Almost Perfect Night

by: CrinkleStar | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 24, 2011

A cute, short and sweet story about two young teens and a padded experience. Complete fiction, but possible in reality.

Chapter 1
Complete Story

Author - RobbiexRainbow

Author’s Note - This is a story that was revised from a RP between me and someone I deeply care for. It’s my first fully written work in years, and is a vast improvement over my last creations. Thank you for taking the time to read this =]!

Shortly after 1AM on a starlit summer’s eve, a pair of teens on their last few years of the title were seen quietly walking into the young man’s home after a late night of senior graduation partying. Neither of them were intoxicated in any way but they were buzzed from the multiple levels of excitement which consisted of knowing that high school was finally over to knowing that tonight would be potentially life changing. Well, one of them knew this anyways.

They silently crept their way into the house, with the boy leading and his hand grasped into the hand of his partner who was close to follow. Once they were both inside, he quietly closed the door behind him, locking it and made way towards the room he resided in. The floors were made of carpet and the house was neatly maintained which caused the skill of silence to be successfully performed. Just as with the front door, once the two were inside the room, the boy turned and shut the door behind him, locking it also, and then he switched on the TV that hung from the wall, creating a dim amount of light and small bit of sound, but was just enough for the two to see one another’s face and to see everything in the small room. The noise was just enough to allow the two to relax a bit more about being where they were, as pure silence was no longer needed.

For the first time in the last few hours, the pair were able to stand and be alone, feeling relaxed and happy that the two could enjoy the company of each other. The boy wrapped his arms around his partner and rested his head on their shoulder, glad to be with them alone. Though, the sentimental value of this moment didn’t last long as his hug from behind shifted from one of comfort and warmth to one of restraint as he began to tickle his victim vigorously. Rapid giggling and flailing of body mass soon followed which caused unsteadiness between the too, resulting in them falling down onto the bed, only he took this time to quickly maneuver himself above his victim, pinning them to the bed and looking into their eyes with a grin.

"Remember when I told you that within five minutes of being home, you’d be in my bed and begging?"

In response to this, the girl who lay beneath him cocked her head to the side with a confused look, "well, I see that we are in bed, if that’s what you wanna call it. But I don’t see how I’m be-" she was quickly cut off right on the word begging as she was instantly overcome with tickles from all around. However, she had not noticed that the boy had her legs pinned together with his knees, which prevented her ability to escape the onslaught of finger attacks on her tummy. "Okay okay!! Please stop!!" she managed to say between breathes.

"Gotta beg for it!" the boy said with a big grin on his face as he continued his tickling.

"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STOOPPP!!!" she said through her intense amount of squirms and laughter. At the sound of that, the boy stopped and smiled down at her, looking over her face and quickly bending over her and planting his lips on her warm, happy filled cheeks. He sat back up and smiled down at her.

He scooted his tush down along her a little to where it was just below the waistline of her jeans and then he bounced lightly for a few seconds and looked at her with a smile.

"Hrrmm... I do believe something is missing from here." he grinned, "Mind filling me in on the missing puzzle piece?" he asked. She just shook her head for a reply. "Gonna make me actually check huh?" he asked while lifting up one of his hands and sliding it down to the outside of her crotch and began to pat at it. "Something crinkly should be around here somewhere, now shouldn’t it?" he asked rhetorically while winking at her. "Looks like we need to fix that. Wouldn’t want my little girl making a mess in the bed the first time she spends the night now would we?"

She could only manage to respond with a blush and sticking her tongue out. This was enough for the boy to smile and give off a small chuckle as he slid off of her and stood up next to the bed, reaching his arm out for her to take. She looked up at him and blushed a bit, before slowly shaking her head to signal that she didn’t know how to respond to him. He pulled her up into a sitting position as she placed her hand on his arm. He grinned at her and proceeded to ask, "Don’t you think we should fix this?" Again, her cheeks bloomed pink from the slight embarrassment of the question. In a few seconds, a mumble could be heard from her as she looked down onto the bed. "What was that baby girl?" the boy asked her.

"Maybe..." she muttered a little more clearly.

"Well, it’s a good thing you’re not the one making decisions then, or we would be here all night!" the boy said enthusiastically. From beside the bed, he grabbed a small tin box, a box which was very familiar to the girl. The exterior of the box was coated in pink Hello Kitty designs all around. Her eyes grew slightly as he popped off the top and pulled out pink baby pacifier with a flower on the end. Closing the box and setting it off to the side, the boy smiled once more and slid the pacifier into her mouth, at which she smiled faintly to. He stood off to the side of her and again, extended his arm out to her. "Up up!" he said in a happy tone. She complied and again, grabbed his arm for support as he quickly pulled her to his feet.

"That ah girl!" he said as he poked his tongue out. A saying she had grown familiar with over the time she knew him. After his cliché line, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She reacted quickly by mimicking his hand placement, only on the opposing body that stood in front of her. In one quick and cunning motion, the boy slid his hands quickly into the jeans of his partner, passing the soft fabric of her panties and groping both her beautiful cheeks, one per hand, and giving them a light squeeze. The boy chuckled to her reaction of a slight jump and said with a slight laugh, "and you thought I was trying to be cute!" And with that, he pulled her pants back an inch and quickly dropped them to the floor along with her panties.

Standing naked from the waist down, the girl quickly tried her best to cover herself the best she could by tugging her shirt as far down as it would go.

This, of course, left her butt more exposed as the back rose up to compensate for the front’s drop. Upon the boy’s trip from the floor to standing back right, he took advantage of this by rubbing his hands along her cheeks, making her shiver and blush more than she had previously. One he is fully standing; he grins and pushes her backwards. Due to her lack of balance from trying to save her modesty, she quickly fell and landed onto the bed with her back, bouncing a small bit as she made contact. There was no way to hide he exposed self now and she knew that. She grabbed a pillow and covered her face quickly in all the embarrassment and clenched her legs together in a fetal like position.

Seeing how embarrassed she had become made the boy grin more and begin to bite his bottom lip as he looked her over. Her stunning half-naked body lay before him with its cute face buried under a simply layer of protection, which he saw as the flaw. And like all flaws of reality, he went to fix it by removing the pillow and tossing it to the side. He then quickly climbed onto her and pinned her down onto the bed and looked over her cute face and smiled. "Why so scared?" he asked with a chuckle.

The boy let her wrist go after giving her a look that paralyzed her with embarrassment. He leaned forward and pulled a white box out from behind the bed’s headboard and sat up on her groin with the box in his hands. He set it down on her tummy and opened it in such a way that the lid blocked her ability to see what was inside. Within a few seconds, out came a small bottle of baby powder and a thick, crinkly diaper that were both placed on the right of the girl he sat upon. He smiled, closed the box and tossed it off to the side.

At this point, the girl had dropped her pacifier from her mouth in all the shock of knowing what was to come. She knew she was going to be padded, something that wasn’t entirely uncommon, but why on the first night that she were to stay with him all night? After all, she kind of had a glimmer of hope that it’d be something sweet and romantic, though this was just a foreign fantasy. The two were not actually dating, but they both liked one another with a great amount of emotion. It was so rare for one to find another into something as bizarre as diapers and age play, but finding two that fit so well together was as magical as the starry night itself. Still, she could see that tonight was probably going to end up just like all the other times the two played their age games. She gets padded and he babies her, then she removes the padding and they act like completely normal friends. Not that she was against this, but she still longed for something a bit more, just once.

As she began to speak, the boy put his finger over her lips before she could form a full word, and he picked up her pacifier and placed it back into her mouth. "Speak another word before I tell you to, or if the pacifier comes out, I’ll spank you. I’ll add 10 for every second it is out and for every word you speak. Understood?" he asked her in a semi serious tone. She looked up at him confused and nodded to him. She had very rarely seen this side of him when they played. Normally he was loving and let her get away with most anything. So why be different tonight? Something had to be up. "That’s my lil angel. Now then, on with the festivities!" he said as he hopped off of her and stood next to her, grabbing the diaper as he does so.

The boy positions himself at the end of her feet and begins to pull on her legs to make her bare butt is near the bed’s edge. Once complete, he instructs her to lift her mid-section up. She quickly complies and does as told. While she is lifted, the boy slides the diaper underneath her and positions it perfectly for her trip down. "Down down" he instructs. Again, she quickly does as told. Once back down, he grabs the powder that is beside of her, twists the cap to open it and then sprinkles it all around her still exposed area. The room soon is filled with the puffy powder smell that is always relaxing to the both of them. After he finishes powdering her, he closes the top of the bottle and sets it off to the side and then grabs the front of the diaper and pulls it up between her legs and positions it equally to the back of the diaper. He quickly grabs the top tape of the left side and seals it to the crinkly front, repeating with top right tape, bottom left and finally bottom right. Once snuggly closed, he pats the nearly padded crotch of her to make sure now powder puffs out, insuring that it is fully shut. Seeing that his job is now complete, and expertly done, he leans down to her face and gives her a small peck on her cheek. Sitting back up, he tells her "All done!" in a happy tone.

Hearing the words he just spoke, she giggles a little and lets out a meek "yay!" which causes her pacifier to fall out.

Upon seeing this, the boy grinned, picked up the pacifier and put it back in her mouth. "Pretty sure I didn’t tell you to speak yet" he giggles as he extends his arm out one last time to pull her to her feet. She blushes and knows what is to come next. She slowly grabs his arm and is pulled to her feet. Looking down at the floor, she stands and waits for the next step, still in a slightly confused mindset of what the night has to come. Once she is fully to her feet, the boy places both his hands on the back of her padding and begins to tap it in a rhythm, alternating hands as he does so. He does this nine times, stops and then hugs her which causes her to give a perplexed look towards him. He grinned and assured her that "it’ll come, don’t worry!" The spanks hadn’t hurt or anything, but she was a little nervous. Why must this boy always want to play silly games with her!

"Sooooo, tonight is gonna be a little different. Is that okay?" he asked her. She was about to speak, but remembered that she was not allowed and so she decided to just show confusion through her face. "Good enough of an answer to mean yes to me!" he smiled. She knew that no matter what she had replied with, he would have said something like that. He grabbed her hand and led her over to the dresser he had in his room. The stood a bit out of the way as he pulled open the drawers and withdrew a large grey hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants. He closed the drawers and tossed them to her with a smile.

"Put these one please. Just trust me." he told her. She was nervous, but also quite glad that she could cover herself. While he had seen her padded before, she was still a very nervous girl. He quickly grabbed a pair of socks for her and tossed them to her and then grabbed her shoes. It was implied that she was to get fully dressed, but for what reason? She had no clue.

She sat on the bed and slowly got dressed, as the boy grabbed a jacket, socks and his shoes and sat beside of her to get dressed as well. Once they were both complete, the stood up and he turned to her and smiled. "Okay. I know you’re not going to want to do this. But please just trust me, okay? It means a lot to me and I’ve had this planned for a while." The look on his face as he said it was the first time she had ever seen a slight bit of hesitation from the boy. Seeing this, she knew she couldn’t say no. It’d hurt him too much. And she also knew to never, ever do anything to mess up a plan that he made. It would drive him crazy. He smiled and grabbed her by the hand. He quickly tugged her to the front door of the house and she began to feel a little uneasy. He grabbed her hand tighter and reassured her that it was well past one in the morning and that they would be the only two out there.

Hearing that, she calmed down a little and nodded. "Yay! And we are off!" he said excitedly as he opened the door and pulled her outside with him, shutting it behind him.

They walked down the driveway of the house and onto a sidewalk that connected to its end. Turning right, they could see part of a local park that was near the boy’s house. The sidewalk passed by a few houses, went through a tunnel that was under a bridge, crossed a creek and then ended at the park.

Looking around, she saw that the entire world seemed gone aside from the boy that was holding her hand. She smiled a little and internally felt a feeling of joy. "Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all?" she thought to herself as she walked beside him towards the tunnel.

It only took the two a total of two minutes to make it to the tunnel. It was a short tunnel, and it was lined with lights. The two walked into the tunnel, boy in the lead and then stopped almost exactly halfway through. The boy turned to the girl and smiled at her. She stood a little confused and slightly scared. She got scared easily, but she knew that he would never hurt her. Still, the paranoid thoughts sprung up in her mind as he looked her over. His hands quickly find their way to the sides of her waist as he gives them a quick rub then stops with them resting gently on her hips. He leans forwards and removes her pacifier with his teeth. Her pacifier! Had she really come outside with it still in her mouth and not realize it? She blushed extremely red and buried her face into the boy’s chest when she realized what had happened. He grabs the pacifier from his mouth and puts it into his jacket pocket. Giggling, he pulls her head up and softly asks, "what’s the matter, babe?"

She looks down at her feet for a short bit until she feels a nudge in her side from his hands. She looks up and meekly replies, "I’m scared....of getting caught and...I really, REALLY hate the dark"

He gives off a small chuckle to himself and then looks at her face. "But you’re with me, and I’m not gonna let anything hurt you lil sister. Okay?"

Having heard this, she smiles and calms back down a little. Falling into a more relaxed position and gives a small nod.

He pushes her more against the lining of the tunnel, so that she is completely pressed against it and looks straight into her eyes. His hands begins to move as one makes it way on her arm and the other to her padded butt, which he gives a small pat and murmurs the number ten. She giggles to the sound of that. Seeing that she is off guard, the boy takes this to his full advantage as he tilts his head slightly, closes his eyes and gives her a quickly kiss on the lips. It was the first time a real kiss had occurred between the two "friends." He pulled back to see her face and to see the reaction in her eyes. She was blushing and frozen with a mix of emotions over what just happened. Figuring something like that would happen; he smiled to see his assumptions were true. He gave her crinkly butt a quick squeeze and pulled his hands up to her face, putting one on each side, making her lips pop out like kids do when they make "fish faces." He began to speak for her as he moved her lips in accordingly, "Awww that was so sweet!"

He backed off of her and took her hand in his. He turned towards the park and said, "Well, we aren’t done yet with our adventure. So let’s get going!"

He acted as if what had just happened never happened. First kiss and no conversation after. She wanted to say something to him, but in a way, it felt kind of right to enjoy the moment for what it was. Did it mean something? Or was it a spur of the moment type thing. So many thoughts were racing through her mind at once that by the time she snapped back to reality, they were already fully at the park. She could see the familiar playground, which was normally cluttered with kids in the day, completely void of all human life. As if it was abandoned. It really was just the two of them on this wonderful starry night. She looked up at him as they made their way up the hill which led to the playground.

Halfway up the hill, the boy stopped and turned to her. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. He began to fall onto the soft grass, pulling her down with him and causing them to land upon one another. She was on top and their faces were once again positioned perfectly for a moonlight meeting of the lips. In a few seconds, the boy acting as though he was going to give her another kiss, only to knock her off guard and roll her over so that he could pin her down underneath him. She blushed and playfully squirmed to this event. Looking down at his "victim," the boy smiled and leaned forward, placing his lips just above hers. He puckered them slightly, but didn’t approach any further. The girl, not knowing if this was another trick or not, felt herself unable to resist as she was soon puckering hers in response. She leaned forward and their lips met. Instead of pulling back quickly, the two were locked into a bound state of happiness. For a moment, all cares in the world were disposed of. She was happy to be in the state she was in, even if it caused extreme fear to get there.

The couple separated and the boy pulled back. He rolled off of her and lay right down beside of her on the cool ground. He took her in his arms and pulled her close. The two snuggled together and looked up in the sky. Not a cloud was to be seen; it really was a movie perfectly evening. He couldn’t help be to begin stroking her hair as she nuzzled herself so calmly into his chest. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. They stayed there for roughly half an hour, in pure silence, enjoying the company of each other. To her, it was the perfect night ever. To him, it was almost perfect. Only one thing was missing. He looked down at her. Her calm face didn’t notice at all as he looked down at her. He nudged her side to get her attention as he said, "babe?" in a somewhat implied asking tone.

She looked up at him in response and questioned back, "yeah?"

He had another hesitant look on his face as he began to open his mouth to speak. "You know, I was a little nervous about tonight. Worried that you might not go through with all of this. But, seeing that you did. It means a lot to me. I just.... I have one more question for you. It’s a simple yes or no type question. It won’t hurt me how you answer, so be honest okay?" She gave a confused look followed by a nod. He grinned a slight bit and looked over her face one final time. "What would you say if I were to ask... oh I dunno, something along the lines of..."

He gave a long pause and a quick laugh. "Damn this boy, why must he always play games with my head!?" she thought quickly to herself.

Once he finished laughing, he went back to his statement to finish. "You know, I’ll hold on to the question for a bit. Let’s just enjoy the moment." He gave one more laugh as she began to pout. Pulling the pacifier back out from his jacket, he placed it in her mouth and told her to shush. And with that, she quieted down and began to watch the night sky again in the arms of what could have been the most magical moment of her life. Fin.wn and began to watch the night sky again in the arms of what could have been the most magical moment of her life. Fin.



End Chapter 1

Almost Perfect Night

by: CrinkleStar | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 24, 2011


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