Revolting Youth

by: Skullovitch | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 12, 2012

This is my first story. Hopefully there's not too many grammar errors. Just kind of a little story I thought of this morning. What happens when music and cynicism meets superheroes and mystical jewels? Well, read now and find out.

Chapter 1
I Wanna Be Sedated

"Does the pink shirt come in extra small?" She asked in that bubble gum voice while twhirling that a strand of that insipid blonde hair. "Hang on let me check" I told her in my typical "I hope you know I hate you" tone. Taking a very quick glance back to the overfilling boxes of t-shirts, I casually looked back at her and replied with a promenent "no." Making a predictable pouty face and storming off, I couldn’t help but crack a smile. I hated girls like her, it gave the rest of us a bad name. Only reason a walking pair of breasts comes to these kinds of shows are to try and sleep with the band, probably due to some misdirected father issues or some other shit like that I’m sure. It was almost 9 pm as I leaned back over the counter, trying to kill the time by playing useless games on my phone. I was in the dead back of a "punk" rock show, selling crummy shirts to mindless fans of the flavor of the month that are about to be taking the stage. Don’t get me wrong, I love punk rock music,

I don’t have this Dead Kennedy’s logo tattooed on me for the praise of the fashion world. It’s these kind of bands I hate, the ones that have pretty much taken over the world and brainwashed the hordes of sheeple to buy their merch and cum to their songs. Unfortunately since I am currently low on funds, hawking their merch was the only "job" I really qualified for and by qualified I mean I was the only one that showed up and got the job.

As the night goes on, the band finally leaves with the hundreds of screeching followers not far behind. Finally a little peace. Putting on my headphones I start to blast real music while I sweep up the place, finding discarded under garmets and cigarette butts scouring the floor. It was times like these I always wondered the typical but never ending question "why me?". Perhaps it was because I looked a bit different than other girls? At 24 years old my current appearence is technically considered to be frowned upon by most and yet accepted enough for me not to be completely isolated. Piercings all over my ears, a few in my nose, and just a couple on my lip.

Long yet unkept hair dyed a vicious combo of green, blue, and purple decending from my head. My clothing is usually items I’ve found at thrift stores, but I do admit I do love the way my butt looks in this pair of deniem jeans (perhaps the only part of my body I’ll actually take pride in). With all that and a body covered in tattoos, I’m really a mother’s worst nightmare.

My name is Elianna but you can just call me Eli I guess but please just stop the pick up lines now. I may sound a bit snobbish but I really have no tolerance for most of society. I mean why should I give a shit about people who only want to put me down or try and sleep with me? I mean for the love of christ I actually have a mind! I wasn’t born yesterday!


"What the fuck?!" I scream out, turning around instantly to see the wreckage that had fallen from the ceiling above. Now the building the show too place in was a small one, but luckily not so small that the entire roof caved in. With dust settling, there I saw them. A skinny but toned man wearing spandex with a mask over his face, lying seemingly unconcious. Standing on top of him was a tall woman with breasts that would make Pamela Anderson blush and blonde hair to match (typical). She hovered over him, a ghastly grin stretched across her face.

"Well well, and here I thought you were the might Arachnid-Man! Scourge to the criminal world! Only to find out your just some punk ass Spider-Man wanna be." Leaning back a little, the mysterious woman aimed a rather personalized handgun at the man in tights. "The diamond of Zur En Arrh is mine now, but here’s a sweet remember me bye." She said, sweet as honey as she viciously shot the inexperienced hero several times before finally leaving him. I stood there, motionless, couldn’t possibly move if I tried. The tunes of the Ramones still blasting over my headphones as one fell out of my ear.

"Aww look at you" the now cold blooded murderer spoke to me as she casually took the other headphone out of my ear. She looked to be in her 30’s, but still would be any man’s poster girl for whack material. She stood before me in her tight black leather bodysuit, boots up to her knees and a gaze that could pierce one’s soul. "My my, I think your mother may have made many mistakes with you." she said to me. Talking to me about my mother?! I don’t care if she just killed someone, I was raised to stand my ground. "Oh and I’m sure your mother is just laughing herself to sleep knowing what you do lady." It wasn’t very threatening sounding, but it was all I could muster up. "A young lady like you should mind her manners." I think I struck a nerve given the villainess’ tone of voice. Perhaps my reply wasn’t the best thought out at the time.

"Get stuffed". Suddenly any sign of playfulness drowned from her expression, replaced only with a very furious one. "Do you even know what he was trying to get back from me "little girl"?" She said pointing the gun to the now lifeless superhero. "He just happened to try and stop me while I was stealing a precious diamond, one that is said to have incredible power." Pulling the diamond out of a pouch on her belt, it gleamed in the light a very mesmerizing emerald shade, and I don’t even like jewelery. "You’re about to find out just what kind of power the diamond of Zur En Arrh pocesses!" She claimed, her voice growing more and more intense and psychotic. "A punk rock puke like you I believe needs a second chance, not at trying to appeal to my good side, but at life!"

"Wait what?" I questioned aggressively, as a beam from the diamond shot out, dead center on my head. I could feel it’s energy, burrowing from my head and down through the rest of my body. Suddenly my clothes began to fit a litttle bit looser. My breasts began to feel strange as I began to grab them in a panic. As I grasped them, my worry began to get more severe as I could feel them starting to shrink!

"What’s happening to me??!!" I demanded as I could swear my voice went up a few octives. Letting go of what was left of my breasts, I immediately turned to see my reflection in a mirror that was still on stage from the bands show earlier. "No, not that!" I shouted out, my voice cracking horribly as I could see my ass, the one thing I could really be happy about with me was beginning to loose it’s firmness. It began to deflate before my eyes and I struggled to keep those once tight fitting jeans up. My thong slid down my now shapeless legs as my bra, once cupping a pair of B sized breasts now hung uselessly on me. The piercings that once identified me faded away as the holes closed up. Screaming like a child, I could see the color draining from my hair and tattoos, almost like paint falling down a canvas as it puddled around my feet, leaving me with the wretched blonde hair I once had.

Once the changes stopped, I looked up at the now towering super villains as she bend down, her enormous breasts inches from my face as she laughed under her breath. "Well "hun" I decided to stop you at 8, I feel that’s an age you can mature from and eventually become a better member of society, one that won’t say such vulgar things to people." She said with a bit of a victoriousness in her voice. "Y...Yoo tuwned me into ah kid?" I asked, my childish voice stuttering as with one hand grasping the blonde hair in my face, and the other grabbing at my now sexless features. "Eeeyeah, I think I made that very clear. Maybe now you won’t dress like a sewer rat" She said while patting my head and making her exit, but before she could reach the door, what was left of my bitter personality shined through once more.

"FWUCK YOU! WADY!" I screeched as loud as these little girl vocal cords could go. Turning around, the evil witch of a villain didn’t say a word as she merely held up the diamond and shot another beam at me! "NOOOOO!!!" Was all I could say as my regression progressed. "Enjoy life as a 3 year old you ungrateful little shit" It was the last thing she told me before getting away with her crimes.

Now I sit here, back in pre-school. After I was found at the scene, I tried to explain to the officers what had happened but they just figured it was a frightened little girl letting her imagination run with her given the trauma she had just witnessed. Without being able to find any parents of mine (and with me refusing to go back to my actual parents), I was placed with a foster family and will now be entering the 1st grade soon. It’s not right though! Please, if you are reading this,

I’m not really a 3 year old girl! My name is Eli and I’m supposed to be 24! I’m trapped in this body, my new parents think this whole "I was once 24" is only an act that I’ll grow out of and they only let me listen to radio disney now goddamnit! Uh oh....I think mommy heard me say that...Oh god here she comes with the bar of soap! Help!



End Chapter 1

Revolting Youth

by: Skullovitch | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 12, 2012


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