Blaze and Silver

by: BabyMay | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 9, 2011

Blaze and Silver from Sonic the hedgehog are turned into babies! What adventures will they get into trying to get back to normal?

Chapter 1
Brawl at the Power Plant

Chapter Description: Blaze and Silver find Mephiles at the power plant.

Blaze and Silver were driving out in the middle of station square, on their way to a picnic. "Hurry, Silver, we’re going to be late!" Blaze told him. "I’m trying! If the guy in front of us would go more than 25 mph!" He shouted. They were on the highway in the center of town, on their way to Sonic’s annual picnic. "You think Dr. Eggman’s going to attack this time?" Blaze asked. "No way. He isn’t stupid enough to." Silver replied. "COME ON, RETARD, THE SPEED LIMIT IS 50, NOT 20!" Silver shouted.


Silver swung a right onto a road around the edge of town. He jumped off the Highway as fast as he could when they saw a large traffic jam ahead on the road. "This way has more sights to see, right Blaze?" He asked. "mm-hm. What’s going on over there?" Silver glanced over and saw Mephiles the dark fiddling around with a machine at the power plant. "Let’s go find out." He parked the car and they jumped out. Mephiles pressed a button on the machine and it started sputtering. "What the?" He shouted. "Mephiles!" Silver shouted. "Oh no!" Mephiles jumped to leave, but the Machine exploded and knocked them all out. the last thing Silver saw before blacking out was a wormhole above the machine pulling them all in...



End Chapter 1

Blaze and Silver

by: BabyMay | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 9, 2011


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