Emily Steps Down

by: Onceuponastory | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 29, 2010

Uh oh Emily is in trouble!

Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Big Mistake

Chapter Description: The begining.....

It all started on a drowsy rainy morning in Florida. I was in English class, 8th grade. I was average in height, smart, skinny, and hot. I have been potty trained since age two. Well I was sitting down and I felt a warm wet spot randomly spread accross the front of my pants. I froze.... I had no idea what to do. So I just sat there until the bell rung. I waited till everyone was gone except the teacher. She saw my wet spot and sent me to the nurse. My mom picked me up and brought me home. It was Friday so I settled in and relaxed after I got new panties. I got on the computer later and Googled: Is it ok to have accidents as a teen? The first link was to ask.com and the answer told me it was normal every once in a while. It also told me that some people like to be treated like babies and it gave me a link to a website. I clicked on the link and ended up on Dailydiapers.com. I went to the Story section and read some awesome stories about people acting like babies. I soon felt the need to act like one. I had one younger brother. He was four and had potty training issues, so he was still in pull ups. One day I snuck into his room and stole one. I ran back to my room and locked the door. I straped the tapes on and began to pee immeditally. Later I was still in my cold wet pull up and decided it was time to get out. Right when I stood up horrible cramps hit me. I began to feel poop slowly ooze down my butt. I fell to the floor in shock and began crying. I got up and felt the poop smush around. My mom heard me crying and found a key, then unlocked my door. She saw me in the messed and wet pull up. To make matters worse I started peeing right in front of her and the pull up started leaking.



End Chapter 1

Emily Steps Down

by: Onceuponastory | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 29, 2010


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