Birthday Party

by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 30, 2010

A young man attends a party that has a profound effect on his perspective. Contains lots of male mental AR to preschooler, toddler and infant

Chapter 1
Whole Story

Chapter Description: Matt goes to a baby's birthday party and ends up enjoying himself more than he expected.

I previously posted this story story on the continuous story thread, so many of you may have already read it. I’m finally posting it here with proper paragraph breaks to make it easier to read and to expose it to those who don’t bother with the continuous story.

Matt couldn’t believe he was going to some one year old’s birthday party. His girlfriend Trish had insisted that he come though, so what could he do. He had no idea why she had been so insistent, but at least she had assured him that all his friends would be there, even Jim, and Jim was not the kind of guy to go to something like this at all. If Jim was there Matt figured there had to be some pretty hot girls coming or something. Matt may have been in a serious relationship, but he wasn’t dead.

He arrived at the address Trish had read out to him on the phone. It was a nice looking house, set back from the road a bit. He could see the top of a moon bounce in the back yard but that was about all, it was well concealed by Willow trees. He could hear the laughter of kids coming from the party as he got out of his little Hyundai and headed up the front lawn. A sign directed guests to enter through the fence on the side of the house, so he headed that way. He paused a moment at the fence to fix his hair and look himself over. He thought his khakis shorts, polo shirt and boat shoes gave him that laid-back yet affluent look that he used to impress the ladies. There had better be some babes here, he thought.

Matt opened the gate to the fence and entered the back yard, closing it behind him. There was a group of 30-something women gathered by the gate sipping glasses of wine and chatting. They noticed his arrival and seemed to look him up and down. Matt had to admit that was a little weird. It was just something about the way they looked at him. He couldn’t put his finger on it. He moved past the older women and headed into the yard towards the moon bounce. There was a barbeque set up to the left of it and an older woman was flipping some burgers. The scent of charcoal and meat was in the air. There were a few people in the moon bounce. Matt was somewhat surprised to see it looked like they were all adults. Then two teenagers a year or two younger than him ran past giggling, one chasing the other. Matt paused and watched them. There was something odd about their behavior, but what? The two teen boys were dressed in t-shirts and shorts and seemed to have ditched their shoes but otherwise looked normal. It was the way they were giggling and the looks on their faces that was out of place. But how?

Two more boys, young men really, got out of the moon bounce. One didn’t have on a shirt, just athletic shorts, and he was well-built. But he had a strange lost look on his face. It looked completely out of place on a boy of 18 or so. Matt could only describe it as the look of a lost little boy looking for his mommy. And sure enough, the teen seemed to wander over towards a middle-aged woman. And something was wrong with the way he walked. Matt thought maybe it was that he was barefoot and his feet were tender, but that wasn’t it. His gait was off, uncoordinated, like a small boy, not a toddler, but not much better. There was something definitely wrong with what he was seeing. And then to his shock Matt watched as the teen threw himself into the woman’s arms and started to whine, in a high pitched and childish voice, about wanting some juice. It was now clear to Matt that this teen, this boy, was special as they say.

Matt looked over at the other teen who had climbed out of the moon-bounce, the one without a shirt on. He was now running around the large grassy yard with his arms extended like an airplane or a bird and he was joined by the pair who had passed Matt earlier. One of them had also now lost his shirt and in its place tied a towel around his neck like a cape. Matt began to realize that many of the kids here were special children, though they were hardly children any more, all of them being in their late teens at least. What surprised Matt was that these kids didn’t look otherwise affected, they didn’t look anything like other special kids he had seen, they appeared perfectly normal other than their behavior.

Something smacked against his shoe and Matt looked away from the playing teens to see what it was. It turned out to be a toy car that was being pushed by a short tubby young teenager who was down on his hands and knees in the grass wearing nothing but a pair of cartoon covered underoos. He looked innocently up at Matt with wide eyes and said, "Sowwy."

"That’s okay buddy," Matt told him, feeling awkward.

The boy returned to pushing the toy car and Matt had an odd thought. He was really quite curious about what was wrong with all these kids so he kneeled down in front of this playing boy. The boy stopped pushing the car and looked at him curiously. "So you just, um, playing huh?"

The boy nodded, "Uh huh, Danny pwayin’" he agreed.

"So how old are you Danny?"

Danny looked puzzled then said, "I ’unno" and shrugged.

Matt nodded, the kid was obviously quite challenged if he didn’t even know his own name. Of course the fact that a teenage boy was playing on his hands an knees in his undies was a pretty good sign he was seriously challenged. But then the boy said something that Matt wasn’t expecting at all.

"Danny used ta be big boy."

Matt was really confused by that statement. "What do you mean big? When were you bigger?"

Danny paused his play again and looked thoughtful. "Me was big, but now Danny wittle ’gain."

This really intrigued Matt. He wondered if the boy had suffered a head injury or something, the idea of a normal kid becoming "special" had always been strangely interesting to Matt. "How did you get ’little’ Danny?"

"Danny was big, den mommy make me gwow downs. Now Danny wittle, Danny wikes bein’ wittle," he finished, losing interest in the conversation as a butterfly flew nearby, causing the boy to gape in awe and rise unsteadily to his feet, toddling after it.

Matt couldn’t get over what an odd conversation that was. He didn’t know how to interpret the disabled boy’s answers to his questions. Matt wondered if all the kids here were special, it seemed like there were a few. Matt got up and headed past the barbeque area and around the moon bounce. There were a lot more people here and he immediately recognized some of the girls standing around eating hot dogs and hamburgers as girlfriends of some of his friends. But before he could take it all in his attention was grabbed by something very out of place. It was his friend Paul, a red-headed, frecked college Freshman who sometimes hung out with them. He was a real party guy and Matt hadn’t expected to see him here. But there he was dressed in a pair of very juvenile pinstriped overalls, a yellow t-shirt and bare feet. But it wasn’t his odd clothing that got Matt’s attention. It was that he was sitting on Dianna’s knee, sucking on a big red pacifier, gazing curiously up at the sky and slapping his feet back and forth in the grass. Even from several feet away Matt could see the lack of intelligence in his eyes.

Matt was frozen to the spot for a long minute. Then everyone started to look towards the house and he heard a woman yelling, "Here comes the birthday boy!"

Matt looked and was amazed beyond belief at what he saw. Jim was walking out across the back yard from the house towards the gathering. Well walking wasn’t quite the right word. He was toddling awkwardly, taking big uneven steps and lifting his legs spastically and far too high. His mom was holding his right hand and his girlfriend Jenny his left hand helping him keep his balance, which seemed tenuous. But worst of all, he was buck naked, his thingy hanging down ther for all at the party to see and worst of all it had been shaved so he looked like a little boy down there. But Jim didn’t seem troubled by his exposure one bit. His face had a calm slack expression on it, drool hung from his chin, glistening in the sunlight. He seemed not unaware of his surroundings, but rather incapable of comprehending his surroundings.

Jim’s mom was beaming. "The birthday boy was most comfortable in his birthday suit so we obliged," she joked. The crowd of girls and women just "awwed" and said, "That’s so cute!" Matt felt really bad for Jim, being exposed in front of all these girls, paraded around in the buff by his mother for all her friends’ benefit. Matt wasn’t sure if the fact that Jim was totally oblivious made it better or worse. At least Jim wasn’t aware of his humiliation, he seemed perfectly comfortable with his state of undress at the moment. In his current state of mind perhaps he really had preferred not wearing clothes at all. All Matt knew was that he was getting increasingly nervous about being here.

Jim was lead toddling all the way to the center of the group of girls, then he sat on his bare butt in the grass and began to suck his fingers. As Matt watched this someone walked up beside him. Looking over he saw it was his friend Tim. He was wearing a normal-enough t-shirt and watching the scene so Matt asked, "Tim dude, what the hell is going on here?"

Tim looked confused, then said, "Me pwayed in da bounthie cathle. Me got all bounthie!" as he pointed at the bouncy castle. Matt was taken aback. Had everyone been transformed here. Looking down he noticed Tim had on no shoes, nor any pants or shorts, nor any undies. Tim was standing there in a T-shirt and nothing else, and now he was also picking his nose.

Matt decided it was time to get the hell out of this place. But just as he headed for the fence he heard, "Matt, you made it!"

It was Trish, his girlfriend and now she was running out of the sliding door at the back of the house and coming to greet him. "You’re late you silly!"

Matt paused. "Yeah I got a bit lost getting here and now I really have to go."

"No, no, no. Not that easy. You have to come in and meet someone first."

"I don’t think so Trish, this place is way too weird, I gotta go."

"Oh, this is just because they had a hypnotist demonstration earlier, that’s all. The girls all went first and I have no idea what he had us do, but then it was the boys turn and they all went in and when they came back out they were like this." Trish genstured to Tim, who was still standing there with his finger jammed up his nose. "You had fun with the hypnotist didn’t you Tim?"

"Timmy was a big boy" he said.

"But you’re not any more are you sweetie?"

Tim shook his head, "Nuh uh, Me dis many" he said, holding up three fingers. Matt couldn’t believe it but Trish anctually put her hand of Tim’s bare bum as she said, "Yes you’re just a silly little bunny now aren’t you?" Tim just giggled childishly.

Trish faced Matt, "You missed the whole act, but you can still come have some cake. C’mon, for me."

Matt knew he shouldn’t but he agreed with a nod and she lead him inside. What he saw there was yet another surprise. Inside the sliding door was the kitchen and sitting there in a massively oversized high chair was Tim’s little brother Bradley. The 16 year old was tall and lanky and his skinny appearance was all the more apparent now as he wore no shirt and no pants, just a big white diaper. His face, chest, hands and arms were smeared with frosting and cake and he was cocking his head from side to side and babbling to himself, drumming the soles of his feet on the footrest.

The sound of rolling wheels distracted Matt and watched as another one of his friends, Ryan, entered the room in one of those rolling chairs babies have before they can walk, although this one was oversized. Ryan was a bulky guy and it was so weird to see him seated in this thing, his strong legs dangling uselessly, his bare toes just touching the floor. He bumped into Matt and stared wordlessly up at him. Matt wondered if his friend even recognized him. Spittle poured down Ryan’s chin and pooled on the plastic tray that was attached to his rolly seat as he stared vacuously up at Matt and said, "Dooooh" which he recognized as a meaningless vocalization. Then Ryan leaned forward and bit down on the corner of his plastic tray, gnawing at it.

Trish lead him out of the kitchen and into the living room. There was a man there, Matt realized he was the only male he’d seen not drooling all over himself, and the man was talking to several young girls who seemed enamoured. Trish interupted him, "Sorry, doctor, but this is Matt, he was late and missed the show."

"Oh I see, no problem at all, I’ll be right with him."

Matt pulled back. "What no I don’t want any part of that show, I’m glad I was late, very glad in fact. Now I really gotta go." He started heading for the door, but the ’doctor’ stepped in front of him.

"Now, now, you missed my show and it was such a good one. We went thru so much trouble to arrange it all, even giving the birthday boy a preview. Now why don’t you just relax and come in the room with me."

"No thanks!" Matt answered and headed past the man. But the doctor grabbed his hand and gripped it, shaking it. It caught him off guard. Why was he shaking his hand and so tightly and there was something wrong with the way he was shaking.... "Sleep!" the ’doctor’ suddenly commanded and Matt felt the world go dark around him.

Next thing he knew he was being lead down a hallway. Even though he was standing up and walking Matt seemed to have no will of his own, all his other muscles seemed totally loose and unresponsive as if he was drugged, though he was not. He couldn’t see where he was going and he couldn’t get away.

The doctor began to speak, "You have nothing to be afraid of, this should be an enjoyable experience for you, I know it is for me. It is too bad you missed the earlier mass session. It’s always so easy to convince girls they’d rather have children and babies than men, it’s only natural for them. Then I get the boys in and oh that is fun indeed. I had twenty hear earlier, I need an even number you see. But it was wonderful, going around deciding what age they each should become, getting them to change into appropriate clothes, or no clothes at all as the case may be. Then placing the suggestions, I have a magical way with suggestions, oh I do indeed. Then the triggering, that’s why I need an even number. I get them all lined up, ten and ten, facing each other with their feet in each other’s laps and then the trigger. Oh it is so wonderful because they know what’s going to happen by that point but they can’t stop themselves. All they have to do is wiggle each other’s toes and that’s it. Of course the boys becoming infants have to do it first because otherwise no one would be left to do them and I do love watching them do it to each other seeing the changes in their faces, in their eyes as they succumb to the power of my suggestions, watching their intelligence and understanding drain away and be replaced by cheerful idiocy."

Matt was horrified but unable to do a thing about it, he began to suspect there was some real magic in this man’s hypnotic powers. Then the door opened to some room and Matt saw that there were three boys ranging from about 16 to 25 in the room, all of them slumped on the floor looking deeply asleep. Before Matt could ponder anymore the doctor said "Sleep" again and the world faded away.

Matt became aware again to find he was sitting in a soft chair in a darkened room, the doctor’s hand was on his arm and he was speaking to him. All he could hear was this man’s deep voice. "Hello Matt, I know you’re scared but there is no need to be anymore, you aren’t going to be hurt, I will make sure you are perfectly safe."

Even though Matt knew this was ridiculous he felt calmness sweep through his whole body and he couldn’t help but feel more at ease, more open. "Now all we’re going to do is let you have a good time, a nice relaxing time at your friend’s birthday. Then it will be up to your girlfriend Trish. So forget about the future, focus on now, on how relaxing this experience will be. We’re just going to turn your brain off for a little while, let it rest and reboot. You’ll still be you, just without access to your intelligence and education for a bit. It’ll be nice not to have any worries or problems won’t it? Now I’m going to show you a box okay? You can see this box in your mind, it’s a magical box. It protects everything put in it for as long as it’s there, waiting to be recovered. Now we’re going to put everything in that box that makes you a big boy okay. So I want you to put in there all your school education, everything you learned at a school, even at Preschool and Kindergarten, even at nursery school. Now in goes the alphabet and numbers and words, good. You’re doing very well. Now put in all your fears and worries and now all your inhibitions, every last one of them. Good, very good, that must feel so nice. Now put all the names of everyone you know in there and now your memories of how to swim, ride a bike, walk, all that knowledge in here. Good now I have another box, but this one is like a comment box, it’s sealed on top but has a slot to put things in. Let’s think of things babies do to put in here. What is something babies do?"

Matt slurred, "Drool."

"Good Matt, They do drool, so let’s put that in the box. Let’s see they also like to get messy don’t they? Okay, that goes in there. And they use diapers for poop and pee, so that goes in there too. Babies babble and coo and they giggle a lot right? So in they go too. Anything else, what have you seen babies doing today?"

Matt couldn’t help but answer. "Run round naked."

He could feel the doctor smiling, "Well yes that is a good one Matt, so the desire to run around naked goes in the box. Oh and of course they like to put things in their mouth, their fingers and thumbs and toys and toes too, all that goes in. Okay, now Matt here’s what happens. Right now the box with all your adult things is open, so you can use them all. The box with the baby things is sealed. But in a minute something is going to happen to change that. You are going to have your toes wiggled and when that happens it will make you feel so babyish and so silly, sitting there having your toes wiggled, that the top on the baby box will burst open, and you will have all the traits and behaviors that we put in there. Then the top will drop on and seal the big boy box and all that stuff in there will be off limits to you, closed away for safe-keeping and you’ll just be a happy little baby getting his toes played with. I imagine they’ll be in your mouth in no time. Now this is really important Matt. When you hear the words "Piggy toe time," you’re going to want to wiggle someone’s toes really bad because you know that will switch their magic boxes just like yours and they’ll be so happy then. Okay Matt?"

Matt nodded, "Okay," he said unable to do otherwise.

The world went blank again for Matt but suddenly out of nowhere he was fully aware again. For the first time since he was shaking the doctor’s hand he felt fully himself again. He remembered all that had happened and he started to actually shake like a leaf with terror. He also realized he felt a bit cool and looking down was horrified to see his penis exposed and even worse, hairless, but without a mark as though through magic. He was sitting on his bare butt on the carpeted floor and sitting facing him was another college aged boy wearing a Bob the Builder t-shirt that didn’t cover his tummy and air of Barney cartoon covered pull-ups. The boy’s long hairless legs were on top of Matt’s legs and his bare feet sat in Matt’s lap. Looking to his left Matt saw that there were two boys next to him, one wearing what had to be a red onesie and the other just a diaper. The two slightly older guys facing them were dressed in corduroy overalls and polo shirt for one and t-shirt and shorts for the other. They too were sitting with each other’s feet in their laps. The doctor, matt became aware, was standing over them to their right, smiling malevolently.

Matt just could not believe this, there had to be a way out of this. Clearly there was more than just normal hypnosis at play here and this was a dangerous situation. He had to get out of here but he was horrified by being naked and didn’t want to go running out. And something seemed to be keeping him from getting up. He looked at the scared face of the boy facing him and knew he felt the same way.

"Well, now that there are enough of you for a proper demonstration. I think it’s piggy toes time."

Matt felt it instantly, he looked down at the feet in his lap, the toes begging to be wiggled, to release this boy from being a big boy anymore. He looked to his left and watched as the other two boys on his side wiggled the toes in their laps back and forth, tickling the soles lightly for good measure and saying "cootchie, cootchie coo" and watching as the struggling guys across from them began to give in, their faces mellowing, their anger disappearing as they begin to smile and giggle. Matt looks at the boy across from him, who is shaking his head and Matt sees the fear and stress in his eyes and he knows what he has to do. He says, "It’s okay, you don’t have to be a big boy anymore, you don’t have to be afraid anymore." and he wiggles the toes back and forth and sings "this little piggy" to him. The boy shakes a moment looking upset but then after a moment the boy blinks his jaw goes slack and he begins to giggle. A moment later Matt realizes that the boy has begun to wiggle his own toes, a line of saliva dripping down his chin as he awkwardly claps his hands. Now all three of the boys/guys on that side of the room are happy little boys. And Matt realizes what he has just done and he can’t believe it. He is repulsed with himself as he realizes he has just turned an adult into a little child. He looks at the boy’s smiling face and it revolts him, he wants the boy’s feet with their happily wiggling toes off of him. But there is nothing he can do, the doctor’s power holds him there.

"Very good boys, you did an excellent job, as did my suggestions of course." He kneeled down by the boy facing me. "Now what is your name?"

The boy gave him a shy silly grin and then said, "I’m Biwwy"

"Well hello there Billy, and how old are you?"

Billy just looked at him blankly.

"What just happened Billy?"

"Me all wittle now."

"Really, you used to be a big boy huh? What happened?"

"Tootsies wiggled."

"And that made you a little boy?"

Billy nodded emphatically, putting his thumb in his mouth and sucking on it.

The doctor moved to the next boy.

"And who are you?"

"I Richie," he said also sucking his thumb and looking up at the doctor with wide innocent eyes.

It was soon clear that he and Mikie were both about four mentally.

"Well I won’t delay any longer. I know you’ve all been waiting to have your footsies played with and you minds wiped too."

Billy took a break from his thumb to point at me just then and announced, "He nakie."

The doctor just smiled and laughed and then explained, "Well that’s because in a minute he’s gonna be just a little baby boy and it’s okay for little babies to run around naked sometimes isn’t it?"

Billy just nodded in agreement.

"Now it’s babies piggy toe time too."

I watched as the look on Billy’s face changed immediately, his thumb suckling slowed. Perhaps because they were older physically and mentally the suggestion hit Mikie and Ritchie first and I watched as they wiggled their counterparts toes with gusto. Matt was amazed by the speed with which it happened. In only seconds the fear was wiped from their faces and both began to have slack vacant looks on their faces. The boy next to him began to smile and bob his head back and forth, then the suggestion or spell holding him in place broke and he rolled onto his back and examined his toes a moment before inserting them in his mouth and slurping away at them.

All this happened within seconds and then Matt heard the pop of Billy removing his thumb from his mouth. Billy smiled at Matt and said, "Wigglies now. You get wittle."

With that Matt watched as Billy took his big toes and began to wiggle them back and forth. For a moment he hoped there would be no effect, that it would fail. Then he realized how silly it was that he was sitting here naked having his toes wiggled like a little baby. And then he felt the most amazing pop in his ears, like a massive change in air pressure and suddenly he realized he couldn’t think straight, he had no idea what he was just thinking and he couldn’t seem to string together a coherent though. It was such a strange and sudden feeling. He looked all around the room trying to focus his thoughts, trying to remember what was going on. But he couldn’t do it, his mind was a cluttered mess. He saw the boy wiggling the things on his footsies, that felt really nice actually, really nice! He liked that. He liked the wigglies. It was all he could focus on now. He looked to his left and saw the other person putting the wigglies in his mouth. Maybe he could do that. He tried, it was hard but then. Mmmmmmmm, yummy. He feels all airy in his head now, but the wigglies are fun and he feels so silly and happy. The boy facing him is clapping his hands and his feets, he all smilie, so Matt makes smilies too.


Trish was so excited when the doctor came upstairs with all the new boys. She watches as the older ones toddled out to the yard. Meanwhile she waited and hoped that it had worked on her boyfriend because if it did, he was staying this way for a long time. Some of the other girls planned to change their men back after the party or soon after, but not her, she planned for her boy to be hers for a long while and besides Jimmy needed a playmate the same size and intellectual level, that’s why she asked the doctor to make Matt so young.

After a moment the doctor arrived back up with a boy crawling up the stairs between his legs. One baby, then two crawled out of the stairs and into the living room. And then, there he was. Her beautiful Matt, who she had escorted down dressed to impress, so much that she had specially requested he be given a suggestion to be a little nudist, a boy with a compulsion to pull off his diapie and strut around the house in all his glory. There he was, and he was on his hands and knees on the stairs! He crawled up onto the floor and he was totally nude! His little package dangling and swinging back and forth as he crawled. The change in his face was incredible. She couldn’t believe she had seen him just an hour earlier looking as intelligent and determined as ever. Now, just an hour in the basement with the doctor and he had emerged with a chin covered in spittle, dripping from his chin, his eyes dumb and glassy, his jaw slack and mouth agape.

She rushed over to him and pulled him into her lap, his bare bum-bum being caressed by her hand. He grinned like an idiot at her and began to babble, "Bababagaaa" up at her, pulling at her hair and putting it in his mouth to chew on. She was delighted beyond words by how complete his transformation seemed. She looked in his wide eyes and saw that nothing was left of the brilliant but chauvanistic and arrogant young man she had dated. She felt his hairless little weenie and watched as he chewed on his knuckles. Then she looked down and saw the spit glistening on his toes. He had actually been sucking on his tootsies already! She kissed him all over and blew raspberries on his tummy she was so happy. Matty just giggled uproariously at the attention.

Then Trish decided it was time for one more boy in his birthday suit to join the party. She thought about how horrified Matt would be if he knew he was about to walk out in front of all those women he came here to conquer completely naked, a mindless, bubbling, gurgling baby totally at their whim.

"Cindy, would you help me get Matty out to join the festivities?"

"Oh no prob."

So Trish and Cindy took his hand and led the toddling boy out into the daylight to face his new life and meet his new playmate, jimmy.


The outside all warm. Matty like the warm, nice on his tummy and peepee. He like pretty ladies that look at him, they all smiles. Mama and other lady help him walk. He like the tickly ground on feets, but he all dizzy and unsteady. Walk is hard. He see other boy like him. He nakie too, he not wear clothes like the big peoples. He like that. They give him yummy stuff, they call "cake." He not know what it mean but he touch it and get all messy. He likes being messy it’s fun. He used to be big like these peoples. He weared clothes and made big noises and did big boy things and thinked ’bout stuff. Not no more. His toesies got all wiggly and then he not big boy, he little now, he no think or wear stuff, he play and have fun. He like bein’ little much better, it more fun. He not need think. He lay on back in nice tickly grass, with warm sun all over and pretty big people smiling at him and he put tootsies in mouth again and suck and it feels so goods and everything is perfect.



End Chapter 1

Birthday Party

by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 30, 2010


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