Jinn - Other djinni's

by: Donut | Complete Story | Last updated May 17, 2011

A spin off of the story Jinn, a short story and one of a few ideas I have for the other djinni's from the story Jinn.

Chapter 1
The mirror of truth

Chapter Description: A bullied girl distraught turns to her antique mirror for comfort without realizing the power it holds.

Patricia ran upstairs into her attic bedroom, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

This day at school had been particularly hard for Patricia, the school bully Victoria was a real mean piece of work right now.

They used to be the best of friends but last week a fallout over a boy who’d gotten between them.

The perils of teenage life was bearing down upon her and the sheer embarrassment caused be her former friend had reduced her to tears in front of the whole class.

Patricia was a late developer, she wore padding under her bra’s in the form of inserts and today, in the changing rooms Vicky had snatched one away.

The insults flew in, the girls all pointed and laughed, calling her "Patty Pancake", the girls joked about how her real breasts were nothing more than bee stings and how even little girls had bigger breasts than she.

This had occurred in first class, the insults kept coming all day, and they were worse when the boys found out, even the unpopular kids were mocking her.

The final straw came when a girl 3 years younger than she asked if she was the little baby from the seniors.

She ran away from the torment, she ran out of school and ran all the way home in tears.

She ran up the stairs and into her room lunging face down onto the bed to sob away her miseries.

"I’m not a pancake" she mustered to her self whilst rolling around on her bed, "little girls do not have a body like mine"

She hopped off her bed and collected a mirror from her bedside table. The mirror was a large handheld piece in silver plate, it was an antique her mother had obtained in France but really, it was a worthless piece of junk bought off a street beggar.

She hadn’t ever used it before now and noticed the flaws as she looked into the polished face.

It was not a perfect reflection by any means, it was slightly rippled and the edges were tarnished, but it was enough to notice the redness in her face and her bloodshot eyes as she wiped the tears away.

Turning to the full size mirror she cupped her breasts to exaggerate what little cleavage she had. "They’re bigger than bee stings..." she grew tearful again, and angry Victoria.... I can’t believe you did this to me... I’m not the, the, no you..."

She looked right into the handheld mirror, in a malicious tone of hurt and anger she screams into the mirror "YOU’RE A LITTLE GIRL!!!"

At this moment the mirror face cracked, with a shattering crunch a large split appeared in the glass.

Patricia jumped back dropping the mirror in the process, the fall was slow, it twirled in the air, tumbling and twisting as it fell.

She held her breath praying that it hadn’t broken as it bounced off the carpet and wheeled in the air, it hit the floor again and landed mirror side down, the patterned polished silver backing was up in the air.

"Oh no" she cried, fearing the worst she gingerly picked up the mirror, expecting shards to fall out but none did.

She examined the glass, it hadn’t cracked at all, it was smooth and flat, it reflected her bedroom beautifully... but not her.

Surprised she turned to the full length mirror, her reflection was there but now that mirror was rippled, she was but a blur in the mirror.

She was panicking a little by now, she called out for he mom but heard no reply, she lifted the mirror back up to her face and looked at it, all she saw was the wall behind her, she moved to a poster of hers and to make sure, and sure enough she could see the poster clearly where her head should be.

She turned the mirror over, examining all angles before she caught a glimpse of a foot, but it was not her foot, it was small, and pudgy.

She lifted the mirror up again, again she saw nothing so she lifted it up higher, looking up into the mirror pointing down to the floor, she gasped at what she saw.

A child was looking down at her from the reflection, it was staring right at her, their eyes were locked stiff.

"Oh my god" she whined, "what is happening" she cried dropping the mirror once again.

This time she fell to her knees and peered into the mirror from above, the child was again looking back, but she was smiling, the child moved her face close to the mirror, and Patricia followed like a reflection.

The two faces were just inches away, separated by just a sheet of glass, they stared at each other, perfectly in time, Patricia couldn’t believe it, "Oh my Go..." Two hands sprung forth from the mirror, grabbing Patricia by the ears, the grip was strong they pulled her into the glass.

Patricia screamed in fear as she gripped onto the little hands but she fell in quickly, her feet flailing as she disappeared into the mirror.

She fell to all fours on the other side with light thud.

Her hands were soft and pudgy, they were smooth, she tried to stand but tumbled again, caught in a heap of clothes.

She scanned the room quickly, frantically, she saw the hand mirror lying beside her, she picked up the heavy frame and saw the small child again looking back at her, the mouth wide open, tears welling in the eyes, this child had been crying, not like the reflection she’d just seen.

She got to her feet, she stood shorter than the bed post, at looked down upon her naked body, it was hairless, not a curve of her adult body remained. Her belly was that of a child, no longer flat, no longer toned, now it stood proud.

She stumbled back to her pile of clothes, she pulled out her underwear and held them up, there was no chance she’d fit in them now.

"No she cried, no" she crawled to the mirror and heaved it off the floor, it was heavy and it took a lot of effort to lift it, her new body lacking the strength it once had.

Cradling the mirror she cried "why? Why m’I a widdle girl?" "Pwease, I’m a gwown up girl"

She looked into the mirror longingly, "I wish I was big, I wish I was a beautiful woman" it stirred again but this time it displayed a message on the glass, it appeared slowly, as if made from smoke, it read, age restrictions apply.

She began to cry.


Patricia’s mother Helen returned home to hear what she thought was a baby crying from upstairs, she ventured slowly up to discover the cry’s were louder the closer she got to Patty’s bedroom.

She moved slowly to the door and gently pushed it open.

"Oh my," her mother said, a little shocked to say the least.

"Patty, Patty, why is there a screaming child in your bedroom?....Patty?" she heard no reply from her daughter but the small child was looking at her with sorrowful eyes.

Helen noticed the heap of the clothes the child had got herself wrapped up in, she also noted the child was completely naked and of age to wet and mess without control. The mirror had fallen into the corner and remained there, glass side up.

Helen uttered some words under her breath but knelt down to calm the child, she spoke in a patronizing tone, "hello sweety, what are you doing here? Where’s your mama? Where’s your mama?"

Patricia struggled to speak between the breaths between sobs, any meaningful language was practically incomprehensible amongst the sniveling cries.

Helen examined the child and scooped her up, she couldn’t help but recognize the child, but she couldn’t remember where from, or who’s baby the child was.

Gently she rocked back and forth soothing the little girl into a calm, she hushed the child as she searched her thoughts for trying to remember where she had seen this child before.

From Patricia’s view point she was dangerously high, and looking down at the dizzying height of her mothers shoulder was scary business, instead she buried her head into her mothers chest and gripped her tightly.

"Mommy, it’s me, Patwisha" the child said.

Helen pulled away she held her at arm’s length and looked at her, stunned more so as the child before her, wriggling her little legs in the air as she looked her in the eyes, speaking with intelligence far greater than any child her age possibly could.

"No, Patricia’s nearly eighteen years old, you, your barely 18 months old how can you be..."

"Pwease mommy, it’s me, I’ve shwunk into a widdle baby and, and...."

"You can’t be, but what?!?!"

"Pwease mommy, I, I, I made a wish and it came twue, but on me" silent tears rolled down her rosy cheeks as she spoke.

Her mother held her closely again as she began to pace around the room.

Strangely Patricia felt calmed just being held by her mother, she felt safe and secure in those arms, as if nothing could hurt her.

"Well" said the mother, "we do have some of your old baby clothes in the crawl space", she moved to the cupboards lining the attic bedroom and pulled out a few boxes of clothes. "Looking at you I guess this might fit" she pulled out a baby grow and laid it flat for good measure, "yeah, that looks like it will do nicely"

"You will need some diapers too, I don’t have any disposable’s right now so you’ll have to make do with one of these ok sweety?"

"Pwease mommy, no I don’t want to be widdle again, pwease" she bawled as her mother laid her down upon the carpet, powdered up her little tush, hoisted up her legs and slipped a diaper towel into place securing it with safety pins.

Next was to place her into the baby grow, it was white, fluffy and relatively un-used.

Patricia whimpered some more about her predicament but was cut short as a pacifier was popped into her mouth, instincts took over and she sucked her self to a state of calmness and eventual sleep.

Her mother picked her up and gently put her into the bed, "Now sweety, mommy’s going to have to go and buy you some more clothes and maybe get you some toys ok.

Patricia nodded but her eyes were drowsy, all the crying had made her very sleepy and tired, her mother pulled the door to and left her new baby daughter to rest.

Patricia suckled on her pacifier as she studied her room from her smaller vantage point, even the bed she slept on, a regular single was huge, she’d begged her mother for a double just day’s before, complaining about the lack of space, "now look at me" she thought, I can literally roll around all over this bed and not fall out.

She lay there contemplating her new life, she could hardly keep her eyes open as she dozed off into a deep sleep.

As the sun went down the mirror began to haze, as Patricia slept, an arm lunged out of the mirror.



End Chapter 1

Jinn - Other djinni's

by: Donut | Complete Story | Last updated May 17, 2011


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