Sister's Magic Ring

by: hello | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 16, 2009

A mean brother gets whats coming to him thanks to his sister and a magic ring.

Chapter 1
Sister's Magic Ring

Chapter Description: A mean brother gets whats coming to him thanks to his sister and a magic ring. ******* my second story please leave any criticisms or ways for me to improve, Thanks for reading.******

“You had better stop John,” complained Tiffany. John her

older brother was picking on her once again. He was

holding her favorite doll high above her head and

taunting her. “Come on little girl if you want you dolly

back you had better jump higher.” John was loving the

fact that his sister was so easy to push around. He knew

that his twelve year old sister couldn’t hope to ever really

pose a challenge to him. He was a good 5’ 8” compared

to his sisters 4’ 10”, not to mention the fact that he was

captain of his schools soccer team. Tiffany was on the

verge of tears, when John finally got bored with his little

game. But instead of returning the doll to Tiffany he

walked over to the living room window, opened it, and

threw the doll with all the force he could muster.

Tiffany watched wide eyed as she saw her favorite

doll fly out the window and land in a puddle. Fighting back

tears Tiffany, ran past John, and out the door to get her

doll. When Tiffany got to her doll, she was crying. She just

didn’t understand why John was always so mean to her.

He knew this was the doll their father had given her days

before he was killed in a car accident. “Now look at it,” she

sobbed, she was clutching the doll close to her chest. The

doll was covered in mud and banged up pretty good.

Tiffany just stood there trying to compose herself. She

knew if she walked back in the house she would only be

picked on more for crying. And if she told her mom about

this then it would only serve to make John angrier at her.

Then he would pick on her for days on end. “It isn’t fair,”

Cindy whispered as she continued to cradle her doll, “I will

get him back for this,” she said.

Just as she was about to go back into the house she

caught a glimpse of something shiny on the ground near

the puddle. Curiosity got the better of her and she walked

over to see what it was. When she got there she realized

it was a silver ring, with a red gem in the center. She

slowly bent down and picked up the ring, she then

examined it closely. It was really a beautiful looking ring.

So with out a second thought she slipped it on her finger.

She was surprised to find it fit rather well. With that

Tiffany slowly composed herself and trudged back to the


As she walked back in the house she saw her

brother John sitting on the couch watching T.V. Anger got

the better of her as she looked down at the mud soaked

doll in her arms. “I bet he wouldn’t be so happy if he was

the weak one in this house,” tiffany muttered as she

made her way to the bathroom to wash off her doll. What

Tiffany didn’t see was the red gem on her ring burn

brightly and then fade back to its normal color. John paid

little attention to the front door opening he knew it was

probably just his stupid sister. He knew she wouldn’t say

any thing to their mom when she got home later that

night. She knew her place, he thought smugly, and she

had better always remember that place. However as John

sat there he began to feel funny, his arms and legs

began to get tingly. At first John just thought they fell

asleep, so he got up and started moving around trying to

wake them up. But the feeling only intensified, panic

started to set in as he made his way to his bedroom.

Once in there he took off his shirt and examined his

body. At 17 he didn’t look that bad, he thought, he might

not have been the biggest guy in school but his arms

were still impressive.

What worried John the most though was the fact that

his arms looked smaller in his mirror. “I must just be

hallucinating or something,” John said, and with that he

walked out of his room to find his sister. Picking on her

was sure to cheer him up. Tiffany, meanwhile, was in the

bathroom scrubbing her doll with a washcloth trying to get

it clean. Then she heard footsteps coming down the

hallway. With a sigh she knew what was going to happen.

She slowly turned around to find her brother standing in

the door way. “Hey squirt,” he said, “How is your dolly

doing?” Anger was slowly starting build inside Tiffany when

she noticed that her brother seemed different somehow.

He his arms seemed skinnier as did his legs. John noticed

his sisters puzzled look and became angrier, “Hey what

are staring at,” he practically yelled. Surprised tiffany

jumped and quickly said nothing. “You know maybe you

need a spanking,” John said smiling. Tiffany’s eyes

opened wide in surprise, “You wouldn’t,” she said. The

fear was obvious in her voice and John could tell.

He slowly made his way toward Tiffany, enjoying the

fear in her eyes. He could tell that she was trying to figure

out a way to stop him. “What you going to do girly,” he

sneered, as he continued to get closer. Tiffany was

starting to panic she knew she couldn’t fight him he was

to strong for her. “Please John stop,” she pleaded. To

Tiffany’s and Johns surprise he stopped. “What the hell,”

John said, his voice giving away his fear. Then Tiffany

looked down at the ring on her finger and saw the color

change from bright red back to it’s original dull color.

Then it all made since to Tiffany, she had asked for John

to be the weaker one in the house and his arms and legs

were now quite skinny. Then she had asked him to stop

and he had stopped.

“Well, well, well,” Tiffany said aloud. John just stared

at her confused and afraid, he couldn’t for the life of him

move his body. “Tiffany what did you do?,” John asked.

“You see John,” Tiffany said, “I am in complete control of

you now and there is nothing you can do about it.”

“What do you mean,” he asked. “I will show you,” Tiffany

said, “John I want to you to go get a chair from the

kitchen and bring it into the bathroom.” Without a second

thought John left the bathroom, went to the kitchen

grabbed a chair and brought it back to the bathroom.

John couldn’t believe this, why had he just done that? How

was Tiffany doing this? Tiffany was over joyed that she

could make her brother do anything she wanted. “Now my

big brother what was it you said about a spanking?,”

Tiffany said. John just stood there with a puzzled look on

his face. Then he realized where she was going with this.

“Please Tiffany, don’t do this to me,” John said on the

verge of tears. The thought of his sister spanking him was

just too humiliating for John to deal with. Tiffany just

stood there a smirk on her face enjoying the complete

power she now held over her brother. “I wish that I had all

the strength you used to have,” said Tiffany. And just like

that she could feel the power rush in to her little body.

There were no physical changes but, Tiffany knew it had


She then proceeded to walk over to the chair and sit

down. “Come over her and lay over my lap,” she said.

John tried with all his might to not do this, but it was in

vain. He slowly made his way over to his sister and laid

down across her lap. “Now I wish that whenever I spank

you, you will lose a year in age,” said Tiffany. “No!,”

yelled John, “Please Tiffany I’m really sorry for all the

things I’ve done to you, please you have to believe me,”.

Tiffany just smiled and with all her might landed the first

blow. SLAP! The force enough was more than John

thought it would be and it hurt. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Tiffany

began landing blows faster now. John could feel his body

start to change his arms and legs were getting shorter, his

hair was getting shorter, and his once toned stomach

began to soften. “Please Tiffany, stop this,” he cried.

Tiffany would not hear of stopping she wanted to make

sure her brother was never able to pick on her again.

SLAP! SLAP! SMACK! SLAP! Four more blows and John was

now shorter than Tiffany. John was now ten years old and

he almost fit perfectly across Tiffany’s lap. His overgrown

clothes were hanging off him, and he was openly crying.

“Pleeeasse....Tiffan..nny...Im so...oorry..,” he sobbed.

Tiffany looked down at her now younger brother’s face

and saw his tear soaked cheeks, she was starting to feel

sorry for him. However as she was bout to let him up she

spotted her doll across the room, still half covered in

mud. The sight of this doomed John, and any mercy he

could have expected. With a fury she began the assault

again. SLAP! SLAP! SMACK! SLAP! SMACK! SLAP! The blows

came down fast, and John was howling in pain and

humiliation. His body was now much shorter than Tiffany’s

his arms were skinny as toothpicks as were his legs. His

pants had fallen off, along with most of his clothes, his

tiny red butt was clearly visible. Johns face had gotten

chubbier along with his stomach. Tiffany could tell that he

couldn’t take much more, but she wouldn’t stop until he

was harmless. John was frantic now, he was struggling with

all his might to try and get out of his sisters grip, but she

was to strong. He could feel the cool air on his brightly

colored rear end. He knew that if he didn’t get his sister to

stop he very well might not be around for much longer.

“Pleassseee...Tiff...,” he sobbed, “im..rea...lll..y

sorry.” “I cant more.” Tiffany could feel

her brother shaking with fear over he lap, and calmly said,

“John I’m going to stop spanking you soon enough.” “I

will stop when you are nothing more than a one year old,

drooling baby,” she said smugly. This caused John to

resume his struggling with a renewed strength. “No! Not a

baby,” he screamed, as his little legs were kicking up and

down in the air. Tiffany started laughing at the sight of

her once big bad brother, now completely helpless and

humiliated. Red cheeked, crying, and trying to get away

from his big bad sister. “Its okay Johnny,” she mocked

him, “I will be right her to babysit you and change your

stinky diapers,” she laughed. Now both sets of cheeks

were red on John, and he redoubled his efforts.

SMACK! The blow caught John off guard and he

could feel himself shrink more. “NO! PWEASE!...Not..

SMACK! Johns plea was interrupted as Tiffany hit him

again. His clothes were now all on the floor his three year

old body was squirming in his little sisters lap, and he

could hear her laughing. John just couldn’t take it

anymore and began to cry in earnest, his little arms and

legs flailing around. Tiffany stopped momentarily to

admire her handwork, her new little brother was really

crying now, his little red behind was so cute she thought.

But she still wasn’t done yet. Lightly she slapped her new

little brothers behind twice. The final changes were the

most extreme. John felt his arms and legs shrink even

more, and baby fat replaced any tone that may have

been left. His face was cute as a button with his chubby

cheeks, little wisps of brown hair on his head, and his

teeth were now no more. His little belly was sticking out

with baby fat, and his little manhood was barely there,

sticking out a mere half an inch or less.

“Pwease....Nooo...Tiffy...Me Na..wann...b..gah..go...gah!,”

John wailed, as his words changed into baby gurgles.

Tiffany was beaming as she lifted her baby brother

in the air by his arms. She looked up and down at him

admiring her handiwork, when she came up with a very

amusing plan. “Hey John how would you like to be my

baby sister instead of my baby brother,” she said smiling.

John could still think like he used to and he remembered

everything he had ever known, and when he heard those

words. He frantically tried to tell her no. “Please Tiffany

don’t do this,” he screamed out. All Tiffany heard was the

cooing and gurgling of a baby. No John thought why cant I

speak like I used to. “It’s okay Jenny,” Tiffany beamed,

“I know what you want, you want to be my precious little

sister.” With that she said, “ I wish John was a baby girl

instead of a baby boy.” The change wasn’t that

impressive John’s little manhood slowly retracted into

himself and formed what would one day be his

womanhood. John, or better yet Jenny wailed when she

felt this, her little legs kicking in the air. He didn’t deserve

this he thought, he didn’t. Jenny just smiled and began

changing reality so that everything was as if John never

existed, and that Jenny was just born a year ago.


It had been two months since the fateful day Tiffany

had found that ring, and a lot of things had changed.

Tiffany’s mother was now a very successful business

woman, and they were set for life with regards to money.

Their house was now the most beautiful house on the

block. Tiffany had anything that she could ever want.

Wahhh! Wahhh! Waaahhh! Tiffany was brought back to

reality as she heard her baby sister Jenny crying. “Ah

whats the matter Jenny,” Tiffany said. She looked down at

the living room floor to see Jenny laying there in one of

her prettiest pink dresses, a pink bow in her hair, and her

finger and toenails all painted up in cute colors. John was

screaming on the inside that her wanted to be changed

back, but he knew it was all in vain. All his sister and

everyone else would ever hear was the wails of a little

baby girl. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his

sister say, “I know I bet you need your dippee changed.”

With that she slowly made her way over to him, and John

started to wail even louder.



End Chapter 1

Sister's Magic Ring

by: hello | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 16, 2009


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