Trick or Treat

by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 16, 2010

A story about a policewoman who loses a bet and gets more than she bargained for. Contains humiliation and nappies and forced babyfication

Chapter 1
Trick or Treat

Chapter Description: The whole thing

"Wait, hang on guys, honestly. I’m not going through with this" I backed away from the door as my two friends, Shawn and Carrie giggled hysterically.

Shawn covering the bedroom door, my only means of escape and Carrie rummaging around in the wardrobe.

Hang on a minute, let me introduce myself. The name is Susan, but everyone calls me spike. I’m quite a short girl at the age of 22, but just because

i’m small doesn’t mean I have a small attitude. And that’s why everyone calls me spike, its a tough name At first i protested when they called me that

but after a couple of years now, I don’t really respond to Susan any more, it didn’t help when I got my tongue pierced.

I’m good at standing up for myself, and am very Goth looking. you’ll never find me wearing a primary colour and skirts are just a no go. My hair is

blonde about shoulder length, usually tied back in a high ponytail, i’m quite slim. I’m often found at the gym working out and I seriously watch my weight.

I work at the local police force, as do Carrie and Shawn. I like to think of myself as quite a hard nut. You know a girl who can give as good as she gets.

But that’s how I got into this whole mess in the first place. Its Halloween tonight and although we’re all well over the age for trick or treating, that’s what we’re planning on going to do.

I lost a bet last night and now i’m really regretting it. I bet I could drink Shawn under the table and I had a pretty good stab at it, but hey i’m

five foot 2 and he’s six foot four. I should have stacked up those odds in the beginning, saying that though, I have drunken larger men than Shawn under the

table before. I just don’t understand how he managed to stay standing after all those shots of sambucca. But at the end of the day I lost and he won.

The bet was the loser had to go out trick or treating dressed as whatever the other person decided. So we’re at Carries house. We’ve been here for a while just chatting

and sharing a couple of bottles of wine between the three of us as I’ve been trying to con my way out of the little bet. And now they’ve both sort of

suggested we go upstairs to see my forfeit, and me, trying to be a good sport have followed willingly even though my mouth is a little dry And now I’m

seriously freaking out, because both Shawn and Carrie have sick evil warped depraved minds. god knows what they’ve concocted.

Anyway....back to what happens....

"AHA." My head spins round directed at Carrie who drags out a large bag at the bottom of her wardrobe, we’re at her flat you see. I cant see in the bag

but my analytical mind wonders how long the bags been there as it was under quite a lot of junk.

"look..." I say. "...We’re not going trick or treating, we’re all old enough to have our own kids, it’s just stupid"

Shawn chuckled, that knowing mischievous sparkle in his eyes that I found quite sexy....oh I didn’t mention did I, that I had a crush on Shawn...well,

I guess I just did now. I’ve already mentioned how tall he is, but he has dark black hair, quite long, very neat though, tied back. He usually has

stubble, but I like that rugged look. Often tends to dress quite scruffily when he’s not in uniform. Likes to work on machines in his spare time can

pretty much make anything he feels like. That takes some skill. He’s very kind and gentle though, a good mate to talk to. I may as well introduce

Carrie too. She’s got shortish brown hair, blue eyes stands at about five foot seven, quite a big lass if you get what I mean, cuddly. but she’s the

best mate a girl could have, seriously she’s got a wicked sense of humour but a heart of gold.

Carrie moves towards me with the bag and my shoulders just slump. I’ve tried talking them out of things for the past twenty minutes, but they’re

damned determined and i’m curious to see what’s in the bag now.

"okay okay...lets see what you’ve got for me, I know it’s going to be daft"

Carrie opens the bag and pulls out what looks like a toga.

"I’m going as Julius Caesar? That’s pretty weak!" the relief was evident in my voice.

Carrie laughs now, the humour seems to have vanished from her face she’s looking all business no play. She speaks but its quiet so I have to listen closely.

"it’s not a toga Suzie" A small smile spreads across her face as she pulls out nappy pins from the bag. I look at the pins and the large bit of towel

and very quickly put two and two together.

"oh no....OH NO. I am NOT going out dressed like a baby, and don’t call me Suzie"

Shawn still standing with his arms folded by the door laughs.

"Awww Suzies getting cranky. i’m sure she’ll feel better once she’s out of her big girl clothes and into something a bit more normal for a little girl

her age"

I blushed several crimson shades of red and laugh all nervous like.

"Please guys. that’s just evil. You know this is a small town, how am I supposed to show my face down the nick tomorrow if I got out wearing that stuff


Carrie smiles in an almost maternal way

"Don’t you worry your little head about that, me and Shawn are going dressed up too"

Again I felt relief wash over me. If we all went as babies then at least the full mocking heat wouldn’t souly be on me.

"As babies? Okay...well...."

Shawn cut me off

"Not as babies silly, as your mummy and daddy. We cant have a baby wandering off on her own, now are you going to put the nappy and clothes on like a

good girl or are we going to have to strip you and dress you ourselves like the baby you are?"

Shocked at the suggestion that they would dare invade my personal space like that, I snatch the towel and other stuff off of Carrie, realising my only

way out of this was to play along for now.

"No I can do it fine, go on, outside so I can get changed in peace" The tone of my voice cold, now that I know I cant sweet talk myself out of my

predicament. I’m feeling a bit odd, the wine must have been bad. My stomachs doing somersaults and I’m not sure whether its nervousness at going

outside in what im about to put on or whether its something else.

They leave with big smug grins on their faces and I go about pulling off my black jumper and slipping on the soft cotton pink t-shirt. It feels nice

and smells of baby powder, but pink really isn’t me. I then pull off my jeans. I have no intention of taking off my pants though and proceed to pin the

towel over the top of my pants. Now let me just set the record straight. I have no maternal instincts at all. I have no intention of ever having kids. Even other

peoples kids annoy me, so this was the first time i’d ever come into contact with any baby paraphernalia since...well....I was a baby I guess. So

I hadn’t a clue what I was doing. I just tried to picture a baby in my head and imagine how it all fit together around my waist. I struggled gamely

on for ten minutes, being put off every once in a while by Carrie or Shawn chuckling outside the door. finally I had it pinned on in a rough nappy shape.

It felt so strange to have something so thick between my legs pushing them out so I had to stand bow-legged. I experimentally walked up and down the

room a couple of times watching myself in the full length mirror of Carries wardrobe. I looked ridiculous. and could see my face was once again

several shades of red. I was quite close to tears actually, although I wouldn’t dare admit it at the time.

"okay...I’m done" I say it a slightly choked and more quieter voice than before. I feel a lot less like my adult self, something about seeing

yourself dressed like that kinda makes you feel a lot less like a woman.

The door flung open and Shawn and Carrie moved in fast.

"Awww arn’t you just the most adorable thing in the world" Shawn wanders up to me and pinches my cheek in a granny sort of way. He’s dressed

slightly differently now, a different jumper on and polished shoes. Carrie is wearing a summer dress with a big hat she looks like a stereotypical mother.

"What? So that’s you’re costumes. they just look like ordinary clothes" I feel a bit let down. Shawn just ruffles my hair and chuckles in a patronising way.

"but sweetie you’re clothes are just normal too for a baby"

"Yeah but i’m NOT a baby"

Carrie stops the argument before I even get fully into the swing of things.

"Look it was you that made the stupid bet, now stop being such a sore loser."

I fall silent and seeing she’s had the desired effect she quickly adds.

"Besides anyone who wears nappies has got to be a baby in my books"

I open my mouth to throw back a sarcastic retort and Shawn quickly whips something out of his pocket and plonks it in my mouth and so without warning I

find myself sucking on a pacifier. Instantly i spit it out and Carrie bends down and picks it up.

"now you’ll suck this young lady or you’ll go over my knee." She pops it back in my mouth. I fold my arms stare defiantly at her and spit it back out


Shawn sighs

"Oh dear, looks like we have a naughty baby girl Carrie" he sounds disappointed but with a hint of mockery to his voice. I look at him and am about to

give him a bit of my mind when my wrist is grabbed quite forcefully and im pulled forward in such a way that I stumble and fall across Carrie who is

now sitting down on the nearby bed. I land heavily in her lap and she gives me three swift and very forceful swats on the back of my legs before I

have chance to push myself up.

"Hey..." I say in a whiny sort of voice but again im cut off as Carrie forces the dummy back into my mouth.

"now young lady. I don’t want to have to do that again, you’ll suck that dummy like a good girl and I don’t want to ear another peep out of you or you’ll

regret it"

Now. I have a bit of a confession to make here. I was absolutely horrified by my circumstances, I couldn’t believe what was going on.

But something about Carries tone of voice made me stop dead in my tracks. Here I was. An independent 22 year old police officer. dressed in nothing

but a towel and a t-shirt and sucking on a baby’s dummy and I was actually obeying what I’d just been told. thinking back on it now it was ludicrous,

but part of me actually realised that a very small part, I mean seriously microscopic part, was actually enjoying being told what to do.

I meekly nodded to carries triumphant grin. She took me by the hand and led me down the stairs. Shawn didn’t follow, he went into the 2nd bedroom instead.

Waddling down the stairs made me realise just how thickly padded I was and I stumbled a couple of times much to Carries delight as she piped up

"Awww sweetie one day you’ll be able to walk just like your mummy and daddy. We’ll be so proud of you....can you say mummy?...MUM...MEE...Can you?

can you say it for me pumpkin?"

She nodded at me, encouraging me to say it. I lift my hand up to take the dummy out of my mouth so I could speak properly and I see the flash of

daggers in her eyes. I get the hint and I drop my hand and mumble through the dummy. "Mummy" Carrie pats me on the head. "Nice try sweetie,

maybe one day mummy will be able to understand what your saying. one day you’ll even go to school, but not until you’re at least out of nappies"

Getting tired of the charade I sit down on the sofa, just wanting the night to be over. I wonder where Shawn is and so ask

"Where’s Shawn?"

I hear banging coming from upstairs. Carrie has her back turned to me, she’s throwing things into a bag. I cant quiet see what she’s doing.

The clattering and banging gets louder and I realise Shawn is moving something around upstairs.

"Is he okay? Don’t you think we should go upstairs and see if he needs a hand"

I must say that sentence takes a lot of work to say when you have an oversized baby pacifier in your gob.

Carrie turns to me and smiles again with an over the top patronising smile reserved for very young kids

"Wasawaaa wasawaa.. what you trying to say sweetie? mummy cant understand you. Just wait for your daddy to come down then we can all go out for a stroll"

I remain seated, understanding fully now that Carrie intends to play this role out till the end. the wine I had earlier is still making me feel a bit more accepting than usual, so I let her patronisation slide. I can take it, after all I lost the bet. Let them have their fun. I fold my arms and flop further back onto the sofa, waiting for Shawn to come down. twenty minutes later I’m feeling very drowsy indeed and even with the bulk of the nappy in between my legs I feel comfy enough that i’m dozing peacefully on the sofa, when a different banging reaches the top of the stairs and starts to clatter down them. Shawn is carrying a large bit of something down the stairs and having only just woken up I cant really see...well I can see...but I don’t comprehend what he has until he’s in the middle of the living room unhooking it all and setting it up. An oversized baby stroller. I want to jump up and run. I really do, but the wine and my drowsiness seem to have me captive on the sofa I just look at it and resign myself to the fate that im going to be sitting in that very shortly.

"Don’t you think this is going a little far? Where did that even come from?"

Shawn looks at me and then looks at Carrie saying quite clearly and deliberately. "haven’t you told her the rules?" Carrie shakes her head and smiles coyly.

"I was leaving that honour to you"

"Okay Suzie, rule one, no talking using your adult vocabulary. you want something you’ll only get a response out of us if you call us mummy and daddy and only if you talk in a babyish way. You want something your best bet is to whimper or cry. you want to sleep its’re a smart girl you can figure out ways of communication without using proper English. Second rule, as from this moment you’re not allowed to stand up, crawl by all means but no standing. You break either of these rules and It will be over the knee spankings for you and I don’t care where you are. Children need discipline and whilst you’re dressed the way you are you will be treated like the child you appear to be. understood?"

I feel my ears burning red with embarrassment as again I nod meekly, too tired to do very much else.

Carrie smiles and moves closer to me.

"I see the mild sedative we put in the wine is working quite nicely" I feel shock thrill through me

"Wha?" I manage to say as Carrie grabs my hand pulls me to my feet and then hoists me onto her body so my feet actually leave the ground. I try to struggle but find no actual strength in my attempts. She’s a lot bigger and stronger than me and she has one arm under my butt supporting me while the other holds me tight against her.

"there there baby shush shush Mummys here, its okay" She says as she moves over to the baby buggy and places my limp body into it. Shawns there and

slips my limp arms through the buggy harness holes and clips it all in place, finishing the ensemble off with a small padlock just in case I push the button I guess. I manage to whimper and start to cry a little. both Shawn and Carrie look at one another a little bit worried

Shawn says "you don’t think?" And I see Carrie nod and for a split second I think that they had realised they’d gone to far. but Shawn bends over me and pats my nappy, checking it I guess to see if I’ve wet it he stands back up and shakes his head.

"nope she’s still dry" and then he ruffles my hair. "Whose a good girl...don’t cry, mummy and daddy will look after you really well. Every one is going to love you."

The five point harness on the buggy is pushing the thick cloth nappy up into me so it feels even bulkier and obvious than ever. I whimper a bit more

this joke has gone way too far. I still don’t know where they got the buggy from. It looks very realistic. just a scaled up version of one I saw the other day.

Carries opened the front door, and the night air creeps a little into the house. I feel relieved at least that its exceptionally mild for this time of year cause going out in next to nothing at Halloween would usually result in a full blown cold the next day.

And then we’re all out the door and im being pushed down the street. Other kids are flitting from door to door getting sweets and telling jokes and I just want to not be here. I just want to hide and imagine im some place better. In my own home perhaps watching Eastenders or down the gym. I have no idea what their plan is. I don’t know where we’re heading. I hope they’re just going to pick random houses of people I don’t know, but something inside of me suggests that’s not going to be the case. They’ll want me as humiliated as they can possibly get me. They were going to milk this for everything it was worth. I suddenly realise with up most urgency that suddenly I really need to use the toilet. I wave my arm up in the arm floppily in an attempt to get them to stop the buggy for a second and whoever is pushing it does actually falter for a second. I cant see behind me so I don’t know who is pushing and who is walking by the side.

"I need to use the toilet" I say between the dummy. Shawn moves into view the buggy continues to move though so now I know its Carrie pushing. He doesn’t look at me but he says with up most seriousness in his voice almost like he’s talking to Carrie but not looking at her.

"Its good baby has her dummy in her mouth cause I would almost swear that she had said big grown up words, and she knows that’s a bad idea"

I think for a moment, my stomach feeling uncomfortable with its full bladder. I mumble, feeling ashamed but the urgency to go leaving me no choice.

"Pottee Daddee pottee"

Again my words are muffled but I managed to sound clear enough to get my point across.

"baby...potties are for big girls, you don’t need to worry about things like that for a year or so yet. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up okay sweetheart" He chuckles and ruffles my hair.

"No daddee pottee..potteee" I say with increased desperation. Shawn wouldn’t dare let me wet myself. He wouldn’t be that callous. he simply smiles at me though and drops back to a point where I cant see him and I know with certainty then, that he is planning on letting me wet myself.

"NONONONO" I say, I try and struggle. I try and pull my shoulders free of the harness. But the sedative still has quite a hold on me, and even with my extra determination and resolve I cant break free. I jab at the button but the padlock keeps it in place. I just hear chuckling coming from behind me and then my heart stops.

"TED! SALLY!....Hows it going?" Shawns voice bellows across the road at a couple leading two kids, one dressed as a vampire and the other dressed as some kind of dinosaur. The couple stop dead and then taking their kids lead them over to where we’re walking. I cringe, partly through embarrassment but mainly because I know I cant hold on much longer and I really don’t want to have an accident in front of people from the neighbourhood....well anyone really. I hadn’t wet my pants since I was about 3.

Ted and sally and their two kids approach and laugh when they realise who it is sitting in the buggy.

Ted is a rotund man, I always see him down the pub on a Friday, the centre of gossip usually red faced before 10pm. his wife sally enjoys also partaking in the gossip around here, wouldn’t say anything malicious but also tended to just let things slip out accidentally in conversation. I didn’t know they had kids though. The elder looking of the two boys looked about 13-14 and the other was about 10.

Ted laughed whole heartedly. "Susan, I didn’t recognise you there. cute costume."

I dont say anything aware of rule number one and not wanting to embarrass myself any further I just smile. I cant see Carrie but I hear her instructions

"Say hello to uncle Ted and aunty Sally, Suzie sweetie. There’s a good girl"

I gulp. Scrunch up my eyes and manage a quiet "Hewwo" through the dummy. Sally just claps her hands in glee. "Awww isn’t she just adorable." The kids are grinning at me like some circus side show and I just want to curl up and die.

Shawn speaks to Ted "We’re heading down the station. I’m sure the lads will want to see Spike as the girl she never was" Ted guffaws. "Excellent idea. I wouldn’t mind seeing that myself. Mind if I join you guys." I feel like just bursting into tears but I don’t. We cant go down the station Shawn must be bluffing. They wouldn’t subject me to everyone down there it would wreck my career, no one would ever take me seriously again. The youngest of the two boys tugs on his mothers jacket saying in a hushed, yet very loud whisper. "Mummy why is that lady wearing nappies? I don’t need to wear nappies any more and i’m nine" Sally just titters irritatingly. "Its okay Josh, it’s just a costume"

Carrie resumes pushing the buggy and now I have Shawn Carrie and Teds family following the proceedings and still no release from the pressure building in my bladder. Shawn and Ted are talking about business as we walk. Ted runs a pharmacy you see. He does pretty well out of it. his wife does things like Tupperware parties. They’re pleasant enough but a bit dull on their own. i guess that’s why they make it their business to know everyone else’s, so they can be the first ones with the latest gossip of the street. We came to a road and I looked across the other side and gulped realising that the road was cobbled. This wasn’t going to be fun. My stomach was painful now. I shook my head and moaned a little.

"Shush Suzie, we’ll get you some place warm and fed shortly, you’ll just have to be patient" Carries authoritative voice again rang out, ordering me into silence. Once the last car had passed we made our way across the road bumping and rocking around really didn’t help my predicament and it was when Carrie was pushing the buggy back onto the curb on the other side that i felt the first trickle escape. And that was that. It was like a dam breaking, one minute control then next minute a flood and what was worse. I wasn’t actually really wearing a nappy at all, simply a towel made to look like a nappy so it wasn’t very absorbent at all, so within a few seconds you could hear a steady patter at the wee ran straight through the towelling through the seat of the buggy and onto the pavement below. What did I do? I just buried my face into my hands and cried. Carrie had stopped the buggy I couldn’t see people but I could feel them all staring at me. I tried not to think about what they thought of me. Was I disgusting? Was I pathetic. the answer was both to those, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t get out of the buggy. I couldn’t do anything about the fact I had just wet myself. Everyone was silent. I could hear sniggering coming from one of the kids.

It was Shawns voice that broke through the silence

"Uh-oh babys had a big accident...didn’t I tell you to tell me if you needed to go potty"

My face flushed crimson again. I HAD tried to tell him


"yes that’s right, your butt is all soggy now. and we’ve only been out of the house for five minutes. I thought this was all just a game. You’re only supposed to be dressed like a baby not actually be a baby, but if you’re going to wet your pants like a real toddler then we’re going to have to get you all cleaned up and changed arn’t we"

He actually looked angry and I felt more tears prickle my face. I was so filled with shame I couldn’t bear it. Sally breaks the awkward silence.

"Our pharmacy isn’t far from here, we could open up and get her some disposables if you don’t mind the extra five minute walk"

I could hear Carrie sigh. "Oh Sally that would be wonderful, we didn’t bring any spare nappies because we didn’t realise we were dealing with a proper little baby. We thought she would stay dry" Sally looked at me in a pitying yet maternal way. "Sometimes these things just happen. im sure little Suzie is sorry" Great I think to myself now the neighbours are calling me Suzie as well. I feel the tears come back again and I cover my face and sob pathetically for a few more minute. I feel the buggy begin to move again and we’re off in a new direction heading for Teds pharmacy. We get there quicker than I would have liked. the thick towelling between my legs absolutely sodden and growing colder by the minute due to the October air. Sally opens the front door and switches on the lights whilst Carrie pushes the buggy through the door closely followed by Shawn, Ted and his kids. Sally wanders off to the back of the store, calling out...."I’ll just go get a range of nappies and see which ones you like for your little one"

Shawn has come round the front of the buggy and is undoing the padlock. i don’t look at him I don’t say a word. My teeth are biting down on the dummy hard. Im feeling confused and exhausted by the sudden events. All these people fussing over me. I have lived my life as a lone wolf sort of figure. I mean sure I have friends but at the end of the day I enjoy going back to my house. Its just the way I want it no one else messes with my life. I care for my friends but am happy believing that no one really cares about me. I’m happy fending for myself. My problems are mine to work out and dont need to be discussed with anyone. yet Shawn and Carrie fussing over me like this has been making me feel strange. like I’ve suddenly realised something in my life is missing. Its a confusing feeling to feel. Absolutely detesting what has happened and what is going on yet in small ways actually liking it. I don’t know something about wetting myself so helplessly suddenly made me feel smaller, like it was okay cause someone else was going to sort it all out and be there to protect me. My reflections came to a quite demise when sally appeared again carrying a stack of different coloured different sized nappies. Shawn seeing Sally returning grabs me around the wrists and hauls me to my feet, where I promptly collapse onto my knees. My legs wont take my weight. Is this the work of the sedative the wine or the stress. I don’t know. but I land in a squelchy mess on the floor. the older of the two boys sniggers "he dropped the baby" Sally turned and barked "Bill, shush" Then turned back to Shawn whose plucking me up off the floor whilst trying not to get himself covered in my urine. "Shawn there’s a number of different types to try. I thought she looked like a medium but I have some large there as well in case you might want to put a second or third layer on her, after all you don’t want this happening again" Sally says with a smirk "There’s a room out the back I’ve left a plastic sheet on a table for you. I know its not ideal as a changing table but it’ll have to do until you get her home"

"Thanks Sal, you’re a star" He says as he carries me gingerly out back. All the while my head been down not looking at anyone or anything not even struggling now, something in me seems to have snapped. Shawn puts me down on the table so that i’m sitting there looking limp and very sorry for myself. Carrie comes in moments later with the bag she had packed back at the house slung over her shoulder. She looks at me and then at Shawn

"Are you going to change her or should I"

I look up and shake my head..."I can do it." I say tiredly. "I don’t want either of you doing....that to me"

Shawn walks up to me and gently pushes my forehead so I find myself falling backwards and landing fully on the table. "Look, babies don’t change themselves, and we’ve established tonight just how much of a baby you really are, so just suck your dummy like a good girl and daddy will get you all cleaned up and dressed in no time." He grabs both my ankles in one of his big strong hands and hauls then up into the air and then delivers three very swift cracks with the back of his hand onto the back of my cold thighs. I yell at the sudden surprised soreness and begin to cry again, too easily that it scares me.

"And I warned you about using big grown up words Suzie. Now please be a good girl, daddy doesn’t like seeing his princess crying" Carrie dumps the bag down by the table and waves. "I’m going to go speak to sally and Ted, I’ll leave you to it. I think you’ve got it covered"

and with that Carrie left. I looked at Shawn trying to gauge his reaction. Then spoke through the dummy again "You’re not really going to cha....?"

~WHACK~ His hand cracked against the back of my thighs again and I fell into a quiet whimper

"Quiet baby, it’ll be okay, soon you’ll be warm and dry again and can be the happy little baby I know you can be" he began unpinning the towel and I just lay there letting him. I dunno why i let him. I mean the sedative had me weakened, but part of me really just wanted shot of the horrible wet towel. He unpinned it and the smell of urine wafted up making me feel even more wretched and ashamed. I let out a little sob but managed t stop myself bursting into full blown tears.

"Shhhshhhh little one" Shawn said softly. "It’s really okay. Don’t worry. i’m going to take good care of you" He pulled the nappy off and saw my soaked underwear. "Awww baby shouldn’t be wearing big girl panties, no wonder you’re feeling confused. And with that he hooked his index finger around the elastic and tugged my pants off of me. I sobbed a little more, not daring to look him in the face. Im sure he could feel the heat from my blushing

"shhhhshhhhshhhh" he leant over and stroked my temple soothingly, trying to calm me down. Gently...oh ever so gently he pulled my hand away from my face and looked at me in a concerned way. "Suzie, it’s going to be okay. I promise. Daddy wont let any harm come to you. Okay. I promise you honestly and truly. You’re going to be safe now" I looked him in the eyes for the first time that night and saw the seriousness in his face. This wasn’t a game. this wasn’t a girl losing a bet. Something important was going on here. The look in his eyes meant business. It called to a part of me that I had long since brushed under the carpet. I realised I had stopped crying. captivated by his eyes I lay there. he looked away down at my nakedness and whilst I still felt shame and embarrassment it wasn’t as horrible as it had been previously. he was going to make everything okay.

Rummaging through the bag Carrie had left, he produced some wipes and getting a few out cleaned me up so I no longer smelt of stale pee. A sprinkling of talcum powder made the room smell very babyish. I sucked on the dummy quietly while he did this. Then he pulled out the first nappy and I felt the embarrassment well up in me again, but at the same time a strange feeling of acceptance. I knew that no matter what I did I was going to end up wearing that disposable nappy. It was plain white, with nothing else on it. I have no idea what the make or model was but it looked really thick considering it was a disposable. he lifted my bum by hoisting my ankles into the air and when he lowered my ankles again there was a definite feeling of padding underneath my bottom. He pulled the sides out a little and then pulled the front of the nappy up and over my navel. he chuckled warmly.

"looks like this nappy is a bit too big for you poppet, don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll grow into them one day" With that he tapped up the sides and adjusted the leg elastic talking to himself "We don’t want you to leak this time now do we" then taking a second nappy of the same type he proceeded to put that one on me too. now this second nappy made my original cloth nappy seem much less bulky. I lay there not really being very able to close my legs together. I felt very vulnerable, but at the same time I trusted hawn to protect me for some reason. He pulled me up by the armpits into a sitting position and I squirmed a little getting used to the crinkling sound and the different kind of softness in comparison to the cloth nappy I had been wearing. I must admit the dryness and softness were certainly an improvement. He shoved his hands under my bottom and then lifted me up into his arms. instead of complaining or struggling I simply hooked my arms around his neck and buried my head in the crook of his shoulder. He didn’t say anything, he just stood there holding me and lightly rocking me for a moment, one of his hands stroking my hair. Then he said in a hushed whisper. "Its time to go out and see the others now. Be a good girl and I wont have to spank you any more. I much prefer seeing you smile you know. you have a very adorable smile"

I just buried my head deeper into his shoulder allowing a secret smile to flicker across my face at his kind words as he carried me out of the back room and back into the main area of the shop where everyone was waiting. Ted walks towards us both waving his hands around as he spoke.

"We got a few hair dryers together and dried off the buggy as best we could for now. I’m sure itll be fine again, after all she doesn’t have any shoes and you cant carry her around all night. I felt myself dozing on Shawn s shoulder, the embarrassment and just psychological and emotional weight that had been on me had drained me of the last of my strength and womanhood. laying then held tight by Shawn I just felt myself falling into numbing sleep.

I woke up to the sounds of birds. My eyes fluttered open and I stretched my arms up like I always do first thing in the morning, only to have my arms stop dead halfway when they hit bars. I look both left and right and realise im in an oversized baby’s crib. I don’t understand for a second and then I sit up groggily and immediately my hands shoot down to my groin where I realise I’m still wearing a rather oversized disposable nappy, but only one this time so at some point I must have been changed whilst I was sleeping. I also realise that the one im wearing is soggy. I sit there in my wet nappy, wondering what’s going on. I worry that I got taken to the station last night without even realising. I worry about why there’s an oversized crib and why im in it. I worry mainly about where Shawn is. The door to the room opens and Shawn enters wearing a Carries dressing gown.

He sees me awake and a large smile appears on his face.

"Heya sweetie, you’re awake. You were out like a light last night, sleeping like a baby, you were just so cute I almost couldn’t bear it. Do you like your new room? you’re going to be our baby now, okay. Me and Carrie. We’ll look after you. You wont have to worry about a thing."

I look around and notice its not just a room with a oversized crib in it but had cute animals all over the wall and stuffed toys on the shelves. I think for a moment about protesting. I think about my flat and my job and I suddenly realise that they don’t really matter. last night I tasted something I had forgotten, something i realised I needed. I flop back down in the cot and pull the quilt up halfway over my face so that Shawn cant see the smile between my dummy. He kneels down looking at me through the bars.

"So?" he says...."Do you think last night was trick or treat?"

And I think for a moment and nod ever so gently saying "Treat daddy" and with those words free off my tongue I slip back into sleep, knowing that from here on in Ill have the love and attention I had always secretly dreamed of.



End Chapter 1

Trick or Treat

by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 16, 2010


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