
by: 2BeeAdorable | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 1, 2013

A short little story about love and diapers

Chapter 1
Magical O

Chapter Description: Completed Story


By Blake at 2beeadorable.blogspot.com

She inhaled deeply through her nose and felt the sweet scent drift through her, filling her up with its sweet grace. She immediately felt a deep relaxation take hold of her, and sucking her thumb felt less forced and more natural. Planted between her tongue and the roof of her mouth her thumb felt almost alien, a separate object from the rest of her. She could feel her mind readjusting as it was supposed to, and she smiled from behind her balled hand.

The cool air shifted as he approached her and knelt down in front of her. Lying on her back, she looked up at him. He looked so tall. So big. So powerful.

“Ok sweety,” he said, and she heard the soft crinkling of something plastic nearby. “almost ready.”

The cap of a small bottle was twisted open and she felt more of the sweet powder snowing down onto her bare skin. It tickled, and she shuddered slightly, but smiled wider. Then she felt his hands on her skin, rubbing and spreading the powder until it completely covered her hips, behind, and groin.

“Ok sweety,” he said again as she heard the rustle of the plastic again, “butt up.”

She obeyed. Her knees bent and feet on the bed, she lifted her behind into the air to allow the space for it to be placed beneath her.

“Higher,” he said quietly.

She obeyed, and lifted herself higher.

“Higher, sweety.”

She obeyed again, smiling wider and allowing her eyes to close slightly.

Her body was only a few inches away from his face and when he said “higher” again, she felt his warm breath cover her hairless groin.

She lifted her body higher once more, until her vagina was less than an inch from his face. He pecked at it with a small kiss. A tiny spike of excitement and pleasure shot though her body, emanating from her clitoris and pulsing out in red-hot waves. She giggled and sucked on her thumb harder. Her swollen nipples tingled and became hard.

“Good,” he said. Then she felt his hand rest gently on her stomach just below her bellow button and gently push down, lower her back down to the bed until is nestled softly on something that wasn’t there before.

“Legs out,” he said. And she obeyed once more. Immediately she stretched her legs as wide as they would go, completely defenseless against anything he wanted to do with her.

And she loved it.

Then she felt the diaper being pulled up through her legs, and her mind started to take shape. She breathed faster, suckling now out of purse instinct, barely noticing her thumb in her mouth but knowing all the same that if she removed it she would feel a sharp sense of discomfort in its absence.

The soft fabric of the diaper was warm and smooth as it was pulled up very slowly between her legs. She could feel him making sure to slowly brush her legs, inner thighs, and groin with the crinkling material as he put it in place. Her pleasure grew with every passing second her pleasure grew and her breathing pace quickened. After what seemed like hours of increasing pleasure and slow, tantalizing progress the front of the diaper was now in place, cupping her naked body in is warm embrace. She felt almost complete.

Then, with one hand holding the front of the diaper in place, his free hand reached for the back of the diaper and found the tapes.

He smiled and whispered to her, now almost moaning with anticipation, “ok sweety, here we go.”

She heard the first tape being liberated from its position and felt the small indent of pressure on her hip as it was secured in place. His voice seemed almost amplified in her ears as he said, “One.”

Then the second, tape, this time on the other hip. “Two.”

She felt her mind beginning to change. She felt her body taking control as the pleasure emanating from her groin started to fill her up. Her breathing quickened. “Three.”

Her legs began to wriggle, and she heard her own voice let out tiny little moans around her thumb. Her mind was in a whirlwind, and she was now sucking very hard on her thumb.

“Four.” And with the fourth tape pressed down into place she felt her mind cross over. She was beyond the point of no return, and her legs wriggled more wildly. The moans which were escaping from her lips more now uncontrollable.

Somewhere, a million miles away but still loud as a cannon, she heard his voice whisper, ”… five…”

She felt as though she was in freefall. Her body must have been a thousand degrees. Her thumb was raw in her mouth, her pigtails bounced from side to side as she rocked back and forth. “Just one more, sweety.” He said with a smile. To her, his voice was warped and distorted, echoing around her and inside of her, ringing out even after he was done speaking. Her body, now quivering and soaked with pleasure inside her fresh diaper began to change. She felt it. It was coming soon. The transformation was almost completely on her.

“Here it is…” he said, torturing her with extended pleasure until finally he planted the sixth and final tape in place. “… six.”

Like an explosion which made time slow down to a crawl, the word rang out in her ears, echoing one hundred times, completely enveloping her. She heard nothing else but her own jackhammering heartbeat, loud babbles of pleasure from her mouth, and the wet, sloppy suckles of her mouth on her thumb.

Her orgasm erupted like a volcanic hurricane causing pure bliss to take control of her body. Her diaper felt enormous and soft and wholesome causing every nerve ending it rested upon to fire off like a firework. The diaper itself seemed to pulsate with heat and moisture and it was the only real thing in the world besides the soft blanket beneath her bed and the thumb in her mouth.

The orgasm carried on for minutes upon end, not waning in intensity. In fact, it increased in intensity with every passing second, until she really did have no control of her body anymore. After what seemed like ages, she heard his voice again. It was calm and overtook all other sound. “Here sweety.”

She struggled to gain some control over her functions and managed finally to open her eyes. Everything around her seemed faded and lost. She was tunnel-visioned. Colors seemed to swim around her in a shifting rainbow of light. Beyond her balled fingers in front of her nose she saw his face. He seemed to have doubled in height above her. He looked like a giant or a sentinel, with a smiling, protective face. But that is not what caught her eye.

He was holding a teddy bear in front of her. It seemed massive before her, dangling above her, supported in the air around its waist by his hand.

Her eyes widened and her jaw slacked slightly, as the orgasm continued to pulse and throb, moving away from her diaper and traveling up completely to her brain. Somewhere out of sight, she saw a hand, a small child’s hand move towards the smiling teddy bear. It gripped at the bear and she felt soft fur slide between her fingers. Absent-mindedly she realized that the baby’s hand was her own.

Out of the corner of her eye, daddy smiled and looked down at her. She loved when he smiled. But her mind was taken to a different place as she instinctively pulled the teddy bear out of his hand and into her embrace. Its soft fur seemed to cover her like a blanket. Then another baby’s hand was around the bear and she felt the teddy bear’s softness in her other hand.

Her legs kicked instinctively and she felt the diaper shift and rub against her.

Her orgasm continued, carrying her ever deeper into infantile ecstasy. She stared at the bear in her arms and felt its warmth. It amplified her peace and strengthened the throbs of delight radiating from her diaper. Somewhere in her mind she knew that her diaper wasn’t dry anymore.

She giggled as she clutched the bear and tried to speak. Her voice seemed higher. It was less full and completely incoherent, simply babble. She didn’t know what she was trying to say. For some reason the idea of words, of sounds representing objects and thoughts, seemed alien to her and she thought only in feelings. She could feel that her diaper wasn’t dry and she could feel an absence in her mouth.

She wanted something there. There was something there before. There should be something there now. The orgasm spread to her mouth and lips and she became painfully aware of something that wasn’t there that should be. She tried to think. Something should be coming to her mouth, not realizing that both of her hands were occupied by the teddy bear, she waited and waited for something to slip between her lips. But it never came.

The orgasm in her body turned sour. Still there, still powerful, and still all-controlling, but just sour. Her mouth felt wrong. She couldn’t describe it and didn’t know what words she needed to explain to daddy…

Daddy! She could get her daddy. Da-da would fix everything. But she struggled to make him know. Her voice came out in little spurts. Her feet kicked. Nothing was working. The orgasm turned even more sour and she didn’t like it.

Before she knew it she was wailing and crying. The infantile tone of her voice rang out in her own ears.

Then da-da was there. She saw him through tear-tracked eyes.

“Aww, what’s wrong sweety?” He said. His voice filled the air and touched her to the core. But why didn’t he understand? Why didn’t he know that she needed to suckle?

“Shhhh,” he whispered, “daddy’s here.”

His soft voice soothed her, but still she kept on crying. She felt a huge finger reach into the front of her diaper. “Ohh,” da-da said, “baby needs a change, doesn’t she?”

She cried harder. The absence in her mouth seemed to settle in like a concrete weight. She could feel very little save for her lips reaching for something that wasn’t there.

“Here, sweety,” da-da said as he lifted her up. She felt the world fall away from her and she opened her eyes to look at him. His face was enormous as he held her in midair, arms outstretched. She was small. Very small. The ground felt miles away from her. Then she felt herself move through the air towards da-da’s face. He smiled and rubbed his nose against hers slightly. Her crying softened but didn’t stop.

“Shhh…. Here sweety. Daddy will take care of everything.”

She was lowered into his embrace. He cradled her in his arm. She was so small now. She felt His body against hers, the warmth communicating between the two of them sedating her slightly. Still she heard whimpers coming from her own mouth.

They traveled through space until finally she felt herself being lowered down on something soft and cool. Her bare back lay against the changing table and she shivered slightly. She could feel the crying about to return in full effect.

“Here sweety, suck on your pacifier while daddy changes you. Then you’ll be all better, ok pumpkin?”

Then it was there! She felt something soft and squishy slide between her lips and immediately her jaw and lips started working. Instantaneously she felt the sour nature of the orgasm recede into nothingness and warmth and bliss spread though her body once more. Drool dribbled from the side of her mouth and she giggled to herself slightly.

“Aww, my little girl is so sweet. Daddy will just be a minute, ok sweety?”

She looked up at him, and for a minute there seemed to be nothing else in the world but him. He was enormously tall, and she felt even smaller than she physically was as she looked up at him. Beyond the suckling of the pacifier in her mouth she couldn’t think very much about what was happening. She felt his huge hands as they floated above her, delicately removing her sopping wet diaper, gently wiping her clean of urine with a baby wipe, softly rubbing fresh baby powder into her body. He was there for her. Da-da would protect her no matter what.

With tremendous ease, her da-da gripped both of her feet in one massive hand and lifted her up slightly. Her bare and freshly cleaned behind was kissed by the cool air, but the orgasm within her melted all feelings of discomfort away. She suckled happily and felt herself being laid down again on a fresh diaper. It was soft and warm. She giggled.

“Aww. My baby girl likes being this little, doesn’t she?” da-da asked with a smile. She couldn’t respond with words and she didn’t really understand what he was saying. But he was smiling. That made her smile and giggle again. “Oh, she does?” he said, leaning over her like a massive guardian. He tickled her bare tummy. She wriggled and laughed loudly until the pacifier fell from her mouth. But she didn’t care. Da-da’s tickles did nothing but amplify the orgasm spreading within her. She was nothing but pleasure and she laughed a loud little baby laugh.

Da-da slowly stopped tickling her to prevent her from wetting this new diaper, and replaced the pacifier to her mouth which she once again began to suckle in instinctively.

“I bet baby is glad that daddy isn’t normal, isn’t she?” said da-da as he resumed diapering her. “I bet baby can’t wait to do this all the time, isn’t that right sweety?”

She giggled again. She liked when da-da smiled. It made her comfortable.

“Ok sweety, all done!” said da-da. His happiness emanated into her and filled her up and she giggled again. Then he slid a massive palm under each of her armpits and lifted her easily into the air.

“Baby didn’t realize what she was getting into when she agreed to let me try that spell on her. Baby laughed at da-da and said that magic wasn’t real.” He chuckled and once more rubbed his nose against hers. She laughed loudly.

“Don’t worry. I promise you will be this happy forever.” He said in a baby voice to her. “I remember the last time da-da did this to you. Baby was scared. I remember she cried a lot, until the spell wore off and she turned back into a grown up. But my little sweety loves her time as a baby, doesn’t she?”

She kicked her feet in joy. She had only the barest grasp of what her da-da was saying but she knew it was something about being a baby again. And being a baby again made her happy. And being happy was good.

“So now you get to be my little sweety whenever you want, baby. All you have to do is let daddy put a nice fresh diaper on you and POOF! You turn back into a wittle baby. Isn’t that wonderful?” She giggled again and held her arms out to him, wanting to touch him.

He moved her close to his face. Tiny little baby hands, pudgy and stubby fingers grasped at his face. She felt his massive face. Then she was brought to his mouth and he kissed her forehead gently. Happiness, pure happiness, seemed to pour into her. The orgasm dulled and simple love and bliss began to take over. Her body felt more real. She felt more alive and more natural now than she ever did before. Da-da was there for her. She was safe and protected. And he loved her and she loved him back. She was so relaxed that she let the pacifier fall from her mouth onto the floor. Da-da just smiled, picked it up, and placed it in his pocket.

“So sweety, in a few hours you’ll be big again. A big girl with a big girl mind. And I’ll love you then just as I love you now. But I know you’ll want to return to being this little all the time. I know how intense that orgasm was for you. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you’re addicted now. You’re going to think about hitting that orgasm all the time. And when you do, when daddy puts a diaper on you… that’s when you’ll feel it again. That’s when you’ll turn back into a baby, who you REALLY are.”

She smiled and hugged his face. She could feel the orgasm waning. She was settling into this body. It felt right. She didn’t know why. But having a fresh diaper around her body protecting her, having stuffed animals and pacifiers to please her, and most of all having da-da there hugging her, caring for her, loving her. It felt correct. She didn’t want anything else in life. This is who she wanted to be. She wanted to tell da-da how much she loved him. She wanted to tell him how soft and comfortable her diaper was, how wonderful it was to suckle on her pacifier, how brilliantly the orgasm took control of her. But she couldn’t think of any words to express her comfort and love. She tried to speak, but only babble came out.

Da-da smiled. “What is it baby? Is my sweety trying to say something?”

“… da… da. Da-da!” She said, not knowing what else to say or how to say it.

And she saw da-da’s face spread into a wide smile and he pulled her close to him in a gentle embrace. She was cradles against his powerful chest and she could feel his breathing. “Yes, sweety, da-da’s here. Da-da loves you.”

And she smiled and popped her thumb in her mouth, not wanting to become big again. Not wanting to ever leave her da-da. And she knew that da-da would always be there to love her, his sweety.







End Chapter 1


by: 2BeeAdorable | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 1, 2013


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