Marci woke with a start, her sister still sleeping next to her. Like wow, what a crazy dream! It was so real! She got out of bed and went downstairs, and made herself a cup of coffee.

"Yuck," she thought to herself. "This is awful! I can’t believe I even thought of drinking this," she said aloud, pouring it into the sink. She got a glass of milk instead and made some Frosted Flakes. She sat at the kitchen table eating her cereal when Jennifer came into the room. She looked at Marci sitting there, and her jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

Part 9 Louder

"Mom!???? Marci!!?" Jennifer said with shock.

"What’s the matter with YOU?" Marci replied in bewilderment looking up from her bowl of cereal.

"You got even YOUNGER! What happened?"

"Younger? What are you talking about?"

"Like, younger! Like, you’re a kid! You must be.... 13 or 14!"

"I’m 14! Are you sleepwalking or something???? You must need some more sleep!"

"You KNOW you’re 14???"

"Well yeah... DUH! Don’t rub it in! You’re not THAT much older!"

"What!? What happened?" Jennifer asked.

"Are you OK? Really, I mean it. You’re kinda acting.... weird!" Marci replied.

"Whoa... -I’M- acting weird? My mom is a 14 year old and you say -I’M- acting weird???"

"Mom’s a 14 year old? My age? You really are freaking me out now!"

"NO! YOU! YOU are 14!!!" Jennifer shouted.

"Well... yeah.... DUH! This conversation, like, sure has made sense huh? And you’re 16!" Marci said shaking her head in confusion "So we’ve established that you are my big sister. You are really an Einstein this morning!"

"Nuh huh..... like, YOU are NOT my little sister. Something’s happened!"

"Am I supposed to be your big sister or something?" Marci asked playing along.

"Yeah!... I mean... NO! ....I mean, like, you were acting that way but.... geeeeez this is soooooooooooo confusing!"

"Like, -I’M- not confused NOW? What are you talking about???"

"You’re not 14... you were, like, 19 but before that you were my 39 year old mother!"

Marci sprayed milk everywhere as she burst out laughing. "Wow, you really are weirding me out! You’re a freak!"

"So you really, like, don’t remember?" Jennifer asked with growing concern.

Marci shrugged as she wiped up the milk on the table.

"What did you do this morning... or last night after we went to bed?" Jennifer wanted to know.

Marci was getting bored with this. She tugged on her nightshirt. Funny how it seemed so big she thought. "I just went to bed, had a freaky dream, got up and made a bowl of cereal. I tried a cup of coffee but that stuff, like, SUCKS! Gross!"

"See???? Coffee! Why would a 14 year old drink coffee?"

"Cuz, I, like, wanted to try it I guess.... Geeeeez you’re reaching!"

"OK... maybe... but I think it is weird. So, like, what was this -freaky dream-? Are you sure it was a dream?"

"Well... YEAH! I think I’d, like, know a dream wouldn’t I?" Marci replied rhetorically. "You sure are smart!"

Sarcasm and frustration was obvious in Marci’s tone.

Jennifer took a breath. "Tell me about the dream"

"Nah... It was weird"

"Just tell me!" Jennifer demanded.

Marci looked like she had a thought "Did you make me dream that stuff somehow!? How’d you do that???"

"Just tell me about your stupid dream. I didn’t have anything to do with it!"

"OK... I was like, older.... and I was at the beach. Watching guys, you know? And then I remembered I had a test but all I had to wear to class was a string bikini. It was like that. Just, like, kinda stupid"

"You had a test? Don’t you think that was weird?"

"Yeah... ’cuz today is like Saturday!"

"NO! Dreaming about YOU having a test???"

"We have tests at school. What’s weird about dreaming about one?"

"But you were older! Tell me more about this dream and don’t skip details!" Jennifer demanded.

"Well, all I had was, like, a string bikini and I couldn’t wear THAT to class. I didn’t have a coverup or flip-flops or anything! And I was scared because of this exam I’d forgot about. So I was all, like, worried and stuff and then I saw a shop and went in hoping to get some clothes"

"Was this the same shop from the other day?"

"What shop?"

"The one you stopped in that made you a teenager in the first place!"

"What are you talking about? Was there another dream or something that I’ve, like, forgot about? I hardly ever remember my dreams very long"

"Sorry... So you were a college student in your dream... about 19 years old I bet?"

"Yeah. So anyway.... This guy had like this schoolgirl outfit in this room just sitting there. Everything was there. So I put it on but was feeling funny cuz I was dressed wrong for college. But it was better than, like, being in a bikini in class. Then I realized I didn’t have my car keys but I saw a school bus and so I got a ride on it. It took me to middle school though. I was about to run back to the university when, like, my teacher saw me. And then I realized I was where I was supposed to be. And then I woke up. The end! Happy?"

"Uhhh.... are you sure that was a dream?"

"Yes! Geeeez, what is wrong with you!?"

"I’ve gotta find Dad. Maybe he’ll know what to do" Jennifer said grabbing Marci’s hand "You’re coming with me so you don’t get any younger!"

"HEY!" Marci whined but followed along.

Bill wasn’t in his bedroom... or office.... Where was he Jennifer wondered? Maybe she needed to find the strange man that had done this to her mother before it got worse!


Kayla heard the ruckus and got up to see what it was all about.

"WOW! Cool!" she said seeing an even smaller and younger version of her mother. She immediately recognized her. Marci was standing there still wearing only her oversized nightshirt... although now it looked even larger on her than when she’d went to bed!

"What happened? Where’s Dad?" Kayla asked.


Bill walked into a small shop not sure if it was the right one. He had hardly slept trying to decide on a plan for the future.

"Howdy ho!" a cheerful salesman said upon seeing Bill "What can I do you for?" he said.

"I tell ya... I’m not sure I’m even in the right place. If I am NOT in the right place then I’m going to look like a fool when I tell you what I am looking for" Bill said sheepishly.

"Ohhhhh I don’t know about that. I have a lot of rooms that can provide a lot of things"

"You’re not making this easy" Bill told him "I’m looking for something not exactly like what I can get in other stores"

"Few stores offer what I offer" the man replied.

"What exactly do you offer?" Bill asked hoping he was in the right place.

"Dreams! I offer dreams!"

Bill’s face brightened! This must be the place. "I believe you offered my wife her dream of being young again.... does that sound like something you’d offer here?"

"Most certainly!"

"Well, that’s great for her but I’m not so sure that is so great for BOTH of us. I don’t think I can relate to a 19 year old girl! So I was thinking maybe you could help me" Bill hoped he hadn’t just made a fool out of himself and that this man was the right person he needed to be talking with.

"Ahhhhhh yes...... I am sure I can help you"

"How much will it cost?"

"Cost?. I don’t feel like you can put a price on dreams. We can talk about that later. But Bill, you’ve had a lot of dreams in your life. Which one is really your greatest desire?"

"I don’t understand... what are you saying?" Bill asked.

"Don’t you remember how you used to dream of being an infant again? Not having a care in the world? Sometimes it would just be you being a little boy again. Other times it was infancy."

"Uhhhh that was a long time ago...." Bill replied noticing some of the old feelings stirring again. "Not so much after I got married"

"I also remember you dreaming about being female.... Your fantasy wasn’t just getting your dream girl, it was also about you transforming into your dream girl!"

Bill was stunned. How could this man know these things? Bill could still picture his fantasy girl still frozen in her youthful beauty in his mind’s eye. "I haven’t thought about her in years" he said nearly trembling.

"Have you not?" the man replied as if he was unconvinced.

"I really came here with something in mind. I was thinking..... If I was 19....." his voice trailed off nervoulsy. Could he really have any dream he wanted fulfilled? Starting over? Experiencing life as a female? Rich? A combination? What other dreams had he forgotten as he became older, and jaded, simple because they seemed impossible?

"I know why you came here... and I know your dreams. I’m ready to fulfill your desires. Step in here" the man said.

Bill was nervous but he had to try.... He stepped into the room that the man had offered.

Continuous Story Pt 10 by areg5 on 02-03-03 12:02

As Bill stepped in the room his mind was racing a mile a minute. How many times do you get offered your dreams? Wow, he had so many, which was the best one? He could be a young man again...he could be a college student! College was such a blast. He couldn’t remember all the hard work and study as much as the parties and girls! He could remember when he would fantasize about becoming a very young boy, how when he and Marcia would make love he would pretend he was getting younger and younger, and he would call her mommy and nurse from her breast. He could remember when he was a boy putting on his sister’s clothing to see what he would look like as a girl. Now, anything he wanted was within his grasp, if he could believe the overly happy proprietor of this strange place.

But wait, he had to stay focused. He came here for a reason. He wanted to relate to his wife, now a 19 year old girl. She was so hot! So sexy! That brief moment when she forgot herself and really kissed made him hard just thinking about it. But then she began to change on the inside, and as she truly became 19 years old he must have looked like an old lecher to her. And she really didn’t seem like his wife, it was like he had three daughters instead of two. She was his big girl, and although he was hot for her it felt wrong, almost incestuous, to have feelings like that towards his own "daughter."

Now he had a chance to make it right. If he was younger, she wouldn’t be his daughter anymore, and they could fall in love again all over again. Bill was sure they would. But what if she still thought he was too much of a horn meister? He had to make sure that she wouldn’t be put off by what she considered to be some pushy older guy. She had to feel totally comfortable and non-threatened by him. So, he would become younger, until he would be a year younger than Marcia was now. They enroll in the same college, she would graduate a year before he did. He would be a college freshman again, that would be perfect.


Jennifer pulled Marci into her room, with Kayla following behind. "I can’t believe that you’re so young now Marci! It’s so kewl! Do you think you’ll get any younger," Kayla asked hopefully.

"You two are insane! How did I get such weird sisters," Marci asked incredulously. "Look shrimp, I’m like 14 years old. I just had a birthday, remember? And like people don’t get younger, that’s stupid. I mean like you’re just as bad as Jenni, who’s like convinced I was her big sister yesterday and like before that I was her mother! You guys need a chill pill!"

"But...but you were our big sister yesterday. That’s weird that you don’t remember," Kayla said.

"Yesterday you were like 19 years old and hitting on Peter!" Jennifer exclaimed.

"I remember talking to Peter...he’s so cute! Maybe...since you broke up with him and all...but, I bet he would just think I was a silly little girl...he’s cute but he’s too old for me, at least I bet HE would think that," Marci said dreamily, a little kid with a crush on her big sister’s boyfriend.

"Ok Marci, I guess you’re right. You weren’t any older yesterday than you are now. I was wrong. But we have to get dressed, and then we have to find that shop. Remember I borrowed your underwear? Here, you can have them back," Jennifer said, handing Marci the lace Victoria’s Secret Bra. She was still wearing the panties under her nightshirt and took them off, offering them to Marci as well.

"Ewwwww! Like I don’t want your used panties!" Marci said, disgusted.

"Oh, you’re right. Hold on, I’ll get another pair," She said. She went into her mother’s room and got a clean pair of similar panties and gave them to Marci. "Here ya go, squirt," she said.

"Thank YOU," Marci said sarcastically. She did, after all, recognize her own clothing. And she did sometimes share with her sister. She took off the huge nightshirt, exposing her small breasts. She pulled down her cotton panties. Fully naked, Jennifer saw how skinny and under-developed her little sister really was. She must have been a little bit of a late bloomer. Kayla was next to her, only a few inches shorter, and Jennifer was taller than her one time mother now by half a head...yesterday they were the same height. She watched, amused, as Marci pulled up her sexy panties, which sort of hung on her now much smaller hips, just barely staying up. She put on the lace bra which was huge on her small chest...would she even fill an A-cup now, Jennifer wondered. Marci for all the world looked like a young girl in her mother’s underwear.

Marci looked down at the nearly empty cups of her bra and her baggy panties. She checked herself in the mirror. Now she was totally confused. She remembered wearing these clothes all the time, somehow. But that couldn’t be right. Look how they fit! She thought she looked ridiculous. "Very funny Jenni!" she exclaimed. "Ha ha. I bet your think you’re sooooo cool making fun of me and giving me mommy’s underwear," she said, truly insulted now. Her sister could be really mean sometimes! Jennifer took off her night shirt and walked over to Marci, looking down at her and smiling.

"I was just playing with you, sis," she said, reaching around the younger girl and undoing the clasp of the much too big bra. She slid it off of her sister. "I don’t think this will fit you for a few years Marci, may I wear it," Jennifer asked, putting it on. "And little girls don’t wear panties like that, do they Kayla?" she asked.

"Well I know that I don’t, so why should she," Kayla responded with a smile.

"I am NOT a little girl!" Marci said in a huff, then turning to face Kayla. "At LEAST I have boobies, shrimp!"

Kayla laughed, wondering how long THAT would last. "I’m just teasing you,"she said.

"You two are always ganging up on me. I’ll tell daddy if you don’t stop," Marci said. She took off her panties and threw them at Jennifer. "Um...Jenni? I...uh...can’t remember where my clothes are. Can I uh...borrow some of yours?" she asked her big sister meekly.

"I don’t know if anything I have would fit you that good. Maybe I have some older stuff in the back of my closet..." she said.

"I know, you can wear some of my things! You’re not much bigger than I am," Kayla said happily. She pulled her big sister into her room across the hall. Kayla’s room looked much different than Jennifer’s. Her canopy bed was still unmade from the night before. She had posters of boy bands and Britney on the wall. Her stuffed animals sat in the corner, and her Barbie dolls (which she still played with when no one was around) sat on a shelf. Marci felt very comfortable in Kayla’s room, more so than in her big sister’s. Kayla opened the top drawer of her dresser and took out a pink pair of panties and a training vest. She handed them to Marci.

"You MUST be kidding me," Marci said.

"They may be a little tight but they’re better than nothing," Kayla responded. Marci reluctantly put them on. They were a matching set, and had a little Barbie logo in the corner. The panties were tight, but they fit her small frame. The training vest was really tight. She needed a real bra but Jennifer was way bigger than her, so it was this or nothing. She put it on and Kayla stared, amazed. The vest flattened her out almost to nothing. The effect made Marci look like she was even younger, maybe 11 or 12.

"Geez I hope I don’t see any of the kids from school looking like this," Marci said, looking at her (little?) sister. Marci knew she just turned 14 but she felt like a little girl. For a brief moment, even younger than Kayla. But it passed. Kayla gave her a pair of jeans and a pink tee-shirt with a heart on it. Then Kayla got dressed and they met Jennifer downstairs. Jennifer was wearing denim cutoff’s and the same sleeveless white tee that her "mother" had worn to work the day before. She got her bag and car keys, and looked at her little sisters. She too noticed that dressed like she was, Marci and Kayla looked to be about the same age

"Ok, you kids ready to go?" she asked the girls.

"Where are we going again," Marci asked. She felt very small now, especially around her big sister.

"We’re going to find this little shop I heard about, remember? Maybe that’s where dad went. I’ll bet he had the same idea. Come on you two, lets go," she said. And they all went out to the car.


Bill stood in the room for a while not knowing exactly what to expect. That old coot must have been crazy! Right, he sells dreams! What a crock. Still, was he beginning to feel sort of...well...different? He had to admit he was. Looking down at his hands, he thought they looked, well...younger. He felt his face. No stubble, but then again he did shave that morning. Was it his imagination, or did everything seem just a little bit bigger to him? Nah. Couldn’t be. But maybe he was a little shorter when he was 17 or 18. His clothes now hung on him. They were much too big. Of course he had put on weight as he got older. In the corner of the room he saw a stool with clothing neatly folded on it. Jeans, a plain blue tee-shirt, boxers, socks, sneakers...everything! That was convinient! He undressed and put the stuff on, not even checking the size but figuring what with all of the magical things going on it should fit. And the clothes did fit, perfectly. Too bad there wasn’t a mirror in the room.

Meanwhile, the three girls drove on looking for the shop. Marci was absolutely no help, and had forgotten most of the details about where the place was or what it even looked like. Jennifer had to go by her recollection of what marci had told her the day before. Finally, they saw a small place that sort of fit the description...and their father’s car was parked out front.

"This must be it," Jennifer exclaimed.

"Look, daddy’s car!" Kayla added. "He came here too!

"I knew it," said Jennifer as she pulled into the lot. The three girls went inside and were greeted by the shopkeeper.

"Well, girls, what can I do for you on this fine day," he asked, friendly as ever.

"My little sister thinks she came here the other day, don’t you Marci," Jennifer said.

"Sorta," Marci said very uncertainly.

"And so she did, so she did," the man said, looking down at Marci.

"Well, can you change her back to her real age?" Jennifer said hopefully.

"That would be impossible. Sorry, no refunds," he said, thus deflating Jennifer’s hopes.

"Um...did our father come here? We saw his car out front," Kayla asked.

"Is Bill your father," the man asked, a gleam in his eye. Just then the door in the back room opened and a boy came into the room. "Here he is now," he said.

Bill saw his daughters with unease. He looked at, she was a hottie! She was so tall, a few inches taller than him! He stared at her breasts, mezmirized. He felt really tongue-tied. "Um...h....hi," he managed to get out.

"Jennifer walked over to Bill, and looked down at him in shock. "Daddy?! Is that you?" she gasped.

"Uh...yeah, what do you think? Pretty kewl, huh? I wanted to be closer to Marci’s age," he said. But something felt wrong. Marci was 19, right? And he wanted to be a little younger than her...hmmm...but right now, he only had eyes for Jennifer. She was a knockout! He didn’t even notice the two younger girls with her.

"We better get you home Billy. Come on kids, lets go," Jennifer said, leading them from the shop.

"Thank you, come again," the cheerful storekeeper called after them.

Billy went out to the car and went around to the driver’s side. "Uh, maybe I better drive Billy," Jennifer said.

"Koo," Billy said, and went around to the passenger side of the car. They drove home.

(My apologies from using a Bud Haiku as inspiration for a scene)

Part 11 Louder

Jennifer knew her dad would never pass for the photo on his license. He was barely old enough to drive... if even that old! She also had heard her mother speak of his passion for fast driving when he was younger. Right now she wasn’t sure what to do. The shopkeeper had managed to regress both her parents and didn’t seem inclined to reverse the process. She hated leaving the shop so soon but wasn’t sure what would happen next now that her dad had been regressed too. She decided it was best to get her father home before he made matters worse than they already were. She also didn’t like the way he was looking at her and not even acknowledging Marci.

Billy sat down and buckled his saftey-belt. Only then did it dawn on him that the 14 year old must be Marci! Marci was busy staring at this older boy with fascination. She wished he would look her way and quickly brushed her hair with her hand. He was just soooooo cute she thought!

Billy turned to look at Marci for confirmation that it really was her. As soon as he did, she turned away hoping he didn’t catch her staring. He did. She looked so immature now. Not at all like 16 year old Jennifer. He shook his head and cleared his thoughts. He knew Jennifer was off-limits and he knew he’d only ventured down this path so he could relate more with Marci. But now that he’d actually made himself younger things were different.

His body felt different. His thought patterns were different. He realized he was more impulsive. He had to control that somehow. This was his family after-all and he couldn’t lose sight of that just because he was younger. But now Marci was even younger.... he didn’t want date a 14 year old.... let alone be married to one!

"Marci, what happened to you?" he asked.

Marci just shrugged. She was weak in her knees! The boy had spoken to her!

"We don’t know exactly, Dad!" Jennifer told him "She was like that this morning. Don’t even bother asking her about it because she seems to have, like, totally fallen into the role. Tell him, Kayla. .....Kayla?"

"Where IS Kayla?" Billy asked "I don’t think she followed us to the car. I’ll go back in and get her!"

"NO!" Jennifer countered "YOU stay here with your -girlfriend-"

Marci’s face turned red. Billy’s did as well. Jennifer hurried inside to get Kayla before anything could happen. Kayla was only 11 so Jennifer didn’t want to be changing diapers! She was relieved to see Kayla unchanged talking to the man.

"Kayla! What’re you doing!?" Jennifer asked "We need to get dad and mom home"

"I’m just talkin’ to the nice man" Kayla said and smiled.

"This isn’t over" Jennifer told the man "My parents didn’t want this! They’re too young!"

"My business is about dreams, young lady. I’m sure you have dreams. Maybe I can help?’ the man offered.

"What? No way! This isn’t about dreams!" Jennifer argued.

"Not about dreams of being a model....or an actress... dreams of fame?" the man asked.

Jennifer paused if only for a second. It was a trick. It had to be. It couldn’t be that easy.... could it? No.... she had to resist. Nothing is that easy without a catch. Her parents couldn’t have really wanted to be so young. Jennifer thought about the stories of twisted wishes where you get something resembling your wish but always at a cost. This must be the same she thought.

"No strings attached" the man said as if reading her mind "Why don’t you enter the room with your dreams and let me fulfill them? Maybe you’d like to put your performances in front of a real audience instead of a mirror?"

He knew she pretended to sing in front of the mirror? How could he? Jennifer wondered if maybe she should let the man fulfill her wishes. Obviously he had some kind of powers. "No strings?" she asked as her resolve was wilting.

"Of course not... They are your dreams. I’m an only here to help you realize them. Right this way" he said as he motioned to her.

Jennifer slowly stepped forward. An actress? A singer? A dancer? A model? Rich? Famous? Was she really on the verge of achieving any of that? She placed a foot slowly across the threshold of the door and took a deep breath. "NO!" she said and stepped back "This isn’t right! C’mon Kayla"

Jennifer took Kayla’s hand and led her to the door. "Thank you, Mister!" Kayla said to the man as Jennifer tugged her along.


"Well, are you two, like, getting aquainted... or reaquainted... or whatever?" Jennifer asked her youthened parents when she got back to the car.

"Gosh, Jennifer.... She’s, like, 14.... and I’m almost 19!" Billy answered "I like older women!". Marci seemed to deflate upon hearing that. Didn’t he like her at all???

"19?? I’m wondering if you are even 16!" Jennifer said.

"16????!! What the crap?" Billy exclaimed "I gotta go back in there!"

"No, you don’t! That man uses tricks and nobody can seem to control themselves around him. I’m gonna, like, get on the internet and figure this out! Now, let’s go!" Jennifer said as she raced off in the car.

Billy wondered what he’d done. 16? He looked again at Marci. It didn’t seem quite so odd to think about Marci as his girlfriend... wife.... if he is only a couple of years older. She is pretty he thought... although not as hot as Jennifer. He knew Marci would soon be growing up and filling out. Maybe they could make this all work? He then looked out the car window and saw all the girls walking on the street... driving cars... shopping... He couldn’t believe how hot they were! Maybe if Marci was 15 he would feel differently about her? She did seem interested he thought. But she was only 14! Maybe he could see other girls until Marci grew up a little more? But he wanted Marci to be older than him. He remembered dating her in college and wishing she was older than him. Now look what she had done! It was all her fault! Just like always! He just couldn’t muster up any interest in the 14 year old.

Jennifer spent the rest of the day trying to play matchmaker with Billy and Marci. Marci was very willing but Billy wasn’t. He seemed to be growing frustrated with Jennifer’s efforts. Jennifer realized Billy was also reverting more and more to his teenage persona. He was becoming more and more fascinated looking at girls. Girls on tv. Girls in magazines. Girls in catalogs. Every girl except the one that Jennifer wanted him to pay attention to! Marci was feeling more depressed. She wanted this boy to like her. She didn’t understand everything that was going on but just being part of Billy’s world would make her life she thought.

This had been a very trying day. Jennifer convinced everyone it was time for bed. She hadn’t made much headway at all in her matchmaker attempts. Billy would get lost in daydreaming as she’d catch him staring at photos. She knew he sneaked a catalog with to bed.

Kayla had already went to bed. In fact, she was anxious to get to bed early for some reason. That was fine with Jennifer.

"Aren’t you gonna come to bed too?" Marci asked Jennifer.

"Soon" Jennifer replied "I need to surf a couple sites"

"Surf?" Marci asked. Obviously the 14 year old Marci hadn’t experienced computers and the internet yet.

"Uhhhhh Just going to type something up" Jennifer explained hoping that would suffice.

"Oh?" Marci replied and went on to bed.


Billy drifted off to sleep with the catalog opened to the swimsuit section. Soon, he was dreaming of himself being on the beach with the models. They were so HOT! "Why don’t you join us?" some of the girls shouted out. Billy smiled... "OK!" he yelled back. Then he realized he didn’t have any swim trunks. Oh no, he thought! "C’mon.... join us!" others yelled. They were SO hot!

Billy looked around. There was a shop. Maybe they’d have some swim trunks! "Are you going to join us?" the girls asked.

"Just a minute!" he yelled back and then ran into the shop.

"Well... helllooooooo" the shopkeeper said "I’m glad to see you again!"

Billy recognized the man. This was in the store from downtown. But how is it here? This is the beach! The questions floated away and seemed mysteriously answered in his dream state.... How is it here?....It just is!

"Are you joining us?" Billy could hear the girls still yelling to him.

"I’ve been expecting you" the man said "I have what you are looking for just inside this door"

"But I haven’t told you what I am looking for???" Billy replied.

"No need" the man said.

"C’mon and join us, Billy!" the voices yelled.

Billy ran in the room, taking the man at his word. He looked around the room. The only swimsuit in the room was a girl’s two piece! "Join us, Billy!" he could hear the girls yelling.

"Uhhhh where are the trunks?" he asked.

"I knew when you left the room that you’d be back. You only took your dream part way! You made yourself 16... not 19... or 18... And that was for a reason. You know the dream that fascinated you!" the man said through the door.

Billy’s eyes widened. He picked up the swimsuit and examined the skimpy material. "Hurry, Billy, join us!" the voices begged.

"Try them on. See if they fit" the man’s voice bellowed through the door.

"But I’ll look silly!?" Billy complained although not forcefully.

"You know you want to try the swimsuit on, Billy. You are alone" the man said.

"Join us, Billy....!" the voices said.

Billy looked around. There was no one there. Feeling both ashamed and excited he took off his clothing and stood there naked. He looked at the hair on his legs. He felt the peach fuzz on his chin. This was silly.....

"Join us, Billy..."

He stepped into the bottoms and felt a tingle. He put the other foot in and noticed his feet looked different... smaller. He unsteadily pulled them further up his legs and noticed his leg changing. As the material would pass over his leg the hair was disappearing. He stopped in shock.

"Join us, Billy...."

He looked back down and saw he now had painted toenails. He almost took them off but he felt compelled to continue. He pulled the material higher up his legs... over his knees.... More hair disappeared. The skin on his legs seemed to change. Smoother. Softer. More tan. Maybe slimmer. Maybe even shorter. The experience was getting him excited... and scared. He slowly pulled them up the rest of the way and felt a feeling like he’d never experienced before. The bulge that he expected to see was gone! His hips were different. His rear was different. His stomach looked less muscular. His upper half looked the same but his lower half looked decidely female... and smaller. He stopped again. His mind was alternating between fear and excitement.

"Join us, Billy...."

"It’s your dream, Billy... Now you can live it..." the man said.

"Join us, Billy...."

Billy nervousy grabbed the bikini top. He put it over his head and let the empty material rest against his male chest. The strings of the bikini hang loose at the sides. "I, I, dunno.... I feel silly..." he said even though he was very curious..

"Join us, Billy...."

He grabbed the strings and pulled them tightly. Suddenly a wave of energy washed over him. He felt something silky and soft cascade over his shoulders and down his back. It was long, curly, blond hair. He felt weight growing on his chest. Breasts were filling out the bikini cups. His frame was slightly shrinking. The peach fuzz on his face was disappearing. The hair on his arms disappeared. His hands became dainty. His fingernails changed... longer... and painted....

"Join us, Billy...."

"What... uhhhh what.... what now?" he asked in a feminine voice that surprised him. He sounded like a teenage girl!

"The girls are asking you a question. Answer them, Billy"

"Are you joining us, Billy?" the voices asked.

"Uhhh I’ll be there..." Billy said slowly. Nothing happened. "I don’t understand...?" he told the man.

"Don’t just tell them... show them... join them" the man replied.

"Are you joining us, Billy?" the voices asked.

"Yes..." Billy answered again and carefully opened the door. He stepped slowly out of the room as if testing the waters of a pool with his toe. His body felt oddly proportioned... and light... and weaker than before. It seemed odd to be dressed so skimpily. Everything was so different. His whole body seemed to move differently. The room looked slightly bigger. Even the colors looked different. "I feel... stupid!" he said.

The man pointed to a mirror. Billy looked at his reflection. Staring back at him was a 16 year old girl in a bikini! He could barely recognize himself from before. This person was shorter and smaller. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She was tanned and had a great body although not tall... probably only 5’ 2" or so. She was beautiful. He had transformed into his dream girl! "Wow...." she said in amazement.... "But.... I’m still... ’me’ ..... ’a guy’.... in my head....?"

"Maybe that will change when you join the girls" the man told the now teenage girl.

"Are you joining us, Billy?" the voices asked again.

Billy looked back at the reflection. "Yes..." she said and walked nervously toward the door outside. Billy stepped outside and saw the girls waiting.

"You ARE you joining us aren’t you, Billy?" one of the bikini clad beauties said.

"Yes... " Billy replied.

The girl took Billy’s hand and his apprehension melted. "I’m glad you joined us!" she said to Billy

"I am too!" Billy replied as she followed the girls across the beach. The warm sand felt great under her bare feet. The bright spring sunshine washed over her body and she grew more confident... and feminine... with each step. Billy was glad that she had picked this bikini because it made her feel sexy. It was totally hot and she knew the guys had to be paying attention to her when she wore it. She really looked forward to this summer. Summer is for bare feet, short shorts, tank tops and not much else. It was going to be the best summer yet she thought!


Kayla began to toss and turn in her bed, dreaming of riding her bike. In the dream Marci was chasing her on her own bike.

Marci also began to toss and turn. She began to dream. She was chasing after Kayla. First running and then on her bike.

Kayla did everything she could stay in front. Just as Marci caught up Kayla hopped off the bike and ran inside an old shop.

"Howdy Howdy!" the shopkeeper said

"Sorry I’m late" Kayla told the man as she caught her breath.

"I’m glad you’re running a little late. My last customer took a little extra time to decide on what he.... she .... was really looking for!" the shopkeeper said with a laugh.

The door opened again. It was Marci. She was also out of breath. "Kayla, you’re gonna get me in trouble! You know you weren’t, like, supposed to leave the house!" Marci huffed.

The man looked at Marci "Now, now! Go easy on her. This is her dream afterall! You don’t want to disappoint her do you?"

Marci shrugged. Why did this place look so familiar? It was odd! This had to be a dream. That’s why everything looked so familiar yet odd.

"Kayla thinks it would be something if you were younger so she wouldn’t have to be the youngest!" the man said "How much younger is up to you"

"Why would I, like, want to be YOUNGER!?" Marci asked.

"Would it really be so bad? You know Billy isn’t interested in you. That has to depress you! Maybe a simpler time would be better? I should think it would fascinate you. Imagine not having those worries. If you were younger you’d be more interested in playing rather than dating. That would show him! And that would certainly be better than crying yourself to sleep hugging your pillow!" he told her.

"How’d you know I cried ....and hugged my pillow? And how do you know Billy isn’t interested in me?" Marci wanted to know.

"I think I can safely say that... right now... Billy isn’t interested in you as anything but a casual friend!" the man said hiding a laugh.

"But maybe when we’re older...???" Marci asked sobbing.

"Again, right now I can certainly tell you that just getting older is not going to change that fact. Maybe when you are older you could be better friends... but that is about it" he told her "That’s why I thought maybe you’d like to clean the slate a little bit. Humor your sister. Simplify your life. You don’t see Kayla depressed do you? Childhood can be a happy time." the man explained.

"Yeah, Marci! It would be fun! I’ve been the little sister all my life!" she said as if 11 years had been an eternity. "You could be as little as you want. How much ever it takes for you to feel better. A baby sister would be cool!" Kayla said.

"A baby????" Marci was going to complain but right now the idea was intriguing. Anything to forget about Billy! But a baby again? This was a weird dream she thought... and it seems so real!

"Are you sure Billy isn’t thinking about all?" Marci asked the man who seemed so smart.

The man looked at his watch "Thinking about you now? No, most certainly not. In fact Billy is with a group of girls right now. And I can tell you, Billy is not thinking about you at all! I’m sorry. But as I said, I am willing to help you out."

"But maybe you could make him love me?" Marci asked hopefully.

"I’m afraid I can’t do that. I can only bring dreams and desires to life for the individuals themselves. Billy is not interested in you and therefore Billy would never agree to anything that would change that. Just as I can’t grant Kayla’s desire to for you to be her younger sister without your agreement. In effect, you almost are granting Kayla’s desire yourself. I am only the vehicle to make that happen" the shopkeeper explained.

Marci began sobbing. The man was right. She had heard what Billy said about her being too young for him. And she saw how he had avoided her. This wasn’t a dream... this was a nighmare!

"It’ll be OK, Marci" Kayla said and put her arm around her ’sister’.

"I know it hurts now " the man said "but you haven’t always hurt like this. Allow Kayla her dream and help yourself as well. I can turn your nightmare back into a dream!". The shopkeeper seemed to be able to manipulate Marci at will. She was becoming like putty in his hands.

Marci wiped her eyes. Was the man able to read her mind? How did he know she thought this a nightmare? He was so right about everything he’d said about her. How could he not be right about Billy’s thought’s as well?

Kayla hugged Marci and held her tight "I’ll be a good big sister, I promise! You can get as little as you want and I’ll take care of you!"

It felt good being held so tight. Marci did feel protected in her ’sister’s’ arms. Life had been so much simpler before.... childhood was looking better and better.... but how far?.... She so much wanted to forget about Billy! She wanted the hurt to go away.

Kayla squeezed her again and kissed her on the cheek "Do this for both of us, OK? The nice man has already told me how good it will be for us. He’s really smart! I promise to be the best big sister ever!"

"Would it really make the hurt go away?" Marci asked.

The shopkeeper smiled "Without a doubt. The younger you are the more insulated you’ll be from the hurt.... with Kayla to hug, and protect, and to hold you of course. You’ll be loved. I’m confident of that"

Marci squeezed her sister’s hand "You better be good to me... OK?"

"I promise!" Kayla answered.

Marci sniffed and held her head up. "I just want the hurt to go away. What do I have to do?" she asked bravely.

"Enter the room. Let the room know your desires. Concentrate on going back until you are where you want to go. You’ll feel the weight lift." the man told her "You’ll be in control. It will stop when you want it to. ...However long it takes". The man’s words were soothing.

"How old are you going to be, Marci?" Kayla asked.

"I don’t know....." Marci said as she entered the room and the man closed the door behind her. Marci felt a sense of dejavu. Why did it look so familiar?

"You did it, mister!" Kayla said excitedly.

The man nodded in agreement showing a sly smile.

Marci concentrated on forgetting about Billy. How far did she really desire going back? It felt so good being held by Kayla. Did she really want to be a baby again? Things would surely be simpler. She felt a chill. Billy was cute but look what he caused her to do! She looked down at her chest and noticed it seemed to be getting smaller. It felt like the walls were growing and the floor slowly falling. She still liked Billy tho! She felt something tickling her legs and looked down to see it was her T-shirt creeping down over her shorts. That made her laugh. It felt good to laugh. The nice man was right! She thought some more about Billy. Boy, he’s cute she thought be he’s kinda old. She felt her T-shirt creeping closer to her knees. She looked down and saw her sandals were way too big. She giggled seeing how funny they looked being so big on her. Almost like she was playing dressup! Her shorts were slipping too. She wondered if she was young enough? She knew she was still a big girl though! Maybe too big? The nice man said being younger was better. She liked being held by Kayla when she hugged her.

"OOPS!" she said and giggled some more in a childish voice as her shorts fell to the floor. Her T-shirt now served as a dress. It was touching her knees. He sandals looked really big now. She tried to remember what Billy looked like. Boy, he was like a grownup she thought. Billy didn’t seem all that important anymore anyway. She wondered why he ever had? He didn’t ever want to play with her! Maybe this was a good time to stop she wondered? She started to walk toward the door, tripping and getting tangled up in the oversized shorts and sandals. She sat on her rear and wresteled them off. She wasn’t sure if she was young enough yet, anyway. She felt another chill. The room sure looked big!

She noticed her teeth felt funny as she examined them with her tongue. Things sure were different. She was glad Kayla was her big sister. She liked Kayla. Marci wanted to give Kayla a big hug right now! Kayla’s hugs felt good she thought as she remembered how protected they made her feel. She wondered how little she’d gotten? She wanted to see a -shiny thing-.... she tried to think of what it was called.. And then remembered ’A mirror!’. She wanted to see herself in a mirror. That was it! No mirror was in the room though. It felt really funny now. She wiggled her fingers and toes watching them to see how big they were. Did she still she still have ’big girl hands’? She grabbed her discarded shoe and held it up to her foot. It was really big!Did she really used to wear that?

Marci tried to think about Billy some more but could only picture spelling his name with blocks. She thought she was spelling it right. ’Cat’ was sure easier to spell than Billy! She liked spelling. This was fun. She knew she must still be a big girl though. She didn’t want to be a big girl anymore. There was another chill just as she had that thought. Marci wanted Kayla to hold her. Now there was another feeling. She stood up and notice that her T-shirt was now a tent. She couldn’t even see her hands or feet. After a bit of trying she poked her arms out the holes and kicked at the shirt tail and laughed childishly. "Funny shirt!" she saide.

She knew she was still a big girl though. There was that funny feeling again. She wiggled a bit. "Uh-oh" she said and waddled over to the door. She had to pull a chair over to reach the door handle well enough to turn it. She knew she was still a big girl but this was more important right now.

The door opened. "Kaaaaayla.... I gotta go pottyyyy" little Marci said as she chewed on the neck of her gigantic T-shirt.

"Ooooooooooo She’s adorable!!!!!" Kayla squealed "She’s like 2 or 3 years old at most!".

"Hurrrrrrrrweeeee" little Marci whined and then put her thumb in her mouth. "I still a big girl... but I gotta potty" she said as Kayla swooped her up lovingly to take her to the restroom.


Jennifer could tell that Marci and Kayla were neither one sleeping well. She could hear them turning on their beds and sometimes even obviously talking in their sleep. She’d closed the door to the den so she could cncentrate better. The noise was distracting her research. Sometimes it even sounded like muffled baby-talk from upstairs. Jennifer even thought she heard a third girl’s voice a couple of times but it was faint. She knew that was impossible. It probably was Billy’s voice cracking in his sleep. She figured this experience was hard on all of them. "They’ll probably be in therapy for years when this is over" she said to herself as she tried another Google search.

Her eyes grew heavy and the words all began to blur together on the monitor. The research might have to wait until morning.....



Continuous Story Pt 12 by areg5 on 02-04-03 16:02

Jennifer fell sound asleep at the keyboard. But in her dream she continued to work on. Her Google search had really search had really shed very little light on the subject. She looked under ’age regression’ and unexplained age regression’ and that sort of thing but got nowhere. She came up with archives of bizarre fiction and image sites but it was all fantasy. She became very frustrated. On a whim she entered ’weird guy in desolate shop,’ expecting more garbage. Garbage in, garbage out as her computer teacher would say. So she was surprised when she got a return describing what seemed to be the very place where all of the strange happenings of the last few days occurred.

"Shop of Dreams - where you can become the stuff of dreams. The Dreamkeeper knows what you want, even if you do not. Don’t be shy! Open 24/7." she read. She clicked on the site. "24/7. Huh. Like THAT term isn’t over used anymore," she thought to herself. She clicked on the link and was connected to a Bravenet chat room. What next?

"Hello," she typed.

"Well, hello Jennifer," was the response.

"I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you know my name," she entered.

"Of course I know your name. There are many ways into my shop," the response came. And with that, Jennifer found herself in the strange shop. "Pleased to see you back so soon! Maybe you changed your mind after all," the storekeeper said to her, smiling.

"You’re the Dreamkeeper, I take it," Jennifer said.

"Guilty as charged! Your family has lots of dreams, and so far they have all been fulfilled," the man said.

"Well, you’ve had your fun. Now change them back!" Jennifer exclaimed.

"I can’t do that. Like I said before, no refunds. Besides, look at how happy they all are! I can’t negate a dream just because you don’t like the outcome," the Dreamkeeper said softly.

"They didn’t know what they were doing!" Jennifer shot back.

"That isn’t for you to judge. But enough of them. Isn’t there something I can do for you?" he said hopefully.

"I am perfectly satisfied with my life," Jennifer answered. Sure, sometimes she wished she could be a supermodel, or the next Britney. Sometimes she sang and danced in front of her mirror. It was so tempting...could this man make her dreams come true? Has he really done any harm? Marci seemed happy enough as a did Billy. If she wished for fame as a dancer...would she end up as an exotic dancer in some sleazy place? Too many unknowns, plus the fact that now that the man knew she was onto him, he might twist her dreams. She didn’t want to be any younger, she knew that much. "Thanks, but I’ll pass," she said finally.

"Too bad," the man said with a sigh. "Well, if you change your mind you know where to find me, and I’m open..."

"Yeah, I know...’24/7!" Real original!" she said sarcastically. With that, she slept. And dreamed. She couldn’t wait for school to be over, for the summertime. She loved going to the beach, loved wearing sexy bikinis and teasing boys. The events of the past few days faded as she dreamt of the beach...the warm sand, the roar of the surf. She was lying on a towel sunning her back, the bikini strap undone (how that teased boys, she thought with a grin). She came down with her friend Katie.

Katie had long brown hair, and a tight slender body. She was maybe an inch shorter than Jennifer but just as pretty. The pink Bikini she was wearing made a striking contrast with her tan. "I really like your bikini Jen. You HAVE to let me borrow it sometime," Katie said.

"Sure, and I can borrow yours," Jennifer said sleepily. She looked around the beach. "Gosh, like where are all the guys today anyway?" she asked with a little bit of a pout.

"They’ll come! How could they resist!" Katie said with a giggle. "Oh, a friend of mine was going to meet us here, she’s just getting changed up there," Katie said, gesturing to a lonely shop by the roadside. Jennifer looked at the familiar looking place, and felt a bit of dread in the pit of her stomach. Katie stood up and shouted "hey, Billy, are you going to join us?"

"Coming," a voice responded.

"That’s funny, my father’s name is Bill," Jennifer said. She saw a blond girl in a skimpy light blue bikini running towards them. She looked sort of familiar, but couldn’t place her.

Billy ran across the warm sand towards her friend Katie. She saw the other girl with her, and recognized her at once. Katie told her that a friend would be joining them but she didn’t expect to see her sister! Her chest bounced as she ran, and she had to be careful not to pop out of her top. With each step towards the girls any remaining memory of her former life became dim.

"There you are! It’s about time," Katie said playfully. "Like, she comes to the beach and forgets her swimsuit! Like DUH!"

"Ha ha, very funny," Billy said. Any excuse to get a new one! Like it," she said, modelling it for the other girls.

"Its da bomb!" Katie said laughing.

"Hiya sis," Billy said to Jennifer.

Jennifer was dumbfounded. "Sis?" she thought. Did Kayla go into that accursed place and wish to be older? She looked closely at the girl. It didn’t look like Kayla, even an older Kayla. And it wasn’t her ’new’ little sister Marci. Wait a minute!

"Billy, is that you?" she asked incredulously. "But you’re a guy!" she blurted out.

Billy got a funny look on her face and looked down at her breasts. "AS IF!" she answered. "I mean like I look like a girl to me!" she laughed.

"You two are hysterical! I mean like wow Jen, I mean if you think she looks like a guy to you maybe like you should get your eyes checked!" Katie said, almost doubled over in laughter. Billy was laughing too.

Jennifer couldn’t believe her eyes. Her father was a 16 year old girl? What next! "Ha ha, yeah I’m just kidding around you guys. Ha ha," she said half heartily, wondering if she was going to vomit right there on the spot. The three of them lay on their bellies tanning their backs. Katie started to snooze, and Jennifer turned to her sister.

"You really don’t remember being a guy," Jennifer whispered.

"Sorta, but its like a dream. Its a funny dream, Jenny! I mean, like I’ve always been a girl, people can’t change from guys into girls, you know that! You’re so funny!" Billy chuckled. "Speaking of guys, I wish there were some here!"

"Don’t change the subject Billy! And like what do you know about guys, anyway," Jennifer responded.

"I know enough...I think," Billy said in an uncertain voice.

"You don’t sound like you do. And I mean really, how can you wear something like that!" Jennifer said, looking over her string bikini.

"You are," Billy shot back.

"Of course I am! I’m a girl, and I’ve always been a girl! You may think of yourself as a girl but you’re not thinking clearly. That man in the store did this to you, and he sent you out here looking like a boy magnet. I mean, he...he could have given you something more modest anyway," Jennifer stammered.

"I don’t want modest! I want to show off!" Billy answered.

Just then Jennifer saw her now ex-boyfriend Peter walking toward them. Great. This was all she needed!

"Hi Jen," Peter said, looking her up and down.

"Hi Peter," Jennifer answered dryly. Billy cleared her throat, and Jennifer sighed. "This is, Billy," she added, introducing them. "Oh, and sleeping beauty over there is Katie."

"Hi Peter," Billy said, gushing. "Don’t wake up Katie, she’s like really tired or something!"

"You didn’t tell me you had such a pretty sister, Jen," Peter said.

"Why would I want to tell you Peter," Jennifer said, a little annoyed.

"I dunno. Hey, girls why don’t we take a little swim," he said, now eyeing Billy.

"Working on my tan," Jennifer responded.

"I’d love to take a swim!" Billy exclaimed, jumping to her feet. She forgot that her suit was untied and held it up at the last minute. Peter stepped behind her and tied it.

"Here, let me get that," he said. After he tied it, he rubbed Billy’s shoulder a little causing her to shiver. The two of them ran into the water before Jennifer could protest.

Billy and Peter swam around, splashing each other. Peter chased Billy and she pretended to try to get away from him, of course finally letting him catch her. He held her in his arms, and she looked up at him longingly. She felt her bottom being cradled by his hand, and she shivered again. She kissed him, and forced her tongue into his mouth. She was in heaven!

Jennifer watched the two frolic in the water, disgusted. Jeez, she only just met him! She couldn’t believe her father had become such a tramp! Look at how Peter was pawing at her (like he used to paw at me, she thought). Was he copping a feel?! Ohmygod! Was she just jealous? No, she didn’t let Peter get that far with her for a while. Certainly not the first time they met! When Billy and Peter came out and dried off, Jennifer glared at them. Peter felt uncomfortable and left.

"Oh, Jenny he’s so cute! He asked me out for tomorrow night, isn’t that kewl!" Billy said happily.

"I can’t believe you you were...with him! I mean Billy, you can’t just let a guy grab at you like that! A guy you just met!" Jennifer was fuming.

"But it felt good!" Billy said.

"That’s not the point," Jennifer responded.

"Oh, you’re just jealous, just because he doesn’t like you anymore and dumped you," snorted Billy.

"It was a mutual breakup for your information, and I am not jealous," Jennifer shot back, wondering if that were true.

"Anyway, who are you, my mother? I can do whatever I want," Billy replied.

"Of course I’m not your mother, I’m your...sister. Now I am, anyway. And you are acting very immature. Someone has to look out for you, and well...I feel like I should be your big sister...its only because I don’t want you to get hurt."

" I know you are my big sister...I guess ...I guess," Billy started, and then she began to feel a little strange.

"I know you want to grow up fast, Billy, but have to be careful," Jennifer said to Billy, looking at her. "Now that bikini...that’s a little much, don’t you think?"

"I ...I guess so," Billy stammered. All of the sudden she was beginning to feel very unsure of herself. Her sister was right. She was too young to wear something like this. It didn’t even fit that well, she noticed.

"I mean, I wear stuff like that all the time, but you’re not really ready for that, are you," she said, noticing for the first time that the bikini was quite loose on Billy’s top, and the bottoms were a little baggy. "I thought when I first saw you that you were about 16 but I can see now that you aren’t, are you?"

" yet..." Billy said.

"Are you 15?" Jennifer asked, seeing Billy’s breasts grow a little smaller. "14?" she asked seeing them shrink again.

Billy looked down at her dwindling chest. "" she answered, feeling very small. "Oh Jenny, how can I be out here dressed like this!" she said, tears welling in her eyes.

"It’s ok, Billy. Let’s go up to one of the cabana’s,"she said, leading the younger girl up. Jennifer carried a beach bag with her. They stepped inside and drew the curtain. "Now, lets get you out of those," she said taking off Billy’s top, revealing two swollen nipples. Billy let her comically large bottoms drop revealing a tiny tuft of hair. Jennifer picked up the blue bikini.

"To think I thought you were 16," she said to Billy, who was eye level with her chest. The little girl sobbed. She opened her bag and got out one of Kayla’s old tankini’s. As she slid the bottoms up she saw the last of Billy’s hair vanish.

"But...but I wanted to be 16," Billy cried, shrinking again.

"Little girls always want to be more grown up," Jennifer said, helping her on with her top. "There, isn’t that better sweetie? Now tell me how old you really are," Jennifer asked softly.

"I just turned 9," she said, hugging her big sister tightly.

And with that, Jennifer awoke with a start....and a shudder.

Part 13 Louder

Jennifer scanned the room for a clock. It was 7AM. She’d slept all night hunkered over the computer. Sleep hadn’t been comforting either. Only weird dreams. She even felt a tinge of jealousy still running through her body even though it had only been a dream. She remembered how the others in the family had also had a rough night and she doubted any of them would be any more rested. This whole experience was obviously wearing on everyone. Jennifer’s research had gotten her nowhere. She wondered if her friend Katie being in her dream was some kind of sign? Katie was always into a lot of New Age things. Maybe she’d have an open mind about all of this and maybe even some answers?

"Wow!? Did you really sleep there, like, all night?" an unfamiliar said speaking from behind her. Jennifer spun around to see a 16 year old girl wearing an oversized bathrobe.

"BILLY????" Jennifer exclaimed recognizing the teen from her dreams

"I got up a little early today. It’s gonna like be a great day for the beach!" she said not understanding Jennifer’s surprise.

Jennifer wondered how she could’ve dreamed about a girl she’d never met before... and just how it was her 42 year old father had allowed himself to be transformed into a 16 year old girl? She also felt that tinge of jealousy from her dream. She had a fuzzy recollection of how she’d handled the ’competition’ in her dream and had to fight to tell herself this 16 year old girl was really her father! The scene with Peter had only been a dream... hadn’t it? Jennifer started to wonder what was real anymore. Jennifer realized she needed help and Katie seemed the most logical person to turn to. She also knew she needed to keep her emotions in check. That could only sidetrack her. There was no reason to feel jealous of her father even if he had been transformed into a teenage girl. It was still her father afterall.

"So, ya gotta check out my suit, sis. It’s TOTALLY hot!" Billy said and allowed the robe to fall to the floor revealing her skimpy blue bikini that she was wearing. Billy spun around to model the swimsuit... and her curves.

Jennifer was speechless. Billy was a babe! Jennifer knew Billy could have any guy she wanted.... Jennifer seethed. She didn’t need competition like that in her own house! She lost sight of the fact that the babe was really her dad. Right now this girl was her direct equal.

Billy was surprised that Jennifer didn’t appear excited to see her suit "Don’t you like it? Does it make me look fat or something?" she asked.

Again, Jennifer had to bring herself back to reality. Billy didn’t mean anything by this. She was just an innocent teen looking forward to a day at the beach.

"Are you gonna go too, sis? You’re kinda pale!" Billy told Jennifer.

"Uhhh... maybe... Don’t leave without telling me. We need to stay together" Jennifer said "I need to catch up on a few things this morning first. Sooooo.... Ummm Did you, like, have any dreams last night?"

"Yeah, why? Doesn’t everybody?"

"Tell me about your dream. What was it like?" Jennifer asked.

"I was being a Tom Boy in my dream... and it’s kinda silly... but these girls said they’d help me be more... uhhhh like.... a girl should be" Billy told her sister "I woke up before they finished with me tho! "See? It was stupid dream stuff!"

"I guess..." Jennifer replied wondering how that fit in with her dream "I gotta make a call. I’ll see ya in a bit"

Billy grabbed her robe and walked out of the room leaving Jennifer to her privacy. Jennifer looked up at her computer. She saw there was an email waiting. She opened the message.

*-I hope you enjoyed the sample. Make your dreams reality whenever you need. Open 24/7.-*

Jennifer recoiled at the message and grabbed the phone. This was getting more strange by the minute!

"Katie.... I’m going to tell you something and it’s gonna sound weird. You gotta listen...." Jennifer said and began telling her friend the story.

"Your DAD is a teenage girl????" Katie asked "Your mom is 14 years old? C’mon!???? Get real!"

"I’m serious.... mom is only 14...." Jennifer replied but her voice trailed off as she saw Kayla leading a little girl down the hall. "OH NO!"

"Oh no, what?" Katie asked.

"Either Kayla has gotten a new friend or else mom is a -little- younger.... Like, toddler time! You best get over here, NOW! ... And bring your swimsuit.. I think we may have to, like, keep Billy outta trouble at the beach!"

Jennifer put down the phone and ran to see if her suspicions were true. "Marci?"

"Hi!" the child responded "Kayla big sister now!"

The child squealed with delight as Kayla hugged her "Isn’t she adorable?"

"She got even younger!?" Jennifer understated "How? She can’t hardly be 3 years old... maybe not even that much!"

"I big girl!" little Marci protested and then whispered to Kayla. Kayla smiled broadly and picked up the laughing child. Little Marci liked her big sister.

"Have you seen Billy this morning?" Kayla asked "All the noise woke us up. I thought maybe you guys were up to something".

As if on cue 16 year old Billy padded down the steps "I can’t seem to find ANY clothes!?"

Kayla’s jaw dropped open. Was that her dad? "Wow, you’re pretty!"

Billy smiled "Thanks!"


There was a knock at the door. It was Katie. Jennifer let her in and introduced everyone to her. It was just as Jennifer had said... assuming these people really were who Jennifer claimed them to be.

"Uhhhh my clothes???" Billy asked.

"Ummmm oh yeah... Your clothes... Uhhhh.... all your clothes were.... uhhhhhh taken to get cleaned.... You’ll have to, like, wear something of mine" Jennifer said.

"Kewllll..... oh... like, wow, I musta forgotten or something. I’ll check your room right now!" Billy said and went back upstairs.

Little Marci whispered something to Kayla and Kayla shook her head understandingly. Kayla declared "We’re gonna go back to bed. It’s too early to be up!"

"Fine" Jennifer said "Less people in our hair!" She turned to Katie. This is getting weirder and weirder. I don’t know where it is going to stop. Do you know anything about this kind of stuff??"

"I know a little bit" Katie answered "At least I know where to start looking. I brought my laptop and some books. Let’s go get on the internet and try and figure out what is going on"

Jennifer hoped Katie knew something that she didn’t. Her research hadn’t led her anywhere at all. Just dead ends.


Billy searched through Jennifer’s clothing. There were lots of neat things. Jennifer was taller than Billy but most of the things would still fit she thought. As she took note of everything in Jennifer’s room some things made her curious. She saw a pink razor.... she realized she didn’t know about shaving her legs. She also wondered about the makeup and hairspray she saw. Even though she knew she didn’t need much makeup for a day at the beach she couldn’t think of how to do her makeup for a night on the town. Or how much or when she should use hairspray! She spied a pair of high heels and felt compelled to try them on. She sat on the bed and slipped them on. She felt very sexy and feminine wearing them... Then she tried to stand.. and promptly fell back on the bed! She didn’t know how to walk in them. Even after a couple of attemptsshe didn’t get much better. She kicked them off and sat back on the bed and looked into the mirror!

"I can’t believe how much of a Tom Boy I’ve been!" she said to her reflection. "This summer I want everyone to know that I am a girl!"


Marci climbed up on the bed and Kayla joined her. "I still big girl" little Marci compained "I wanna be wittle! We see nice man again?"

"He said we could see him in our dreams. If we fall asleep maybe he’ll come to us" Kayla explained.

"Goody!" Marci answered and snuggled up with her big sister. They were both excited and that made it hard to sleep but finally Kayla was able to sing a lullaby and Marci drifted off. Kayla soon followed. They were both smiling. Marci started dreaming about being carried on her big sister’s hip. Kayla soon had the same dream.

"You ARE big!" Kayla said as she shifted the weight of the child on her hip. The child was tiring her as she walked along. Kayla wasn’t sure where they were even going. Everything seemed weird in the dream. Just as she was about to put little Marci down because she couldn’t carry her any farther, there was an old shop. That was it! "We’re here, Marci!"

"Hello Hello" the man said cheerfully "how are my two favorite customers doing?

"We’re OK" Kayla explained "But Marci wants to be my baby sister"

"Me big girl... don’t wanna" Marci added as she shook her head from side to side.

"She said she wasn’t ready to leave the room but she had to go to the potty" Kayla told the man.

"Kayla’s good big sister!" little Marci said.

The man knew he had done his work well. He’d manipulated Marci into wanting to get younger and now, at her regressed state, she wanted to be younger even still. She didn’t even know WHY she still wanted be younger... she just did. It felt good being held by Kayla. It felt safe.

"Well, Marci, all you have to do is enter the room and let it bring you your dreams" The man said.

Kayla picked up her tiny mother and carried her to the door of the magical room "I can’t believe I’m going to have a baby sister!! I always wanted a baby sister! Thank you, mommy!" Kayla said and kissed the child on the forehead. "Go on in, honey.... Before we wake up!"

Little Marci scampered into the room and the man shut the door. Marci couldn’t wait for Kayla to hold her all the time. She felt so warm and secure in Kayla’s arms. A chill came over her. She wiggled her fingers and toes again to see if they looked smaller....


"Hey... hey.... wake up! Wake up you two!" Jennifer yelled to the napping Kayla and Marci.


Kayla turned to the man "What’s happening?" she asked.


"You gotta get up... That’s what’s happening. Get up! Get up!" Jennifer replied to Kayla who was obviously talking in her sleep.


"An unexpected interuption is what is happening" the man disgustedly told Kayla.


"Huh?" Kayla mumbled in her sleep as little Marci put her thumb in her mouth.


"Don’t -huh- me! ...Wake up!" Jennifer demanded as Kayla’s eyes opened.

Marci’s eyes opened as well and she squeezed Kayla’s hand.


"Why’d you wake us up?" Kayla asked in angrily.

"Because Billy is going to the beach and we can’t let him... her.... go alone!" Jennifer answered "Now get up!"

"I got the stuff all printed out!" Katie exclaimed as she ran into the room holding a handful of papers. "If the answer’s not in here, then I bet it’ll tell us where to find it! I put the books in the car already"

Katie stopped talking about the research and stared at Marci "Is she littler than she, this morning?"

Jennifer looked at her youthened mother sucking her thumb. "I don’t know... Surely not?"

"I thought you said she was about 3 years old?" Katie asked.

"2 or 3, I think. It’s hard to tell" Jennifer replied as she examined the girl further.

"You need to babysit more and learn about kids! She’s only about 2. I thought she was a little bigger when I first saw her. Maybe not? ...Seemed like it though" Katie explained.

Little Marci looked at her fingers and wondered how many she should hold up to show everyone how old she was. She wasn’t sure. "I Kaywa’s sis-ser..." she said sounding more like a question than a statement. Kayla whispered something in her ear and she looked disappointed.

"What’d you say to her?" Jennifer asked as she wondered if Marci’s speech sounded even younger.

"I just told her she was a big girl" Kayla answered.


Billy had found a pair of faded blue jean cut-offs, a sheer coverup for her top, and a pair of flip flops. Perfect for the beach she decided. She felt her legs and was glad they still felt smooth. She was worried about nicking herself with the razor if she would’ve need to shave them. She knew she just needed practice with the razor. She wondered if a waxing would be easier... and then realized she didn’t know what that even involved. Being a Tom Boy had deprived her of a lot of things that she should know she decided.

She wished the others would hurry up. She was ready to go and if they weren’t ready soon she was going to call a taxi!


"You ready, Billy?" Jennifer asked once she had everyone rounded up.

"Finally! I thought you guys were never gonna get here!" Billy answered.

Jennifer had found a small T-shirt stored with some other old clothes and that was how she dressed Marci. It fit like a dress and swallowed the child. Kayla had a 1 piece swimsuit with a T-shirt over it. Katie was wearing sweatpants, tennis shoes and a tank top. Jennifer herself had on a pair of old shorts and a T shirt.

Jennifer wished they could stay at the house and research all this but Billy was hearing nothing of wasting a sunny warm spring Sunday staying home. Jennifer knew there was no way she was letting Billy get too far from her or else who knows what kind of trouble she could get in.


They pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. Katie tossed her tennis shoes in the back seat and grabbed her bag full of printouts and books. Billy grabbed a beach towel and ran to find a good spot. Jennifer was afraid to ask just what Billy considered a ’good spot’.

They saw Billy spread out the towel, kick off the flip flops and shed the shorts and top revealing the string bikini that she was so proud of. Jennifer noticed some guys watching Billy as she laid on the towel. "How creepy.... those guys are, like, checking out MY DAD!" Jennifer said and made a face "Ewwwwwwww".

"It’s hard to believe that girl is your dad! No way any of the guys checking her out have a clue that she was a middleaged man yesterday!" Katie told her friend.

"I want everybody to stay close. Katie and I are gonna sit over here at the picnic table. Why don’t you and mom....errrrrrr your little sister go help Billy put on his...her tanning oil? Stay together! I don’t want anybody wandering off. If somebody does try to wander off I expect you to tell me about it!" Jennifer ordered.

Kayla shrugged and took Marci’s hand. Marci tugged back "Carrrrrrweeee meeeeee" she whined. Kayla gladly scooped her up and carried to Billy’s spot where Kayla helped Billy cover herself with oil.

Billy laid on her stomach and felt the sun’s rays warming her skin. The sound of the water spashing on the beach was soothing. Kayla and Marci went to work on a sand castle. Soon, Billy’s short night of sleep caught up and she drifted off into a slumber.


"This sounds like something important" Katie said reading from one of the papers "This guy, like, has the ability to grant people their fondest desires but he tries to bring up things from their subconcious confusing them. And it says that causes them to focus on repressed fantasies or just things that they’ve been curious about. And he plays on that making them focus too much on those things before they have time to think about the consequences"

"That sure sounds like it! I’m sure mom didn’t want to be a little kid... and you know dad didn’t really want to be girl!" Jennifer said "I mean, they might’ve been curious about things but they couldn’t have wanted to have their life totally changed, could they?"

"I’m not sure but it sounds like we are on the right track. They had to do it to themselves though. It says you can’t want for things to happen to other people. They have to want it for themselves. Like, you can’t just use him to desire your mother to change back yourself. She’d have to do that herself but it says sometimes he’s able to manipulate people into doing things that fill other’s dreams. So maybe Kayla wanted a little sister and so he somehow tricked your mom into thinking she wanted that too? I dunno.... this is weird. It sounds like you have to be careful or you can get caught in his trap! His whole thing is about weaving this, like, altered reality and changing people’s lives... by letting them do it to themselves! He plays on emotions. Let me see that book over there...the one with the stars on the cover. It should have some more info" Katie said.


Billy’s sleep led to a dream. In the dream Billy remembered the shop from yesterday. That was where this sexy bikini had come from. Maybe the man had something else Billy would like? She quickly walked over to the shop and made her way inside.

"Billy! Welcome back! You look very pretty today!" he said.

"Thank you" she replied.

"What brings you here?" the man asked.

"I don’t know. I mean, you had this, like, totally hot bikini yesterday and I thought maybe you had more for me" she told the man.

"More? There’s always more here....!" he replied "But before we discuss that... I believe these are your’s. You left them yesterday!"

The man handed Billy the clothing that she’d left behind. There were the jeans, the plain blue tee-shirt, the boxers, the socks, sneakers...everything that had been discarded!

Billy made a face.

"What’s wrong?" the man asked.

"I was such a Tom Boy!" she said "It’s all like... BOY clothes!" she whined.

"I see.... so when you shed these clothes you shed your boyish..Tom Boyish ways, eh? You certainly seem 100% female to me! Surely you don’t question that? You joined the girls yesterday" he told her. His voice sounded soothing. It gave her confidence. It made Billy feel she confide in him.

"Sometimes I feel like I’m not like other girls... Like, there are things I don’t know.... Like makeup.... and ... and .... welll... stuff. I’ve never even had a boyfriend" she stammered.

"I see. So you desire to feel... more feminine? Not so much hindered by your, as you say, Tom Boy past?"

"Yeah.... I wish it was possible" she sighed "all at once"

"It just so happens that there are some people here today who I think could help you. The changing room is aptly named today. I have it staffed with everyone a young girl could possibly need for a complete makeover. You really are lucky. These people are the best. They’ll make you feel very feminine" the man told her "And they have an opening right now.

"That sounds perfect.... But I don’t have any money!" she said sadly.

"No problem. They are already here. The time is already paid for" the man said "You really are lucky today. Are you interested?"

"YES!" she said and he took her hand and led her to the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present Billy! Billy wants the complete feminine makeover" the man said as he guided her into the room.

A young lady came up to her "You desire the complete feminine makeover?"

"Yes, please!" Billy replied excitedly. As soon as she finished her answer people seemed to swarm all around her. All beautiful people. They led her to a comfortable reclining seat and went to work. A couple of young women went to work on her nails. They took great care to explain what they were doing and give her ideas that she could use herself at home. A young man went to work on Billy’s hair. "Such lovely hair! And you have beautiful eyes" he told her as he worked with her hair. These people certainly made her feel beautiful...

More people entered from somewhere. There were so many she didn’t know where they all were coming from! Everything seemed to be happening at once. Voices ran together but somehow she understood. Someone began rubbing cream over her body... hair removal they said.... and they explained the various methods she could use herself at home... while another voice was explaining about skincare... and makeup...... another voice was talking about clothing.... yet another voice was explaining

An older woman entered. She began talking to Billy about sex! There was so much she didn’t know and the woman explained everything perfectly.

It seemed as if hours of work had been performed but yet seemed like only a few minutes had passed. Her skin felt silky smooth and she knew how to keep it that way now. There was jewelry in the room that perfectly adorned her body. Not too much tho... she didn’t want to overdo it. She knew how to accessorize perfectly and compliment her body and clothing.

A boy walked into the room. "Hello, I’m Peter" he said.

He looked familiar and he was cute. "Hi, I’m Billy.... Billi with an i!" she said wanting to make her name more feminine now.

He took her offered hand "Your hand is soft" he told her and then kissed her hand. "I hope you don’t think I am too forward!?"

"No... that was sweet...." she answered.

"I mean for this!" he said as he stole a kiss on the lips. She didn’t recoil. She drew closer. It was her first kiss. She felt electricity surge through her body. He kissed her more passionately this time and she melted into his arms.


"Jenni... Listen to this! It says that this dreamweaver guy can invade your dreams when you’re asleep" Katie said.

"Katie! He was in MY dreams last night!?" Jennifer said worriedly.

"Well, it says he can’t really do anything to you in your dreams unless you’ve allowed him to grant your desires while you are awake. But once you allow that then he can come to you in your dreams and offer you more. He can still try and manipulate you though. It says that invading people’s dreams is one of his favorite aspects because your mind is so much more malleable and able to be manipulated than when you are awake" Katie explained.

"That explains things. That’s how he made mom even younger... and turned dad into a girl! So what do we do about it?" she asked.

"I’m still looking for that part" Katie told her.

Jennifer gave a look toward Kayla and Marci. They were happily playing in the sand. Then she looked to see that Billy was still alright. Billy was laying on her back now. Jennifer saw her apparently stretch out, putting her arms above her head with her palms up. Then she noticed her slowly put one of her legs up.

"Where’d she get that ankle bracelet?" Katie asked.

"And her hair... it looks like her hair has been colored a little and changed?" Jennifer added. "How could that have happened?"

"I think she’s asleep!" Katie shouted "And dreaming!"

Both girls got up and ran to Billy to wake her. They could only imagine what had happened or what was happening to her.

"Wake up! Wake up!" they both yelled as they shook her.

Billy shook her head and tried to wake up "What’s the big deal?" she asked "Talk about ruining a great dream"

Katie and Jennifer quickly noticed that something had happened. Billy’s nails had been professionally done. Her hair obviously had been colored and trimmed. She had an ankle bracelet, toe rings, and a couple of rings on her fingers. None of that had she worn earlier or even seem interested in. Her skin looked very soft and smooth..... and she seemed to have a slightly different look in her she had changed inside.

"Katie, have you considered doing something different with your hair?" Billy asked "And I bet you have pretty legs... Why are you wearing those sweatpants? If you’d let me, I think I could, like, make you into a total hottie! Ya gotta, like, get rid of those glasses tho!"

"I think I can come up with some things for you too, sis!" Billy excitedly told Jennifer

Katie’s face took on a puzzled look and her nose crinkled "Billy, are you..... wearing perfume?"

"Yeah! Spring Passion! Isn’t is cool!!?? Wanna try it?" she said as she reached into her bag.

"No... that’s OK...." Katie replied and looked at Jennifer with worry.

"Aren’t you feeling weird.... looking like that.... I mean dressed that way?" Jennifer wanted to know.

"Huh? I think I look good!" Billy shot back "And you’re wearing the same kinda stuff!"

"But you’re a guy!" Jennifer said

"As if!" Billy shot back.

Jennifer felt a wave of dejavu building but there was no time to contemplate this recent turn of events. Unexpectedly, Jennifer’s former boyfriend came walking up. It was Peter! Katie knew this interruption was going to be difficult. She went back to the research to let Jennifer handle this awkward situation. This day had been very taxing and she was wearing out quickly. It felt good just to sit back down on the picnic table bench.

Billy’s mouth opened in shock. This was the boy that she’d dreamed of being with! She already felt as if she knew him even though she’d only met him in a dream. She couldn’t help but stare.

"Hi Jen," Peter said, looking her up and down.

"Hi Peter," Jennifer answered dryly.

Billy cleared her throat. Jennifer sighed. "This is, Billy" she added, introducing them.

"You didn’t tell me you had such a pretty sister, Jen," Peter said.

"Why would I want to tell you Peter?" Jennifer said, a little annoyed.

"I dunno. Hey, girls why don’t we take a little swim," he said, now eyeing Billy.

"Working on my..... tan," Jennifer said realizing that the words seemed almost rehearsed. It was like she had said them before.

"I’d love to take a swim!" Billy exclaimed, jumping to her feet. She forgot that her suit was untied and held it up at the last minute.

Peter stepped behind her and tied it. "Here, let me get that," he said. After he tied it, he rubbed Billy’s shoulder a little causing her to shiver. The two of them ran into the water before Jennifer could protest.

Jennifer felt jealousy building. It was the same feelings that she’d harbored that morning.... when she had awoke from her dream! No wonder this all seemed so familiar. It was like her dream from last night and it was coming to life! Only in her dream Katie was sleeping and now she was at the picnic studying books... right? Jennifer looked to the picnic table. Katie had her head resting on her folded arms. She was sleeping! Jennifer feared what she would see next but had to see. She looked out into the water.

Billy and Peter were swimming around, splashing each other.

Peter chased Billy and she pretended to try to get away from him.

Jennifer had seen this all before in her dream. She knew Billy would let Peter catch her. Peter caught the willing girl, just like Jennifer had dreamed.

He held her in his arms, and she looked up at him longingly. She felt her bottom being cradled by his hand, and she shivered again. She kissed him, and forced her tongue into his mouth. She was in heaven!

Jennifer watched the two frolic in the water, disgusted. Jeez, she only just met him! She couldn’t believe her father had become such a tramp!

Jennifer felt the same jealous and angry feelings just as she had felt in her dream. Look at how Peter was pawing at her (like he used to paw at me, she thought). Was he copping a feel?! Ohmygod! Was she just jealous? No, she didn’t let Peter get that far with her for a while. Certainly not the first time they met! When Billy and Peter came out and dried off, Jennifer glared at them. Peter felt uncomfortable and left.

Jennifer had to get control of her emotions. Her dad wasn’t himself.... but Billy wasn’t her dad anymore. If anything Billy was a rival now! Jennifer’s own teenage emotions overflowed. She was mad at Billy and she was mad at Peter. But Billy should know better! It was Billy’s fault for flirting like that. She wanted to slap the little tramp! It took all her self control from making a scene right there on the beach. She was madder now than in the dream that morning. It was then that she noticed the shop near the beach. She hadn’t noticed it before but it was there. It was time to give that shopkeeper a piece of her mind! She looked to Katie but Katie was still sleeping.

"A lotta good YOU are, Katie!" Jennifer grumbled sarcastically to herself and went to the shop alone to settle this.


"Hello Hello!" the man said "I’m glad you could make it back! What can I help you with?"

"Help? Look at what you’ve done! Like, my dad is a teenage tramp and my mom is a 2 year old!"Jennifer complained.

"Both have gotten what they asked for. Nothing more" the man replied calmy "Perhaps you would like to have some dreams fulfilled as well?"

"Yeah... yeah I would! I’d like my parents restored to normal! I don’t want to compete for boyfriends with that little tramp and I don’t have time to babysit MY MOTHER!"

"Perhaps I should explain some things. I can’t fulfill a dream like that. I have to apologize if that is what you think. I can only facilitate that which your parents desire for themselves. They have arrived at that point they are because that is what they desired. I don’t question their dreams and desires... I only provide the means for them to achieve them. I’m sure there are many other dreams that I could fulfill for you" he explained.

"I know that’s not exactly true! You could talk them into it or something" she said.

"As happy as your mother is being the little sister... and Kayla is happy as well being the older sibling.... You think either one of them would want to go back to how things were? And what of your father? He has gotten the opportunity to live out his fantasy of being a beautiful young woman. Honestly, how do you think he’d feel about himself if he returned to his old life at this point?" the shopkeeper told her "What can I say to change that?"

"Are you telling me that you can’t change them back?" Jennifer replied angrily.

"Ahhhh I didn’t say that. What I said was I can’t go against their wishes and I think both are happy with how things are. Your mother feels quite safe with Kayla as her protector and I think your father is falling in love with the young man named Peter"

"NO! Not Peter! Can you make Peter love me instead... or at least not like Billy?" Jennifer asked.

"I’m afraid not. If Peter wants to fall in love with you... or to not gain feelings for Billy... then he must come here and achieve that for himself" the man explained.

"But I can’t let that little bitch take Peter... I mean, like, I can’t let Dad fall in love with a.... BOY!"

"Maybe we can work out a deal. I do want everyone to be happy and that includes you" he told her as he rubbed his chin.

"Like, how?" she wanted to know.

"Let me grant you one of your dreams and I will see if perhaps Billy would be interested in the fulfillment of a different fantasy. A fantasy that would stop the budding romance" he said.

"I don’t have any other desire other then to at least not see my dad make a fool out of himself... herself... with Peter! Besides, if anyone in this family is going to have Peter is should be me!" Jennifer’s anger built as she spoke. "You don’t have to fulfill any dreams for me. Just do something about that slut before I pull her hair out!"

"There’s no guarantee that I can get Billy to want to experience another fantasy. And the deal is that you let me fulfill a fantasy of your’s first and then I will see what I can do"


"Because it is what I do. I want to help you but you are resisting. Let me help you with your own personal fantasy. It simpy warms my heart to be able to make dreams come to life. Don’t turn me down. It makes me feel so.... unneeded. I do think you should act quickly.... Their kissing appears to be ready to escalate into something else"

Jennifer looked out the window to see Peter had returned and was fast at work on Billy. She did have to act quickly! "OK.... I’ll agree....if you promise you’ll try and get away from Peter!"

"Great!" the man said "Your fondest dreams can now come true. Right this way!"

Jennifer had to think hard. She didn’t want anything major to happen figuring that was the best way to avoid any tricks. After talking with the man she began to wonder if her parents’ problems really might’ve been their own fault afterall? The man did seem nice. She wondered just what fantasies lurked in the corners of her parents’ minds. It wouldn’t surprise her that her parents let the ability to escape their sheltered lives get the best of them.

She drew closer to the entrance of the room. So what to wish for? Fame? Too many possible complications. Especially all of a sudden. Money? That is always a trick in every story she’d ever read about wishes being granted. Better not go there! Love? The man said you couldn’t make people love you. Age? She had to admit the idea of changing age excited her but she’d already seen how that could backfire. She liked sports but she didn’t think that being a boy was worth it just to be more athletic. She was surprised the thought even crossed her mind.

She had to think of something but she didn’t want to overdo it. Not too much... not this first time. She laughed to herself realizing she was already considering doing this again for some other future dream. She’d save any big changes for later. This could still be a trick. She stopped at the door to tried to decide exactly what she wanted to do. She didn’t want to waste this opportunity but she also didn’t want to go overboard. Then it struck her..... Beauty! What woman doesn’t desire beauty? That was it. She desired to be a more beautiful version of herself.

"A fine choice!" the man said appearing to have read her mind.

"How’d you know what I wanted?" she asked.

"I simply knew whatever you had chosen was thoroughly considered and would be a fine choice" he replied.

Jennifer accepted the explanation and entered the room. It was nothing special. Just a room. She had expected more. Obviously, the room did work, she’d seen that with her own eyes! She concentrated on becoming beautiful. No more worrying about how she looked. She wondered if anything was happening. Only when she felt her breasts straining at her bikini top did she realize something was happening.

Her breasts were growing slightly larger and changing shape. Her muscle tone was changing. Small imperfections faded away. Her complexion became flawless. Her hair became fuller and shinier. Her blue eyes turned bluer. They were clear and bright as well. Scars disappeared. She looked at her hands and instantly could see they could be the hands of a hand model. Her legs were the same.... perfect! Her whole body still looked familiar but seemed to simply have been improved... to be more beautiful.

Jennifer opened the door "Wellll????" she asked nervously.

"My, how lovely you look!" the man replied "You most certainly are beautiful! You must see for yourself"

Jennifer looked at her reflection in a mirror. She still looked like herself but it was as if her every feature had been enhanced to perfection. She caressed her soft cheeks as she saw the beauty in the mirror do the same. It was as if she’d been through the ultimate makeover! She could stare at her new look for hours but she wanted to use this new look to get Peter back from Billy.

"Thank you!" she told the man as she hurried out the door.

"Please tell Billy I would like to speak with her right away" he replied before the door closed behind her.

"See you in your dreams... !" he said icily after the door fell closed.


"It’s so cool having a little sister, Marci! Wow!" Kayla said as she gave Marci a kiss on the top of her head "You’re a great little sister!"

"I big girl..." little Marci answered "Me be baby ..sis..ser?"

"We’ll see" Kayla said "It’s up to you. ....Ummm would you like having a mommy, sis?"


"Jenn????" Peter said in shock "You look different... somehow"

"Is that good?" she teased and batted her eyes.

"Uhhh yeah!" he answered.

Billy again cleared her throat. Peter was ignoring her!

"Oh... Billy... I almost forgot you were here! The man in the store is wanting to see!" Jennifer informed the other teen.

"Now?????" she whined.

"Yes, like, NOW! Geeeeeeez.... Aren’t you even curious what he wants? I think he has something for you"

Billy rolled her eyes and went to see what the man could possibly want.


"Billy, welcome back! Sorry to bother you but I thought I should let you know that Peter is still in love with Jennifer" the man told her as soon as she entered the room.

"What??? No he’s not!"

"I’m afraid he is. They are making up right now!"

"No! I need to get back down there!" Billy said.

"It won’t do any good. I’m sorry to say it but Peter is enamored with Jennifer’s beauty. There’s nothing you can do about it!"

Billy trusted the man. He wouldn’t lie. He had been so helpful to her! "What can I dooooo?" she sobbed.

"I’m not sure. I suppose there are things you could do to stay close... but you wouldn’t want to do that!" the shopkeeper said.

"What??? Tell me how I can stay close!!"

"Well, thinking of your Tom Boy past.... maybe if you were a boy you could be friends with Peter?"

"A boy?????" Billy replied in shock

"I told you you wouldn’t want to do that. It was just a thought. You’ll get over him in time. It’s not like he won’t be around... dating Jennifer and all. Of course it will be awkward for him so he probably won’t acknowledge you as a female. I’m sure you’ll get over him in your life"

The man continued working on Billy’s emotions. He could tell that she was weakening.

"How would it help if I was a boy????" she asked nervously while still crying.

"You could be a best friend... or if you were younger you could be the little brother that Peter has always desired. I don’t know, maybe with your Tom Boy past you might consider it"

"-I- could be a boy?" she asked.

"I can make your dreams come true. If your fantasy is to become a boy it can happen" the man told her.

"Maybe I should think about it?"

"Maybe... But you do seem to be punishing yourself quite a bit" He knew he was winning "Why waste time thinking if you already know the only solution?"

"I’d be his friend?"

"Or like a little brother to him if you want"

"Can I change back if I change my mind?"

"Certainly!" he said.

"OK.... I’ll do it...." she sobbed.

"The room awaits you and your dreams and desires" he told her.

Billy slowly entered the room hoping she wasn’t making a mistake. "What now?" she asked.

"Discard your feminine trappings" the man replied.

Billy slowly removed the sexy bikini that she had been so fond of. She stepped of the bottoms and stood naked in the room.

"You’ll find male clothing in the room. Put them on" he ordered.

Billy saw jeans, a plain blue T-shirt, boxers...everything that she’d rejected earlier! She stepped into the boxers and felt a bit naughty... and sexy to be wearing a guy’s boxer shorts! She pulled the T-shirt over her head. Next she pulled on the jeans. The clothing was all too large for a 16 year old girl. The T-shirt hid her perky breasts. The pants threatened to slide off her hips and they pooled at her feet. She still was a girl... nothing had happend.

"I feel silly! Like, nothing’s happened!" she whined.

"The trappings... remove ALL the female trappings!" the shopkeeper implored her.

Billy didn’t want to give up her jewelry. It felt like a part of her personality now. Perhaps it was?

She removed her ear-rings. Her head began to tingle. She then removed the rings from her fingers and her bracelets. Her arms began to tingle as well. She reached down and removed her ankle bracelet and toe-rings. The tingling spread down her legs now..... the tingling was hair appearing on what had been smooth feminine legs! The tingling on her head was her once long and lovely hair retreating to a shorter boy’s cut. Her 16 year old female body was fast disappearing replaced by that of a teenage boy! The clothing was beginning to fit.

"Are you coming with me?" a voice asked.

Billy turned around to see a 17 year old boy standing behind her. "Uhhhhhhh" Billy said with a male voice that shocked hear to hear "I dunno"

"C’mon, come with me!" a higher pitched voice said.

Billy turned to see a younger boy. Probably 13 years old.

"You have to decide, Billy" the man yelled thru the door "You have to pick one of them"

"I guess I’ll go with you" Billy told the 13 year old.

"Great... c’mon!" the boy said and ran out the door.

"Hold up!" Billy said and ran after the boy. When Billy reached the door he fell to the ground, tripping over the suddenly large clothing. Billy was a 13 year old boy again!

"Gosh mister.... what happened? Where’d he go?" Billy asked.

"Where did who go, Billy?"

"The boy that was right in front of me!" Billy answered.

"There was no boy in front of you... only your boyhood!"

Billy shook his head. He didn’t understand but it didn’t seem to matter much right now.


Katie had slept thru everything.

"You think you can get everyone to normal?" a voice bellowed inside her dreaming mind. "A brilliant idea... this visiting me in your dreams. You think that since you’ve not allowed me to fulfill your waking dreams that you’ll be able to defeat me. You’ll give in as they all do eventually. There’s no use in fighting it!"

"No, I will not let you destroy my life or the lives of my friends. Jennifer and I will stop you!" Katie said.

"Jennifer? Do you mean the same Jennifer who is at this moment having thoughts of Peter being her daddy?" The man asked.

"Even if she IS fantasizing about things like that it’s not like you’ll ever get the chance to fulfill it! I won’t let her! I’ll never let you have control of her concious fantasies so you’ll never get a chance to take over her dreams!" Katie confidently told the man.

"Too late" he replied.



Continuous Story Part 14 by areg5 on 02-10-03 15:02

Billy left the store and headed back to the beach. "Wow," he thought. "That place is so weird, I forget why I even went in there." All memories of his brief life as a teen hottie dissipated in the hot sun. He made is way back to the spot on the beach he shared with the girls. Peter was talking to, she was stunning! He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He was beginning to have a hard time remembering just what his relationship was to her. He couldn’t have been dating such a sexy, older girl. He didn’t know how old she was, but she had to be older than 13. He saw Katie slouched over, asleep at the picnic table. She seemed to be mumbling in her sleep. Weird. He was relieved to see Peter run off to go into the water. With him gone, he would be able to talk to Jennifer at last.

Billy came up behind Jennifer, trying to think of something witty to say. He couldn’t think of a thing! He saw Jennifer waving to Peter, and gulped. He started feeling shaky, and shy. Finally she turned to face him, and at first didn’t seem to know who he was. Jennifer was a tall girl, a few inches taller than Billy, and breath-takingly beautiful.

"," Billy managed out with nearly Herculean effort. He blushed furiously, and his arms and legs were trembling.

"Why, hello," Jennifer responded. She didn’t recognize Billy at all. Billy was still her trampy sister as far as she knew. The dreamkeeper alluded that he would return her father to normal if she let him into her dreams, and Billy was certainly not an adult man. Jennifer was amused that she was turning this young boy, whoever he was, to jell-o so easily. Look at him, too shy to even talk to her! Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing to live out your dreams. "Do I know you," she asked, teasingly.

"Um...oh, uh....y...yes...I mean...I mean no....I...uh...," Billy stammered. He was so hopelessly tongue tied he wanted to run away and hide.

"Well, is it yes or no," Jennifer said, playfully. She could see the boy sweating.

"Um....uh I ...uh...I think I’ve ..seen you around school," Billy managed to force out.

"Really? You mean you go to my school? You go to Central High?" Jennifer teased. She knew the boy didn’t look old enough to go to her school.

", no...I guess I was wrong I dunno what I thought," Billy said, sort of feeling deflated.

"Awww.....come on, I was only teasing you. I’m SURE I would remember a boy as cute as you," she said moving a little closer to Billy. She stood very close to him now, and he could smell her sweet scent. His face turned beet red, and he felt himself starting to get very aroused. Jennifer put her hands on Billy’s waist, feeling him tremble, wondering just how excited she could get him. She was enjoying this little game of hers. She looked down at Billy’s shorts and saw his very obvious excitement. "You never told me your name handsome," she whispered into Billy’s ear.

"B.....Billy," he gasped. At that Jennifer froze. She looked at his face very closely, and sure enough, it was Billy! Not her father or some high school kid or tart sister, but a much younger Billy. She wondered how young he was now. He didn’t seem to remember who she was, only that he must somehow know her.

"Billy?! Don’t you remember me? Don’t you remember anything?" Jennifer asked.

Billy couldn’t belive his luck! Ok, he was a little bit confused at the moment but obviously this girl is a close friend of his. His confidence began to grow, enough for him to speak anyway. " could I forget you," he asked slyly. "Why, er....don’t we go for a walk down the beach."

Groan! As if things were confused enough, her middle school father was now hitting on her! She felt guilty for teasing him like she was doing. "I think that’s a good idea, Billy. We really need to talk about things. She walked over to the picnic table and shook Katie awake. "Try to stay alert, girl! I have to talk to Billy, you watch the kids for a bit, ok?" she asked, and Katie nodded sleepily.

Billy and Jennifer walked down the beach. He looked at her, so perfect in her string bikini. Her breasts so full, her long legs and her long golden hair. If only some of his friends from school could see them, he would be a legend! He cautiously took her hand, shaking with anticipation. Jennifer held his hand, and looked at him sweetly. The found a remote bench and sat down next to each other. For a few moments they didn’t talk. All Billy knew was that he wanted to make out with Jennifer more than he ever wanted anything in his life.

Jennifer didn’t know how to begin. She knew what Billy wanted, and it might be hard to get him to believe her explanations. But if she was ever to right her family, she had to start somewhere. Billy started playing with her hair, and put his arm around her. Pretty gutsy for a young kid, she thought. "Billy, I have a story to tell you that you might find hard to believe, but it is the truth," she began.

"Uh huh," Billy replied absently, leaning over and kissing the older girl’s cheek.

"I know...Billy, lets a game," she said.

"Ok..what kind of game," Billy said, hoping that it involved sex in some way.

"In this game, you pretend to be my father," Jennifer started. "I’ll pretend to be your daughter," she said.

"How...uh, would we play it? And what do I get if I win?" Billy asked.

Jennifer looked at him and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. "You get whatever you want, Billy," she answered. "I want you to really try to imagine yourself as my father, daddy," Jennifer said. "I’m your daughter...I’m your little girl, remember?" she asked.

Billy looked at her quizzically. "Of course I," he said haltingly. Then he looked at the sexy bikini she was wearing. "Jennifer, you know I don’t like you to wear stuff like that! You are practically naked," he said. Where did that come from, he thought.

"But daddy, I was just going to the beach with Katie, what do you expect me to wear, a parka?" she asked.

"No sweetie, of course not. But you could wear something a little less revealing," Billy said, believing it. He put his arm around her. "Come on, honey. You know your mother and I want you to have fun and we know that kids wear stuff like that these days but modesty doesn’t hurt..." he trailed off.

Jennifer smiled. He really sounded like her dad again, even though he sure didn’t look it. Billy looked shocked. He looked at his daughter...and down at himself. "Oh my god, " he said in disbelief.

"Still wanna make out, Billy?" Jennifer asked hopefully.

"Of course I do, Jennifer," Billy started. "With your mother, not with my daughter. My god, Jennifer. I remember now! That man in the shop! Your mother! I....I was a girl..." he gasped.

"Oh, daddy," Jennifer exclaimed, tears in her eyes. She hugged him and held him close. "You’re back," she said with relief.

"We have to try to fix this, Jen. Last thing I remember I went into a room...I wanted to be your mother’s age, or close to it...after that, everything is a blur. Where’s mommy?" he asked.

"She’s over there," Jennifer gestured in the direction of where they put their blankets down. "She’s with Kayla," she added.

"Well, we have to talk to her," Billy said, getting up.

"Uh, daddy," Jennifer started. He obviously didn’t know that Marcia was a good deal younger now. "I don’t think we can count on mommy," Jennifer said. But Billy had already run off to their spot. Jennifer sighed and ran after him.

Billy’s mind was a blur. How was it possible to be made younger? To be changed into the opposite sex and back again? Was the shopkeeper some kind of mad scientist, or wizard, or something else? At least he got his memory back and remembered who he was again, even though he didn’t feel quite right. A part of him refused to believe he was really an adult with a wife and 2 children. It really didn’t seem possible, and he had to try very hard to make himself remember that Jennifer wasn’t his girlfriend or big sister but his daughter. When he got to their spot he saw Katie reading some papers at the picnic table and Kayla was building a sand castle with a little girl, but he didn’t see Marcia anywhere. When he last saw her she was about 14 years old, he sort of remembered.

"Hi sweetie," he said sitting down with the girls. "It’s me, Kayla. It’s daddy," he told his younger daughter. Kayla laughed.

"Gosh, I can’t keep up with all of this! Just a few minutes ago you were a teen girl! And you were really pretty! How did you turn into a boy again?" She asked. Marci giggled.

"How do you think? That guy in the weird shop, he just can’t leave us alone," Billy said.

"You almost my age now, ’daddy,’ " she said laughing.

"I most certainly am not," he responded. "I’m a good 2 years older than you at least," He said feeling triumphant. She looked at him and giggled. She twirled her ponytail a little.

"Whatever! But everyone knows that boys don’t mature as fast as girls and so like when a girl is 11 she’s sometimes like even more mature than a 13 year old boy," she said, laughing. Billy’s head was starting to feel a little fuzzy. Like Kayla was as mature as he was! AS IF! She’s like in fifth grade, an like he’s already in middle school. He was already forgetting why he had run back here like he did, and was forgetting his conversation with Jennifer. He looked over at her longingly...she was sitting at the table talking to Katie. Kayla saw him stare and laughed.

"Just what do you think is so funny," he asked.

"Just look at you staring at them! Gosh Billy, what would they want with a little boy? I know! Maybe they can baby sit for you sometime!" She said, rolling on the sand laughing.

"I am not a little boy! I’m..." he started. "I’m too old for a babysitter and I’ll have you know just a few minutes ago Jennifer let me kiss her," he said, remembering that part even as the brief recollection of who he really was steadily vanished.

"Oh, I would have liked to see that," Kayla said. She was laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes. Billy looked at her, and thought she was right about one thing anyway. At 11 years old, she seemed to be his equal. Maybe that’s why the girls at school seem older even though they are his age. Girls mature faster. Gosh, how could even think of Jennifer sexually? She’s like way out of his league; she must have let him kiss her just to be nice.

"Oh like you know anything about kissing," he teased. "Like a boy ever kissed you before. I don’t think so," he said.

"Bet I know as much about it as you do," Kayla said making kissing noises.

"Do not!" Billy countered. Jeez, it was like Kayla thought she was just TOO COOL for words, he thought. He looked at her laughing...she was pretty cute in her bathing suit....even if it was a simple light green one piece. The little girl Kayla was watching continued to play with her pail and shovel. She looked at Billy and smiled.

"Do too! I bet you wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a girl! I don’t even know why you came over here, it’s not like you knew what to do when you got here, did you? I guess you thought I would just stop what I was doing, and sit down right next to you," she said, getting up and doing just that. "And now what, Billy...hmmm?" she asked with a smile.

By now Billy was totally drawn in. Kayla was really, really cute, he thought. She sat so close to him that they almost touched. For some reason, he was starting to feel a little shy, maybe not as much as with Jennifer but then again she was a goddess. Kayla was only a kid, after all. She was practically flat, although he could clearly see the outlines of small breasts under her suit. What would she say if he put his arm around her? Would she tell him to go away? Would she like it? He pretended to yawn (that old move) and cautiously put his arm around Kayla.

"Kayla, you’re a very pretty girl but I’m a little too old for you, don’t you think?" he asked.

"No, Billy. I don’t think that at all," Kayla said. "After all, I don’t know how old you really are, and neither do you. We can only guess, right?"

"Uh....r...right," what she said seemed to make sense, but he thought he knew that he was 13. He was sure he wasn’t any older than that.

"So like I dunno but you seem just like you’re my age," she said, leaning over and kissing him softly on the lips. Billy held her close, kissing her back. As she kissed him, he was surprised by the taste of her tongue in his felt good.

"You really haven’t kissed many girls, have you Billy," she asked.

"," he said, feeling very shy. He never has. How did she know?

"I can show you more about kissing if you want me to," Kayla said playfully.

"Really? I...I think I would really like that Kayla," he said, kissing her.

"Mmmmm....know what is funny? When you came running up to me and said you were my daddy," Kayla said, kissing Billy again.

"Oh...uh...that..I just playing this stupid game with Jennifer and...uh.." Billy stammered.

"I just think that is the funniest thing I ever heard," she said playfully. "I think I have a better game to play if you want to," she said.

"Ok, cool!" Billy said getting really excited. "How do you play?"


Jennifer ran back to the picnic table. She saw Billy run over to Kayla and Marci, relieved that he was in his right mind again. Katie looked tired, like she had just woken up...which of course she had. "How can you sleep at a time like this?" Jennifer asked, incredulous.

"It’s part of my research, Jen," Katie answered in a matter-of-fact sort of way. "I saw him, you know. The dreamkeeper," she said.

"You have to stay away from him, Katie! He can get to you through your dreams," Jennifer gasped.

"I don’t think he can, unless he’s gotten to you in person first. I think that if you go into one of his rooms, you’re his, and he can do as he pleases. I suspect he can also gain allies," she said, gesturing at Kayla, "if they are unsuspecting. One thing we do know is he can get to you if you walk into his shop and allow him to," Katie said, looking her friend up and down. "Talk about a makeover," she thought.

"I had to agree to something, Katie, to try to get him to get my family back to normal," Jennifer said softly.

"You call this normal?" Katie asked.

"It’s getting there! Look, at least my dad isn’t a tart anymore! I got him, well, closer to what he ought to be. The key is that he has to want to become his normal age. He didn’t remember that he was my father, but I talked to him, and he remembered. He wants to get back to normal now. We might have trouble convincing mom, she may be too young to understand at this point. But daddy is trying, see," she said looking over at the two kids. Marci was busy playing in the sand, and Billy was sitting next to Kayla. Something didn’t seem right, she thought. His body language was all wrong. Oh no.


"Are you sure you want to play, Billy?" Kayla teased.

"Uh huh," Billy said.

"Ok...this game is kind of like the one you played with Jennifer, so it should be easy for you. I want you to close your eyes and relax," she said, in a soothing voice. Billy did as she said. "There...that’s very good. This game is called babysitter. Isn’t that a funny name?" she asked.

"Uh huh," Billy agreed.

"I think it is a very funny name. In this game, I will be the babysitter. I want you to try to imagine everything I describe to you. It’ll be easy, cuz I’m just gonna describe what I see around us. See that little girl? I’m babysitting her. Her name is Marci. See? She’s playing in the sand. Doesn’t that look like fun?" she asked Billy.

"It sure does," Billy agreed.

"I know it does, Billy. It was very nice of you to help me baby sit for her," she said, kissing him. "I hope I don’t get in trouble for having a boy with me while I baby sit her. Her big sister would get mad at me. She’s sitting right over there, see? See those two teenagers over at the picnic bench?" she asked.

"Yeah," Billy said sleepily.

"The really pretty one is Jennifer, that’s Kayla’s sister. If she sees us kissing, we would get into a lot of trouble. How would I explain you being here? Kissing a boy while I was supposed to be watching Marci? I know! We can tell her that I’m babysitting you too," Kayla whispered.

Billy got a confused look on his face. "But...but that’s silly. You’re only 11," he started to say.

"I am a very mature 11 year old, Billy, don’t you think?" she coaxed.

"Yes, very mature..." he trailed off.

"I mean, we’re really the same age now, aren’t we?" she asked, and Billy looked at her in his minds eye. She looked a little older, her breasts were a little bit more developed, now tighter against her swimsuit. "You just thought I was 11, and you just thought you were 13. Really, we’re both 12, isn’t that right?" she added.

"I guess we are...the same age..." Billy whispered.

"I think we used to be Billy, but don’t you remember? Your big sister wanted me to baby sit you and little Marci, didn’t she? You really are growing up fast, Billy. I can’t believe you’re already in fifth grade," she said. "Did you know that I just turned 13? And how old are you, Billy? I know you told me once that you were 13 and we were the same age, but I can tell you’re much younger than that. Do you really think that you are 13?" she asked. "Come on, be honest."

"I....uh...though I was," he said said to the older girl.

"But you aren’t, are you? No way do you go to middle school," she said.

"No....I just turned 11," the now younger Billy said.

"I thought so. Now, why don’t you help little Marci with her sand castle like a good big brother," Kayla said. Billy opened his eyes and did as Kayla told him to. After all, she was his babysitter.


In his shop, the dreamkeeper laughed.

Continuous Story Part 15 by Louder on 02-12-03 21:02

Part 15 Louder.

Kayla’s lilting voice had put Billy to sleep. And then she steered him right to the man in the shop.... the dreamkeeper. She’d convinced Billy he should be younger... and so he was! And she allowed her own age to be changed as well. She was now 13 years old.

Katie and Jennifer had noticed the happenings but were too late to stop it.

"Kayla??? Billy???? No!" Jennifer said after running to them "You weren’t supposed to get younger, dad! And you weren’t supposed to get older, Kayla!"

"Dad???" 11 year old Billy asked.

"Have you forgotten again?" Jennifer asked.

"You’re confusing him!" Kayla argued in her slightly more mature voice.

"I told you.... everything is a trick! I thought you said you’d made some kind of a deal? It doesn’t look to me like Billy here is any closer to being an adult!" Katie told her friend.

"I didn’t exactly make a good deal, I don’t guess" Jennifer replied reluctantly "But, like, Billy was about to fall for Peter! I couldn’t let THAT happen!"

"So, did you not want your father falling in love as a girl to protect him... or were you just jealous!?" Katie asked.

"Wellllllll.... both.... I guess" Jennifer answered honestly "But if dad woulda just desired to be himself again everything woulda been, like, fine!"

"Yeah...well.... it is not ’fine’ now is it? You’ve opened the door to the dreamweaver and we’re no closer to getting anything straightened out" Katie declared.

Marci didn’t mind any of this. She was happily playing along with her sandcastle. All her worries had been erased. She didn’t care what the grownups were all worried about. That wasn’t going to interfere with her innocent bliss. Not when she had a big sandcastle to build!

"I think we need to gather up every one and get back to your house. I want to get back on the computer anyway" Katie told Jennifer.

"I don’t wanna go back home!" Kayla whined "I wanna stay!"

Jennifer sized things up "Katie’s right. I’m the oldest and what I say goes. We’re going back home!"

Kayla protesteed but in the end she reluctantly agreed. Marci didn’t want to leave her sandcastle. Billy wanted to take a swim. None of this mattered to Jennifer. She’d made up her mind and was ready to leave. She hated being in charge but wasn’t left with much choice. She was also starting to feel a little self-concious with all the eyes on her. Her beauty was making her a target of every male on the beach... and some of them gave her the creeps! Even women couldn’t help by stare.

Once back home Jennifer booted up the computer for Katie. Kayla carried Marci to her room. It was easier to carry Marci now that Kayla was bigger. She was surpised how much stronger she felt even though she was only 2 years older. Billy wanted to try and find some neighborhood boys to play ball with but Jennifer ordered him to stay inside.

"Jenn, you’re gonna have to be REALLY careful now. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you! That’s especially true while you are asleep and dreaming. That was a bad idea trying to make a deal with that man!" Katie warned her friend.

Jennifer listened intently although she was feeling a bit smug because she didn’t have to worry about Peter and Billy anymore. Her ’deal’ with the dreamkeeper had worked out in her favor she figured. She also was secure that with her newfound beauty Peter could be her’s any time she wanted...althought she didn’t so much want Peter as simply not want anyone else to have him. About the only downside to her beauty was the stares of so many people now that Jennifer’s beauty had been enhanced. Jennifer didn’t like all the attention. especially from some people who actually scared her just a bit. They made her feel very uncomfortable with the way they would look at her.

Katie jumped from one web page to another trying to build a plan or find a key piece of info that would allow this family to get back to normal. Minutes turned to hours. Marci was first to bed. Kayla soon followed. Billy wanted to stay up and watch TV but he soon faded as well.

Katie’s vision blurred but she continued on. Jennifer yawned. She was tiring quickly now herself. She wasn’t much help to Katie who was a whiz on a computer. "Katie, I gotta go to bed... this day has been too much!"

Katie yawned as well "I know... but I think I’m close here. You go to bed but remember what I told you about dreaming!". Katie said. She wasn’t sure that she was all that close but at least she had more info to work from now. She had to fight sleep herself which didn’t make concentration any easier.


Billy was deep asleep. He began to dream. In his dream he was younger and then older. Scenes changed from one moment to the next! It didn’t seem to make sense but his dreams rarely did. After a few moments of the changes a teenage girl appeared. He couldn’t believe how pretty she was.

"Hi" he said nervously "What’s your name?"

"My name is Billi but you should know that! I don’t appreciate you trying to make me disappear!" the girl replied angrily.

"W-W-What???" he asked in confusion.

"I was there.... like... all those years locked away in your mind and you finally bring me out and then you try and make me go away! Like it is SOOOOOOO easy!? Like I’ll crawl into a corner of your mind to be forgotten again? Is that what you think???? Is it??? I’m who you really are now..... Who you really want to be!"

The girl gave Billy a push and he fell through the door of a shop and landed on the floor. "Well, hellllloooooo Billy!" a voice said. Billy looked up to see the dreamweaver staring down at him.

"I see that you’ve awakened a dominant personality!" the man said.

"A what???" young Billy ask.

"Don’t be so, like, stupid, little boy!" Billi told him and pulled him to his feet "I’m who you really wanna be. Don’t fight it!"

She grabbed Billy’s hand and pulled him toward the room "In here!" she ordered and Billy followed fighting back only minimally.

"We’re gonna be one again and I’m the one who will be real!" Billi told the boy.

"But.... but.... you mean I’m gonna be a girl????"he wimpered "I don’t wanna be a girl! I wanna play ball and stuff!"

"No you don’t... You only think you do! I wouldn’t exist if that was true!" Billi shot back "You want to be me and live MY life!"

Billy’s mind was twisted. He knew this was all a dream and that only made it harder to concentrate. What was this girl telling him? She did look familiar. It would be neat to be older he thought. But a girl? Suddenly, Billy felt weak. He sat on the floor.

"I’m winning aren’t I?" the girl asked "So, just quit fighting me!"

She moved closer and Billy admired the girl’s smooth skin and tanned legs. He felt weaker.

"Stop fighting me..... give me your hand" she told him.

Billy felt even weaker. The girl really was pretty.... he took her hand... it was so soft...

"You do wanna be me, don’t ya?" the girl asked.


Kayla began to dream. She could see herself walking along the street and she had a plan. It was something she’d considered before but it was more in focus now. Especially after the way Jennifer had ordered her around earlier in the day. She soon found herself at the dreamweaver’s shop.

"Kayla!" he said "Welcome back! What can I do for you?"

"I wanna be older" she said.

"Well, I can certainly see to that happening! Right this way!" the man said gleefully.

Kayla dutifully followed. Not only was she not the youngest any more but she was about to become the oldest! Now, Jennifer would listen to HER!


Jennifer also began to dream. She was by the beach walking on the sidewalk. All eyes were on her. Everyone’s eyes! Old men... young men.... women... everyone!

"Hey sweet stuff!" one man said. He looked like he hadn’t showered or shaved in days. He was wearing a trench coat even though it was a hot day. Jennifer tried to walk faster but the man began to follow her and easily kept pace. "Where ya goin’ sweet stuff?"

Jennifer began to worry! No one seemed to want to help her. They only watched. It was as if they didn’t care... they simply wanted to watch this episode unfold. Her high-heels clicked on the concrete as she walked even faster.

"C’mon.... babe.... You know you want me!" the man said and picked up his pace as well.

Jennifer kicked off her heels and began to run as fast as she could. The man ran after her. He was gaining on her. She saw an open door and ran in slamming the door behind her. "HELP! HELP ME!" she yelled.

"Good Afternoon, Jennifer!" the shopkeeper said "What’s wrong?"

"I’m here? ....How’d I get here?" Jennifer replied.

"Because you needed help and I only want to help you. What’s wrong?"

"People are... giving me the creeps... they stare..... and that man... that man.....ewwwwwww.... I don’t know what he was going to do. He was chasing me!" she sobbed.

"A girl as beautiful as you should expect that kind of attention. Staring is not unexpected. And some people might lose control of their senses when they see someone as lovely as you. After-all, you are exceptionally beautiful. You are perfect!" The man explained.

"Maybe being a beautiful was a bad idea!?" Jennifer said "I don’t want people staring at me like that... or people like that man chasing me..... If you hadn’t been here I don’t know what would’ve happened! Thank you! Thank you!"

"You are quite welcome! Perhaps you’d like to do something about that situation?"

"Like, not be so beautiful? Wow, that seems weird for a girl to say doesn’t it?"

"Not for a girl as smart as you that has other priorities. Why don’t you discard that desire for beauty and replace it with a more acceptable desire? If you desire, you could toss away that superficial beauty and then maybe people would see you for who you really are?"


Katie continiued to find more and more information about the dreamkeeper. She worried for her friend and family. Once the dreamkeeper had control of your concious mind, your dream state was where he could really wreak his havoc. Thoughts and desires that would otherwise stay dormant or be controlled by your waking thought processes were able to roam free. And in the dream state the man could mold and manipulate your desires. Normal boundaries or worries either didn’t exist or were mere gates waiting to be opened by him. Dormant personalities could be awakened.

"Jennifer, what have you and your family gotten yourselves into?" Katie said to herself as she took in more of the info on the computer screen "I think it might be time I called Aunt Martha"



Continuous Story Part 16 by areg5 on 02-14-03 17:02

Kayla was welcomed into the store. She was beginning to have a difficult time telling dream from reality, as the store was exactly the same in each, and unlike other things she would dream about, she had very good recollection of these dreams. The dreamkeeper smiled at her.

"So, you want to be older, do you," the man started saying. "How much older?"

"Well not like, y’know old n wrinkly. But I want to be older than Jennifer anyway so she won’t boss me around anymore," Kayla explained.

"You have been a good ally, Kayla, and I feel like I do owe you at the very least my thanks," the dreamkeeper said warmly. "I feel like I may well be able to satisfy the needs of some of the others in your family, and your need all at once." With that, he led her to one of his rooms. When he opened the door Kayla was surprised to see her parent’s room. When he closed the door behind her she realized that she was in her own home. This was so weird! Not an empty room, like before. She sat down on the bed. She was wearing only an oversized tee shirt and panties, although these were now a little tight on her. They fit her fine when she was 11! She felt her budding breasts under the shirt. It felt so nice to be more grown up now, she thought, but she has to get clothes that fit her better. Maybe she could borrow something from Jennifer.

She was beginning to feel tired and laid down on the bed. Marci was sleeping in her room, and she didn’t want to disturb her. She turned out the light and got under the covers. I few minutes later the door opened and Marci came in, rubbing her eyes and holding her teddy bear. She climbed into the bed with her.

"Where did you go? I was scared," Marci said. Kayla kissed her and held her close against her breast.

"That’s ok, sweetie, you can sleep with me," Kayla said soothingly, and Marci cuddled up to her. Kayla patted her bottom. "That’s my little girl," she whispered. She felt an odd tingling in her breast, and her nipples started to itch. She had never felt anything like it before. Feeling her breast, she thought it felt a little bigger. She smiled. Her little girl was a little restless and she hugged her close. The itch got stronger. She tried to scratch herself but it wouldn’t go away. And....funny....she felt two damp spots on her shirt. That was odd. She took off her shirt; it was getting too small anyway. Too small, and too childish for a 13 year old, she thought. Her cotton panties were very snug too, but she left them on. Marci snuggled up against her naked breast, and Kayla smoothed back her hair. How small her mother had become, she thought, just a toddler now. Kayla patted her bottom again. Marci was wearing big girl panties...and maybe that wasn’t a good idea until Kayla was sure that Marci wouldn’t have any accidents. She didn’t during the day, but Kayla couldn’t remember if Marci used the potty before she went to sleep. Kayla got out of the bed, hearing Marci stir. She went to the closet and wasn’t at all surprised to find a package of diapers and baby wipes. She took one out of the package.

Kayla gently turned Marci on her back and lifted her nightie. She slid the panties off of her and Marci was awoken. "Wha....what," she started to say.

"’s ok baby," Kayla said soothingly, lifting the little girl’s bottom and diapering her.

"But....but....I’m a ...big girl mommy," Marci said sleepily.

She called her mommy! That’s so sweet, Kayla thought. "You’re mommy’s big girl, and if your don’t wet your diaper tonight then it’s only big girl panties for you," Kayla whispered. She kissed the little girl on the cheek and turned out the light. Marci cuddled against her again. It felt feel her little cheek resting on her breast. He lips were so close to her made it itch even more. Then...she felt her lips actually brush against her. It felt so natural.

"Is baby hungry," Kayla whispered. Marci didn’t answer. Kayla held the child close to her and directed her nipple into her mouth. The little girl started to instinctively suckle, and Kayla felt a rush of pleasure. She felt her breasts swell, and her legs grew longer underneath the sheets. Her panties became uncomfortably tight and she slid them off. She held little Marci, cradling her little bottom. Did she just get a little smaller? Kayla couldn’t tell in the dark. Maybe not. Maybe she just felt a little smaller. Milk leaked from her other breast and Kayla switched Marci to the other side. Kayla felt Marci’s diaper get warm and full, and was glad that she took that precaution. The little girl fell asleep while she nursed. The itch in Kayla’s nipples was gone, but now she had to pee. She got out of the bed careful not to wake her daughter and went to the bathroom. After she relieved herself she looked in the mirror and smiled. A young woman, about 25 years old smiled back at her. Wow, she was all grown up! She was tall, too! Even taller than Jennifer, she thought. She admired her full, round breasts, her tight bottom, her newly grown pubic hair.

"This is so cool," Kayla said aloud, startled a bit at the sound of her deeper, adult voice. She went to what used to be her mother’s dresser and picked out a pair of panties and a short nightie, with which she could expose her breast in case Marci was hungry in the middle of the night. She laid back down in the bed and let the little girl cuddle up next to her. "That’s it, little baby....mommy’s little girl," she whispered. She started drifting off to sleep.


Jennifer was thinking long and hard. On the one hand, she loved being like the most beautiful girl on the face of the earth. It certainly gave her a sense of power and superiority. On the other hand, should couldn’t even walk down the street, or in the mall, or anywhere without constant stares, mostly from men (and boys) of all ages. And the creepy thing was the stares from the women, some of whom she was SURE were gay. Yuck.

But how could she give up beauty? Her whole life, she was pretty. When she passed through adolescence she began spending extra time getting ready for school; choosing the ’right’ clothes, doing her hair, and make-up. It just seemed unnatural to wish away something she has always strived for. She was confused, and just didn’t know what to do.

Jennifer was sure about one thing, however. Katie was right. She shouldn’t have let the dreamkeeper into her head. That couldn’t help her confusion, of that she was sure. She ducked into the store for cover, and he’s all too willing to help her, but it’s that kind of help she felt she didn’t need.

"Now, Jennifer, that’s not very nice," he said, reading her thoughts.

"Cut that out!" she exclaimed. "How dare you read my thoughts!"

"It’s what I do. And don’t be upset with me, I came through on our deal," the man said.

"The hell you did! You were supposed to turn my dad back into his normal self," Jennifer fumed.

"I never said that. As I recall, the deal was that you let me grant one of your desires and I would try to get Billy away from Peter. It’s not my fault that your erstwhile father did not choose to become a middle aged man. You should take up that decision with him. His dominant personality as been released, and it is that which will decide his fate," the man explained.

"Dominant personality?" Jennifer asked, confused.

"Yes. We all have them. In the case of her mother, she wanted to be younger. Even she wasn’t aware of how much younger she wanted to be, but had to be shown by her dominant personality, who happens to be a young child. Now Billy’s dominant personality was ’that tramp,’ more so than a young boy, but both of them where far more compelling than his true form. By superseding Billi, I fulfilled my part of the bargain. It has made her quite mad, you know. I don’t know how long she can be held off," the dreamkeeper finished.

"And what about Kayla?" Jennifer asked.

"Kayla is mature beyond her years, and maybe beyond yours," the man said with a smile.

"Look, I think you are just trying to confuse me! It’s not some pent up ’dominant personalities’ that is changing my family like this, making my mom into a toddler and my dad into a pre-teen kid that really wants to be a teen girl, but you!" Jennifer said, exasperated.

"Think what you want. Now, if that’s all I can do for you, I’ll leave you to your admirers," he said, motioning to the front door.

"Um....well, do you have back door or something," Jennifer said under her breath.

"That I do. In fact, its more or less a short cut to your house," the man said, leading her to the back door. He showed her in, and Jennifer was stunned to see that the door led to her room. She walked in, and the door shut behind her. When she opened it she saw the door now led to her familiar hallway.

"Too weird," she thought. She should have never let this guy get to her. She was sure all of this dominant personality stuff was a bunch of nonsense, a way of placating her while shifting the blame from himself. He just likes chaos, or something. These last few days have just been to unreal. She got ready for bed, not knowing what else to do.

"Dominant personality. So does that mean mine is a beauty queen? If it is, then why was I getting so uncomfortable with the attention," she thought. She started to drift off to sleep when the dreamkeeper’s words echoed in her head...’Kayla is mature beyond her years, and maybe beyond yours...’ Jennifer sat bolt upright in her bed. Oh no! Was Kayla going to be turned into an old crone? Cold fear shot through Jennifer as she jumped out of her bed and ran to Kayla’s room. She pushed open the door, but the bed was empty. Where was her little sister? Where was Marci? She looked down the hall and saw the door to her parent’s room ajar, and she ran over to it and pushed it open. The dim light of the hallway shown on a beautiful young woman, with a very young child at her breast. "Kayla," she gasped.

"Shhhh, you’ll wake the baby," she said, getting out of the bed. She tucked the little girl in and put some pillows around her to keep her from falling out of the bed. She walked over to Jennifer and led her back to her room. "Why are you up so late, dear...did you have a nightmare?" Kayla asked.

"Kayla, how can you be so calm about this! Look at yourself! You’re grown up!" Jennifer exclaimed.

"You really have to be more quiet, honey, I don’t want you to wake up the whole house," Kayla said. "Of course I’m grown up, as I am supposed to be. After all, this family needs a mother, doesn’t it? I know little Marci needs her mommy," she said, pushing strands of loose hair from Jennifer’s eyes.

"Oh, is that who you are now, my mother?" Jennifer asked, sarcastically.

"Somebody has to look out for you kids now," Kayla said. "Especially you. And little Marci can’t anymore. Is it so hard for me to accept me as you mother," she asked. "Why don’t you try?"

Jennifer felt woozy. She desperately wanted her mother back, she knew that. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"Don’t cry, sweetie, it’s ok," Kayla said soothingly.

"But Kayla, it’’s just not’s not," Jennifer said, crying now.

"Of course its ’right,’" Kayla said. "Its right that your are my child, isn’t it. You’re my big girl, aren’t you," she said, her voice hypnotic.

"I...I guess," she said, looking at her mother. She felt a strange tingle, and let her mother hug her.

"You’re really just a young girl, after all. Look at you, growing up so fast. But not all grown up yet, are you," Kayla said, seeing Jennifer shrink a little. Her breasts had gotten a little smaller, her face a little more innocent. "you just wanted to think that you were more grown up than you really are, didn’t you? Look at what you are wearing," she said, tugging at the baby-doll nightie she had on.

"What’s wrong with what I’m wearing," Jennifer said, a little defensively.

"Why, nothing, dear. I just thought you would be more comfortable in your own clothing, that’s all," she said, seeing Jennifer shrink again. She looked like she was about 14 years old. Her small breasts had lost their former fullness, and one of the straps started to slip down her shoulder.

"But...but mommy," Jennifer started to say.

Kayla pulled the hem of Jennifer’s nightie up enough to show her silky, white panties, which were no longer form fitting but a little bit wrinkled. Her legs were more slender than they had been. "I think we can find some better fitting undies for you too, dear," and at that, Jennifer shrank even more. She was now 12 years old. Kayla stood up and walked Jennifer to her old room. As they walked Jennifers panties started to slide down her now slender hips and she had to hold them up with her other hand to keep them from falling off. She sat Jenny down on her old bed and looked through her dresser. Jenny didn’t know why she was in her big sister’s room before, or how she had gotten there. Mommy came over to her and helped her out of her nightie. Her breasts had been reduced to two swollen nipples.

"That’s my little girl," Kayla purred. "Why were you playing dress up, so late at night? You should be asleep young lady," she said with a smile.

"I dunno," Jenny said, now about 10 years old. She sat on the bed in her comically large underwear, her chest now completely flat. "Cuz it ’s fun, I guess."

"Well, it’s time we get you to bed now, isn’t it princess?" she asked. Jenny nodded, and her mommy pulled off her panties exposing her as completely bare and smooth. She helped her into a pair of pink cotton panties that didn’t quite fit...they were a little big on her. She pulled a pink nightie over her head with little puffed sleeves, and fixed her hair into a ponytail. She tucked her into her bed and gave her a stuffed doggie that the 8 year old held close. "Goodnight, princess," she said, kissing her. Little Jenny finally fell asleep.


Billi led Billy by the hand through a door in the back of the shop. The door led to a bedroom that looked like it belonged to a teenaged girl, and Billy recognized it as belonging to Jennifer. She wasn’t around, though.

"Isn’t this a great room, Billy? Jennifer has such nice stuff, don’t you think? She’s not around, we can look at whatever we want," Billi said.

Billy felt oddly excited to be in the room of a 16 year old girl. He saw some of Jennifer’s clothing strewn about, a white silky pair of panties on her dresser, and a bra lying on the floor. In the back of his mind he wondered what it would feel like to wear clothes like that. Billi saw him looking at the feminine underwear and giggled. "Why don’t you try them on, I won’t tell," she laughed.

"I dunno...," Billy said.

"Come on, it’s just for fun," Billi coaxed.

"I can’t get changed in front of you," Billy said, his face crimson.

Billi laughed. "It’s not like I never saw a little boy naked before," she said.

"I’m not a little boy, I’m 11," Billy said, indignant.

"Oh, well excuse me!" she said, walking up to Billy. "I bet you never kissed a girl before, did you Billy?" she asked.

"Sure I did," he said.

"Your mommy and sisters don’t count," Billi laughed.

"Um...well,, I never kissed a girl but I almost did once," Billy lied.

"Yeah, right I’m like so sure you did," she laughed. "Do you think I’m pretty, Billy," she asked, teasing him.

"Uh...s...sure," Billy stammered. Billi was very, very pretty. She was wearing a very familiar skimpy blue bikini. She was a lot taller than he was, because she was 16.

"I bet you want to kiss me, don’t you," she said, moving closer to the boy.

"Y....yeah...," was all he could manage.

"Well, I have this sorta kinky game we could play. Like why don’t you get dressed up just like a girl, and we can know....make out," she giggled.

Billy gulped. He really wanted to make out with Billi, and...if he had to dress up like a girl...was that so bad? "O....ok," he croaked.

At that Billi walked up to him. The top of his head came up to her chin. She pulled his tee shirt over his head, and pulled down his shorts smiling at how he looked in just his white briefs. Billy was shaking. "Mind if I help you out of these, little boy," she said as she slid down his underwear revealing his bare, hairless crotch. "Aren’t you just the cutest thing," she whispered. Billy shook even worse. "Let’s help you on with your pretty panties," she said, sliding them up his legs. He couldn’t believe how wonderful the silky fabric felt against his bare skin and he got an immediate erection. Billi helped him on with the bra which of course hung empty against his flat chest.

"There, now...isn’t that better," she said.

"I.....I guess so," Billy stammered. Billi walked up to him and put her arms around him.

"A deal’s a deal," she said, kissing him full on the lips. Billy felt a rush go through him, and as he kissed her back felt a weird tingling in his groin and chest. When at last they stopped kissing, Billi looked at him and smiled. "That was very nice...I never kissed a girl before," she said with a laugh. At first Billy didn’t understand what she meant. She must have been talking about how he was dressed. She reached under his bra and found a very sensitive nipple. He moaned when she rubbed it. Her other hand moved down under his panties and he felt her finger...inside of him!

"Aren’t you a sweet little girl," she said. "But I think you are like way too young to make out with me," she said pulling Billy down onto the bed. She started kissing Billy again, and as she did, Billy felt his chest swell until two beautiful, tanned breasts filled the cups of his bra. His panties grew snug too, and he felt wetness between his legs. After a long while kissing, he opened his eyes and saw the 11 year old boy that he was. "Goodbye," Billy said, as he faded away and disappeared. Billi was left alone in her bedroom. She put on a dry pair of panties and went to sleep.


Katie drove like a girl possessed, ignoring stop signs and red lights. She was deeply concerned about Jennifer, and from what she had read, knew that she was no match for the dreamkeeper. She needed help or her friend and her family were doomed. She drove on, to an older part of town. In the old days, the Victorian mansions that lined the streets were the homes of the riches people in town. Now, it was a run down ghetto, and many of the buildings were crack houses, whore houses, and worse. One of the houses however was in nearly pristine condition, and had escaped the surrounding ruin. It was here that aunt Martha lived.

Martha, had always been Katie’s favorite relative. She had a wondrous house, and many cats. When she was small, Katie loved to explore all of the closets, attics, and basement. Martha kept all kinds of bizarre clothing and memorabilia. Now, Katie wasn’t sure if Martha was a blood relative or not. For as long as she had known her, she has always looked about the same. She appeared to be in her mid fifties, and was certainly eccentric. To the best of Katie’s knowledge, she was never married. She didn’t have a job and Katie assumed she lived on some sort of pension. Martha was never concerned at the state of her neighborhood, and indeed had never had any trouble with the locals.

Katie pulled the car into the driveway and ran up to the door. Before she could knock, the door swung open. "Well, dear, come in," Martha said. "I’ve been expecting you," she said, letting Katie in and closing the door behind them. She showed the girl into the sitting room, and disappeared into the kitchen. She returned with two cups of tea, and some scones.

"Now, dear, tell me what brings you here in such a rush," Martha said. At that, Katie related all the events of the previous days. As she told her tale, Martha sat back in her chair, drank her tea, petted her cats and listened.

Continuous Story Part 17 by Louder on 02-15-03 20:02

Part 17 Louder

Katie couldn’t believe how calmy her aunt took the story. She never questioned it or looked surprised. Katie knew it was an odd tale and was surprised her aunt seemingly accepted it at face value. This only confirmed what she had believed about her aunt though. The family had always talked about ’Crazy Aunt Martha’ and made reference to her dabblings into things they felt best left alone. It was that talk that had gotten Katie interested in the supernatural in the first place... although she’d never really came face to face with anything like it until now.

"Ooooh... I always knew you had it in you! Your mother wanted nothing to do with this stuff, but you.... you’re a curious one! Unfortunately, this is going to take more than curiosity to fix this mess! Mortals shouldn’t mess with things they don’t understand. That’s where the dreamkeeper gets them. One minute of weakness opens the door and then he distorts reality. That’s his whole point, you know? He takes the havoc and just plain disconnected moments of your dreams and makes it reality. But it is a distorted reality...know that! He’ll split your mind into different personalities and let them all battle for control if he can. He’s a tricky one!" Aunt Martha explained.

"So, you know about this guy?" Katie asked. She was shocked to know Aunt Martha was telling her what she’d spent HOURS on the computer and in books learning. "You mean all I had to do was ask you about this guy?"

"Oh yes.... I know him well! All that time on that silly computer could’ve been better spent talking to me!" Aunt Martha told Katie. Katie wondered how Aunt Martha knew that she’d spent time researching this on the computer... but at this point it didn’t matter. Maybe she’d mentioned it when she told her the story in the first place?


Billy woke and felt cool air because the blanket wasn’t covering him properly. He had grown out of the blanket overnight but didn’t realize it. He looked down at the end of the bed and saw painted toenails! He wiggled them to make sure they were his. They were! He also felt a weight on his chest that seemed odd but was afraid to look under the covers. Billy remembered the dream from the night before and immediately jumped out of bed because he had to see what had happened.

Looking in the mirror he saw a pretty 16 year old girl staring back at him. And then the reflection of the eyes seemed to put him in a trance. "We are Billi!" he heard a voice say inside his head..... her head....

"Look at my hair!" she said aloud seeing her mussed up locks. She turned around trying to get a look at the back of her legs "I’m gonna have to even out my tan today"


Jennifer awoke feeling very strange. She looked around the room and saw that she was in Kayla’s room. Everything felt wrong! She spun around and sat on the edge of the bed preparing to get up. She expected her feet to touch the ground but they didn’t! She looked down to her legs dangling over the edge of the bed. They weren’t the legs that she expected to see either... they were the legs of a child! She dropped down to the floor and padded to the nearest mirror. It confirmed what she already realized. She was a child! Barely 8 years old. If she is 8 then how old is Kayla? She thought back to the night before and remembered pieces of her dream. She remembered seeing the dreamkeeper... and she remembered seeing Kayla... and she remembered Kayla convincing her she was a child. And so she was! How could that be? And then she remembered Kayla being much older! She knew it was all the work of the dreamkeeper! He’d distorted another aspect of their lives!

She ran down the hall to her mother’s room figuring she’d find Kayla there. That she did. Kayla was nursing an infant... and the infant was her mother!

"Mom????"Jennifer exclaimed in her high pitched child’s voice.

"What dear?" Kayla asked.

"Noooooo... not you! Is that mom??????"little Jennifer asked pointing to the infant that Kayla was holding.

"Now seriously, how could this innocent little baby be your mother?" Kayla replied with a smirk as she pulled the child away from her breast so that Jennifer could get a better look. The baby began to get fussy and reach for Kayla’s nipple. "Sorry, baby" Kayla said as she again held the child close to her.

"You made her younger.... until she turned into a baby again!?" Jennifer said "She was already little but now.... she’s tiny!"

"Say and think what you will, but for all intents and purposes -I- am the oldest now and so -I- am the mother! I don’t think this infant has any desire to be a parent right now. What do you think?" Kayla said as baby Marci played with the nipple on her exposed breast.

Little Jennifer was momentarily speechless. She’d even forgotten that her original reason for finding Kayla was the fact that Jennifer herself had lost half of her years and was now an 8 year old girl. "Hey.... what about me!" She whined realizing her plight as well.

"Don’t you think you’re a little too old to be nursing?" Kayla answered sarcastically with a laugh.

"No! You know what I mean!" little Jennifer replied stamping her foot "Make me older!"

"I should spank you for that attitude! Why can’t you just humor me for a little while? Maybe if you humor me I can see about making you older after while?"

"What do you mean?" Jennifer asked.

"Just pretend to be an 8 year old for a while. It could be fun!"


"Really, I think maybe you need a spanking. Such a sasy mouth!"

"Don’t spank me! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!" Jennifer whined as she realized she was too small to stop Kayla from spanking her.

"Well, then humor me and pretend to be an 8 year old!"

"Uhh.......OK... I guess...." Jennifer answered reluctantly "But I want to be older soon or else I won’t do this! So what do you want me to do?"

Kayla smiled telling her "Just say you want to be an 8 year old little girl"

Jennifer didn’t know that Kayla had made a deal with the dreamkeeper and this room was now an extension of his own place.

"I want to be an 8 year old little girl" Jennifer said slowly trying to please Kayla. The dreamkeeper smiled in his shop as he watched the happenings in a mystical mirror.

"Say it again!" Kayla ordered.

Jennifer thought for a moment before speaking "I wanna be an 8 year old little girl" she said and laughed.

"That’s better.... but say it again....."

Little Jennifer laughed some more "I wanna be an 8 year old little girl!" she said again. She laughed because Kayla was being silly. Little Jenni knew she was 8 years old and Kayla was just playing a game making her say that. It might be fun being the little girl while Kayla got to be the mommy she figured.

"So, how old are you?" Kayla asked.

Little Jenni broke out in giggles "I’m 8 years old! You know!"

"I know...." Kayla replied "I was just seeing if -you- knew! Well, I think we all need to get dressed and greet the day. I guess I need to fix breakfast!"

"I want Frosted Flakes! OK???" Jenni said excitedly.

"We’ll see what’s in the cupboard, hon. Why don’t you get dressed and watch cartoons until breakfast is ready?"

"OK, mommy" Jenni answered and then skipped down the hall to what used to be Kayla’s room. Her ponytail bounced with every step she took. Jenni wondered what she should wear and looked in the closet but all of Kayla’s clothing was too big.

Kayla appeared carrying some clothing. "These should fit you better than that old stuff" she told little Jenni.

"Where’d those come from, mommy?" Jenni asked.

"Oh... I just had them delivered....." Kayla answered with a grin as she returned to her mother’s old bedroom in search of some suitable clothing for herself.

Jenni grabbed some shorts, a T-shirt and tennis shoes and quickly put them on. Then she ran to the TV to hunt for cartoons.

Kayla looked over all of Marci’s old clothing. She really preferred something more like Jennifer’s teenage wardrobe but that was a little too small for her. Marci’s clothing was mostly boring except for some of her underwear that caught Kayla’s eye.


Billi grabbed a short denim skirt and a short tank top that were originally Jennifer’s and took them to the bathroom with her. She showered and shaved her legs getting ready for another day at the beach. She wrapped a towel around her wet hair and slipped on her skirt and tank top. She padded out of the bathroom and downstairs to greet the rest of the family who were all seated around the breakfast table.


"Billi?" Kayla said seeing the return of a familiar face.

"Kayla? Jennifer??? " Billi asked.

"Yeah...... Looks like there were some changes last night, huh?" Kayla replied "Wow, that skirt is cool.... wish I had one like that!"

"Oh, wow... thanks.... " Billi answered as she sat down at the table and crossed her legs "This is, like, sooooooooo cool! You’re really pretty, Kayla... but you oughta get some more flattering clothes. You should show that body off more! Where’s Marci?"

"Marci’s sleeping. You should see her now. She’s just adorable! She’s precious! Marci’s only a few months old and we are bonding so well!" Kayla explained.

"A few months? Ohhhhh I gotta see her! I bet she’s cute!" Billi answered as her female instincts kicked in.

"Let’s not bother her now. I don’t want to wake her. You know... I think she might even want to be younger!" Kayla replied.

"How do you know that???" Billi asked

"Well, maybe it is just me wanting her to be younger. A baby around makes me feel so ’needed’. If she was a newborn I’d just be so important to her... like I’d be everything to her! And that would feel so good for me!" Kayla explained.

"How can baby Marci get younger? Can she be born again?" little Jenni innocently asked. Jennifer and Marci were the only two not in control of their situations now... although Billi and Kayla weren’t being controlled by their normal personalities either. Jenni didn’t understand any of what they were talking about.

"Don’t you worry about it!" Kayla told her and Jenni went back to her bowl of cereal.


"Katie, I think we need to get over to your friend’s home right away. I think things are changing and you don’t want to lose them!" Aunt Martha told her niece.

They sped across town and back to Jennifer’s home. Once there, Katie started to go on inside as she always did before her aunt stopped her. "Ah... I think you better knock!" her aunt said.

Katie looked at her aunt stangely and knocked on the door. "I hardly ever knock, Aunt Martha!? Jennifer and I are best friends. We’re like sisters. She knows me better than anyone!"

Just then the door opened and a little 8 year old ponytailed girl stood looking up at the two strangers. "Hi! My mom’s busy and she said to tell you she didn’t want any of whatever you were selling!"

Jenni tried to close the door but Katie stopped it.

"I told you just barging in might be a bad idea" Aunt Martha said.

"Jennifer???" Katie asked the girl.

"I’m Jenni" she replied.



continuous story part 18 by areg5 on 02-21-03 14:02

Katie looked at her friend in horror and shock. She and Martha were really on their own now, it seemed. She recognized Jennifer, of course, in light of the recent goings on. Katie had known Jennifer all their lives, she had grown up with her. The cute little girl with the ponytail was her, but what was worse...she didn’t seem to remember who Katie was .

"How did you know my name?" Jenni asked.

"We’re of your mommy, sweetie," Katie said. "Can you have her come to the door?" she asked, not stopping to think who Jenni’s ’mommy’ might be.

"She’s feeding the baby," Jenni said,"but I’ll ask her," she said, turning and running up the stairs. Katie and Martha let themselves in. They stood in the hallway not knowing what to expect.

"We have to be very careful here, child," Martha whispered to Katie. "He’s deeply insinuated himself into this place. It may be beyond our abilities to return it to its normal order.

"We have to try, Aunt Martha. She’s my best friend," Katie whispered back. "You said he works by splitting your mind into different personalities. Maybe we can help the true personalities get out."

"It will be very difficult. I expect he has prepared for us at this stage in his plans," Martha said.

"If I could get Jennifer alone I might be able to get her teen self to surface," Katie said.

"Maybe. But what you propose might be dangerous, to her and to you, we must..." Martha trailed off seeing an attractive young woman holding a baby came to the door with Jenni tagging behind.

"Didn’t I tell you never to let strangers into the house, Jenni," Kayla said.

"I’m sorry mommy I thought I closed the door," Jenni said, looking down at the floor.

"Just be more careful next time, baby," she said to Jenni. "Can I help you," she asked Katie. "Are you here to see Billi? She’s upstairs."

Katie looked at Kayla, at first not recognizing her. Kayla was only 13 the last time she saw her, and this woman had to be in her twenties. But she saw the similarities in her face, and knew it was her. "We’re not strangers, least I’m not. I guess you haven’t met my Aunt Martha.

"How do you do," Martha said.

"Oh, oh course. Hello Katie. You aren’t as tall as I remembered," Kayla said with a smile. "Why don’t you both come in and have some coffee," she said, leading them to the kitchen.

"Oh what a sweet little baby," Martha said.

"She’s my little princess, only 9 months old," Kayla said, putting her in her high chair. She gave her a teething cracker and poured the coffee. Jenni was busy eating her frosted flakes. Katie looked at her and couldn’t believe the transformation of her best friend into a second grader. And Jenni seemed to have no recollection of Katie at all.

Just then Billi bounded into the room. "Hi guys," she said, getting a glass of milk from the refrigerator. Katie looked at her. She thought Billy was a young boy, at least he was yesterday. "I guess Billi’s female personality is in control," thought Katie.

’Hello dear," Kayla said to her, and Billi sat down. Kayla turned to Katie. "Now, what can I do for you," she asked in a much too sweet voice.

"We came to warn you about that man in the shop, and to help you all get back to normal," Katie said.

"Whatever do you mean? We are as normal as normal could be, aren’t we kids?" Kayla asked the others.

"Yup," Billi said. Jennifer nodded.

"You don’t understand, Kayla. He’s using you, for what I don’t know, but he traps people by turning their fantasies against them. You think you are in control now, but you’re not," Katie said, a little desperately.

"What does she mean, mommy?" Jenni asked, confused.

"Its just grown up talk, punkin. Why don’t you clear your bowl and watch TV, I think Sponge-Bob is on," Kayla said.

"’k mommy," she said, and went into the family room.

Marci started crying and Kayla took her out of her high-chair. The baby started rooting around Kayla’s breast. "Awwww, is baby hungry," she said as she opened her shirt to let Marci nurse.

"I have known the shopkeeper for many years," Martha said. "He is not to be trusted."

"I got no problem with him," Billi said, slurping her milk.

"I’m sure you don’t now, hun, but believe me, he has plans for you," Martha said, and then looking at Kayla, "And for you too."

"You are allowed to have your opinion, and I am allowed to have mine," Kayla said, somewhat annoyed.

"Indeed I am allowed to have my opinion, and it is a good deal more informed than yours. I could tell you a good many things about this man, if you care to hear," Martha said.

"Sure, why not. Billi, could you put the baby in her crib? She’s asleep," Kayla said, handing the infant to Billi. Billi took her upstairs.

"Katie, why don’t you see how Jenni is doing," Martha said. She wanted to talk to Kayla alone. "Why don’t we have another cup," she said to her.


Katie found Jenni in the family room watching cartoons. She was laying on the floor on her belly, way too close to the TV, like kids tend to do. Katie sat down on the sofa. The part she just didn’t get was Jennifer’s lack of recollection. Even when she had been granted her desire of being the most beautiful girl on earth, she still remembered who she was and what she had been trying to accomplish. But she looked at the little girl giggling at the cartoons and knew that this was no case of an adult trapped in a child’s body. This was a child.

Katie remembered when she was the age that Jenni is now. They would watch TV the same way that Jenni is now, together, although the cartoons weren’t as good back then. They spent a lot of time with each other...things were so simple back then. There was certainly a part of her that missed that simplicity. Did Jenni choose the simple life now? Was it thrust upon her? Was she tricked into thinking that was what she wanted. Katie shook her head, not knowing where the answers will come from.

"Patrick is soooo funny," Jenni laughed.

"I love Sponge-Bob, Jenni. I like Mr. Krabs," Katie said, trying to relate to her friend on some level.

"He talks like a pirate! Squidward is the funniest," the little girl said, giggling.

"He’s funny too! He’s always so grouchy," Katie laughed.

"Know what? I have a friend named Katie, just like you," Jenni said.

"Really? Is she in your class at school," Katie asked.

"Yeah, we sit next to each other but Ms. Sims says she’s going to separate us if we don’t listen to her better. Sometimes we get in trouble for talking," Jenni said.

Ms. Sims. So, she IS a second grader Katie thought, remembering their second grade teacher. "Well, I have a best friend named Jennifer," Katie said. "Just like you! Isn’t that funny?"

"Yeah," Jenni said, laughing. "But nobody calls me Jennifer, ’cept mommy when she’s mad at me.

"Well, I’ll just have to call you Jenni then," Katie said with a smile, "and you can call me Katie."

"Ok Katie," Jenni smiled. "Wanna see my room?" the girl asked, getting up and running up the stairs, not waiting for an answer. Katie followed her, and was surprised when she walked past her room to Kayla’s. Katie hadn’t been in Kayla’s room often, but it looked a little different. There were Barbie posters on the wall, and toys on the floor. Jenni went right to work at the Barbie Dreamhouse on the floor. "Let’s play Barbie’s," Jenni said.

"This looks like an 8 year old’s room," thought Katie. Were the walls pink before? She didn’t remember the canopy bed either. She picked up a Barbie, remembering how she and Jenni used to play as children. "Barbie, we have to get ready for our date! Ken will be here soon," Katie said.

"Darn, I don’t have a thing to wear," Jenni said, going through her Barbie clothes.

"How about this," Katie said, holding up the evening gown.

"I like this one instead," Jenni said picking a yellow mini. They both laughed as they dressed and undressed their dolls.


Billi brought Marci into the bedroom where her crib was, in the corner of her parents room. As she put her in she started to stir, and whimpered a little. "’s ok, baby," Billi cooed. She rubbed her belly and Marci kicked her legs and gurgled. Billi patted her diaper and felt that it was very warm. "She won’t nap in a wet diaper," Billi thought, lifting the infant out of the crib. She laid her on the floor and got a diaper and baby wipes. She took off little Marci’s wet diaper and cleaned her off, and put on a new one. Marci was wide awake now and didn’t seem to have any intention of taking a nap.

Billi picked up the baby and laid down with her on her mother’s bed, hoping Marci would fall asleep with her. The little girl snuggled up to Billi’s breast, and Billi kissed her head. Billi wasn’t lactating, of course, but she wondered what it felt like to have a baby suckle on her. She felt a little naughty, wondering if mom would get mad at her, but slowly lifted her tank top and guided Marci’s little mouth to her nipple. "Owwwwww," she gasped in pain as the hungry infant greedily suckled. Billi didn’t expect that it would hurt so much! She cradled little Marci’s bottom as she suckled. Even though she wasn’t getting any milk, she seemed to be using Billi as a pacifier and was clearly getting sleepy. Billi hummed a lullaby to her as she fell asleep.


Martha drank her coffee, looking at Kayla. "You don’t know what you are doing, child," she said solemnly. "You don’t know him like I do."

"Yeah, well, I’m old enough now to take care of myself, or haven’t you noticed," Kayla responded.

"I’m sure you think you are, but that isn’t the case. And you have to ask yourself, and be very you really want to miss out on the years you have given away? You have lost your childhood, your teen-aged years...everything. Do you really want to be a single mother? How will you survive," Martha asked.

"Lots of women do it," Kayla said, a little uncertainly. "I’ll, uh...get a job. And who says I’ll always be single?" she said, a little coyly.

"You have no schooling beyond fifth grade, and you didn’t even finish that! You certainly have no experience with men, and no experience being a mother. You are in much too deep, child. I can’t believe that this is what you really want. Don’t you miss playing with your friends, talking about boys...don’t you miss growing up? Having no responsibilities beyond your next homework assignment?" Martha asked.

"Uh....y....yeah, I do sorta...No! Stop that! I know what you are trying to do, and it won’t work! I am quite happy with things the way they are now, thank you very much! I think you should mind your own business and stay out of ours," Kayla said in a huff. She drank her coffee. "Now, if you don’t mind, I have to check on the baby. Maybe you and Katie should go home," she said, getting up from her chair.

Martha sighed. She was not getting anywhere with Kayla, who really seemed quite intent to be a grown woman and young mother. Maybe Katie was having better luck.


"Hey, I need to use the shower!" Jenni said, pounding her doll’s hand on the toy bathroom door.

"I am not finished yet, you will just have to wait your turn," Katie said with laughed, pretending to shower her doll. She and Jenni were having a lot of fun with their dolls.

"Well, if you don’t hurry I won’t have time to get ready! " Jenni said with a laugh. "You’re using up all the hot water!"

They both laughed at that. Katie took her Barbie out of the little shower and wrapped a tiny towel around her. She started picking out her clothes. Jenni was such a sweet child, and so easy to play with. Katie just couldn’t decide on whether Barbie looked better in the blue dress or the shorts.

"You play really good for a grown-up," Jenni said with a smile. "Maybe you can babysit for me when mommy goes out," she added hopefully.

"Yeah, maybe. But jeez, its not like I’m THAT grown up, I’m only 16," Katie said. "Only 16 like you used to be," she thought.

"Do you like being 16?" Jenni said, pretending to shower her doll.

"Sure, it’s great! I can drive, I can date and go out with my friends. I have a great time," Katie said, hoping to spark some sort of response from the 16 year old girl buried somewhere inside the child.

"Well, it doesn’t sound that great to me," Jenni said. "I bet high school is really, really hard. I bet you had more fun in middle school," she said absently.

Katie thought for a moment, and realized that Jenni was right. Middle school was more fun than high school, and wasn’t nearly as hard. She felt an odd tingle, and looked at her friend playing with her dolls. "Middle school is fun. I like having my own locker," she said, a little confused. She began to feel...odd. Were her clothes a little...baggy? She was wearing jeans and a sleeveless tee, and she thought they were tighter when she had put them on that morning. She adjusted her bra a little...that seemed a little big too.

"I guess I’ll find out when I get there. Know what I bet is really fun? Driving," she said, putting her Barbie in the pink toy Corvette.

"It is fun to drive," Katie said, a little unsure.

Jenni giggled. "Oh yeah, like YOU know. You have to be 16 to drive, and you’re 14, aren’t you?" the little girl asked.

"No! I’m not 14," Katie said, feeling another tingle. Her clothes were definitely looser now. She put down her doll and stood up, and as she did her pants threatened to fall to the floor. Her shirt was big on her now, and her breasts were smaller too. Jenni laughed.

"Oh, excuse me! Did I say 14? I meant to say....12," Jenni said with a smile. "I don’t think my mommy will think you are old enough to babysit me," she said.

"Am too!" Katie said. Even though she was 12, she could certainly babysit Jenni, she thought. She was holding up her pants with one hand. What was she doing in these clothes? She let the pants fall to the ground, not wanting to play dress up anymore. She took off her shirt too.

Jenni saw her friend standing in her oversized panties and floppy bra, with the one strap sliding down her shoulder and giggled. "You look funny," she said. "Why don’t you put on regular clothes," she added.

Katie went to the dresser and picked out a white cotton pair of panties and a cotton cami. She took off her big sister’s panties and bra. She looked down at her swollen nipples, and her nearly hairless crotch. Why was she wearing grown up clothes anyway? She totally forgot. It must have been a game that she was playing with Jenni. She looked at the cotton panties and read the label..."Size 10." The cami was the same size. She put them on. She put shorts and a tee shirt on next.

"C’mon, we have to get ready. Ken will be here soon!" Jenni said.

Katie sighed and picked up her doll. Playing Barbie’s was sooooo childish...but it was sorta fun. She just hoped that no one found out she was doing it. She was way too old for dolls...after all, she just turned 10.


Kayla opened the door to her room and saw Billi asleep on her bed, with her shirt off, with Marci at her breast. She walked over to the girl and nudged her awake, careful not to wake the baby. Billi looked at Kayla, a little ashamed.

"What do you think you’re doing," Kayla asked, more than a little upset.

"I...uh...just was wondering what it felt like to a baby," Billi said, embarrassed.

"You have a good deal of time to wait before you find out, young lady," Kayla said. "It seems you have a lot to learn about being a woman! It’s not right to tease an infant like that to satisfy some...urge."

"I’m sorry," Billi said in a low voice.

"I hope that you are," she said, picked the baby up gently and putting her in her crib. "Don’t worry, dear, you’ll find out what it is like to nurse one day...owwww, and it has its drawbacks! Now the baby is asleep, and I’m full! You should have called me when you saw that she was up," she said, taking off her shirt and bra. She squeezed her breasts to expel some milk and relieve the pressure. She was really uncomfortable. Billi looked at her, seeing the milk leak from her. She thought it was the coolest thing she ever saw.

Kayla lied down on the bed. "It’s too bad I couldn’t count on you to watch the baby better, dear. I would like to depend on you, but I guess you’re still too young, aren’t you?"

Billi felt a little woozy, still mesmerized by Kayla’s lactating breasts. She sat down on the bed next to her. "I’m....still too young," she said.

"Yes, you are...but you want to know what it is like to nurse, don’t you? Come here, sweetheart," she said, and Billi snuggled close to her. Kayla kissed her cheek, and smoothed her hair. Billi saw milk dripping from Kayla’s nipple and suddenly was very hungry. She instinctively buried her face in Kayla’s breasts and Kayla guided her nipple into her mouth. Billi drank hungrily.

"That’s my girl," Kayla cooed. She saw Billi’s face change a little, get a little fresher. Billi continued to drink. Her breasts started to shrink, and she became smaller. Kayla saw that she was no longer 16, but now closer to 12. "Just a little bit more, baby," she said to Billi, and she saw her chest flatten out completely. She gently pushed Billi from her breast, and the little girl was in a daze. She whispered in her ear "call me mommy."

"Yes, mommy," Billi responded.

"You are Jenni’s big sister. You are 9 years old," Kayla said.

"I’m 9 years old mommy," Billi said, and fell to sleep, swimming in the denim skirt she still had on. Kayla tucked her in, and decided to let her sleep for a while.


Continuous Story part 19 by Louder on 02-22-03 03:02

ARSA Continuous Story Pt 19 Louder

Martha got increasingly curious as Kayla, nor Katie, returned to the table. Worried, she decided to investigate. Upstairs she found two girls playing with Barbie dolls. Aunt Martha saw Katie’s discarded clothing in a pile. The one girl was obviously Jenni... and the other was Katie!

"Katie!?" she said "What happened to you?"

Jenni giggled as her friend looked confused.

"Am I in trouble?" little Katie replied with a quivering lip.

"Trouble? How’d this happen? I told you to be careful" Aunt Martha said.

"I dunno.... What???" Katie asked in confusion.

"Oh dear! This is more serious than I thought! You don’t even know do you? And you haven’t been asleep! This is more serious than I thought!" Martha explained to the confused children.

"Big Katie turned into my friend Katie!" Jenni said happily.

Aunt Martha figured that Jenni must not have recognized 16 year old Katie but she certainly recognized now her as a child. But how did it happen? It didn’t follow how things were supposed to happen with the Dreamkeeper! Did Kayla do this? Where was Kayla?

"Katie, honey.... I think we better go" Aunt Martha told her niece.

"Not yet!" a voice behind Martha bellowed. It was Kayla and she was holding the hand of another little girl. Aunt Martha could tell it was a younger version of Billi. "I told you that your opinion about none of this mattered but you wouldn’t just leave use alone. You’re just trying to ruin this for me! I’m sorry but I can’t let that happen!"

Martha reached in her large purse and pulled a cell phone out.

"What do you think you’re doing?" Kayla asked.

"I’m calling my sister Veronica. The Dreamkeeper isn’t getting away with this and while his tricks might’ve worked on Katie and your family, Veronica and myself are too wise to fall for that! I won’t let him in my head!" She said as she pressed the auto-dial button.

"C’mon Katie!" she ordered as she put the phone to her ear.

"You crazy OLD bat!" Kayla yelled and tried to grab at the phone but Martha jerked away.

"Veronica... I’m glad you’re home.... We have a problem...." Martha said.

Kayla looked at Martha "I don’t think you want to do that do you?"

Martha stared back curiously.

"You don’t want to make that call...." Kayla told the older woman.

Martha realized she didn’t want to be making the phone call but she didn’t want Kayla to know that. "I’m hanging up but it most certainly isn’t because you told me to!" Martha told Kayla.

"You enjoyed your coffee didn’t you?" Kayla asked barely concealing a laugh.

Martha had originally thought it a little bitter but now that Kayla mentioned it... it was pretty good.

"Martha... your hair looks like a gray mop doesn’t it?... I think you’d like it much better in a ponytail. Why don’t you grab one of those rubber bands and change it?"

Martha hated the fact that Kayla was right. Her old gray hair did look like a mop. Of course it would look better in a ponytail! She let her dried out hair fall loose and brushed it out. "As soon as I get my hair fixed I am taking Katie and we are leaving!" Martha explained as she threaded her hair thru the rubber band. She did like her hair better in a ponytail. She hated that Kayla had suggested it but it really had to be done. She couldn’t leave with it looking as it did before!

"You wear too much makeup too, don’t you?" Kayla said.

Martha grabbed a towel and began scrubbing her face and lipstick "Don’t think you are stalling me! As soon as I make myself presentable Katie and I are leaving"

"Martha, when you see yourself you see yourself as a 20 year old girl don’t you?" Kayla said "But that’s normal isn’t it?"

Martha looked in the mirror and saw a 19 year old face looking back at her. She smiled. Her jet black hair complimeted her pretty face. What was Kayla even talking about? Of course she saw this face in the mirror!

None of the others in the room saw Martha as a 19 year old though. She still looked the same to them.

"Enough of this stalling... Katie and I are leaving!" Martha said again.

"Like that? Dressed like that?" Kayla asked "You know you hate dowdy old clothing like that! Why don’t you ask.... no... BEG... me for something more suitable for a teenager to wear!"

Martha realized she was dressed like an old maid. She just couldn’t leave the house looking like this! She just wished Kayla wasn’t the one who mentioned it first. Martha knew she would’ve thought of it herself. She just needed something else to wear. Maybe Kayla had something? "Kayla, could you.... would you..... have something here I could wear?"

"I don’t think there is" Kayla quickly answered.

"Oh... there has to be SOMETHING???? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! Anything is better than THIS! You just have to have something.... Please oh pleeeeeeeeeeease!" Martha said. She hated begging but there was no choice. She had to wear Kayla down. Kayla had said there wasn’t anything available.

"Ohhhh I suppose I could find something down the hall. C’mon with me" Kayla said and headed for Jennifer’s former room. Martha followed dutifully along.

Kayla handed Martha a pair of Jennifer’s faded cutoffs and a short little top "You’ll like these much better !" she said.

Martha struggled to get into the shorts. They felt tight but she could see in the mirror that they should fit perfectly. And she really liked this outfit. It was perfect for her. She finally got them one once the seams expanded some. With some effort she was even able to zip them. She pulled off her blouse and Kayla suggested she didn’t need her bra for her perky breasts. Kayla was right too. Martha liked her perky breasts and the shorts fit perfectly.

Kayla laughed seeing the matronly figure with her breasts sagging and her stomach hanging over the top of her shorts. Martha pulled the short little top over her head and admired her teenage figure in the mirror. Kayla laughed more.

"What?" Martha asked.

"Think nothing of my laughing" Kayla told her and Martha suddenly realized she shouldn’t pay attention to Kayla’s laughing.

Kayla handed Martha a strappy pair of sandals which Martha had trouble getting on. They were a little too small and getting them on made her knees and ankles hurt.

"Those are perfect for that outfit. You really do like your look, don’t you?" Kayla said.

Martha looked one more time in the mirror. She couldn’t look cuter! Her outfit was perfect for her! Kayla laughed harder "You really should consider a belly button ring!"

As soon as Kayla said that, Martha started looking at her belly button in the mirror. Of course Martha saw a flat 19 year old stomach but Kayla saw a matronly woman admiring a pale white slightly overweight stomach!

"Now that I am more presentable I am going to get Katie and we will get this mess straightened out! That Dreamkeeper is not going to get away with this! "Martha told Kayla.

Kayla laughed "About the Dreamkeeper.....I want you to forget everything you know about him!"

"That Dreamkeeper... he’ll..... uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ ummmmmmmmmmm......" Martha stammered.

"What?" Kayla asked.

"I forgot what I was going to say!??" Martha replied.


"You mean I was a big girl?" little Katie asked Jenni as a sliver of recollection crept to the front of her mind.

"Yeah.... but I wanted you to be a little girl so we could play so I just kinda wished it and then you turned into a kid" Jenni explained giggling.

Katie had another recollection coming into focus "I think I remember... I’m not really a little...". Katie was cut off.

"You can be my playmate now! You’re my age!" Jenni said.

Katie lost her train of thought. She felt a chill and her body got just a little smaller as she became an 8 year old. She was happy that her and Jenni were friends.


To be continued.....

blah blah blah blah (a.k.a. continuous story) part 20 by areg5 on 02-25-03 16:02

Martha couldn’t quite remember what she was doing in this house but really felt it was time that she and Katie get going. She saw Katie and Jenni playing with their Barbies, and Billi was playing too. The whole scene seemed odd...surreal. Since when was Katie a little girl? She clearly remembered her as a teen....nearly as old as...her? She looked at Kayla and felt the power and influence emanating from her. She thought she should say nothing. The woman was obviously older and...more experienced than she was? That didn’t seem right, even though the KNEW that she was ...only 19?

She glanced at the mirror, and thought she saw a 19 year old version of herself. She concentrated very hard...the clothes didn’t change, but the person in the mirror did. Boy, did she let her guard be manipulated so easily! What an embarrassment! She concentrated harder. That’s more like it...back to herself...but better be careful not to let Kayla know she was back. She sat down on the bed and watched the girls play dolls. She was really in a jam. At least the fact that she was caught the way she was explains how Katie was taken in so easily; she is just a girl, after all. The Dreamkeeper has insinuated himself here, and has a strong ally in Kayla. More than an extension of himself. This house, an extension of his shop. These rooms are his rooms now. You needn’t fall asleep to come under his spell. Martha looked down at her way too small top and tight shorts. So, he thought to play with my head, did he...make me THINK I was 19 again? Far easier than making me 19 years old again in actuality, as he well knows.

She will contact Veronica, but not here and not now. But she feared for Katie, she didn’t want to loose her favorite niece. She had to be alone with her in this house, and she couldn’t leave with her in this state or who knows what will become of her. She cleared her throat. "Um gosh, Kayla, my throat is sooooo like dry! Can I have some I go? I gotta get home with the car mom might ground me," she said, hoping she wasn’t laying it on too thick. It really depended how much of Kayla was left in the woman...she was sure the Dreamkeeper would not be easily fooled at this point.

"Of course, dear, I’ll put some more on," Kayla said, turning and leaving the room. Martha looked at little Katie playing with her doll, her clothes baggy on her. She looked like she was all of 8 years old. She may already be beyond my abilities, Martha thought.

"Come here and show me your Barbie, Katie," Martha said. The child came over and sat on the bed next to her. Martha knew she had to be careful and she had to be fast. She didn’t want to risk having Kayla interrupt now. "My, she’s pretty," Martha said, admiring the doll.

"I know she is, auntie, I wish I had one as pretty as her," Katie said.

"It was fun to play with dolls when you were a 8, wasn’t it my dear," Martha said. Katie giggled. "I bet when you grow up you’ll be as pretty as Barbie. Wouldn’t that be nice? To be grown up?"

"Oh yes, auntie, that would be kewl!" Katie said excitedly. "I can’t wait to be more grown up," she said, with a peculiar look on her face.

"All girls want to grow up fast, that’s so common. And look at’ll be needing your very own real bra soon," Martha said, noticing the small bumps forming on her niece’s previously flat chest. She saw Katie put down the doll and look at her. "You are too old to play with dolls, aren’t you," she asked.

"Of course I am, Aunt Martha. Like DUH, I mean I’m practically a teenager," Katie said with a laugh. She looked like she was about 11 years old now. Her previously loose shorts were now snug, as was her top. Then she laughed again. "Why are you dressed like that, auntie?"

"Oh, sometimes grown ups like to play dress up, just like children," Martha said. "Just like you are dressing up in little girl clothing now, right? You are too big for those clothes, aren’t you?" she asked, seeing Katie grow a little more. She was closer to her former height now, and was really filling out, although she was still only about 13.

As Katie grew from 8 to 13, Jenni’s eyes grew wide. She never saw anything so amazing as her friend turning into a young teenager. "Do it to me, do it to me," she said excitedly. Martha heard Kayla walking down the hall from the kitchen. They were out of time.

"We sure will try to do it to you, hon, but right now Katie and I have to go!" Martha said, pulling Katie by the hand. As they reached the front door they heard Kayla behind them.

"What is the meaning of this, Martha? Leaving so soon? You really want to stay for a while longer, don’t you? And Katie really wants to play dolls some more, right dear?" Kayla said.

Martha felt like a gigantic hand was pulling her back inside of the house, and Katie was already turning to go back inside. Martha tightened her grip on the girl’s hand. "Nice try, missie, but not again. You won’t have me again, now that I am better prepared for you," she said, breaking the spell, at least in her, but she had to get Katie out of there. She opened the door and pulled her outside with her.

"Well, you and Katie are always welcome here. Katie, if you want to earn some extra money, maybe you can babysit for the girls sometime if your aunt says its ok," Kayla said with a laugh. Martha and Katie ran to the car.

"Wha....wha....Martha? We can’t leave now, we have to save Jennifer," Katie said as they ran. Apparently she had her mind back again. At least that was a start.

"Later, dear, later. Right now we have to save ourselves. Quickly! To the car! better let me drive," she said as she saw the girl heading for the driver’s side. They jumped into the car and sped off.

As they drove, more and more of Katie’s memory returned. She looked at Martha, who looked truly pathetic as a older woman dressed like a teen hottie. She laughed. "I thought you said I had to be careful! Look at you!" She laughed again.

"This is no laughing matter, young lady. But point taken, I should have taken my own advice. She had me convinced I was 19 years old. She is very powerful...or I should say, he is. The Dreamkeeper is working through her now. It is impossible to tell where she stops and he begins. And you should have been more careful yourself," she said.

"Wha....what do you mean? All I remember was watching Sponge-Bob with Jenni and going to her room..." she trailed off. The she looked down at herself, seeing the tight shorts and tee shirt, meant for a 10 year old girl. Tears formed in her eyes, and she started to cry. "Auntie! He turned me into a little girl!" she exclaimed, sobbing.

"It was worse than it is now, I was able to help you a little of the way back, but you are still a good deal younger than you should be. We couldn’t help Jennifer at all, and I don’t know how we will. We need more help. I tried calling my sister, Veronica, for the house. Stupid! How could I have been so stupid! That’s when I let down my guard, trying to make that call." Martha muttered to herself.

Katie wasn’t listening, however, still distraught that she had been regressed. Martha saw her sobbing and pitied her. "It’s gonna be alright, dear. Let’s get you home, and maybe when we get some better fitting clothing on you you’ll feel better. Then we can sit down and make our plans to get you and your friend back to normal.

"O....ok," Katie said between sobs. Martha drove them the rest of the way to Katie’s house in silence. Luckily, Katie’s mother was at work and no one was home. Katie didn’t know how she would possibly explain her appearance to her! Katie opened the door, and she and Martha went up to her room. Katie looked in her drawers in vain for something that came close to fitting her, but knew she wouldn’t find anything. She looked around her room and it almost felt foreign to her. Every thing seemed a little bit bigger. She felt like she was in her big sister’s room without her permission, and was even a little scared that she would get caught. She sat on her bed and cried.

Martha sat down next to her and put her arm around her. "There, there sweetie. We’ll fix it, I promise," she said, wiping the tears from Katie’s eyes. She looks so young, Martha thought. Even the brief exchange she had with Kayla on their departure affected her. Kayla was very strong now, indeed. "Why don’t we get you out of those things," Martha said. Katie needed a little help getting her shirt off because it was tight, meant for an even younger girl. Katie slipped of her shorts.

Katie walked over to the mirror and couldn’t believe her eyes. The girl in the mirror shaking her head, wearing cotton panties and a cami was 11 or 12 years old. "This can’t be me," she thought. She took off her cami and saw the beginnings of 2 small breasts, just barely pubescent. She slowly took off her panties, and saw that her once proud bush had been reduced to a fine wispy tuft. "I don’t wanna be a little girl," she wailed.

"You’re not, honey, you’re almost 12, aren’t you?" Martha said, trying to calm her.

"Y....yes. I’m in sixth grade again," Katie cried.

"And that means you’re not a little girl, but almost a woman right? Now why don’t you take a shower and I’ll try to find some clothes for you that fit," Martha said. Katie sulked off to the shower, and Martha looked through Katie’s dresser drawers and the back of her closet.

Katie stepped over the edge of the tub and into the shower, thinking that it felt too high. She turned on the water and let in roll over her young body. She stood there in the running water for a while, then washed her hair. She took some soap and started washing her privates. It felt a little different...wasn’t really that much different, though...was it? She cautiously worked her finger inside and gasped. Yes, it was certainly tighter...and more sensitive than it had been. She worked her finger in and out, feeling around her newly reformed hymen. "I’m a virgin again," she whispered to herself. She caressed her small but very sensitive breasts, shuddering with pleasure. She tried but couldn’t quite climax...maybe because she was just too young now. She doubted whether she was old enough to even get her period yet, remembering that she was a little older than her friends when she started getting those. She sighed, turned off the water and dried off. She put on her robe which of course was now much too large and looked in the mirror ready to make up, but decided the newly freckled face didn’t need it. She went back to her room where Martha had her clothes laid out for her.

"I was able to find some stuff that I think will fit you now," Martha said, "but I apologize for the style. I didn’t have much to choose from.

"That’s’s better than nothing I guess," Katie said. She recognized her old underwear, a white cotton bikini panty with pink trim and a little pink bow in the waistband, and a matching cotton training vest. She put both on, looked at the mirror and frowned. The snug vest flattened her already small breasts out even more, making her look even less mature. The only other clothes was her elementary school uniform, that she had forgotten she still had, apparently stuffed in the back of her closet. A one piece blue plaid jumper and a white blouse. The dress was short enough to reveal her panties if she wasn’t careful. She put it on, not knowing what else to do. Martha also found some white anklet socks and school shoes. She combed her hair and pulled it back into a ponytail.

"There. You look much better now. Now lets get back to my house, I have to look a little more....myself!" Martha said, and Katie giggled, seeing that her aunt was still dressed like a teen tramp.

"I think you look good like that," Katie laughed, and Martha laughed too.

"That’s what I want to hear, laughter," Martha said. "Now, no more crying! We will fix this, Katie, I promise you that. We will call my sister and properly prepare for battle. And we will win," Martha said. Now everthing changes, she thought. All a person can be sure of is that there is NO END in sight. PLEASE be merciful, she prayed.

"You really think we will," Katie said, hopefully.

Martha looked at her little niece. "We have to," she sighed.


Peter had some time to kill and figured he would drop in on Jennifer. Sure, she said that they were going to cool it, see other people, blah blah blah. How long did that last? Soon as he took any interest in her sister Billi all of the sudden...BOOM! Jennifer wanted him again! Or at least he thought she did. And MAN! She looked like better than she ever did! EVER! He didn’t know what the heck was going on. Maybe she always looked that good and he just didn’t notice until he compared her with her sister who was also a real hottie. Wonder why he never heard of her before? He didn’t know, and he didn’t care. But when he got up that morning he was hornier than he ever was in his whole 17 year old life and no amount of self gratification would satisfy him.

He thought of calling Jennifer but thought the element of surprise would work in his favor, so he jumped into his 10 year old but still fast and hardly rusty Mustang, blasted some hip-hop and tooled on over to Jennifer and Billi’s house. If Jennifer was in her ’off again’ mood, he figured he would hit on her biggie. He pulled the car into the driveway and jumped out. As he walked up to the front door he slowed, remembering that Jennifer’s mother at times didn’t seem very...fond...of him. Oh well, maybe she isn’t even home. And if she is, he’ll just pour on the charm. He can be pretty charming when he tries to be, he thought proudly.

Peter rang the bell and was surprised when the door was opened by a beautiful young woman, maybe 25 years old. Who the hell was she? Did he have the wrong house? "Um...hello, is...uh...Jennifer here," he stammered. The woman was gorgeous! She had long brown hair, and a great body with big, luscious breasts. She was wearing a baby tee and shorts.

"Well, hello Peter. My my, isn’t this a pleasant surprise," she said, letting him in. "Jennifer’s in her room. Was she expecting you?" she asked with a smile.

", this is sort of visit. Do I know you?" he asked, surprised that he was so tongue tied around the woman.

"I don’t believe we’ve met. My name is Kayla. Jennifer just loves surprises; I bet she’ll be delighted to see you," she said, leading him to the family room. They both sat on the sofa.

"That’s funny, you have the same name as Jennifer’s little sister," Peter said nervously.

"It is funny, isn’t it?" Kayla laughed. When she was 11 she had such a crush on Peter, and she was sure that he barely noticed her. And why should he? She was just a little girl, and he had eyes for Jennifer. Looks like he has eyes for her now, Kayla thought. But how young he looks! From her current perspective, he was just a boy. But could she ever have fun with him! Would serve him right for ignoring me before, she thought. "Jennifer told me that her boyfriend was handsome, she just didn’t tell me HOW handsome! She’s a lucky girl," Kayla said with a smile.

Peter was dumbstruck. Was this woman hitting on him? He never made it with an older woman, and this woman was beautiful! He felt himself get hard and shifted in his seat. "Why thank you," he said, blushing.

"I bet you really know how to please a woman, don’t you Peter," Kayla said throatily.

Peter gulped. "I uh....guess so. I never got any complaints," he said.

Kayla inched closer to Peter. She saw him looking at her breasts and smiled. She leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

Peter forgot about Jennifer, and kissed the older woman. She tasted so good. His hand crept up to her breast and caressed it. Kayla kissed him again. "My my, aren’t you bold? Don’t you think I’m too old for you, honey?" she asked coyly.

"Uh....not...not really," Peter managed to get out.

"I bet you want to see my tits, don’t you sweetie," she said, taking off her top and revealing her full breasts. She was wearing a silky bra that used to be her mother’s. "Sure you can handle it?" she whispered.

Peter wasn’t sure he could. He was beginning to feel a little shy, but said "s...sure I can."

This was going to be too easy, thought Kayla. "Why don’t you help me out of this," she said, playing with her bra strap.

"Ok," Peter said. He started fumbling with the snap. He never saw one like this. Now, usually, Peter was good at getting a girl’s clothes off, but for some reason he was having trouble undressing Kayla. Maybe because she was older, and he was a little overwhelmed by her. Trying to make it with this sexy, older woman was starting to make him feel like a little kid instead of a confident teen.

As he tried to work the snap, Kayla noticed that Peter was starting to change. He didn’t look quite 17 anymore, or even 16. She giggled. "Having trouble little boy," she asked playfully.

Peter didn’t notice that his clothes were starting to grow big on him. "No! I can do it," he pleaded. But Kayla reached around with one hand and freed herself from her lacy prison. She put her hand behind Peter’s head and guided his lips to her waiting nipple, which he kissed, and then began to suckle.

"That’s a good baby," she cooed, as her milk began to flow. Peter greedily drank, and began to shrink even more. He’s about 12 years old now, Kayla thought. "What a good little boy," she said.

When he had reached 10 years old Peter realized something was wrong. His clothes were way too big on him, and Kayla seemed much, much bigger. He stopped suckling and Kayla pulled back. "I think you’ve had enough for now, baby," she said, standing up. Peter stood up and saw that Kayla was now a full head taller than he was. His pants fell to the floor, and Kayla laughed. "Oh you poor dear, look at you!

"What did you do to me?" Peter gasped. "I’m little!"

"Why, you’re 10 years old, aren’t you Petey?" she said, laughing.

"The hell I am! I’m 17!" he cried.

"Now, I beg to differ," she said pulling him over to a nearby mirror. Peter looked into the mirror and shuddered.

"I’m....I’m 10 years old!" he exclaimed.

"Tell me again," Kayla coaxed.

"I’m 10 years old," Peter said.

Kayla smiled. "Peter, why did you wear your big brother’s clothes today? How could your mommy let you go out like that?"

"I dunno, I sorta....forget. you have any clothes, ma’am," he said shyly. "That I can borrow, I mean....till I get home."

"I might be able to find you something, Petey, but you know I only have girls. I don’t have any boy’s clothing. Maybe I can find you something that isn’t too girly, would that be ok? Then you can go upstairs and play with Jenni. I’m sure she would be thrilled to see you," Kayla laughed.

"But I don’t wanna wear girl clothes! Yuck!" Peter almost shouted.

"Its either that, or be naked. I don’t know if I want Jenni playing with a naked boy. She’s just a little girl," Kayla said sternly.

That deflated Peter. "Uh...ok...I guess it would be ok...long as it isn’t a dress or something," he said. Kayla got up and went to her old room, where the girls were still playing dolls. She got a pair of panties, a pink tee shirt and light blue shorts and brought them back downstairs. She gave them to Peter, and he looked at the clothes critically. They were ok, except that the shirt said ’sugar ’n spice’ on it in the middle of a pink heart. He reluctantly put took off his oversized clothing, embarrassed to be naked in front of the woman...but...but it almost felt like he was trying on new clothes in dressing room of GAP kids with his mom, so he guessed it was ok.

After he was dressed, Kayla looked at him and laughed to herself. "Not the teen-aged stud now, are you Peter?" she thought, looking at the shy little boy in what appeared to be his sister’s clothes. She took his hand and led him to her old room. "Look who came over to play, girls," she said. Jenni and Billi squealed in delight.

Part 21 by Louder

ARSA Continuous Story Pt 21 Louder

"You ~CHILDREN~ play nice" Kayla told the three "I have some work to do on the computer"

Peter wasn’t sure he liked playing with Barbie dolls but he didn’t have many options right now. At least they let him play with the Ken doll. Jenni and Billi liked having someone else to play with since Katie was gone. Kayla logged onto the internet and began composing an email to the Dreamkeeper. Before she could finish the phone rang.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hello Kayla. Were you wanting to speak with me?" a voice asked. It was the Dreamkeeper.

"I was just about to send you an email!" she told him.

"I know" he answered "I’m afraid you have a problem don’t you?"

"Yes! I tried the mind control spell on that crazy old bat and she broke it!" Kayla explained "What happened? She might ruin everything!"

"We were just discussing that here. You might’ve taken Martha a little lightly. Such simple things. Were you tying to have too much fun with her? Perhaps you should’ve taken the ability more seriously?" the Dreamkeeper explained "But I think you realize that now. I must say the effort was good. It was just not strong enough!"

"So, what now?" Kayla asked.

"I’ve discussed this with my partner and we feel you could use more power. I know it wasn’t part of our deal but now that Martha thinks she is onto you, well, more power could certainly be to your benefit!" the man told her.

"Your’s too!" Kayla said.

The Dreamkeeper laughed "I’m not worried about Martha. I just don’t want her to ruin your dreams. I’ve told you that your dreams being fulfilled are important to me. You should understand that now. Haven’t I provided everything that you’ve asked of me?"

"Yes" Kayla replied "Thank you!"

"Well, then there is no need to worry now. The potion that you placed in Martha’s coffee is still in her system. That makes her still susceptible and weakened. With your increased abilities she is vulnerable and doesn’t even know it!"

"So you’re going to increase my powers?" Kayla asked hopefully.

"Already done!" the Dreamkeeper said "Just remember our deal!"

"So what do I do?" she asked.

"You’ll know. Think! It will make for so much more of a feeling of conquest to accomplish this on your own" he told her.

Kayla paced back and forth as she talked on the cordless phone. She wanted to say something but wasn’t sure that she should ask. Afterall, the Dreamkeeper had done so much for her already.

"Speak Kayla... What is it that your heart desires?"

"I was just thinking.... Maybe Marci could be even younger? Maybe?" Kayla replied.

"Why don’t you get her and see?" the man answered.

Kayla went upstairs and grabbed baby Marci from her crib. "Does baby want to be even younger?" Kayla sang.

Baby Marci began to get fussy. She kicked and squirmed. "What’s wrong with you? I thought you liked being younger... me being the mommy?" Marci only squirmed more. Kayla was disappointed. She considered using her mind control powers but thought it would be wrong to do such a thing to a baby that had been her mother. "Have I been a bad mommy? Why don’t you want to be younger? I want to know what it is like to.... to... to have a smaller baby".

Baby Marci kicked harder. She began to cry even more.

"Don’t cry, baby...." Kayla said as she unbuttoned her blouse "I’m sorry. I just thought you’d like being tinier and in my care even more...."

Baby Marci stopped squirming and fussing. Her tiny hand touched Kayla’s nipple. "I thought you’d like that" Kayla said as she held the child against her breast. "I’d be a better mommy if you’d just let me... if you’d be tinier... Don’t you want that? Isn’t it safe in mommy’s arms? I want to be a good mommy. Don’t you want to be my little baby?"

9 month old Marci started to grow younger.... and smaller. "You DO want to be younger don’t you?" Kayla said as the baby stayed close to her breast and shrank in her arms. 8 months.... 7 months.... 6 months.... 5 months.... 4 months.... Marci slid deeper into infancy as her infantile instincts were in control. Kayla kept pleading. It still wasn’t enough. Ideas ran thru her head. "Be younger, baby...."

3 months.... "younger"....2 months..... "younger".... 1 month.... "younger"

And now baby Marci’s age could be measured in weeks. 3 weeks..... 2 weeks.... 1 week......


6 days..... 5 days...... 4 days.....


3 days... 2 days.... 1 day.....


And then merely hours...

24 hours....16 hours.... 12 hours..... 6 hours.....


3 hours....


Kayla laid the tiny infant back in the crib. She laid her gently on her back. Her diaper needed tightened. It was much too large now.

Kayla picked up the phone nervously. "She wanted to get even younger! She’s so small now! How old is she????"

"She’s a newborn now. 2 minutes old" the dreamkeeper said.

"2 minutes??? Oh wow...." Kayla replied nervously "So far back...... wow..... Ummm is it possible to.... ummmm......"

"To what, Kayla?" the man asked.

Kayla took a breath. "Uhhh nothing.... Nothing...." she answered rather uneasily.

"Do you desire something else?" he asked "Please tell me. That is what I am here for"

"Oh....whoa... let me think....." she said.


"Veronica, there’s no time to explain on the phone. I need you on a plane here. The next plane! This is an emergency. Bring your.... supplies! I’ll explain when you get here! Bye!" Martha said as she put the phone down.

"She’ll be here soon. Then we can figure our next plan. She’s always wanted to meet you" Martha told Katie.

Katie still didn’t like being younger. She wanted to be 16 again. No way was she going back to grade school! She only hoped Aunt Martha and this mysterious Veronica could help her.

Martha began gathering various odds and ends from her cabinets. Katie had no idea what some of the items were.

The phone rang. "I’ll get it Aunt Martha" Katie said as she reached for the phone. Martha was busy on the step ladder going through the top shelf of the cupboard.

"It’s for you" Katie said holding the phone.

"Oh what now? I told Veronica to get here right away. She’s probably worried about bringing her cat!" Martha took the phone "Veronica, this is important.... bring your cat... I don’t care!"

"Martha, You will listen to me and NOT hang up this phone!" a voice said. It was Kayla.

Martha figured Kayla was going to try and trick her but she didn’t care. What could it hurt to listen? Afterall, she had more power to overcome Kayla’s simple methods. How much power and knowledge could someone that young have?

"Martha, have you changed out of your clothing yet?"

"Yes" she answered seeing no reason to lie.

"Martha, don’t you realize that when you wore those clothes you looked young again? Without them you are old. Very old! Tired. Sore. Decrepid. Old!"

Martha wondered why she had ever taken them off! She could hardly keep her balance on the ladder. She slowly stepped down.

"Martha, you must be 100 years old!" Kayla said "Don’t you feel it? Sure you do!"

Martha hunched over. Her walking turned even slower and unsteady.

"Earlier today you looked like you were barely 20 years old. Now you see and feel yourself as a tired, withered old woman. I could change that. You want me to, don’t you?"

"Yes..." Martha answered robotically "Please..."

"Go where no one is listening" Kayla ordered. Martha hobbled into the guest bedroom down the hall and shut the door.

"O...ok...." I’m alone in the bedroom..." she said barely able to muster her breath from the walk.

"Martha, you’ve been very bad. Very bad. But now you will obey me. You won’t even try to break my spell. Not this time"

Martha wondered why Kayla would think that she’d try and break her spell? Of course she wouldn’t break a spell that Kayla placed on her! "I won’t break the spell" she answered.

"Good... that’s good... in fact... that is being a very good girl. A good 5 year old girl. You now see and feel yourself as a five year old. How does that feel?"

"Good" Martha answered innocently suddenly catching her breath.

"Martha, how about you jump up and down on the bed and spin around and around until you are dizzy... and then talk to me some more?"

That sounded fun! Martha sat the phone down and took off her shoes. She stepped up onto the bed and began jumping up and down. Her robe bounced with her. Around she went. Higher and higher. Her old heart worked harder and harder trying to keep up. Her bones threatened to separate at any time but she didn’t feel it. All she felt was the fun of being 5 years old. Her lungs strained for air but it didn’t matter. She had to get dizzy! Around and around. Up and down. Around and around. Up and down. She finally collasped to the bed, her head spinning.

She could barely see the phone. There was two of them in her vision! "Hi!.... Geepers.... I’m dizzy!!" she said as she picked up the phone panting.

Kayla laughed. She could only imagine what the scene must’ve looked like. She figured it only served the crazy old woman right! "Martha, I want you to go back to your true age now. You’re really lucky though.... you only look like you are 19 years old. You see yourself as a 19 year old. You always have. You’ve really been fortunate to look so young! Look in the mirror and tell me what you see?"

Martha looked at the mirror "Long black hair..... shiny..... I have kind of cute nose..... I think anyway.... My eyes are bright and clear. Yeck... I might have a pimple starting! My hair’s kind of messed up right now. I think I could pass for 20 if I had to!"

"But you look 19 to you!" Kayla emphasized.

"19! Nobody could guess I’m not 19!"

"You like looking like a 19 year old don’t you?"

"Yes!" Martha replied.

"And you feel like a 19 year old too, don’t you?"


Kayla was glad Martha was back where she wanted her. People were going to think she was senile now. That should take care of Martha ruining things now. "Martha, I want you to forget everything you know about the Dreamkeeper"

"Who?" she asked.

"Nevermind" Kayla replied not wanting to be the one that even mentioned the name. She thought back to when Jennifer had been 16 "Martha, you are no smarter than the average 19 year old girl are you?"

"Uh.... Like... whatdya mean?"

"I mean you know how teenager girls are these days. Boy crazy.... no attention span.... fashion concious.....That kind of thing. You are that way too. Afterall, you look 19. You’re hot... and know it...... why not act it?"

"Yeah.... well... -duh-... of course! Like, I’m totally not into some of that stupid adult stuff!"

"Martha, one last thing. When you hang up the phone you will forget I even called. Maybe you can find a date for tonight? Bye" Kayla laughed as she sat the phone down.

Martha sat the phone down and wondered why she even had it in her hand? She looked at her robe and realized she couldn’t wear that all day. She let it drop slowly around her feet and admired her body. She hated not having a date tonight. It seemed such a shame to not tease some boys with this body!

Martha went to her room and began searching through the closet for something to wear. Everything was boring. It looked like her grandmother’s closet!No short dresses! No miniskirts! No shorts! No tank tops! No hot bikinis! No high heels! Nothing sexy at all! Everything was boring, boring, boring!!!


Veronica sat on the plane and wondered what her sister could have wanted. It sounded important. She only hoped it was. She hated flying!

The plane was circling the airport getting ready to land. She’d soon know just what Martha had gotten into.


Kayla heard a phone ringing. She looked around. It kept ringing and wouldn’t stop. She finally traced the ringing to Peter’s discarded pants. She grabbed the phone. "Hello????" she said as she picked it up.

"Who’s this???" a voice replied.

"Ummmm who’s THIS?" Kayla countered.

"I’m trying to find my son, Peter. This is his cell phone, right? This is his mother"

"Uhhh.... oh.....uhhhh.... yeah... uhhhhh..." Kayla stammered wondering why she’d ever picked up the phone in the first place.

"Is this Jennifer’s mother? He said he was going to Jennifer’s" Peter’s mom said "He forgot his wallet and I was going to bring it to him. I was already in the area.... I’m just trying to find him"

Kayla took a breath. She had his phone... how could she explain that? And this woman was on the way over. What next?


Katie paced back and forth. Her aunt had been in the bathroom an extended period of time. She wondered what could be happening. All she knew was she’d heard a lot of noise in the guest bedroom... then her aunt’s bedroom... and finally she scooped up the clothing that she’d gotten from Kayla and taken it to the bathroom. It was all very strange.

Katie jumped as she heard a knock at the door. She turned to see an 50ish woman looking in.

"Katie?" she said.

How’d this woman know her name? "Yeah??"

"I’m your aunt Veronica! I haven’t seen you since you were a little baby! My, how you’ve grown!"

Grown? Grown down Katie thought.

"Are you going to ask me in???" Veronica asked "Martha rushed me here and I hurried as fast as I could"

"Oh!... That was quick... Come in! Sorry!" Katie replied.

"So, just what is th problem?" Veronica asked.

"Ummm how long ago has it been since you saw me?" Katie replied.

"Weeelll let’s see... It would’ve been.... 11... no.... 13... no... hmmmm 16 years ago! Time flies!"

"So.... um... do I look 16 to you?" Katie asked trying to make a point.

"Oh.... Dear... People mature at different rates. You shouldn’t worry about that" Veronica said as she looked at the girl with pity.

"NO! That’s not what I mean... That’s the problem! I USED to be 16 but now I’m not!"

"Did Martha mess up a spell? She never did really master all that. I’m sure we can figure out what she did and reverse it"

"No, Aunt Martha didn’t do this to me... The Dreamkeeper did it... I guess!"

"You know about the Dreamkeeper?"

"Yeah... And so does my best friend and her family!"

"And you let him do this to you?" Veronica asked.

"That’s the weird part. I don’t know how he did it to me!"

"But the Dreamkeeper doesn’t work that way.... not without help...."

"Help?" Katie asked but before Veronica could answer Martha bounded into the room. Martha was dressed as a typical teen... but she didn’t look like a typical teen. She looked like a 55 year old squeezed into her teenaged granddaughter’s clothing. Her dull grey hair was styled into lifeless waves. She’d painted her nails in juvenile colors. Her pale white flesh was WAY too exposed.

"Hi Ver.... What’s up?" Martha asked.

"Martha???? What’s wrong with you?" Veronica asked as her eyes grew wide.

"Oh no... not again!" Katie exclaimed

"Again?" Veronica said.

"You guys... geeeeez.... Veronica, you’re just jealous ’cuz I’m, like, the pretty one" Martha said only half in jest as she rubbed some lotion on her pale legs.

"Kayla... or the Dreamkeeper did that to her before... but she broke the spell... I thought!" Katie told Veronica.

"Kayla? This is getting complicated!" Veronica said shaking her head.

"Why would Martha even dream she’d only looked like a teenager only to herself? There are all sorts of strange fantasies but I find that one hard to believe!" Veronica explained to Katie.

"I know... It’s weird... like how I got little..."

"You’re not that little, dear"

"I was smaller but Aunt Martha made me older and got me away from there!"

"There? The Dreamkeeper’s shop?"

"No... Jennifer’s house" Katie explained.

"Jennifer???" Veronica shook her head. This was confusing "Who is Jennifer?"

"You guys! What’re you talking about??" Martha asked "It’s like I’m not even here. Like, you can just totally ignore me.. AS IF!"

"Martha, I think someone has put a spell on you" Veronica.

"Oh yeah? Riiiiiiight...... Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Get real!" Martha told her sister.

" I don’t think it was the Dreamweaver either. This is outside of his powers" Veronica explained as she tried to piece everything together.

"Dreamkeeper? What’s a dreamkeeper?" Martha asked "I, like, never heard of it??"

"Yes you have..... errrrrr well... you used to know... This is some kind of mind control spell. That’s not his style. He’s got help!" Veronica said.

"You really are crazy, sis! People always said that..ya know?... I, like, guess they were, like, right! Geeeez!" Martha said.

"Katie, you have to tell me the whole thing from the start. All of it. If you forget something it could be trouble for all of us now!" Veronica told Katie.

Katie began the story from as far back as she could. Veronica stopped her. "Where do you think you are going??" Veroinca asked Martha seeing her with a hand on the door.

"Uh.. like... I need some clothes? OK??? To the mall! Like, OK... -mother-!?? Geezzzzzz" Martha answered "You’re not my mother and I can, like, do what I want!"

"You don’t want to be seen like that!" Veronica said.

"You really ARE jealous aren’t you??? Like, I’m gonna find a date for tonight ’cuz I’m, like, hot and you’re, like, ~ not~!" Martha argued as she posed in the door way for effect.

"I don’t think so, Martha. Just stay here!" Veronica ordered.



Kayla wiped her brow and rubbed her stomach. She felt ill. Peter’s mother was about to arrive and she couldn’t let her see Peter right now. Soon, a car pulled into the driveway. Kayla watched from the window as a late 30 ish year old woman stepped out of the car and walked to the house.

Kayla opened the door hoping that the lady would give her the wallet and leave.

"Jennifer?" the woman said.

"Oh... uhhh no.... I’m her.... uhhh mother" Kayla lied.

"Wow! What did you do, have her when your were 8!?" the woman asked extending her hand "I’m Stephanie"

Kayla took her hand "Hello Stephanie. I’m uhhh Kayla" she said hoping the woman didn’t know Jennifer’s mother was really named Marci. Why didn’t I just say Marci she thought to herself?

"You look much too young to have a teenage daughter! I bet people think you are sisters!" Stephanie said as she stepped inside. Damn, Kayla thought. She didn’t want her to come in! "So , you have Peter’s wallet?" She asked hoping the woman would give it to her and leave.

"Yes. Silly boy! Sometimes you have to treat them like 10 year olds! My husband is the same way! They are both like little boy’s sometimes. Where is Peter?" she asked.

"Uhhh... he’s not here" Kayla lied.

"Not here? His car is here....???" Stephanie said. Kayla wasn’t prepared for that. "I mean he’s not RIGHT here..." she said and nervously laughed.

"Oh... ??" Stephanie replied as she heard the children upstairs making noise "You have little children? I didn’t know that"

"Yes.. uhh... well.. they aren’t all mine. There’s 3 of them up there" Kayla said hoping the woman would just leave and quit asking questions. She didn’t look like she had any intentions of leaving soon. This woman wasn’t going to give up the wallet except to Peter. It was time for the backup plan.

"Coffee?" Kayla asked as she excused herself "Peter will be a few moments"

"Oh... Ok... sure" Stephanie replied shrugging her shoulders "I’m in no hurry"

Kayla returned with the coffee. It was more of the same batch with the potion that she had used on Martha. She didn’t trust her newfound powers without the potion. Not on this woman she knew nothing about. She poured extra in the cup. It would numb her senses. Hopefully get her antenna down.

"Good coffee!" Stephanie said as she sipped it... and followed with a larger drink "So do you babysit?"

"Babysit?" Kayla asked.

"The children upstairs? You said they weren’t all your’s"

"Oh... yes... That’s it... I babysit some" Kayla told her.

"All girls?" Stephanie asked?

" 2 girls and a boy" Kayla answered.

"I see. They get along OK?" Stephanie asked as she began to feel rather relaxed.

"Get along?"

"The girls and the boy?"

"Oh yes... they get along.... You’d almost think Billi was a boy in a past life of something... the way he get along with little Pe errrr the boy"

"Little boys are fun" Stephanie said as she sank into the chair.

"How so?" Kayla asked.

"Their ballgames.... and sports..... and things.... I played basketball in High School..." Stephanie mumbled as she took another drink of the spiked coffee.

"Basketball?" Kayla asked as she saw that the woman was getting a little too comfortable. She decided that she put too much potion in the coffee. It was much more than she’d used in Martha’s. She’d planned on softening Stephanie up and then using her mind control powers but this woman wasn’t a threat in this condition.

"Ummmm huh.... I wasn’t very good.... I tried... I’d shoot the ball... like a girl....." she said whimsically and laughed "I could dribble really good.... bouncy bouncy bouncy ball...." She closed her eyes and smiled "I couldn’t shoost... shoosts... shoots... shoot it though!"

Geez she’s drunk Kayla thought! What was in that potion? Kayla rolled her eyes. This wasn’t going as planned. It was entertaining though.

"Peter can shoost it... though... swish swish swish.... We knew when he was a little boy he could play ball.... swish.... I wasn’t as good as him... swish swish swish.... He could play base...ball ...too!" Stephanie said slowly as she finished the coffee "Good coffee..... I couldn’t do it though..uh huh.... not me.... dumb ol girl!"

"What? Couldn’t make coffee?" Kayla asked shaking her head.

Stephanie laughed "Coffee? That’s... funny.... No.... Baseball.... I couldn’t hit... the ball.... that little ball... my dad tried..... Daddy would try... he’d throw... and I’d miss... and miss... I missed a lot..... I couldn’t shoot it either.... the basketball I mean.... Daddy woulda been proud of Peter.... He liked sports.... He wanted a boy..... I couldn’t live up though.... I tried.... bouncy bouncy boucny". Her voice trailed off into mumbles "weeeeeee...... gotta catch it.... shoot!....scores???.... no...... bad....."

"Stephanie! Come with me! Upstairs!" Kayla said as she lifted the nearly limp woman from the couch. Kayla had a plan. "You gotta be quiet!" she said as she helped the woman to her bedroom. She didn’t want the children to see this woman. She sneaked her past them without any problem and opened the door to her room.

"How do you do this?" Kayla asked seeing that she was in the Dreamkeeper’s shop.

"You’re house is part of my dreamworld now. Dreams and reality are all the same for you... thanks to our deal. I see you brought Stephanie"

Kayla looked surprised but the realized that she should never be surprised by the Dreamkeeper. "I thought she was going to be a problem but I think maybe this can go as payment toward my debt. She seems to be fading in and out though."

"That she does!" the Dreamkeeper said "But I’m sure I can help her. That was a very good idea bringing her to me"

"Who are you???" she mumbled

"Me? I am the man about to bring you your dreams! To see to it that your heart is fulfilled!" he said.

"Oh..." she said and hung her dizzy head. She was tired. She felt like liquid.

"So what is your dream?"

"My dream??? huh?...." she replied groggily. Her mind was cloudy. Her eyes heavy.

"Tell him about your dream to play high school sports and be good this time" Kayla said figuring a teenaged athletic Stephanie would have other priorities than ruining her perfect family.

"Good like, Peter" Stephanie mumbled in confirmation "I wish I coulda been good..... I couldn’t shoot the ball.... I was fast tho... really fast...." she rattled.

"So you want to go back? I can do that. No problem! Your fantasy can now come true. Bring her to the room and sit her on the floor, Kayla" the man directed. Kayla did as she was told.

"Swish.... swish... swish....." Stephanie rambled and made motions like she was shooting the ball. Kayla backed out of the room and shut the door.

"This is a wonderful thing you are doing for her, Kayla. You should be proud" the Dreamkeeper said as he walked toward the door.

"Stephanie. Your dreams await. Discard those things that trap you in this reality and free yourself to experience your heart’s desires. Get rid of the jewelry... the clothing... then search out what you seek" the man said.

Stephanie felt so comfortable. So relaxed. How nice to have her dreams fulfilled. Her mind was like butter. She smiled as she remembered the man’s words "Get rid of the jewelry... the clothing... then search out what you seek"

She took off her blouse and bra. It seemed as if she was moving in slow motion. She kicked off her shoes and unfastened her jeans, slowly stepping out of them. "....Get rid of the jewelry... the clothing... then search out what you seek"

She took off her bracelet and watch.... and lastly her wedding ring. My dreams she thought in her clouded mind...."Now what???" she asked laughingly still feeling very relaxed and loose.

She stood rubbery in the center of the room... nude.... her 38 year old body looking fit, if a bit unsteady thanks to the potion, for her age.

"Take a look around!" the Dreamkeeper implored.

Stephanied squinted her eyes and scanned the room. She saw clothing that she hadn’t seen in there until just now. It all looked familiar. There was a basketball uniform with her old number. It was just like what the high school team wore now.

"Keep between your man and the basket" she heard a voice say.

"Play defense with your feet!"

"Your holding, 32!"

"Keep your elbows in. Follow through!"

"Pump fake! Pump fake!"

Stephanie smiled. It had been a long time since she’d heard that. It sounded good... like music.... She could hear the rhythm of a basketball bouncing on the hardwood floor. It made for a song. Her dad would be proud.

"32? Are you in the game?" a voice said

"32? Are you in the game?" a voice said

32... that’s my old number Stephanie thought and smiled. She felt so relaxed. What a comfortable place!

"32? Are you in the game?"

Would these clothes fit? She’d grown some since high school!

"32? Are you in the game?"

"Yeah..." she answered aloud to the voice in her head "I’m in the game!" She had to see if the uniform would fit.

"32? Are you in the game?"

"I gotta get dressed...."she answered "then I’m in the game"

"32? Are you in the game?"

"Hold up!" she said as she began to dress. She pulled on her sports bra. She felt a tingle as she did it. Her breast felt different. She wasn’t sure what the difference was... it was just different. She continued dressing and as she pulled on her shorts she noticed something begin to feel different about her legs. She shivered. It was as if her skin was tightnening. Her legs looked different. Smoother. Younger. Smaller. She pulled on the top of her uniform and felt her hair pull into a ponytail. She felt energy... adrenaline...

"32? Are you in the game?"

"I’m coming! Just a minute!" she answered as she grabbed her sports socks and shoes.

"Is this really what you want?" another voice asked just as she started to pull on her socks.

A basketball rolled off a chair. She picked it up. It felt familiar in her hands again. Like it had in high school.

"32, Don’t shoot! Let someone else shoot!" the first voice said.

Her confidence faded. She worried about shooting. What if she was open? What if she had the ball with game on the line? She never could shoot the ball... not like Peter!

"32, Don’t shoot! Let someone else shoot!" the first voice said.

No, this time she would learn to shoot. She would have more patience. Her shooting would be important to the team! She reached for her socks again and her finger caught a rivet. "OUCH!" she said. She looked at her young hand in amazement.... and then her finger... she’d broken a nail. "Oh no..." she whined absently.

"Is this really what you want?" the other voice asked again.

How could she have patience for learning the game better when she is worrying about a broken nail? That’s the problem. How could she ever make her father proud? Stephanie hugged her knees.

"32? Are you in the game?"

"NO! NO! NO!" she cried "I’m not coming!" She might as well have been a cheerleader she sobbed. At least then she’d have an excuse for worrying about her looks instead of being a better player.

She started taking the uniform back off. This was a terrible idea she decided. She looked at the other uniform that was in the room. It was smaller. She was surprised the high school uniform had fit.... but now she examined her body.... she was 16 years old now! She was smaller... maybe this uniform would fit? Would she get even younger? Maybe starting younger would be better?

She padded over and picked up the uniform. The shorts were very baggy. This uniform had a 32 on it as well. 32 was her dad’s number when he played in college. She slipped her teenaged legs into the trunks and pulled them up. She immediately felt very strange. The room seemed to grow. Her legs seemed to change. Did she just get younger she wondered? She must’ve she figured. The trunks fit. She room looked bigger. She thought about her dreams. She wanted to make her dad proud. Stephanie grabbed the jersey and put it on. She felt her chest deflate and knew she was getting younger. Maybe this is the the best way she wondered. Younger.... Her mind was still foggy from the potion. She focused on her fantasy and finished dressing. She was surprised how big her hands and feet were.

"Hey 32, What are ya... just another girl? You need to get started practicing if ya wanna play with the boys when next season gets here!"

That’s what she wanted... to prove herself against the boys! That’s what would’ve made her dad proud! She laced her basketball shoes and ran out of the room only to see Kayla and the Dreamkeeper waiting.

"She’s a little boy!" Kayla said

Stephanie looked down at herself and ran her fingers through her short hair. No wonder her hands looked bigger than she remembered! "But????? What happened???" she asked as the fog was only beginning to lift.

"Yeah? What happened?" Kayla asked as well beginning to think maybe the Dreamkeeper did work in mischievious ways.

"Stephanie’s fantasy was granted!" the Dreamkeeper explained.

"Hey.... what do you mean?!..." Stephanie said "This isn’t right! What about my family?" Her mind was clearing more.

"I can take care of that for you" the Dreamkeeper said "They’ll understand"

"I’m going back in there and changing back" Stephanie said.

"If you desire...." the Dreamkeeper said "But your dad has sent a message to you... he says he is very proud that you’ve chosen to be the son he never had!"

Stephanie stopped in her tracks "My father is dead! How could you have a message from him? This is a trick!"

"He’s good!" Kayla explained.

"But.... my family.....? No...." Stephanie’s resolve was shaken. She was torn. She had to admit that deep down she did regret not being the son she felt her father had always wanted "This can’t be happening... can it?"

"Stephanie, I think Kayla can help you out with your decision... if you ask her... See you in your dreams!" and with that the room changed back into a bedroom and the man was gone.

"Kayla.... I’m scared! I just want to change back!" Stephanie protested "You’ve got to help me. I have other responsibilities now"

"You want my help?" Kayla asked.

"Yes! Please.... I can’t be Peter’s mother in the body of a 10 year old boy!" Stephanie said.

Kayla took pity on the child "Stephanie.... you are not Peter’s mother any more. You aren’t anyone’s mother are you?"

"Uhhhh no...."

"Look at you. You are a 10 year old boy. You want to do whatever 10 year old boys do. Be whatever 10 year old boy want to be. Right?"


"Your name is Stevie. I’m going to introduce you to a little boy named Peter. When you see him it will be the first time you have ever seen him. Ever! You’re new here. I want you to try and be friends with him. Do you understand?"


"Ok, Stevie... Let me have your hand" Kayla led Stevie to where the other children were still playing. They all looked up to see who Kayla had with her "Kids, I want to introduce Stevie to you. Stevie wants to play with you children. Maybe he and Petie can play ball or something and you girls can pretend to be cheerleaders? That sound good?"

Petie looked at the new child. The child looked familiar. "Howz come I think I know you?" he asked.

"I dunno" Stevie shrugged "I’m new here"

"Real new!" Kayla added with a laugh.


To be continued

Continuous Story Part 22 by areg5 on 03-05-03 09:03

Katie explained all of the recent events to Veronica, who listened intently, sipping her tea. She asked few questions and didn’t show surprise at the Dreamkeeper’s abilities in regards to age manipulation in the granting of fantasies. She was surprised at the effect he had on her sister, however. She looked at Martha doing her nails and sighed.

"Like, are we going to the mall or what?" Martha asked, a little exasperated.

"In a bit, dear, I just want to finish my tea and talk to Katie for a while longer," Veronica said.

"Blah blah blah that’s all you do is talk," Martha said, turning on MTV. Soon she was lost in videos.

Veronica looked at Katie critically. She certainly was not 16 years old. She was about 11...the age that Kayla was, if she could recall the facts of this case correctly. As they talked, the little girl was trying to hold back tears. "I just don’t understand," Katie said. "I thought Aunt Martha had, like I dunno, powers or something. And now look at her!" she added, watching Martha twirl her bubblegum.

"My younger sister is very learned and quite powerful, and it has been a long, long time since she has been caught unawares. I know the Dreamkeeper...I know him quite well, in fact. Needless to say, he has never been even remotely able to affect either Martha or myself in the past. We were quite beyond him, as powerful as he is. And now, Martha is mentally regressed...not even by him directly, but by his agent? That part doesn’t make sense. Where did THAT kind of power come from, anyway?" Veronica asked, almost to herself.

"I don’t get why he just regressed her mind, like you said. What kind of hidden desire is it to be a 19 year old in a middle aged body? Why didn’t he just make her 19? He plays with age so easily," Katie asked.

"For one thing, he was not in direct contact with her. I think, as powerful as he is, that still would have been necessary to accomplish that feat. Also, there is the time element. He was able to regress you and your friends fairly quickly, but if memory serves me correctly, he can’t alter the speed of his regression. For you to become 5 years younger would take him about 5 minutes. He can’t make it go faster. It took longer to regress you mother’s friend because she was...what did you tell me, around forty? She’s a baby now, and all in all that is about 40 minutes of work on his part. For Martha.." she trailed off.

"What? If he wanted to make Martha 19 and she was like 50 that would" Katie said, her 11 year old brain struggling to do the math without a pencil and paper. "31 minutes," she said a little triumphantly. "How hard would it have been to do that? He could have kept her occupied for that long," she added.

To Katie’s surprise, Veronica laughed. "Oh, are right. It would have taken about that long if Martha was in her fifties. Is that how old you think she is?" she laughed again. "Silly me, of course you would think that. Martha is much, much older than fifty, and she is my LITTLE sister. We have been around for a very long time. Longer than you would has the Dreamkeeper. He would grow old trying to make Martha into a true 19 year old!" she laughed.

Katie was stunned. "I never realized," she said. "I thought she was just, y’know, my weird aunt Martha," she said.

"We are distant relatives of yours, and I think that we would all agree that Martha is weird," she laughed. "although today, she is a little weirder than usual. Now back to the matter at hand. Obviously, we have to be very careful around Kayla. We can’t just burst in there and try to fix things. If Martha was affected like she was, I would be hard pressed to defend myself let alone help any of you back to normal. We would have to be very well prepared. The Dreamkeeper has someone helping him, I think...someone of great power. That is the key. We have to prepare for him. The problem is, we don’t know who he is and getting close enough to find out might prove very dangerous. We..." Veronica was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. She and Katie stared at each other, wondering if they should answer it. Katie remembered that Martha started acting really weird when she talked to Kayla on the phone. She gulped.

Veronica picked up the phone, expecting the worst. "Hello," she said.

"Hello, Martha?" the voice on the phone said.

"This is her sister, Veronica. Martha is indisposed at the moment," she said, sensing no power in particular from the voice.

"Aunt Veronica? It’s me, Wendy! Gosh, it’s been such a long time, how have you been? Whatever are you doing in town? Why didn’t you let me know you were visiting," Wendy said.

" has been a long time! How are you, dear," Veronica said. She looked at Katie, and saw the color drain from her face.

"Fine, fine....say, I was just looking for my daughter, and I called over Jennifer’s house because that’s where she usually goes when I can’t find her! Well, Jennifer’s mother said that she was there earlier but left with Martha, so I thought I would try there! Is she there?" Wendy asked.

"Er....uh, one moment," Veronica said. Then looking at Katie, "Your mother is on the phone," she said, seeing the girl trembling.

" can I talk to her! Like this!" Katie exclaimed, throwing her arms up.

Veronica looked at the little girl in her school uniform, scared out of her wits. She didn’t know if she was going to be able to return Katie normal soon, if ever, and she would have to face her mother at some point. "I think you should talk to her sweetie," she said gently.

Katie took the the phone. She had to try to sound as grown up as possible, she thought. How different was her voice anyway? Maybe a little higher. Maybe she wouldn’t notice. "Hi mommy," she said, not even catching her slip She was starting to really think like an 11 year old.

"Katie, is that you? What’s wrong with your voice," her mother asked with real concern.

"Um...I...guess I have a cold ...or something," Katie said unconvincingly. Hearing her mother’s voice on the other end of the phone was comforting to her, because she was upset with being turned into a little girl. She was beginning to have the overwhelming desire to be with her mother...she wanted her mommy.

"You poor dear. I’m coming over there right away," Wendy said. And before Katie could protest, she had hung up the phone.

"Oh no! She’s coming over," Katie said in dismay. "What do we do? What do we tell her," she said, almost frantic.

"We’ll think of something, child. We’ll just have to play it by ear," Veronica said.

About 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door. "I’ll get it," Martha said, running to the door. Before Veronica could do anything about it, she opened the door. "Hiya Wendy," she said.

Wendy stared at Martha, dumbfounded. Martha was wearing way too tight shorts and a sleeveless white tee, also much too tight. Wendy recognized it as her daughter’s clothing. "What are you dressed up for, Halloween?" Wendy asked. She always knew her aunt was weird, but this...

"As if," Martha snorted. Who did this woman think she was? "Come on in," she said. Wendy walked into the sitting room and saw Veronica sitting on the sofa.

"Why hello, Wendy," she said, hugging her. "It has been a long time, hasn’t it?"

Wendy hugged her back. "Yes it has, auntie," she said. "What’s with Martha? Did she finally go off the deep end," she asked with real concern.

" rather complex. Let me get you some tea, and we’ll talk about it," Veronica said. She went into the kitchen and returned with a cup, and handed it to Wendy.

"I came to see my little girl," she said, sipping her tea. "She sounded awful on the phone and I know it can be a real downer to have a cold. Where is she?" she asked.

"In the other room," Veronica said. "Katie, your mom’s here," she called. Katie came into the room sheepishly. Wendy took one look at her daughter and dropped her cup, which spilled and broke on the floor.

"! Katie! What happened to you! You’re a little girl," she said in astonishment. At that Katie ran to her mother and hugged her, tears flowing.

"I’m sorry mommy I can’t believe this happened to me I was so scared I tried to help Jennifer that’s all I did but I wasn’t look at me I don’t know what to do and I don’t know how to fix it," she said in a rush, crying.

Wendy held her little girl, rocking her. She wondered if she was even 11 years old. She seemed a little bit younger than that. "’s ok, baby...don’t’s ok," she cooed. "We’ll figure out how to fix this...we will. But slow down and tell me, what happened? I won’t get mad. Is this one of Martha’s weird little experiments? Did she do this to you," she asked.

"," she said. Katie got herself together and told her mother the whole story.

"So Marcia was turned into a baby? But I just talked to her on the phone. You must be mistaken," Wendy said.

"That must have been Kayla," Katie said.

"Jennifer’s little sister?" Wendy asked.

"Not anymore," Veronica said.

"And Jennifer..." Wendy began to say.

"8 years old the last time I saw her," Katie replied.

"This is just all too fantastic to believe," Wendy said, but then looked at Martha watching MTV, and shook her head, knowing it must be true.

"Wendy, I know you never had any interest in...well...what Martha and I do. We were always encouraged by Katie’s affinity. I think you should know that what she tried to do, to help her friend...that was very heroic. Unfortunately, she got in too deep, as did my sister. She never had a chance," Veronica said.

"Enough talking, Ronnie! I wanna go to the Maaaaaaaall!" Martha almost screamed.

Veronica looked at her sister and sighed. Perhaps she couldn’t put her back, but..."Martha, you don’t want to go to the mall," she said to her sister in an odd tone.

A blank look fell over Martha’s face. "I....don’t ...want to go to the mall," she repeated.

"Tonight is a school night and you have homework," Veronica said.

"Yes...I have homework," Martha said in a daze.

"Good. That ought to hold her for a while," Veronica said. There were beads of sweat on her forehead.

"I wish you could teach me that trick," Wendy said. "It would come in handy."

"Ha ha. It wouldn’t have worked on Martha if she wasn’t in such a suggestive state, but I wanted to quiet her for the moment. Now, let’s see if we can start putting things right.

"What can I do," Wendy asked. She rocked her daughter, noticing how nice it was to have her small again. It was nice to have her little girl back, to have her daughter needing her. Teenagers like their space, and Wendy had been getting lonely.

"Maybe nothing. After all, the Dreamkeeper is dangerous, and I don’t want you ending up in diapers," Veronica said.

"I would risk anything for my little girl," Wendy replied.

"Alright. He know’s about Martha, and he knows that Martha called me. He would be expecting one of us...but maybe not you. We have to find out who he is in with, that is the only way we can even begin to figure out how to negate his power. I don’t think we can go back to Jennifer’s house. But maybe...maybe his shop. Maybe he won’t expect you there," Veronica said. "It would be dangerous. He can be very persuasive. But maybe you could poke around there, find out something...anything that might help."

"That sounds like a plan," Wendy said, and Katie nodded.


Kayla nursed little Marcie until she fell asleep. As a newborn infant, she had to be fed every 2 hours. She either nursed, cried or slept; such was her new life. When she was done nursing and had been changed, Kayla swaddled her in a blanket and put her in her crib. She heard the kids laughing in the other room and smiled. She was enjoying the role of mother so far.

Stevie looked at Petey and laughed. The girls giggled too. "She said your name was Petey," he laughed.

"Yeah, so.." Petey said defensively.

"That’s a funny name for a girl," Stevie said.

"I’m not a girl, take that back," Petey returned.

"What’s wrong with being a girl," Jennie said, playing with her Barbie.

"I thought you WERE a girl," Billie laughed.

Petey felt tears well up in his eyes. Of course, he was wearing girl’s clothing because for some reason none of his fit and he was playing dolls with 2 little girls aged 8 and 9 years. He looked at the Ken doll in his hand, and turned bright crimson. He saw Stevie laughing. "I’m.....I’m not a girl," he stammered.

"Are you sugar....or spice," Stevie sneered, looking at Petey’s pink shirt with the heart on it.

"She’s everything nice," Billie laughed.

"I’M NOT A SHE!" Petey shouted.

"Don’t get your panties in an uproar," Stevie said, now rolling on the floor laughing. Petey jumped on him and the two boys wrestled as the girls watched and laughed.

"You take that back," Petey said, punching Stevie in the gut as hard as he could.

"You even fight like a girl,"Stevie said, throwing Petey off of him. He was bigger and stronger than Petey, maybe because he practiced so hard at basketball and was into most other sports. Soon Petey was pinned on the ground with Stevie on top of him.

"Owwwww, let me up," Petey whimpered.

"Oh, does Patty want to go back to her dollies," Stevie sneered. "I won’t let you up until you admit that you are a girl. SAY IT!"

"," he cried. He desperately wanted the bigger boy off of him but he couldn’t say that, never! He was a boy!"

Stevie relaxed his hold. "Ok...but you have to PROVE that you aren’t a girl," Stevie smiled.

"How," Petey said already knowing the answer. The girls blushed and giggled. "NO WAY! I’m not gonna get undressed in front of them!" he shouted, mortified. Before he could do anything about it Stevie rushed him and pulled down his shorts revealing white girls panties with a little pink trim.

Stevie howled with laughter. "I KNEW IT," he said.

"Stop it stop it stop it," Petey cried. He pulled up his shorts, tears flowing.

" leave him alone, Stevie," Jennie said, going over to Petey’s side. "Stop being so mean," she said.

"Who are you, his girlfriend?" Stevie sneered. Jennie looked at Petey, still crying. She didn’t like how mean Stevie was being but she didn’t have a boyfriend...she thought boys were kinda yucky...although for some reason she liked Petey.

At that moment Kayla came into the room. "Keep it down you guys, you’ll wake the baby," she said, annoyed.

"He started it," Petey said sniffing back tears.

"I just told PATTY that I liked HER shirt," Stevie snickered.

"Am I going to have to separate you boys? Stevie, you are the oldest and I expect more from you. Petey’s clothes got ruined and we had to make do with what we had until we can get him something else, so knock it off. And Petey, if Stevie is bothering you come and tell me," Kayla said.

"Yeah, run and tell MOMMY," Stevie said under his breath.

"No more Stevie, I’m warning you," Kayla said. "Now you kids play nice. Don’t make me come in here again or someone will be sorry.

"Ok," the kids said in unison. Kayla heard the baby cry and left the room, sighing. The girls went back to their dolls. The boys went out in the yard to shoot hoops.


"You didn’t REALLY think Petey was a girl, did you?" Jennie asked Billie absently.

"Well he is dressed like one," Billie laughed. "But no, I was just teasing him, and it made Stevie laugh."

"Ewwwwww, you like him," Jennie said with a smile.

"Wellllll.....I think he’s kinda cute..." Billie said, blushing.

"Ewwwwww!" Jennie giggled again.

"I just think he’s cute that’s all," Billie said, a little ashamed.

"I bet you wanna kiss him too!" Jennie exclaimed.

’Do Not!" Billie shot back.

"DO TOO," Jennie said. She took her Barbie doll in one hand and the Ken in the other. "Ohhhh Stevie, I think you’re soooooo cute, giggle," she said, then in a lower voice. "You are cute too, Billie, I will kiss you now," she laughed, making the dolls kiss each other. Both the girls laughed hard at that. As they laughed, Jennie felt her panties get a little wet and knew she better go to the bathroom fast. She jumped up and ran there, and closed the door. Billie picked up the dolls, laughing, and continued their ’date.’


The boys played basketball for a while, then went inside for drinks. Stevie and Petey were getting along better now that the initial shock of Petey’s clothing had passed. "Gotta pee," Stevie announced, and went up to the bathroom.

When he got to the bathroom, he saw the door was closed, and heard some movement in the room. "One of the girls was in there," he thought guiltily. He looked up and down the hallway...he was alone. He crouched down and peeked in the keyhole, just in time to see Jennie pull down her shorts, revealing her panties. Stevie gulped...he had never seen a girl in her panties before, and even though Jennie was younger than he was and just a little girl, he felt entranced by what he saw. Her panties, a pretty light pink, came down next as she sat on the toilet, and he caught a glimpse of her smooth, hairless slit. He felt himself get hard for some reason...he wasn’t sure what that meant, and felt like he really, REALLY had to pee now...but rather than use the downstairs bathroom, he stayed at the keyhole.

Stevie saw the girl wipe herself and stand again, revealing her privates again just for a second (not even) as she pulled her panties up. As she was pulling up her shorts he was startled by a scream from behind. He turned and saw Billie staring at him. He was about to try to tell her that ’this isn’t what it looks like’ when she screamed "Mommyyyyyy."

Jennie came out of the bathroom and saw Stevie at the door, quickly figuring out what he was doing there, and turned bright red and began to cry. Kayla emerged in the hallway holding the baby. "I thought I told you kids to stay quiet," she said.

"M....mommy....Stevie was....was peeking at me," Jennie sobbed, "when I was in the bathroom! H....he saw me...n....naked."

Kayla turned on Stevie, who gulped. He really had to pee badly, and was very scared of Kayla. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean ...." he began to say.

"Quiet Stevie," Kayla said. She grabbed has hand and pulled him into the girl’s room; they followed them in, curious to see Stevie’s punishment. "You wait in here while I put the baby in her crib. I don’t want any of you to leave this room, is that clear?" she commanded.

"But....but," Stevie said.

"No ’buts’ young man, you will stay here, in this room, until I get back, or I promise you will be very sorry," she said, leaving. She shut the door behind her.

Stevie started squirming badly. This wasn’t lost on the girls who looked at him and began to giggle. "Looks like someone has to use the potty," Jennie said. Stevie’s hand went to his crotch.

"Careful, Stevie, or you’ll wet your pants," Billie said, "like a baby."

"I....I will not," Stevie said, feeling the urge grow stronger. He held himself with both hands.

"I bet you will, and it serves you right for peeking at me," Jennie said. "I bet you’ll wet yourself and mommy will have to put you in a diaper!" At that moment Billie came up behind him and started to tickle him under his arms. He was very ticklish and of course as he laughed he felt his pants get warm. "Ewwwwww," the girls laughed, as he ran out of the room and made it to the bathroom just before he completely soaked himself. He looked down at his underwear and shorts and saw he couldn’t wear them. What was he going to do?

"Ahem," he heard from behind. He turned and saw Kayla glaring at him. He gulped. "Didn’t I tell you to stay in the girl’s room?" she asked.

"Y...yes, but...but I had to go really bad," Stevie said.

Kayla looked at the boy’s wet shorts. "So I see. Come with me, young man," she said, leading him back to the girl’s room once again. When they went in the girls looked at the boy’s wet shorts and laughed. "Well, girls, it seems Stevie had a little accident, didn’t you Stevie?" Kayla asked. The girls smirked.

"Y....yeah, I so.." Stevie said, mortified in front of the girls. He shifted from one foot to the other. Kayla stepped up to him, looking down. He came up to about chest level on the woman.

"Yes I guess you did, little boy," she said. "Take off your wet clothes so I can wash them."

"But mommy," he said, as he saw the girls giggling.

"DO IT," Kayla commanded. Stevie reluctantly took off his shoes and socks, and his wet shorts, and threw them in a pile.

"You shirt is a little wet too, I better wash that," she said, forcing him to take that off. He turned bright red, standing in front of the two girls and his mother in only his wet boy’s briefs.

"His underwear is really wet, mommy," Jennie said. Stevie felt like he was going to cry.

"Yes it is, sweetie. That’s because he wet himself. He is just a little boy, after all. Aren’t you Stevie? Aren’t you just a little boy?" Kayla asked softly.

"No...I’m...I’m 10 years old," Stevie said defiantly. Kayla shook her head, and knelt down. She lowered his wet briefs so he was naked in front of the girls. He couldn’t believe his mommy would embarrass him like this. He looked at the girls, smirking and pointing at his privates. He turned beet red. He wanted to run away and hide. He felt so ashamed, even in front of these little girls. He felt...small. He felt mommy said, he DID feel like a little boy. He covered himself with his hand.

"I didn’t think 10 year old’s wet their pants mommy," Billie said.

"Of course they don’t, do they Stevie," Kayla said.

""," Stevie admitted.

"But you wet your pants, so you couldn’t possibly be 10, could you," Kayla asked sweetly. Stevie felt himself grow warm inside. "A 10 year old boy would never take off his clothes in front of 2 girls, would he? Maybe a little boy would, but not a 10 year old."

"He doesn’t look like he’s 10 to me mommy," Jennie said, walking over to him. She was a little taller than he was. "Why didn’t I she look so tall to me before," he thought. Jennie looked down at his tiny penis and smiled. "I guess we’re even now. You saw me....and I saw you ...only it’s no big deal for me to see a naked 6 year old," she said. Stevie felt himself shrink a little more. He ran into his mommy’s arms and cried.


A man sat in his shop, smiling. He was feeling pretty darn pleased with himself, able to bring so much joy to so many people. He poured himself a brandy and sat down in his lazy boy. He hummed a tune to himself that he doubted anyone living could still name.

"You seem quite pleased with yourself," a voice said.

"Indeed I am. Yes indeedy, I am pleased. To think I have brought the dreams of so many to life, and in such a short period of time. Why, this is my best run of luck since the Dark Ages," the man said.

"We both know luck has little to do with it," said the voice. "And we both know the danger of hubris. There are those who would oppose us, and if they should succeed your ultimate goal will remain unfulfilled. I admit, I AM rather impressed at the circuitous route you are taking. I doubt your target will even see it coming."

"That is the plan, and thank you. To please one such as you is not easy," the man replied.

"Do not get to full of yourself, invader of dreams! I didn’t say I was pleased, I said I was impressed! But no matter, I suspect you will have your hands full before long. Some will come at you, you know," said the voice.

"Of course they will, the question is how?" the Dreamkeeper asked.

"I’m....afraid I can’t help you there. Not ALL KNOWING, after all. You’ll just have to wait and see for yourself. Even the most carefully crafted plans can go ’monkey wrench’ would be enough," the voice cautioned.

"Let them come," the man said confidently. "They will be sorry they did."much

Continuous Story Pt 23 Louder by Louder on 03-06-03 02:03

ARSA Continuous Story Pt 23 Louder


Petie walked back into the room. "Where’s Stevie?" he asked.

"Stevie was bad and acting like a little boy instead a little gentleman. He now looks the age he was acting. Let that serve a lesson to all of you!" Kayla warned.

Stevie had again dressed in his basketball uniform only now it was comically large. His basketball shoes slipped up and down and barely stayed on. He had to hold his trunks up. Steve returned and sniffed "She made me little"

Petie looked surprised "How could you do that? That’s magic or somethin’! Is this is joke?"

Stevie looked up at Petie "It’s not fair! "he complained fighting back sobs.

Petie thought for a moment. Stevie had pretty much schooled him on the basketball court. Even though Petie was able to shoot well, Stevie was a faster and able to handle the ball much better. Petie had trouble defending the faster boy and had ended up losing most of their games. He doubted Stevie could get the best of him now! He didn’t like losing and this child wasn’t going to be competition now. No doubt who this best athlete was now. He still wondered how this was possible.

Jenni and Billi knew they’d better mind Kayla because they didn’t want to be little kids! Billi was curious about some things though. Watching Petie and Stevie playing basketball earlier she’d noticed some weaknesses in his game. She was surprised that she knew so much about basketball and wasn’t sure where the knowledge was from. Stevie had played smarter and used his speed. Petie seemed less disciplined and mainly just looked to shoot. She wondered why she even cared about those things? It was as if she’d played basketball in her past but she was sure she hadn’t. Still, she had a nagging feeling that she had. She started to concentrate on it more but Jenni had a cheer she wanted to share with.

Stevie grabbed a basketball but no longer had the control of it he’d had earlier. "Let’s go play some more!" Petie said as he grabbed the ball. Stevie reluctantly followed the bigger boy.

Jenni and Billi continued with their new cheers.

"You girls take that outside.... You’ll wake the baby!!" Kayla told the two youngsters "I have things to do!"


Kayla opened the door to her room only to enter the Dreamkeeper’s shop. She still didn’t know how he did that but every time she wanted to see him this worked.

"Hello Kayla! I take it you’ve come to a decision about your..... uhhhh... should we say.... curiosity?" the Dreamkeeper said.

"Yeah.... I think I have... Are you sure it’ll work?" she asked "And you can speed things up if I want?"

"Have I let you down yet? In fact, I owe you! You’ve been a wonderful customer and spread so much joy around to your friends and family. You’ve let them all live their deepest desires!" he told her convincingly.

She smiled. The Dreamkeeper made her feel comfortable. She was glad she’d found him. "So, how do we do it?" she asked.

"Why don’t you and the baby rest on your bed and let me take care of the details? When you awake it’ll be done!" he said. As soon as the words left his mouth he was gone and the room changed back into a bedroom. Kayla was nervous. She gently picked up newborn Marci and took her to the bed. Kayla laid back and closed her eyes.

Both drifted off into sleep. Kayla had her latest desire completely in focus. The first few moments of sleep were uneventful but then Kayla felt a chill followed by a sharp pain. Then she felt dull pains that slowly receded. Then her sleep became very peaceful.


Wendy checked the battery in her cell phone to make sure it was at full strength. She also added Veronica’s number in the fast dial menu so she could quickly make reports. She only hoped that she could be of help. This plan had to work!

Martha got tired of waiting on her sister and slipped out of the house. She saw some boys and did her best to pose for them but they only bust out laughing. "Jerkoffs!" she yelled to them as they ran off. Every where she went boys would only laugh at her. Her confidence was eroding every second. A group of construction workers only pointed and laughed. Martha started crying and darted inside the first place that she could find.

"Well howdy ho!" a cheery voice said "What brings you in here..... miss?"

Martha’s regressed and spelled mind didn’t recognize the man but he recognized her. It was the Dreamkeeper! Martha continued sobbing.

"Perhaps I can be of help?" he asked.

"How???" she cried.

"By seeing your dreams and desires fulfilled!" he replied.

"How can you do that?" the naive Martha asked.

"Well, you want the attention of some suitable young men, don’t you?"

Martha looked up and wiped her eyes. "Yeah..." she replied.


"Where’s Auntie Martha?" Katie asked "Uuuuuh I mean Aunt Martha...." Katie’s mind was slipping.

Wendy and Veronica looked around. "Dammit! I bet she went to the mall!" Veronica said "But we don’t have time to chase her down. Time is of the essence. She’ll just have to make a fool out of herself and we’ll deal with her later! We don’t need this distraction now at all!"

"Are you sure, Veronica?" Wendy asked.

"I’m very sure. Those of us that can stay focused MUST stay focused on the task at hand!" Veronica explained "You be careful!"

"I will. I’ll do anything for my daughter!" Wendy said as she looked sadly at her daughter.

Wendy quickly gathered her things and drove to Jennifer’s house. She’d never met any of Jennifer’s family accept Jennifer and her mother. She didn’t figure she needed to worry about baby Marci but she knew she needed to avoid being seen by young Jenni. Wendy parked the car and scanned the area. She saw two boys playing basketball. She grabbed her phone and called Veronica.

"I’m here... in the car. I see two boys playing basketball. One is older than the other. There are two little girls pretending to be cheerleaders...." she reported.

"Katie, your mother says there are two little boys there AND two little girls. Any ideas who they might be?" Veronica asked.

Katie shrugged "That’s prob’ly Jenni and Billi but I dunno about the two boys"

"Wendy, Katie doesn’t know who the boys are. Maybe you should get out of there? I’m starting to have bad feelings about this. You don’t want to be seen by Jenni anyway!" Veronica said.

"No, I’ll be careful. The children just went around back so this is a perfect opportunity for me to get inside"

"" Veronica said but it was too late. Wendy had shut off the phone. Wendy walked to the door and pressed the doorbell.


Kayla was resting peacefully when she heard the doorbell ring. She squinted and wiped her eyes and collected her thoughts. She looked to check on newborn Marci and only saw an empty diaper.... and then she remembered.... She smiled and rubbed her stomach. It was flat but she knew it wouldn’t stay that way. She was really going to find out what being a mother was all about!

The doorbell rang again. Kayla stood up and looked at her face in the mirror. It did look a little different. Barely noticable. The Dreamkeeper told her that she’d be 9 months younger when she awoke. She slipped on some shoes and went to answer the door.

Wendy had a clipboard ready to play her role. "Hello, Marcia? I’m with uhhhhhhh child services" she said changing the story that Veronica had wanted her to use.

"I’m Marcia... Child Services?" Kayla asked.

Wendy had to think on her feet. She was supposed to say she was taking a survey but she decided Kayla might just refuse and shut the door. Someone from Child Services sounded like somebody Kayla wouldn’t want to dismiss quite so easily. "Yes, mam. We have few questions. Do you mind?" Wendy said as she invited herself inside.

"Uhh no.... I guess not" Kayla replied taken by surprise.

The two women each took a seat and Wendy began to look around the room looking for ideas. "So, you have a baby I understand...." she said matter-of-factly.

"Umm no... not exactly" Kayla replied almost sounding giddy "not yet..."

"Not yet?" Wendy asked.

"I’m expecting" Kayla replied.

Wendy’s jaw dropped open. That wasn’t what she expected to hear. Her jaw fell open even further when she slowly realized what Kayla might be saying. Could she be pregnant with her own mother?

"I like children" Kayla added as Wendy sat speechless. Kayla didn’t look preganant.

"I guess you do...." Wendy answered still basically at a loss for words. Was her friend, Marcia, really regressed to basically the point of conception?

"Would you excuse me for a moment? I want to check on the other children" Kayla said hoping to impress this lady from Child Services. Kayla got up and went outside. Wendy immediately jumped up and hurried upstairs for a look around. Curioisty was killing her.

Wendy opened door after door but saw no sign of a baby except for a lone diaper laid out on a bed. She pulled out her cell phone. "Veronica... there’s no baby... She says she is expecting a baby tho! I’m in the house... "

"Don’t call until you are outside! Hang up that phone! NOW!" Veronica ordered as she clicked her phone off. "Damn, she’s going to blow this if she isn’t more careful!" Veronica told Katie.


Wendy walked downstairs to see Kayla was already back inside. Kayla looked at her curiously.

"I ummm had to go to the bathroom" Wendy explained happy with her quick thinking.

"I never heard the water running...?" Kayla replied perceptively.

"Uh... I just wanted to check my hair... What with the wind and all...." Wendy answered still happy that she was able to answer quickly.

Kayla looked out the window at the motionless leaves on the trees. No sign of wind at all. "I see. It looks fine" she replied "Just a sec..."

Wendy froze. She wondered if her cover had been broken. Maybe she should leave? Then she realized leaving would be strange and likely break her cover. How could she ever return if she’d left mysteriously like that? Besides, she’d answered Kayla quickly enough. She was sure she was OK.

Kayla re-entered with the children in tow. That wasn’t what Wendy wanted to see!

"That’s Katie’s mommy" Jenni said innocently "Hi!"

Wendy’s eyes darted around the room. Her quick wit didn’t have a reply this time.

"That can’t be Katie’s mom. Katie’s mom is older than that" Kayla said turning to Wendy "You’re not old enough to be Katie’s mother are you?"

Wendy fell into a trance and shook her head "No" she answered slowly. Kayla was right.

"I didn’t think so. You don’t even know why you are here do you?"

"No" Wendy answered slowly.

Kayla reached out and grabbed Wendy’s hand. "Come with me" she ordered and Wendy dutifully followed. Wendy felt a chill.

"Katie’s mother? You look like you are still in your 20’s...." Kayla said as she continued holding Wendy’s hand.

"20’s" Wendy repeated mindlessly.

"I don’t even think you can barely be 20 years old!"

"20" Wendy said slowly.

"No... you can’t be 20. You’re 16!" Kayla said.

"I’m 16" the pert teenager replied.

"C’mon in here" Kayla told the girl as she opened the door to the bedroom. They were standing in the Dreamkeeper’s shop.

"I had a problem but I think I have it under control!" Kayla told the man "This is Wendy and she’s a teenager!" Kayla was laughing.

"Very good! I knew you’d be able to handle those powers!" the man said

"I can’t let anyone stand in the way of my dreams!" Kayla told the man "So I did good?"

"Very good indeed!" he replied "Remember what you learned with Martha though. Don’t leave any loose ends!"

Kayla looked upward as her mind kicked into gear "Wendy, when we leve this room you won’t remember any of this will you? You won’t remember anything other than being a teenager. You’re here to be the babysitter"

"I’m the babysitter" Wendy replied.

The man laughed and looked at his watch "There might be some competition for that job" he said as he opened another door. "C’mon out........ Martha" he said.

19 year old Martha exited the room. Rejuvenated in mind and body!

Martha could see the other teen looking at her with a bit of jealousy. She liked that. Martha’s clothing no longer looked ridiculous on her. Not now... not with her 19 year old body. Martha was positively a hottie now!


Veronica looked worriedly at Katie "I’m concerned about your mother. I don’t think she grasped the seriousness of the situation"

"Is mommy gonna be OK??" Katie asked.

"I hope... I hope she’s still OK. I’m worried about both of you. This might have been a bad idea!" Veronica answered "We can only wait until she calls us"


The Dreamkeeper sat back and contemplated the way things were going "Kayla is perfect. Naive and devious. With her, it is like taking candy from a baby!" he said.

The other man laughed at the joke "Confusion certainly has taken over. That can only make it harder for Veronica"

"You could make this easier for me... for both of us" the Dreamkeeper told the man.

The other man shook his head "It’s much better to do it this way"

"I suppose" The Dreamkeeper answered.

"Of course I am right. Martha is no longer wondering how to defeat you. She’s wondering about getting a tattoo!"

"Martha never was a challenge anyway"

Both men laughed.


Continuous Story Part 24 by areg5 on 03-12-03 16:03

"I’m glad you girls could make it," Kayla said to Martha and Wendy. "I want to go to the mall to try on some clothing and I knew the kids wouldn’t want me to drag them there. With 4 kids to watch, it’s great that I could get the both of you to watch them.

"No prob," Martha said, chewing her gum. "Is there like anything in particular you want us to do? Have they eaten yet? Any special instructions," she asked Kayla. Wendy still had a dazed expression on her face.

"Well, its such a nice day I prefer they get some fresh air. No playstation. When they get hungry, you can make them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Try not to break anything. And no visitors while I am out, ok? I mean that."

"Yes ma’am, " Martha said. Wendy nodded. With that Kayla took her car keys and headed out the door. Martha and Wendy looked at each other. The kids were playing basketball outside. Martha was dressed in the same tight shorts and sleeveless tee she had on earlier, but it now fit her well and showed off her youthful, sexy body. She looked at Wendy critically, making the girl uncomfortable. Wendy was wearing a very loose fitting skirt and top, clearly intended for an older and better endowed woman. She looked like she was trying on her mother’s clothes.

"And like what are you dressed up for, Halloween? Those clothes don’t even fit you! How could you go out of the house like that?" Martha asked. Wendy was about to defend herself when she realized the older girl was right. She looked down at her clothes and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Like, what was she thinking?

Wendy cleared her throat. "Uh...I know...was trying different stuff on and ....uh forgot I had this stuff on when I uh...came over...I guess I look pretty silly," she admitted. "Maybe I can find some clothes upstairs. Do you think Ms. Conte would mind?" she added sheepishly.

"Like, y’know...I dunno...she just said not to break anything. She didn’t say not to look around, y’know?" Martha said. "Go ahead, I’ll watch the brats," she said, and Wendy went upstairs.

Wendy wasn’t sure what she would find. She saw the girls’ room, obviously belonging to Billie or Jennie (or both). "I don’t think I could fit into their stuff," Wendy thought with a smile. She was surprised when she happened into a room that clearly belonged to a girl her age, which confused her because she didn’t think Ms. Conte had any daughters her age. "What a stroke of luck," she thought. She put down her bag and opened the drawers that had belonged to an older Jennifer and briefly to Billie and Kayla. She saw a good selection of teen clothing. "Kewl!"

Wendy took of her oversized blouse and skirt. She was wearing very pretty underwear; a peach colored bra with satin cups and lace trim, and matching silky panties. She looked into the mirror and blushed. Her small breasts only filled half the cups and the bra straps kept wanting to fall off her shoulders. She sighed, taking off the bra. "I must have been in such a hurry, I put on my mom’s undies by mistake," she said aloud. "It was so pretty, too bad it didn’t fit," she thought. She could almost use her panties but they were baggy too. She took them off, revealing her small bush. She found a pair of cotton Hanes Her Way panties and a sport bra, which fit her just fine. She also found a baby tee and denim shorts. They fit too. She looked into the mirror and fixed her hair into a ponytail, figuring it would keep it out of the way, especially if she had to watch the kids.

After Wendy had dressed she turned to pick up her bag when she saw the cell phone peeking out of the top. Something stuck in her was vague, unclear...she felt that she had to call somebody, she just couldn’t remember who. She picked up the phone, and looked over the speed dial numbers. She recognized her Aunt Veronica’s name. "Whatever is that doing here," she thought. She pressed the speed dial and Veronica answered. "H.....hello," Wendy said.

" that you?" Veronica said. She could immediately sense that something was very wrong with her niece, and her heart sank.

"Like, of course its me, who else would be using my phone? Anyway I’m like at my babysitting job and just thought I would call to say hello," Wendy said.

"Babysitting job...oh yes, I remember you said your were going to be doing that," Veronica said, trying not to alarm the girl much in the way one would not want to alarm a sleepwalker. "That’s a lot of responsibility...for a girl your age," Veronica said, cautiously.

"Like, I’ve been doing it for 2 years y’know, since I was 14," Wendy said.

That settled the matter as far as Veronica was concerned. So Wendy was now a 16 year old girl. Damn. Still one step behind the Dreamkeeper, she thought. Still, perhaps she could be of some help to her niece. "Say, Wendy...I noticed you left without...your homework! Remember, you were going to do it while you babysat. And you have midterms coming up, so you can’t forget," Veronica said.

"Ohmygod! I forgot all about that! I can’t leave now, I’m working! I can’t leave Martha alone with the kids, it isn’t fair," Wendy said.

Veronica gulped. "You mean...Martha is there too? Aunt Martha? I...uh...haven’t seen her for a while, how does she....look?" she asked.

" know Martha. She thinks she is sooooo hot! I mean like she does have a killer body but I bet when I’m 19 I will too," Wendy said, more than a little bit jealous.

"Of....of course you will, child. I....have some errands to do...I can drop off your homework, ok?" Veronica said, her mind reeling.

"Sure! That would be great! See you soon," Wendy said, clicking off the phone.


"Well, this is just great," Veronica said, disgusted. Katie looked up from her bowl of cereal.

"Is something wrong, auntie," she asked innocently. Veronica looked at the little girl in the school uniform eating Frosted Flakes, looking all of 11 years old at the most.

"They got to your mother, Katie. I’m sorry. I just spoke with her on the phone. She is a 16 year old girl now. You have a 16 year old mother," she said, expecting to see tears well up in the little girl’s eyes.

"Kewl! We’ll have like so much more in common now," Katie said. "It’ll be like having a big sister."

"Katie! I think you are are not 11 years old," Veronica said.

"I know, auntie...not till next month," Katie offered.

"No, no, NO! I mean, you are supposed to be 16 yourself...remember?" Veronica said, seeing a strange look come over Katie’s face.

"I....oh no...I...I forgot for a moment...oh god, Aunt Veronica...its like, the longer I stay like this..." she didn’t finish her thought.

"I’m afraid the longer you stay like this, the more and more you will become a little girl in mind as well as in body. You have to try to stay focused. Katie! Remember who you are!" Veronica cautioned.

"I’ll....try...but it is getting so very hard," Katie said, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I am very concerned about who we are up against. Your mother gave us no answers, and gave me cause for concern. Martha is now a true 19 year old," Veronica said.

"But...but you said that even the Dreamkeeper would not be able to do that....that it would take way too long cause he can only make you like a year younger in a minute.

"That is most definitely what I said...he cannot be working alone. He should have not been able to accomplish that. We have to go to that house. I gathered from my discussion with Wendy that Kayla isn’t there at the moment," she said, opening her bag. She took out what looked like a gold charm in the shape of the symbol used for infinity and put it around her neck, mumbling something strange under her breath. "This may protect me...and then again it may not. I only have one, and even if I had you wear it...given your current condition, I don’t think it would do much good. Come child, let’s get going," Veronica said.


Jennie and Billie went to their room as the boys played basketball. "It would be so kewl pretend we were cheerleaders," Jennie said looking through the closet. After looking through the skirts and dresses she finally found what she was looking for toward the back of the closet. "Look! A cheering uniform," she said excitedly, holding up the purple and yellow outfit. "I wonder if it will fit," she said. Kayla used to cheer when she was younger and had a couple uniforms.

Jennie took off her top and shorts. She pulled up the yellow cheering panties, which were a little loose on her, but she didn’t mind. The skirt was a little more of a problem because it threatened to fall down, and the top was baggy. The skirt came down to just above her knees. Billie looked at her and laughed. "That looks like it belongs to a teenager, shrimp," she said. Jennie frowned. Billie looked in the closet and found a similar outfit that was smaller. She took off her shirt and shorts. She was nearly 10 years old and soon would need a training bra. She looked at her little sister in her oversized clothing. Poor little Jennie, she thought.

Billie pulled up her cheering panties, liking how snug they felt. The skirt was tight and came to just below her panties. The top was tight too, and showed her belly. Kayla had started cheering when she was 7, and this was one of her older uniforms. Billie looked at herself in the mirror with approval. Now it was Jennie that laughed.

"I bet Peter will think I look so hot in this," Billie said.

"I don’t think it fits you at all," Jennie snorted. "Its way too small."

"It looks better than yours does," Billie laughed. Jennie looked at herself in the mirror. She desperately wished the uniform fit her. She felt a little tingle.

"Mine doesn’t fit that bad," Jennie said, feeling her panties get snug. "Yours is made for a little girl. It is too tight and doesn’t fit."

"It does too fit," Billie said. She felt a tingle. Who did Jennie think she was, anyway? She was such a little brat!

Jennie saw that maybe Billie’s skirt did fit her, and her top no longer revealed her belly. She looked at herself again, seeing two small bumps form under her shirt. She walked over to Billie and looked down at her. Billie looked up at her sister and gasped. " did you get so big," she said.

"And you got small," Jennie said, also confused.

"This is just like what happened to Stevie," Billie said. "Remember? He turned into a little boy an like when he came over he was 10!"

Jennie smiled at the little girl. "Yes, I remember. But I don’t think you are in a position to call Stevie a ’little boy’ anymore. I bet he’s you age, sweetie," Jennie said, admiring her budding figure.

"I think we ought to get out of here, Jennie. It’s too weird. What if I get younger, or you do? What if we turn into babies? Something isn’t right. I’m not supposed to be....7," Billie said with a little sob.

Jennie thought for a moment. "I’m ...not supposed to be 11 fact," she started to say, and a realization started to dawn on her. "I sorta remember being even older, but its like ...its like trying to remember a....a....dream," she said, her eyes growing wide. She looked again at her reflection. "Ohmygod! I’m a little girl! Billie, we have to get out of here. Look at you!" she gasped, remembering much of her former life. The two girls started toward the bedroom door when they heard the doorbell ring.

"I’ll get it," Martha said, going to the door. She opened the door and saw her sister and niece looking at her with wide eyes. "Hi Ronnie, hi squirt," she said, letting them in.

Veronica and Katie looked at Martha in disbelief. Just then Wendy bounced down the stairs. "Hiya," she said. "Remember my homework?"

"So, it is true," Veronica said. "And not only have you regressed, but you appear to have no recollection of your former lives." Katie stared at her teenaged mother, dumbfounded.

"Former life?" Wendy asked. "Are you feeling ok, Aunt Veronica? Maybe you should sit down," She said, leading them to the living room. Veronica sat on the sofa, and Martha and Wendy sat down on either side of her.

"I am going to attempt to explain what has happened to you two," Veronica said. "Maybe I should have Jennie come down here too...and Billie. Are there any other children here, Martha?" she asked her sister.

"Only the two boys, Petey and Stevie. They’re playing basketball in the backyard," Martha answered.

"And the girls?" Veronica asked.

"Up in their room," Wendy said.

"Maybe I should try first, and the girls. I don’t want to cause any more of a panic than is necessary. Katie, dear, why don’t

you go upstairs and bring the girls down? Then we can get started.

Katie skipped up the stairs to Jennifer’s room and opened the door, but the room was empty. "Of course," she thought," they are in Kayla’s old room. She went to that door and tapped on it. "Come in," she heard a voice say. She went in, only to find a an 11 year old Jennie and her 7 year old little sister, dressed like cheerleaders. Jennie was a few months older than she was and a tad taller, but it was still her old friend.

"Oh, Jennie," she said, running up to her and hugging her hard, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Jennie hugged the 10 year old dressed in a school uniform. "Katie? that you? I remember being older! It’s not a dream! I was trying to tell Billie," she said.

"All I know is that something is really weird around here and I wanna get out!" Billie exclaimed.

"Come downstairs, Veronica is here and I think she can help" Katie said.

"Who the hell is Veronica?" asked Jennie.

"My aunt. Martha’s sister," Katie said.

"Our babysitter Martha?" Jennie asked.

"Sort of. Come downstairs, she can explain," Katie said. With that the three girls went downstairs. They went into the living room where Veronica and the two teens were.

"Good. Now we are all here, except for the boys," Veronica said. "Lets all sit on the floor, in a circle."

"What’s this all about, sis," Martha asked. "More of your supernatural mumbo-jumbo," she snorted.

"Sit down, Martha," Veronica snapped. The startled teen complied. Veronica lit a scented candle and placed it in the middle of the circle. "Everyone join hands," she said, and the group did so. Veronica started muttering something in a low voice that no one understood. "I want you all to close your eyes and relax. Try to remember back to your former lives. And relax," she said, and began chanting an odd tune.

At first the group relaxed. Then, one by one their eyes shot open as realization dawned on them. Still they held hands. Veronica’s face was dripping sweat, and blood began to trickle out of her nose as she maintained an intense concentration. At last she stopped her chanting and looked at the circle of faces. Katie and Jennifer, who had begun to remember their former lives, only a little shaken, whereas Martha, Wendy and Billie wore truly horrific expressions.

Martha spoke first. "Shit, Veronica! What the hell," she said looking down at herself. Then, looking at Katie, " Oh sweetie. What have I done? You called me to help you and...I guess you can say I’ve failed.

"It’s ok, auntie," Katie said, hugging her. "You tried. And you got Aunt Veronica involved.

"So I did. I’m sure she’s thrilled about being involved in this," Martha said, giving her sister a wry smile.

Wendy shook with the realization that she had failed as well. She jumped up and ran to the mirror, seeing the reflection of a teen aged girl. "I’ small," she said, looking down at her breasts. "I tried to be careful, Veronica, I don’t know how she got me," the teen said. She looked at her daughter, only a few years younger than herself. The girl ran over to her side, and they hugged. Wendy started to cry," sweetie...oh Katie, I tried my look at me," she sniffed.

"It’s ok mom, at least you remember now. It’s ok," Katie said, hugging her mother.

It was Bill that was the most astonished. "I remember," she started, "going into that shop to find out how to get your mother back to normal, Jennifer. That is the last thing I really remember...except for a bunch of weird images of me being younger and the next thing I know, I’m a 7 year old cheerleader? Does that make you my big sister, Jennie? Am I really a little girl?" she said, on the verge of tears.

"You’re still my daddy on the inside," Jennifer said. "Maybe we can fix this. It’s the Dreamkeeper..."

"The Dreamkeeper!" Martha exclaimed. She looked down at herself. "THIS is beyond his abilities," she said.

"Quite right," Veronica said. "I sent Wendy in for reconnaissance of a sort. To find his accomplice. He must have one. Did you find out anything at all Wendy, before you were youthened?"

"I found out that Kayla is pregnant," Wendy said.

"Kayla? My little girl? How can she be pregnant, she’s only 11! " Bill exclaimed. The others couldn’t help but snicker at the angry little cheerleader.

"Your ’little girl’ is currently our mommy, BILLIE," Jennifer said. " can she be pregnant...unless..."

"Unless your real mother is currently residing in her womb," Veronica answered. Bill sat down in shock, her skirt riding up enough to reveal her panties. She quickly adjusted her skirt. "She may be lost to us, more is the shame. And in your current states, I don’t know how long you will remember your true selves. We do not have much time. I presume Kayla will soon return. First off, you must not reveal to her that your memories have returned. Her obvious response would be to youthen you further. You must ’act your ages’ to keep her from growing suspicious. That may buy us some time."

"I can’t act my age...or my sex! I have no idea how a little girl acts," Bill said.

"You have to daddy," Jennifer said, standing up. She walked over to the little girl, who was standing with her arms folded.

"Nuh way," Bill said obstinately.

"Very well," Veronica said. "We can’t have you blow our cover, so to speak. Martha? Why don’t you take Billie upstairs? I think it’s time for her nap."

Martha smiled. "Sure thing, sis," she said. She took the little girls hand and led her upstairs into her bedroom. She sat the child on her bed.

"Look, Martha, I’m not going to change my mind...and I’m not sleepy," Bill said.

"I know sweetie, but mommy said to make sure you got your nap. A growing girl needs her beauty sleep, you know. Now, why don’t you take off your clothes," Martha instructed.

" clothes?" Bill asked.

"Yes, silly! You can’t sleep in your uniform, you’ll get it all wrinkly. Here, let me help," Martha said as she lifted the top over the little girl’s head.

"But...but," Bill started to protest.

"No ’buts,’ young lady," Martha said, pulling down the girl’s skirt and cheering panties, leaving the frightened child in only her panties. Because she put these on when she was 10, they were quite big on her. Martha smiled. "Awww, trying on you big sister’s panties? How cute. Oh...but left a little stain...Jennie will be mad that you messed up her panties, you really have to wipe better after you use the potty," she said, taking them off.

"You can’t do this to me, I’m a...a grown.." Billie cried.

"Oh hush. You aren’t grown at all, see?" Martha said, thrusting her in front of the mirror. "You’re a 7 year old girl," she cooed. "Now, lets get you ready for your nap. Your mommy told me about your special she wants you to sleep in these," she said, holding up a pair of pull ups.

Billie was mortified. "I"m not gonna wear a diaper!" she screamed.

"Its not a diaper, its a pull up...just in case, you know? Of course, if you would rather wear a diaper, I’m sure that can be arranged," Martha said. Billie shook her head. Martha helped the child on with her pull ups, and Billie cringed a little at the feel of the bulky fabric between her legs. Martha then dressed her in a pink babydoll nightie that fit just right; it had matching panties that covered the girl’s pull up.

"I don’t care how you dress me, I’m a grown..." Billie started to say.

"I thought I told you to hush," Martha said. She sat on the bed, and gestured for Billie to sit on her lap. Billie grudgingly complied.

"You’re only 7," Martha whispered into the little girl’s ear. She patted her padded bottom. "Sometimes you wet your bed. I don’t think you can even keep your pull ups dry," she said, causing the little girl to squirm.

"I....can too," Billie said. "I’m.....I’m not...a...a baby," she said.

"Of course you’re not a baby, you just turned 7. And you have to pee so bad, you can hardly hold it in, right," Martha teased.

"I...I have to go potty...I.." Billie said, even as she felt her pull up get warm and full. She emptied her bladder into it, and it started to leak a little.

"Oops, I know a certain little girl who couldn’t hold it in," Martha smiled. She laid Bille on the bed and took off her panties. She cleaned her with a baby wipe, and put on a new pull up. Her panties were wet and would have to be washed. Billie yawned.

"I forgot, Billie, how old are you?" Martha asked.

"I....just turned....7," she said, and fell asleep. Martha tucked her in with her teddy bear and kissed her on the forehead. She then went downstairs.

"Ok...I took care of the kid," Martha told Veronica as she came back into the living room.

"What do you mean?" Jennifer asked. "What did you do to my father?"

"He couldn’t accept his current circumstance. Martha reminded him that he is a child. He would have blown it for the rest of you. If we are successful, he will be restored as will you all. I’m sorry, Jennifer, but it was necessary. Kayla doesn’t need anymore fetuses in her womb at the moment," Veronica said. "Remember, you don’t forget when Kayla returns. That is your sister sleeping upstairs, not your father."

"She’ll know something is up. When she left, I was 8 and Billie was 10," Jennifer said.

"She’ll attribute that to the current state of the house. You must have at least momentarily wished you were a little older, and Billie a little younger, for whatever reason. That is how this place is working. Maybe...maybe we can fight fire with fire. If we can catch her off guard, perhaps we can work this place against her. Right now she is in control, the Dreamkeeper is working through her. If she was a little younger, she might be more open to suggestion. Maybe talking to her would be all that was needed," Veronica said.

"Uh uh, that won’t work. I mean, I tried to do that and she had me immediately," Martha said. "And NOW look at me. I haven’t looked this young in hundreds of years."

"You were careless, Martha. You always were. Serves you right. Wouldn’t surprise me if you ate of her food, drank of her draft. Violated the first rules of protection," Veronica said.

"Um....just a cup of coffee," Martha said under her breath.

"You deserve to grow up again. I would presume that when Kayla returns, she would have sway over you she that was her intention. You have to give her no reason to turn on you! Remember, Martha, YOU ARE 19! Katie, Jennifer, YOU ARE CHILDREN. Wendy, YOU ARE A 16 YEAR OLD BABYSITTER. If Kayla thought otherwise she would quickly rectify it. Do you all understand?" Veronica asked, and they all nodded in agreement. "Good. Now, here is my plan..."


Kayla was having a great time shopping. Her mother’s clothing was certainly too dull, and Jennifer’s teen clothing no longer suited her. As a twenty something woman, she felt obligated to try on the sexiest stuff she could. She went to Victoria’s Secret and bought some underwear and a nightie. She went to J Crew and tried on some skirts and slacks, but wasn’t wild about any of those. She did get a really cutie blue mini in Sak’s, as well as a low cut yellow dress. She went to the makeup counters and tried on different stuff. And the best part of it was free! The Dreamkeeper gave her unlimited credit! She couldn’t believe her luck.

Kayla took her bags and put them in the car, wondering if the kids were alright or if anything happened while she was gone. After all, she hadn’t left them with sitters before. She figured that Martha and Wendy would be fine, being they were under her control. And so she drove home.

As Kayla neared her house she saw an unfamiliar car out front. She figured it must belong to a neighbor. What visitors could she be having? She left strict instructions not to let anyone in, and she knew she would not be disobeyed. They were all too scared of her. She parked in the driveway and got her bags out of the trunk. She carried them up the walk to the front door and let herself in. She looked into the living room and saw Martha and Wendy, and a woman she did not know. "The children must be upstairs," she thought.

Veronica and Martha looked up as Kayla entered the room. "Why, hello," Kayla said sweetly. "I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure."

Veronica looked at Kayla and smiled. "I’m Martha’s sister, Veronica," she said. "Katie was concerned about her mother, Wendy, so I brought her by to see her. Surely you don’t mind..."

"Her mother? Oh, you mean her SISTER. She’s babysitting for me today. She’s such a sweet girl," Kayla smugly responded.

"Yes, she is. She called me and I told her I would stop by with her homework. Obviously, I know what you are up to her Kayla. I know who you are working with and I hope you don’t mind if I do anything in my power to stop you at set things right," Veronica said.

Kayla laughed. "Of course if don’t mind, old woman. You sister couldn’t stop me, and neither can you," she said with confidence.

"Like, what are you guys talkin about?" Martha asked. "Hey, how much longer are you gonna need me today Ms. Conte? I want to be able to go to the mall before it closes," she said, snapping of her gum.

"See what I mean? And, say...I hope I didn’t offend you by calling you old. You really aren’t any older than I am, are you?" Kayla asked with a gleam in her eye.

Veronica felt the charm around her neck grow warm. She smiled. "Nice try, sweetie. You have no power over me. And you were right the first time. I am an old woman, a lot older than you realize," she said.

Kayla had a puzzled look on her face at that, then she smiled again. "Yes, you are an old woman. Very, very, old. So old that you can barely stand," she said hopefully.

Veronica laughed. She felt her charm grow warm again. "That won’t work either. I can stand perfectly well, thank you. Now, I’ll be going. Let me just get Katie," she said.

At this Kayla grew annoyed. "Don’t you want to let Katie stay and visit with her sister? I ’m sure Jennie would want her to stay and play," she said.

"Oh, do stop that. That reminds me, it’s time for Wendy to go home too," Veronica said. "Katie, Wendy...come on, time to go," she called.

Kayla sighed. "You are more formidable than your sister. Very well, I’ll get them," she said, and went up the stairs to the girls’ room. She opened the door and saw Katie and Jennie sitting on the bed talking. Billie had just gotten up from her nap and yawned. Wendy was there too.

Kayla looked at the girls. "My, my, aren’t we looking grown up," she said to Jennie. Then, to Billie," some of us are, anyway, eh sweetie? Katie, your aunt would like to take you home now, go on downstairs," she said.

"Yes ma’am," Katie said.

"Can’t she stay longer mommy?" Jennie said, hoping she wasn’t laying it on too thick.

"Maybe she can visit tomorrow, honey. And Wendy...didn’t I give you strict instuctions that I wanted no visitors while I was gone? Yet, you called your aunt and had her come over," Kayla said menacingly.

Wendy flinched. "Um...uh...s....sorry, Ms. Conte...but...but I uh.." she stammered.

"Yes, I know dear. You forgot your homework. I may have misjudged you. I had thought you were old enough to be trusted as babysitter, but I can see now that I was clearly mistaken," Kayla said.

Wendy grew too warm inside. "I...I.." she started to say.

"I don’t want any explanations. You lied about your age, didn’t you? And her I thought you were 16....why, you are younger than that, aren’t you?" Kayla asked sweetly.

Katie’s eyes grew wide as she saw her mother begin to shrink. Freckles formed on her face, and her breasts began to flatten out. She lost her youthful curves as her butt flattened out as well, and she began to get shorter. Wendy shivered as she felt her clothing loosen, her sport bra no longer snug. Her formally tight shorts began to slide down her thinnig hips. She gulped. Kayla walked over to the girl and towered over her. "You’re really only 12, aren’t you? That’s what I thought," she said, as she saw tears form in Wendy’s eyes. "Now you two run along home," she said, laughing.

Wendy and Katie ran downstairs to Veronica. Wendy had one hand on her shorts to hold them up as she ran. Veronica looked at her, then to Kayla. "This isn’t over, dearie," she said to her. "Come along, girls, let’s go home."

"Jennie would like Katie and Wendy to come over tomorrow to play, if they can" Kayla said with a smile. Veronica huffed and walked the two girls out the door.



End Chapter 1

Continuous Story Anyone?

by: Oni | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 24, 2015


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