
by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 26, 2009

Mental and Physical AR, Male and Female. Heavy on the mental side: Life is nothing but a series of choices. The choice between good and evil may be less clear than you think

Chapter 1
Whole Story

Chapter Description: Five teens pay a visit to a little shop run by the embodiment of evil on All Hallows Eve. Naturally, terror ensues.

This one is choc full of regressions of all kinds. There is a heavy emphasis on the mental as always. For those who haven’t read my work before, I often emphasise characters being barefoot because this is set in New Zealand, where kids go barefoot much of the time, even to school. Thus bare feet are as strongly associated with childhood in NZ as nappies are with babies.

NZ terms: jandals = flip-flops, bonnet = hood, nappy = diaper, pushchair = stroller


Those who came in contact with it knew it only as “the shop.” At least that’s what those few fortunate enough to still have the ability to speak about their experience called it. It was not the kind of place one pictured ghost-hunters and exorcists visiting. It wasn’t located in a dilapidated ancient building in a run-down out of the way neighbourhood. Like all ?evil’ things in the real world, it appeared absolutely mundane. It was wedged neatly between a Hallenstein’s and a Vodafone shop in the Tamaki Mall. Every day, hundreds of unsuspecting shoppers passed by this portal to a world of darkness and horror whilst they chatted about the new Borders or the movie they’d just seen, or a hundred other mundane topics, oblivious to their proximity to real dark magic.

Some might have asked themselves how this shop stayed in business, when it seemed no one ever went in. Yet no one dwelt on it too long, as far as the owners and managers of the mall were concerned, as long as the rent was paid and there were no complaints it didn’t matter how many customers it got. If anyone had bothered to really take a look at the shop they would have noticed something rather odd. While the name above the entrance remained unchanged, the shop itself did not. Every couple of months it seemed to change into an entirely new type of store. What no one save the proprietor knew was that the store only attracted the customers the owner wanted. It didn’t matter that the store kept changing, there was no need for return customers.

The day before Halloween the shop transformed itself into a costume store. A few passersby might have thought it was a bit late, after all most people had already purchased their Halloween costumes. But, unfortunately for them, there was one group of teenagers who had not yet bought their outfits. They were five teens who had little in common, but whose lives were about to cross paths thanks to the seemingly innocent decision to go shopping at the mall.


Gemma Harding was a nerd. There was no question about it. As her last year of high school was drawing to a close she spent most of the increasingly warm and sunny October afternoons shut in her room studying for her exams. It didn’t matter that she’d never had less than Merit or Excellence before, that she already had a scholarship to her top choice university. Gemma was the kind of girl who settled for nothing less than perfection, at least when it came to academics. Her personal life was another matter. No boyfriend, few close friends, no car, no job. Gemma spent her days with her books and her calculator. It bothered her that she had no social life, but she just felt so awkward around the mouth-breathing morons who populated the high school. She had decided years ago that social life would just have to wait till she got to university and met other smart, driven people like herself.

It was for this reason she was surprised when, the day before Halloween, her mum came into her room carrying an envelope. “Gemma, you have some mail sweetie,” she announced handing her the envelope.

Curious Gemma looked over the yellow paper. The return address belonged to a classmate of hers, a rather popular girl. Ripping it open she discovered an invitation to a Halloween party, starting at 9PM at this girl’s house. Gemma wondered what in the world had possessed this girl to invite Gemma, the social outcast. Her mum looked upbeat though. “Honey, this is an excellent opportunity to make a few friends for the summer. You should go, it’ll be fun!”

Gemma shook her head. “Mum, haven’t you ever heard of “Carrie”? If I go to this thing I’m sure to end up with pig’s blood dumped over my head or something.”

“Oh don’t be so dramatic Gem. I think your classmates are just maturing, catching up with you. I want you to go sweetie, nothing ventured nothing gained you know.”

“Thanks mum, but I have my own plans y’know.”

“Oh really? Would that be handing out lollies to the little kids and watching horror movies at home with me?”

Gemma nodded hesitantly.

“That’s what I thought. Those aren’t plans Gem. It’s time for you to stop avoiding life. You’re going off to university in three months, I need to know you won’t just be barricading yourself in your room there and having no human contact for three years.”

Gemma sighed. “If I go to the bloody party will you stop worrying about me?”

Her mum smiled weakly. “Nothing could make me stop worrying about you Gem, you’re my girl. Even though you’ve always been so mature and independent I’ve always worried about your isolation. When the other little girls were playing with dolls you were up in your room reading.”

“Okay, okay, that’s enough mum. I’ll go to the party if you’ll just let this subject drop.”

“You got it. Now you better get to the mall quick if you’re going to get something to wear.”

“What do you mean, I have good clothes,” Gemma retorted angrily.

Her mum pointed to the last line of the invite. “It’s a costume party dear.”

Gemma grunted, “Oh great, that’s just what I wanted to do on Halloween. Dress up like a silly little kid.”

Her mum chuckled, “Sorry Gem, c’mon I’ll give you a ride.”


While Gemma and her mum were on their way to the mall, another last minute shopper was already there. Kate Hadley was as unlike Gemma as it was possible to be. Kate’s grades weren’t great, but she had other kinds of smarts. She was a teen beauty and she knew it. Skinny as a rod, blonde hair and green eyes, she was model material. Kate was eighteen, about to leave high school and head out on her own, albeit on her daddy’s dime. She was about to embark on a year-long tour of Europe, but first she needed to cement her reputation as queen of Selwyn College. That meant attending all the parties and looking good at each. She thought of herself as a local version of Paris Hilton, minus the stupidity.

The mall was emptying out as Kate strolled in at four o’clock. It would be closing within the hour. Kate looked forward to shopping in Europe where she heard malls stayed open later than five. Maybe if the malls in Auckland were open later she wouldn’t have had to wag class so much to get her shopping done. Kate strode through the mall watching slyly for guys taking a look at her. She loved the attention. It was a warm day so Kate was dressed in her tightest halter-top, revealing her belly button. Her jean shorts were so short and tight they looked more like underwear. She wore the newest fad in sandals, gladiatress style, her toenails painted hot pink. Heads turned as she passed the food-court. Kate smiled.

As she neared her destination Kate saw a couple guys she knew from school. Kyle Davies and his friend Scott Palmer were walking towards her. Kyle was the kind of guy Kate usually hung out with at school. He was tall and well-built. He played first-fifteen rugby as a winger. The tanned seventeen year old had his black hair cut short. He was wearing a rugby jersey and baggy board shorts. In the typical laid-back style he was barefoot. He gave Kate a wave and a nod. “How you goin’ beautiful,” he greeted her, his voice full of confidence.

Kate smiled, she loved a confident man. “I’m sweet. What you here for?”

“Oh, I gotta get a costume for Claire’s party eh. “

“Yeah, that’s why I’m here too,” Kate told him, ignoring the other boy.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m here for too,” Scott volunteered, perhaps a bit too eagerly, when it became clear Kate wasn’t going to ask him.

Kate glanced at Scott and gave him a look that made him want to crawl under a rock and die. Scott wasn’t anything like Kyle, they were only friends because they lived next door to each other and had been mates since kindy. Scott was a skinny boy of average height with sandy brown hair that he’d allowed to grow shaggy and hazel eyes. He might have been good looking if he weren’t so thin. Unlike Kyle he was quite pale. He wore a simple black t-shirt, baggy jean shorts and jandals.

Kate watched Scott break eye-contact and slouch back as though she’s slapped him. ?Good’ she thought, now he wouldn’t be interrupting her conversation with Kyle. “So where were you thinking of looking?” Kate asked, returning her attention to Kyle.

“I dunno, maybe that place.” Kyle pointed at the shop between the Vodafone and the Hallenstein’s. A sign announced the store was called “Through The Cracks” and it appeared to be a costume shop.

“Perfect,” Kate agreed, leading the pair of boys into the shop.


The store was awfully dank dimly lit for a shop in a mall. The place was crowded with rows of extravagant costumes. It made Scott feel a bit claustrophobic. He kept his discomfort to himself, not wanting to bring anymore embarrassment upon himself. There was no sign of any employees, or any other shoppers for that matter. The store seemed abandoned. Scott looked through the stock, trying to find a cool costume, keeping his mind off the eerie feeling he had. Scott soon found the store was much bigger than it appeared from outside. The rows seemed to go back impossibly far. It wasn’t long before Scott had completely lost sight of the exit and of Kate and Kyle. Scott could feel his heart-rate increasing. There was something about this shop, something he couldn’t put his finger on, but that he didn’t like.

As Scott turned the corner between two rows of costumes he bumped into someone out of nowhere. Fighting the urge to scream Scott saw that it was just Kyle’s little brother Shaun. The fourteen year old looked a bit like his brother but only in his face. He was much shorter, only five foot three, and was still skinny and gangly. Shaun was still very much in the throes of puberty, his cheeks dotted with pimples and his black hair unwashed and greasy. Shaun wore a red t-shirt and some navy track pants that appeared to be from before his last growth spurt as the cuffs now fell an inch or two above his ankles. Like his big brother, Shaun was barefoot, but rather than making him appear laid-back and athletic his grimy bare feet only served to make him look more childish.

Seeing the odd look on Shaun’s face Kyle decided the only way to keep from being made out to be a loser was to make fun of Shaun first. “Hey Shaunie, you gettin’ ready to trick or treat?” Scott inquired derisively.

Shaun scowled, “Shut up.”

“Oh c’mon now Shaunie. Are you gonna go as SpongeBob? Or is Elmo more your league?” Scott chided.

“Fuck off,” Shaun replied.

“Oh, c’mon now mate I was just kidding you.”

“Screw you,” the boy spat, giving Scott the middle finger and then disappearing around a corner.

Scott felt a little bad for making fun of Shaun, but it was better the kid than himself. After a few more minutes Scott chose a Joker outfit. He knew he was choosing the most popular outfit this year but at least no one could make fun of it. He made his way to the back of the store where he found Kyle already waiting, holding a black costume. “What you get?” Scott asked him.

“Zorro outfit. You?”

“The Joker.”

“Sweet as, mate,” Kyle nodded.

As they stood there waiting for someone to check them out someone else arrived beside them. Scott recognised the girl from school. She was quiet, a good student, always sat by herself, even at lunch. But for the life of him he couldn’t recall her name. She wasn’t really a pretty girl after all, a bit overweight, stringy brown hair and grey eyes. She was nothing to take a second glance at. She was dressed in a frumpy wool jumper and simple faded jeans with jandals.

The girl, whoever she was, said nothing to them. She was holding a white lab coat among other items. A moment after she appeared Kate made her way out of the racks, carrying what was clearly a toga or some kind. “What you get Kate?” Kyle asked.

“Gladiatress outfit. Goes with my sandals.”

Just then Kate noticed the other girl standing with them. “Well if it isn’t Gemma. What the hell are you doing here? Gonna go trick or treating?”

Gemma just scowled at Kate, but made no response. Kate laughed at the girl’s angry face. The tension was only broken when the curtain behind the counter suddenly fluttered and a man suddenly appeared from behind it. When people picture the face of evil they tend to think of historical figures like Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin. Others think of demonic faces like those depicted in Renaissance art. The reality of course is that evil tends to look perfectly ordinary. The man who appeared behind the counter was exactly that, ordinary looking. He was about forty with a rapidly receding hairline ruining what had once been wavy blonde hair. He was a bit overweight, and it appeared he hadn’t shaved that morning.

The man looked the teens over appraisingly then smiled and said, “Who’s first?”

Kyle raised his hand and the man beckoned him forward, reaching out for the costume. As he rang each of them up in turn he chatted to the group. “So you kids looking forward to Halloween?”

They each nodded courteously.

“I suppose you’ll have some party to go to. A bit old for trick or treating eh?”

“Yeah. Mmmhmm,” they mumbled mechanically.

The man just nodded. “Too bad, too bad. Nothing quite as fun as trick or treating.”

The teens simply exchanged exasperated looks, an act which did not escape the shop-keep’s attention. “Now I have to say I am always interested in the selections people make from my shop every year at Halloween.” The man turned to Kate. “You, young miss, have chosen a slave girl outfit.” Turning to Kyle he continued, “And you have chosen a vigilante to emulate.” Facing Scott he smirked. “You have what must be the darkest of all, the outfit of a homicidal maniac.” Finally he looked upon Gemma, but seemed confused. “Young lady, what exactly are you meant to be?”

Gemma hesitated a moment, eyeing the others. “I’m Marie Currie, the scientist. You know, contrary to popular belief she was Polish, not French. That’s why I got this red and white material, to make a little Polish flag.”

The shop-keep smiled at Gemma but said nothing to her. As they all turned to leave the man had one more thing to say. “I hope you all enjoy All Hallows Eve. When you put on your costumes keep in mind that they are a form of vestments, special garb for a holy day. Do not wear them lightly. All Hallows Eve is all about transformation. When you wear these costumes you transform yourselves. Do not take this sacred day lightly.”

As the four exited the shop back into the well-lit mall they all paused and exchanged looks. Finally Kate broke the silence with a chuckle. “Is that guy for real? I mean, wow talk about getting into the spirit of Halloween!”

Kyle laughed now too. “Yeah that guy was legend, eh. He actually had me worried for a minute there.”

Their concern ebbing the group broke up again, heading in opposite directions. The mall car park was nearly empty by the time Kyle and Scott climbed into Kyle’s 1992 Lancer. The old beater wasn’t much but it usually started and that was enough for the teen boys. On the way home they passed Shaun riding his little BMX bike along the footpath. Kyle beeped and Scott gave the younger boy a wave. He responded with another rude gesture.

Kyle pulled into his driveway and Scott headed into his house hoping he wasn’t late for dinner. He found his mum making pasta and potatoes in the kitchen. His three-year old brother Jayden was playing with his toy trucks on the floor, stark naked as usual. Scott gave his brother a pat on the head and the little tyke smiled up at him and offered him a truck. “No thanks little man,” Scott told him. Jayden jammed the toy in his mouth, chewing on it. Scott shook his head at the tot’s silly antics.


Scott arrived at Kyle’s place at quarter to eight the next day. Fully dressed in his Joker outfit, complete with a pencil to make “disappear.” Mum was taking his little brother trick or treating dressed up as Bob the Builder in overalls and a hard hat. It was the first time Scott could recall the little guy being happy to have clothes on, though he insisted on remaining barefooted. Not a problem as he’d be sitting in his pushchair most of the time anyway.

Kyle was looking very dashing in his Zorro outfit complete with black tights and boots. He even had a sword that looked very real. They both agreed that the shop, despite being creepy, had some very nice costumes. They hopped into Kyle’s car and he turned the keys. Nothing. He tried again. Still nothing. Kyle cursed and banged the steering wheel. Finally after several more tries he gave up and checked under the bonnet. Kyle was a man’s man, an athlete and all of that. But he knew shit about cars. After several minutes he put the bonnet down and shrugged. “Sorry mate, I got no idea what’s wrong.”

Scott got out and looked up at the setting sun. “Well if we walk we could still make it in time.”

Kyle didn’t look pleased but he had to agree. “Okay, let’s get going.”

The duo made their way down the footpath towards the party as the sun crept closer to the horizon. A few groups of trick or treaters passed them as they walked. Little kids whose parents wanted them in bed early and weren’t willing to wait for darkness to do the rounds. Scott and Kyle knew they looked silly in full costumes, like oversized trick or treaters, but what could they do. At least the costumes hid their real identities.


At the same time as Scott and Kyle were making their way on foot across suburban Howick, Gemma was climbing in her mother’s car to be driven to the party. Dressed in her white lab coat with a little Polish flag sewn to it and carrying a fake Geiger counter, Gemma was as ready as she’d ever be for the party. “Oh you look so grown-up in that doctor outfit Gem,” her mother exclaimed.

“Okay mum, I know. Let’s just go okay.”

They made their way through the streets as the sun disappeared from view. As Gemma’s mum switched on the headlights, something strange began to happen. With the sun down, All Hallows Eve had begun and it was going to be a long night for Gemma. As she sat in the passenger seat she felt tingling all over her body. Concerned she turned to say something to her mum. But suddenly her voice was gone, nothing came out. She tried to gesture but her hands didn’t move. She was paralysed! Gemma sat in terror as the dashboard seemed to grow higher in front of her, her feet pulling away from the floor. All over her body there was tingling and itching that she could not scratch. It took but a minute and stopped as quickly as it had started. Suddenly she was free to move again. She reached desperately for her seat-belt to undo it. But as she did a hand slapped hers. She withdrew her hand quickly. “Ow!”

Her mum looked at her sternly. “Gemma, you keep your seat-belt on or mummy will make you sit in the back-seat.”

Gemma gasped. “But mum, look at me! Look what’s happened!” she exclaimed in a high-pitched voice she barely recognised.

“I see you sweetie. You are a very pretty princess.”

“What?” Gemma exclaimed, looking herself over.

There was no doubt about it, she’d shrunk. She was a little girl. “Mum, how old am I?” she asked, fearing the response.

Her mother just shook her head, “I’m not in the mood for playing games now Gem.”

“No mum it isn’t a game! Please, just tell me!”

Her mum sighed. “You know very well you’re seven years old Gem.”

Gemma was horrified. This was no game, clearly her mum really thought she was a seven-year old. She sat frozen in fear as the car made its way to the party.


As Gemma went through her nightmare Kate was facing a whole different bizarre situation over at the party. She’d arrived early to help set up. As the sun went down she was in the midst of talking up a big Maori boy named Wiremu who was a rugby star from school. She was feeling his muscular arms, nodding with approval, a cup of beer in her hand when she felt the tingling. But it wasn’t inside her, it was on her. It was the feeling of her clothing swishing over her and morphing, transforming. Wiremu stepped back and looked down at her in surprise. But no one could have looked as shocked as Kate. Suddenly her Gladiatress costume was gone, replaced by something she never would have chosen to put on. It was a pink t-shirt and red shorts. The words across the t-shirt said it all. Dora the Explorer.

Wiremu looked confused. “When did you change?” he asked.

“I didn’t! This isn’t what I wore! What the fuck is going on?” Kate screamed, getting hysterical.

Two other girls looked over to see what the fuss was about. They saw Kate’s new outfit and covered their mouths laughing at her. “Kate if you wanted to go to a kindy party you could have, you just should have told me,” one joked.

“Shut up! This is serious!”

“Yeah guys leave the poor little girl alone,” one of the guys said, smirking.

Incredibly embarrassed by her clothing Kate slipped into the bathroom to the sounds of derisive laughter. Flipping on the light and ceiling fan she drowned out the sounds of her mocking cohorts. She could see in the mirror that it was worse than she thought. All her makeup was gone, her blonde hair had been dyed black as part of the Dora outfit. As she brushed her hands over the shorts she felt the worst part. Carefully undoing the button and unzipping the ugly shorts revealed her worst fears. She was wearing a nappy. Kate kicked off the white sneakers that had replaced her sandals so she could take off the shorts. She peeled away the tall white socks as well. She’d just have to call for one of her friends to bring her some new clothes. That all there was to it. She’d think about this weirdness later, when she was properly dressed. But as she stood up straight a terrifying sight greeted her in the mirror. There was a man standing directly behind her.


Halfway to their destination Kyle and Scott had decided to cut through one of the small parks that ran between residential streets. The park was dark and eerie as the sunlight was almost all gone. It was here, a few minutes past eight, as Gemma sat in her car and Kate talked to Wiremu, that Kyle and Scott suddenly froze where they were. The sun had gone down and they each felt the wind rush over them from out of nowhere. The tingling came with it. Scott felt it rush right through him, up his spine, making his hairs stand on end. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak. And the trees were growing bigger and scarier and darker around him. Scott felt muscles spasm and twitch and contract, nerves tingling as they shrunk, hair contracting inward from armpits and arms and legs and elsewhere.

When it was over and Scott felt control of his limbs returning to him he breathed a sigh of relief, glad he wasn’t dead. The first thing he was aware of was the feeling of cool hard cement under his feet. Looking down Scott saw that his Joker shoes had disappeared, he was staring down at his bare feet. Except they weren’t his feet, they were small and stubby. He wiggled his toes and watched the little toes move. They were his after all. He looked up, way up at Kyle. It was then that he realised he had gotten smaller, much smaller. Scott looked himself over and realised he was now wearing a Spiderman costume, the mask was in his hand. He felt the stretchy material, felt the hard plastic in his hand. It was real. Scott was standing in these scary darkened woods nearly alone and now reduced to a little boy. Of course he wasn’t completely alone. Kyle was with him. Kyle would know what to do. But Kyle was still standing there in silence, looking down at Scott with horror in his eyes.

“Kyle, look what happened to me!” Scott finally blurted out.

Kyle nodded. “I know man! Look at me!”

At first Scott didn’t know what he meant, then he noticed that Kyle’s clothing had changed. Scott had been so caught up in his own transformation he hadn’t even noticed Kyle’s. His Zorro outfit had disappeared and he was wearing a grown-up sized pirate costume. He had on a tight red and white striped shirt, the arms cut off at the elbow. He wore frayed cut-off jean shorts and like Scott he was barefoot. He had a neckerchief on his head and a cheap plastic eye-patch over one eye. His realistic looking Zorro sword had changed into a cheap plastic kids’ toy sword.

Kyle gestured with the sword. “What is this? What happened to us?”

Scott shrugged. “I dunno. What should we do?”

“Let’s go home and change out of these costumes,” Kyle suggested.

“Maybe. Or maybe we should go back to the store in the mall where we got ?em.”

“It’ll be closed now stupid.”

“Oh, right,” Scott stammered. “Well then I guess we got no choice. Let’s head home.”

Kyle nodded and they turned around, heading back through the park onto the suburban streets. There were more kids appearing on the streets now that it was dark. Scott noticed that more than a few were dressed as Spiderman, it was a popular choice for little boys. The pavement was cold and rough under his feet. He hadn’t been one to run around without shoes on even when he was in primary school. He could see a few other kids, mostly little kids, chose not to wear shoes with their outfits, little bare feet sticking out under costumes. Still not having shoes made him feel even sillier and smaller, more like his constantly shoeless toddler brother.

They made it back to the house without incident but paused upon arrival. For all Scott knew his mum and dad were back by now and he didn’t want to see them like this. He really didn’t want to confront Kyle’s parents either. Kyle finally said he’d go inside and get changed first and bring Scott some clothes to change into. He told Scott to hide behind his car till he returned. “Okay,” Scott agreed, “but make sure you bring me some shoes.”

“I’ll try, but that’s gonna be hard. I don’t even know what size you wear. Do you?”

Scott shook his head, crestfallen. He watched Kyle disappear inside, then he waited in the dark, a scared, cold little boy.


Gemma’s mum pulled up in front of a house that Gemma immediately knew was not the right place. Silently she thanked god her mum went to the wrong house. It would have been so embarrassing to arrive at that party looking like she did. “Okay here we are honey,” her mum announced, turning off the car and getting out.

Gemma did the same, deciding perhaps it was best to play along. If she was insane her mother wouldn’t be acting this way so clearly something really was happening here. Perhaps it had to do with this being Halloween and thus everything would be set right at midnight. She hopped out of the car, surprised by the distance to the ground. Sharp gravel bit into her soles as she suddenly noticed she was barefoot. Looking down it finaly dawned on her that she was no longer dressed as a famous scientist. Instead she was dressed in a frilly pink princess dress that was about knee-length. It had puffy shoulders and all. Feeling her head she indeed had a cheap plastic tiara on. What was worse, her hair was done up in pigtails. God she hated those things! As she stood there dumbly trying to take this all in her mum stepped around the car and glared at her, “Well don’t just stand there Gem, scoot! You’re already late as it is.”

Gemma allowed her mother to take her hand leading her up the front path to the front door of this strange house. Her mum knocked and a moment later the door swung open to reveal a thirty-something woman. She smiled down at Gemma and declared, “Well look at this pretty little princess! C’mon in darling.”

Gemma allowed the woman to take her hand and lead her into the house, her mum waving goodbye and telling her to be a good girl. Gemma felt a pang of fear as the door swung shut and her mum left her to this woman. Of course Gemma knew she wasn’t really a little girl and had nothing to fear from this woman, but still she felt it all the same. Inside the living room of the house there were several little girls in costumes. Two others were princesses, one appeared to be Hannah Montana, another was a kitty and one was Barbie. They were all eagerly playing a game of go fish. Gemma was shocked as one of the girls looked up at her, recognised her and called “C’mon Gem! You gotta play!”

Gemma quickly turned to the woman leading her in and whispered, “I gotta use the toilet.”

The woman nodded and led Gemma away from the others and to the bathroom. There Gemma was at last left alone. She looked at herself in the mirror and made a startling discovery. She was not just younger, she wasn’t herself. At least not how she had been. Gemma was now skinny, blonde and button-nosed. She had to admit she’d never been that cute as a little girl. She ran her tongue through her mouth and felt the missing front tooth that made her whistle when she spoke. This was awful, she was an entirely different person now. Even her eyes had changed colour. They were blue now. What on earth could she do?

There was no question in her mind that the costume had something to do with this. And that meant she needed to find the others who she knew bought costumes at that shop. The only place they could be was at the party and so that was where she had to go. Leaving the bathroom she found the woman who’d led her here waiting for her. “Um, miss, I feel really sleepy and my head hurts. Can I go upstairs and nap?”

The woman looked sympathetic and felt her forehead for a fever. Then she led Gemma upstairs into a little girl’s bedroom and showed her the bed. Gemma waited till the woman was downstairs before she snuck out the window and slipped down the sloping roof and jumped into the grass below. Safely out of the house Gemma took off across the grass and onto the footpath, making her way to the party which she knew was only a few blocks away. She just hoped she could find the others there.


Kate had almost screamed when the man appeared out of thin air in the bathroom with her. As it was she leapt back to the sink and glared at him. She recognised him immediately, he was the shop-keep. Kate wasn’t book smart but she wasn’t dumb, she connected the dots immediately. “What the hell have you done to me?!” she demanded.

The man gave her a nasty smile. “I told you this was a night of transformation. And believe me, it is only beginning.”

“What do you want from me old man?” she barked, trying to gauge if she could beat him to the door.

“I’m here to give you an offer of sorts.”

“Not interested, leave me alone!”

“Oh but you haven’t heard it yet. I assure you, when you hear my offer you’ll change your tune.”

Kate paused, intrigued in spite of her herself. “So out with it then.”

The man smiled his ugly grin again. “As you are very aware Kate, I have certain powers. You have just had a taste of them tonight. You see Kate I love All Hallows Eve, it is my holiest day. I love tricks, you see. Most of all though, I enjoy seeing young people like you playing tricks on each other. You are a cold, vindictive girl Kate.”

Kate made a face, as though ready to argue.

“Oh, don’t be offended. I meant that as a compliment. I want to give you a little bit of my power Kate. Just for tonight. A little trick for your friends, a little treat for me.”

Now he had her full attention. “What kind of power?”

The man beamed, he knew he had her. “The power to transform. The power to make your friends act as you appear.”

Kate thought about this a moment. “You little kids?”


“I don’t know...”

“Think about how they just treated you Kate, when you were in real trouble. Don’t you want to pay back their kindness?”

Kate considered this and nodded. “Yeah, I think I would actually.”

“Excellent,” the man whispered, stepping forward and taking Kate’s hand. He rubbed her palm between his own, closing his eyes in concentration. A glow appeared around her hand and his. After a moment the light dissipated and the man nodded. “It is done.”

Kate looked at her hand with awe. “So that’s it? I have the power?”

“Yes you do.”

“Okay, so what about my clothes? I’m not leaving here dressed like this.”

“Of course, let me just take care of one more thing. I promise you won’t be embarrassed in a moment.”

Kate nodded. “Good, just get it done with.”

The man stepped closed and leaned to Kate’s ear as though to whisper something to her. She leaned in, straining to here as his lips parted. He blew softly into her ear. Kate moved away slightly as the warm air tickled her ear but then she was overwhelmed by what she was certain was the most calming and enjoyable sensation of release she’d ever felt. Every muscle in her body relaxed and warmth flooded into her nappy as Kate’s eyes glazed over and she leaned into a warm embrace from the man.


Scott was beginning to think Kyle was never going to come out. Here he was squatting in the darkened driveway in a Spiderman outfit and Kyle was in there warm and in new normal clothing. Finally the front door swung open and someone came out. He could hear footsteps pounding quickly towards him. Kyle’s smiling face leaned around the back of the car. The first thing Scott noticed was the eye-patch and neckerchief that Kyle still wore. As the teen stepped fully into view Scott saw that he hadn’t changed at all! He was still standing there barefoot in a kids’ pirate costume. Only now he was beaming at Scott happily.

“What happened?” Scott asked.

“It’s Halloween stupid! We gotta get trick or treatin’ ?fore it’s too late or all da lollies ?ll be gone!” Kyle urged.

Scott was dumbfounded. Suddenly Kyle was talking like a five year old. “Kyle, cut it out okay! This is not funny mate!”

Kyle frowned, stomping his foot angrily. “No! I wanna go trick or treatin’! You gotta come Scott or mum won’ let me. I can’t go by myself.”

Scott looked Kyle up and down, then asked. “Kyle, how old are you ?”

Kyle looked at him like he was an idiot. “I’m six silly. You know that, you were at my birthday ?member?”

It was just as Scott had feared. One thing was clear now, they needed to get away from this house. Scott knew the police couldn’t help them now, not with this weird shit. They needed to find the others, and that meant getting to the party. Scott looked at Kyle’s eager face, the bucket for lollies in his hand. He’d have to take Kyle with him, he couldn’t leave him here like this. “Okay Kyle I’ll go trick or treating, but we have to go where I say, otherwise I’ll leave you alone.”

Kyle shook his head vigorously. “Don’ leave me alone Scott. Mum will be angry.”

“Okay then, follow me okay?”

Kyle nodded and skipped along after him as Scott led the big little boy back along their earlier route. Other children and parents watching surely found it an odd sight. The little boy walking calmly along clearly leading the teenager who was skipping and singing and spinning in circles as he went, even blowing raspberries at a couple of passing little girls. But it was Halloween, so no one said a word to the odd pair.


After walking thirty minutes across the suburb in bare feet and on the skinny little legs of a seven year old, Gemma was tired and sore. She had to constantly look like she was trying to catch up with an adult or older sibling so that passing parents wouldn’t stop her. It was past nine o’clock when she arrived on the right block. In another thirty minutes or so most trick or treaters would be finishing up. By ten they would all be inside and she would stick out like a sour thumb. That meant she wouldn’t be able to get back without getting caught. But her tender feet were too sore to walk all the way back anyway. She could only hope to find someone she knew at the party to help her. For all she knew this was a dead end and everyone who knew her would now only remember her as a little girl. But she had nothing to lose at this point. She still held hope the spell would be broken at midnight, but she had no way of knowing if that was true.

As Gemma made her way past dozens of parked cars and into the front yard of the party house she immediately knew something was wrong here. The lawn was scattered with empty beer bottles but no one was standing around drinking. The whole place seemed abandoned. Music still blared from inside and Gemma could see people in there. As she stepped tenderly across the lawn, an eye out for broken glass, she heard someone coming out of the house. Gemma froze and waited, watching the door. Out walked a teen boy in a Superman t-shirt, red cape and tights. He gazed around the outside then raised his hands and began ?flying’ around the lawn. Gemma watched, stunned as he ran helter-skelter about making whoosh noises. She wondered if he was drunk or high. His flight stopped suddenly as he smashed the toes of one of his bare feet into a beer bottle. He dropped to his bum exclaiming “Owie!” and grabbing his toes. Gemma watched the teen cry and rock back and forth. It was clear to her that he was neither high nor drunk, he was something much worse.


15 Minutes Earlier

Wiremu, the rugby jock, was waiting for Kate outside the bathroom when the door finally opened. “Hey there girl, ?bout time eh. You okay?” he asked.

Kate stepped out of the bathroom, still in her t-shirt and nappy, a sunny smile on her face. The shop-keep had been right, Kate wasn’t embarrassed by her clothing at all anymore. She giggled cheerfully, her eyes wide and empty as she stepped forwards and ran her hand down Wiremu’s arm. The effect was instant, all of his clothing vanished leaving the eighteen year old totally nude. Wiremu was shocked by this turn of events to say the least. The teen immediately noticed his soldier was suddenly hairless, as was his whole body save for his head. Despite this frightening situation the fact was he was naked and having his arm stroked by a beautiful teen girl and this had an obvious effect on the teen boy. Kate barely glanced at his erection, uninterested. “Bababa,” she babbled pleasantly, spittle escaping her lips.

“Oh my God, Kate. What’s happening?” Wiremu asked as she stepped closer.

Kate’s eyes remained innocent, completely uncomprehending. She removed her hand from his arm and reached up to his head. He watched as her hand reached around and grasped his scalp, caressing it. Wiremu took a sudden breath and his eyes glazed, going cross-eyed as his pupils dilated. Wiremu’s stiff erection began to bob as he quickly went flaccid. The muscle-bound teen’s knees began to spread as his bare toes wiggled and pointed inwards. Wiremu’s jaw loosened and a trickle of saliva escaped the corner of his mouth and dribbled unheeded down the boy’s chin, dripping to his toes. Wiremu let out a soft “Uhhh” sigh of contentment as his unfocused eyes fixed on the ceiling as Kate’s fingers continued to caress his head, turning his brain to mush. Urine began to dribble from his softened penis, wetting his and Kate’s feet and the floor. Kate released his head and Wiremu’s eyes dropped from the ceiling to his feet, watching the peepee dribble over his wiggling toes. He looked up at Kate just inches away from him and declared, “Wee-wee peepee,” drool hanging from his chin. Slowly he slid down the wall till he was seated on his bare bum. It had only taken seconds for him to go from confident high school sports star to this, a naked boy drooling all over himself, sitting in a pool of his own urine, playing with his fingers. Soon he’d be squatting to make a big soft poopy and he wouldn’t have a clue what he was doing.

Kate left the infantized teen to play in the hallway. Toddling into the main party Kate immediately drew stares. The beautiful teen half naked in a nappy was a shocking sight. The dumb grin on her face and glassy eyes made everyone assume she was high on something. Megan and Erica went over to see what Kate was on and get some more jibes in. Sam went to fetch a camera, they had to have this on Facebook by morning. Megan got right in her so-called friend’s face. “What you on girl? Damn you are out of it eh.”

Kate blew a raspberry at the girl, copious amounts of drool poured down her chin and soaked the collar of her Dora t-shirt. “I think she needs a bib!” Erica called out to laughter.

Kate reached out and put one hand on the arm of Erica and the other on Megan’s hip. As everyone watched the two girls’ outfits changed. Erica’s Catwoman costume was suddenly a soft fuzzy kitty cat suit with whiskers painted on her face and paper ears on her head. Megan’s Wonder Woman outfit was replaced by a Snow White dress, white stockings and black Mary Jane shoes. Everyone stopped laughing and stared in shock. “What the hell?” the two exclaimed in unison.

Before they could do anything else Kate’s hands slip swiftly upward and ran through the pair’s hair. The looks of fear and astonishment were gone, wiped away as their faces went slack, their arms going limp. The crowd watched their heads bob forward limply as Kate ran her hands through their hair for a moment. When she released them a moment later the duo got goofy smiles on their faces. Dropping to the floor they began to play patty-cake. Everyone watched them, not even paying attention as Kate walked over to a sixteen year old named Dan and grabbed his arm. They did look though when Dan’s hobo costume became a teddy bear costume. They continued watching as her hand went to Dan’s head and like the girls his face slackened, his arms dangled and seemed out of it. When she released him Dan flopped to the floor. There was a shared gasp at this sight. People thought the teen was dead. But as they watched he began to move, squirming on the floor, flat on his tummy. He lifted up his head and drool hung from his chin, his face was slack, eyes wide and completely empty of intelligence. The crowd listened as Danny babbled nonsensically to himself, unable even to crawl.

The crowd of onlookers knew they should run away, leave now before they joined Danny gurgling and drooling on the floor. But they seemed unable to move away. Though not physically paralysed, none possessed the ability to leave the room. They stood there as Kate moved from group to group releasing them from the burden of intelligence, wiping away their thinking abilities. They watched their friends succumb to the sweetness of it, each giving that last pleasurable sigh before dropping to all fours to creep around the rug. Until it was their turn to feel Kate’s warm hand on the back of their head and send all their fears and thoughts float away.

When Sam returned with the camera he found the whole room transformed. Some were acting like preschoolers, dancing out of sync with the music, chasing each other, playing patty-cake. Others were creeping on the floor, complete infants. He took photos of it all. He didn’t know what else to do. Then he felt the hand on his arm. Immediately there was a breeze as his court jester costume was gone. Well almost. He still had the hat on. But other than that he now had on only a soft cotton bib around his neck and a thick nappy. He looked at Kate’s smiling face and felt her hand move to his head. Then there was only release, complete and total release. Pee and poopy into his nappy, drool from his mouth, thoughts emptied from his head. A moment later he took several new photos, all of his nose and the inside of his mouth as he chewed on the delightful flashy thingy.


Gemma moved towards the door slowly on tippy toes. Just as she neared it Kate suddenly appeared from within and stepped out. Gemma barely recognised the popular girl in her infantile garb and with her hair colour changed. But there was no doubt it was Kate. The teen beauty looked down at the small girl in the princess dress but made no move. Gemma broke the lengthy silence. “Kate, do you know who I am?”

Kate made no response, playing now with the bottom of her t-shirt and spinning in circles. Gemma could see that Kate’s mind was gone. Looking around it seemed everyone here had lost their minds, literally. Kate stopped spinning and suddenly flipped up her shirt, exposing her breasts to Gemma. “Lookie tee-tee!” she exclaimed loudly, spinning with her shirt up over her head. Gemma let out a low sigh. Now what would she do? Just then she heard the sounds of footsteps approaching from across the lawn.


It had been a long journey. Like Gemma Scott’s feet were sore and his legs were tired by the time they reached the party house. All the way over Kyle had complained and whinged about the length of the walk and how he wasn’t getting any lollies. Twice the teen had stopped, crossed his arms and refused to go further because, “Mummy’s gonna be mad!” He’d pouted and cried and thrown a fit at one point. It took all Scott’s powers to keep him moving, prodding him along with promises of lollies galore.

When he found Kate standing in the front lawn in a nappy twisting back and forth, flashing her boobs to the world Scott felt like crying himself. He looked around at the others crawling and toddling about and knew there was no hope. It was then that a pretty little girl in a princess costume turned to Kyle and said, “Kyle, is that you? Do you know who I am?”

Kyle just shook his head and, acting shy, tried to hide behind Scott as ridiculous as that seemed. Scott however realised who this little girl might be. “You’re that girl from the costume shop aren’t you?”

The girl suddenly turned to face the six year old in the Spiderman costume and looked him in the eye. “I’m Gemma. You must be Kyle’s friend, eh?”

“Yeah, that’s me. So you still have your mind too. Thank goodness!” Scott pointed to Kate and asked, “How long she been like that?”

Gemma shrugged, “I dunno. I only got here a few minutes ago myself. My mum started acting like I really was a little kid as soon as I changed. I think all of reality has shifted.”

“Shit!” Scott cursed.

“I think this is probably not a good place to stay, it seems to be ground zero for this thing.”

“What do we do then?”

“Get somewhere safe. Somewhere close,” she added, gesturing to her bare feet.

“Yeah, I agree,” Scott said, pointing at his. “How about her house,” he suggested, indicating Kate.

Gemma looked at Kate doubtfully. The girl had succeeded in freeing herself of her t-shirt and was now sucking her thumb, standing topless and unconcerned. “Why her place?”

“Because she lives just a few houses down. I’ve been there with Kyle before. And her mum and dad will be out all night, Kyle said so earlier. He was probably planning to try and hit that,” Scott explained, motioning to Kate. “I doubt that will be happening now though,” he added, watching Kyle pretending to be a pirate, swinging his plastic sword around and yelling “Shiver me timbers!” to the night.

Gemma agreed that Kate’s place would be best. They agreed they’d best bring Kate along. Gemma reached out and took the girl’s hand. Nothing happened, whatever power Kate had before seemed to have left her. Now she was just a teenage girl in wet nappy. Sucking away at her thumb and fingers she allowed Gemma to lead them to her house, not appearing to recognise it at all as they approached. Kyle was enticed again by a promise of lollies and chocolates on arrival.

It was only a short walk to Kate’s place. The house was indeed empty. The group trudged inside after finding a key hidden under a stone by the door. Inside they regrouped while Kate busied herself spinning on her bum on the tile kitchen floor and Kyle watched cartoons, munching on chocolate bars Scott found. They had been there an hour when the front door swung open without warning. Scott fully expected to be told off by Kate’s parents for making a mess and invading their home. But it wasn’t her parents. In fact it was the last person Scott expected to see. It was Shaun, Kyle’s little brother. The fourteen year old walked in looking tired but relieved. As usual he was dressed in the same ratty t-shirt he’d had on the day before. His jean shorts were old and ripped at the ends, hanging to mid-calf length, his exposed ankles and bare feet were dirty. He doffed his bike helmet and swept a hand through his stringy unkempt hair, sniffling. “Oi, there you guys are. Jesus guys I’ve been all over lookin’ for you!”

Scott shared a confused look with Gemma. “What do you mean? You’ve been looking for us? Do you know who we are?” Scott asked.

Shaun nodded. “I know who you are Scott and you Gemma. But you still have no idea who I am, do you?”

Both regressed teens shook their little heads, now even more confused. Who was Shaun, other than the greasy little brother of Kyle? Shaun walked close to Scott and Gemma, ignoring the other two. “Scott, I used to be your best friend. We hung out all the time, went to B rated horror flicks, cruised the beach, lingered at the mall. You don’t remember at all?”

Scott tried hard to recall any of this, but it seemed so preposterous, how could he have forgotten something like that? Shaun shook his head. “It’s all his doing. All of this. He made you forget me. He made me forget me.”

“Who?” Scott asked.

Shaun looked up and into his eyes. “The man who gave you the costumes of course. The man, if that’s what he even is, who made you what you are now. Little kids.”

“Why? I don’t understand why he’s doing this.” Gemma cried.

Shaun looked at her pitifully. “He’s doing it because he can, because this is Halloween, his day. The same thing happened to me last Halloween, but you don’t remember it.”

Scott gasped, “You mean, he did this to you, and you grew back up?”

Shaun chuckled. “No, he did something a bit different to me. He makes you into what you least want to be, what you truly loath. I was a player mate. I had two smokin’ hot girls to crash with whenever I wanted. I was smart and so clean. I washed my hair with special conditioners, used after shave and cologne, put those whitening strips on my teeth. I always had the nicest clothes on, straight from Hallenstein’s, all preppy and fresh. Then I went into that shop last Halloween and he changed me. Just like you when the sun went down I regressed. I turned back into a lanky, awkward thirteen year old. But that wasn’t enough, not nearly enough. He made my family forget me! He made me part of Kyle’s family, his little brother. Still this was not enough. He changed the way I acted. When I woke up the next morning I didn’t want to dress nice or take a shower or brush my teeth. I forgot what deodorant was. I found the clothes in my closet were hand-me-downs, worn and stained and it didn’t bother me at all. I didn’t wash them, I would wear the same shirt for days. I discovered the only pair of shoes in my closet were black leather school shoes and I didn’t care. I didn’t tell my mum I wanted to go shoe shopping, because I immediately discovered I’d rather be barefoot. I loved the feeling of cool dewy grass in the morning, warm pavement and the feeling of wrapping my toes around my bike pedals. I became a dirty, barefooted, dweeby little kid. And I have lived that way for a year.”

Scott could see the anger in Shaun’s eyes. He felt horrible for him, but at the same time even more frightened for himself. “But Shaun,” Gemma began, “if you know all this why haven’t you said anything till now, why are you still unwashed and barefoot?”

Shaun turned to Gemma and the anger in his eyes dissipated. He even smiled, though it was not a friendly smile at all. “Yesterday I suddenly woke up and remembered who I had been, and then recalled how I had lived for the past year and was repulsed by it. I cannot change my behaviour or dress, yet, because he has not allowed it.”

“So the curse lasts one year?” Scott asked hopefully.

Shaun shook his head. “No, I will be released from my curse because I agreed to help him... with you.”

Scott and Gemma inched backwards from Shaun at this revelation. But Shaun continued on. “Once your transformation is complete he will give me my life back.”

“What are you going to do to us?” Scott squeaked.

“Your physical changes are complete, only the mental ones remain. Gemma I know you are a consummate nerd, right? Perfect grades, hard-working, always with your nose in a book, right?”

Gemma nodded slowly, fear in her eyes.

“You are about to become a little girl again, but without that genius mind and mature temperament you had before. Soon you’ll be dumb as a post, even for a seven year old, and an immature wild little kid. Your mum will have her hands full with you alright.” He turned to Scott. “You’re a meek little guy aren’t you? Smart but always the quiet one. Well dressed too.”

Scott had to agree that was a pretty good summary of his traits. Shaun nodded and continued, “You’re gonna be a mischievous little six year old, always wanting attention, and not too bright either, though probably not quite as dumb as little Gem will be. I hope the two of you enjoyed running round shoeless tonight, I doubt a couple of wild little kids like you will have shoes on those feet for quite some time.”

Scott gulped. This wasn’t what he’d expected when Shaun walked in, far from it. Now he regretted making fun of the kid all those times. Shaun had finished his speech now and focussed on Gemma. She didn’t like the way she was looking at her. Gemma thought fast, there had to be a way out of this, a way to avoid becoming a dumb tomboy. Shaun suddenly lunged forward and grabbed her. Gemma was startled by the sudden move but she struggled to get free. She could see Scott hitting at Shaun too, but it was no use. His fourteen year old body was too powerful for the little kids. Gemma felt his warm hand close over her forehead and her squirming ceased. A feeling of peace and serenity overcame her and she felt her mind shutting up shop, saying goodbye. Her days as a smart opinionated young woman were over. But it wasn’t so bad, te last thing that happened before it was over was a feeling of total acceptance taking over. She was going to be a dumb little kid in a second and that was exactly what she wanted, to play and giggle and not worry about nothing. Then in a final explosion of mental fireworks her memories or high school and primary school were swept away and everything else that had made her Gemma with it.


Scott watched in horror as Shaun held his hand over Gemma’s head. Scott pounded his puny little fists against Shaun’s back to no avail. He tried tickling the exposed soles of his feet but Shaun just giggled then kicked him away. Finally Shaun removed his hand and Gemma sat up free of his hold. She had a silly grin on her face as she turned to Shaun and screamed “I wanna play horsey!” before scrambling over his head and locking her legs around his neck screaming “Giddy-up! Giddy-Up!” and kicking her feet into his sides.

Shaun picked theexcited little child off his neck and set her down. Shaun got out a small book called “Elmo Went to School” out and offered it to the girl. Gem just shook her head, pigtails bobbing about. “Nuh-uh. Readin’ is stupid. I don’ wanna,” she insisted.

Shaun smiled and told her to go play. Taking the opportunity to avoid that fate Scott took off running. The image of Gemma’s smiling innocent face burned in his mind. He raced out the door and off into the night. He had to get home. Even in his current size he might be able to convince his parents something was wrong if he could speak to them while he still had a mind. Running through the pitch darkness of the woods, stones and twigs poking into his already sore feet he pushed ahead on pure adrenaline. He was certain he was being pursued, that at any moment Shaun would pop out from behind a tree to ambush him, dragging him back to boyhood. He didn’t want to be a little boy, he didn’t want to be dumb, or a loud obnoxious brat.

He reached his house completely out of breath. Luckily the front door was open so he proceeded inside, padding barefoot over the soft carpet without making a sound. In the living room he knew something was wrong. There were toys he didn’t recognise, the kind that a six year old would like. A Lego castle with men and guns everywhere. Cap guns, toy airplanes and boats. GI Joe army men spread across the room like a minefield for bare feet, with their pointy plastic bayonets pointing up. But it was the photos on the wall that caught his attention. There were photos of him as a six year old standing beside his three year old brother Jayden. Photos that he knew in reality could not have existed. One showed him at the beach playing in the sand with Jayden, another had the pair with Santa, Jayden sitting on one knee in his t-shirt and shorts and Scott on the other wearing a tank-top, jean shorts and barefoot. It appeared to be taken at the mall, people were visible in the background. There was no way to fake this. The most disturbing image to Scott showed he and Jayden climbing on the play place Jayden had in the back yard. Standing at the top of the slide Scott with his arm over Jayden’s shoulder, both naked as jaybirds, little weenies fully exposed. The caption below the photo read “Our Two Little Bares.”

Just then he heard his mum call from upstairs. “Scotty is that you? Did Mrs. Mathews bring you back from trick or treating?”

“Yes mum!” he called back, hoping to race right up to her and tell her what had happened. She would fix this all.

“Just get undressed and come up for your bath sweetie. Mummy will take care of your costume.”

Scott didn’t care what she said, he was coming up right now and making this right. He never even heard the footsteps behind him. He just felt the strong arm wrap around his body. Shaun’s voice whispered in his ear, “Sorry Scotty, this will only take a moment then you can be your mummy’s little bare and have your bathie.”

Scott gasped and wanted so badly to yell out to mum. She was so close, if only she would walk downstairs right now. There were footsteps on the stairs as Shaun moved his hand along Scott’s cheek. Scott strained to see, to struggle another second. Then the source of the footsteps appeared on the stairs. It was little Jayden, once again jaybirding, standing on the steps smiling down at his brother. As the warm hand closed over Scott’s forehead Jayden sat on his bare bum on the stairs and played with his toes.

Scott felt the same sensation he knew Gemma and the others must have felt. Bliss. He stopped fighting and let himself sink back in Shaun’s arms. There was no more fighting it anymore, he was going to be what he so dreaded, but at least if felt so nice. Shaun must have known, he whispered in Scott’s ear, “Feels nice huh. Look at that kid on the stairs, a little naked boy playing with his tootsies. That will be fun for you in a sec.”

Scott knew it was true, with every moment he lost words from his vocabulary, memories grew hazy, abilities left him. He couldn’t drive, he couldn’t blow a gum bubble, he was losing it all. He couldn’t recall clearly where e was or who was hugging him, just that it felt nice, safe and secure. Then the warm hand was gone and for a brief instant Scott knew what he had lost. Then a new need blasted away his chain of thought. “Want it off!” he screeched, lifting his arms. Shaun obliged and lifted the top of his Spiderman outfit off. Scotty put a thumb on either side of his waist and pulled at the elastic then yanked down his tights and undies at once. He smiled at the sight of the tiny hairless nub that was now his pee-pee. Then he stepped clear of the costume feeling free at last. He could breathe now, he was mummy’s little bare again. He raced up the steps to Jayden and plopped on his bum-bum beside him. “Hiya little bro!” he chirped.

“Hiya!” Jayden replied, still busy with his toes.

“C’mon boys. Bath time!” mum called down. And soon Scotty was splashing around in the bath with his toy boats and scuba men, no memory of the awful night.


It was past 11 o’clock when Shaun returned to his house. He locked the door and headed to his room to wait. As he headed up the stairs he thought about how he had placed his hand on Kyle’s head right here several hours ago. How he had watched the boy who’d been his brother for a year become a playful little six year old ready to trick or treat. He headed into his room and shut the door before flipping on the light. As soon as he did so he knew he’d made a mistake. His bed was gone, his posters stripped away as though they’d never been there. The desk with his computer was missing, cell phone and its charger vanished. Instead the room was painted a tranquil shade of green, a nappy changing table stood next to the wall where the desk had been. A large crib dominated the room, a mobile spinning slowly above it.

Shaun bolted out of the room, slamming the door behind him. This was not the deal! He had played his part, betrayed his friends, what was he meant to have done? Shaun raced back downstairs and flung open the front door. Standing before him, blocking his way, was the shop-keep. And in his arms was the sleeping topless beauty, Kate. Shaun backed away slowly, unsure how to escape. “What do you want from me buddy? I did all that you asked. We had a deal!”

The man simply proceeded inside, the door shut itself behind him. He set Kate down on the carpet where she yawned and stretched, seeming to wake up. “Yes we had a deal. You did as told you and I give you your old life back.”

“Exactly. And you plan to keep up your side of the deal?”

“Oh yes, by all means.”

“So what the fuck is the deal with the crib!?” Shaun yelled.

“I’ll tell you right now Shaun, don’t worry my boy. Please, just help me get Kate here in a new nappy would you.”

Shaun agreed, leaning down and then hesitating. “Is there a problem?” the man asked.

“Yeah. I know all about the little trick you pulled with her at that party.”

“Ah, right. No need to worry, the changes she caused only last till daybreak. Besides I deactivated that power some time ago. All the people she changed will be fine in the morning. Only you had the true touch.”

Shaun leaned over her, changing the girl’s wet and soiled nappy. It as an awful job but what choice did he have. As he slipped the new nappy under her soft bare bum he noticed that her breasts seemed larger than before, much larger. And there was a drop of something on her nipple. A drop of... milk? Could it be? Shaun looked up at the man.

“Oh yes, she is lactating. The poor thing needs to be emptied out before I can match her body to her mind.” The man answered the boy’s unspoken question.

Shaun wasn’t sure what to think. He couldn’t look away from her massive boobs as the mental infant played with her feet, yanking them back and forth and sticking her toes in her mouth briefly. All the movement had the breasts jiggling about enticingly.

“I know what you are thinking. It would be very nice to feed wouldn’t it? I’m sure you’d like to. Probably can’t stop thinking about it.”

Shaun found the man’s words utterly true. He wanted to feet at her massive breasts. But this was all wrong, clearly the man was putting thoughts in his head. He was controlling him somehow. Shaun wanted to fight it. Yet the urge was so strong, it was undeniable. His mouth was so dry, so parched, he needed to drink. The shop-keep smiled as Shaun lifted her up, cradling her in his arm. Her dribbly chin brushed against his cheek, smearing it with drool. She babbled softly in his ear, “Aghh...boooo. deeedaa.” He looked into her vacant eyes. She wouldn’t care, she didn’t have enough brain cells left to know. He leaned forward and took the fleshy brown teat of her left breast into his mouth, forgetting the shop-keep was even there. Warm creamy liquid rewarded him right away, filling his mouth and rolling down his throat. It tasted so good, so unbelievably good. He wanted to gorge himself on it. Then he felt a new sensation, the feeling a serene emptiness coming over his mind. Somehow he managed to stop feeding, breaking the suction.

Shaun pulled back, creamy breast milk running down the 14 year old’s chin. His eyes were already glazed over but he was forcing himself back t awareness. “What... what... happen?” he managed to force out. His brain was moving like molasses.

“What’s the matter Shaun? You seemed so happy getting your tee-tee milk. Go ahead, it’s okay.”

Shaun shook his head. “Makes me feel funny. All dumb-dumb.” That wasn’t what he meant to say. He’d wanted to say something much... bigger. But he couldn’t come up with any ?big’ words.

“Of course Shaun, it makes you feel nice, no need for thinking, all cozy and warm. Now continue buddy.”

“Don’ wanna be all dumb. Pwease, you said... you pwomised,” Shaun stammered.

“Yes Shaun you will have your old life back. But I’m afraid you failed to specify how old a life you wanted. I’ve decided to give you back the life you had when you were 12 months old.”

It took a moment for Shaun to comprehend what this meant. He did seem to realise that he was being double-crossed, but he couldn’t figure out how. The man leaned forward again, reaching out. “Now as promised you won’t have to wear these grimy clothes anymore.” He touched Shaun’s arm and his clothing all vanished, leaving him totally naked. “You won’t need to worry about clothes at all anymore. Your mummy will decide those things for you. In fact, she’ll decide most of everything for you.” The man chuckled malevolently.

Shaun tried to stand up but his balance was tenuous, his legs were shaking as though he’d run a marathon. His head was swimming. Shaun dropped back to his knees and looked down, aghast at the sight of his penis totally hairless. He’d only just gotten hair back there! Sure this penis had been less impressive than what he’d had when he was seventeen going on eighteen, but it was something. Now he was being robbed even of that. He didn’t feel like a man anymore. He’d been so close to getting it all back, to being 18 again, going to uni, playing rugby with his mates. Now he was too weak even to stand properly, his mind was drowning in the milk and worst of all the urge to return to the teat was overwhelming.

The shop-keep looked him in the eye. “You will find Shaun that no one likes a traitor, not even me. You sold out your friends tonight and you will pay a price for that.”

Shaun shook his head, eyes flicking between Kate’s boobs and the man. “But... you’re evil.”

The man nodded. “Yes, I am evil, pure and unadulterated. I am what I am. You Shaun are not evil, among humans there does not exist such a thing as pure evil. There is no black and white, only shades of grey. You all have a choice Shaun. Life is nothing but a series of choices. You chose to help evil and now you will live with the consequences of that choice.”

Utterly defeated Shaun leaned forward again. In spite of his anger and fear his physical urges betrayed him and his hairless member stood at attention as he neared her breasts again. The man smiled as Shaun took the right teat between his lips and suckled again. He realised of course the unspoken words of the shop-keep’s speech. Life was a series of choices and Shaun was making one right now. The man hadn’t put his hand on Shaun’s head and wiped away his brain. Shaun was choosing not to fight, voluntarily putting that nipple in his mouth and right now swallowing the liquid that would make him a dumb little baby. Was it guilt for what he had done? Or fear of what he would become after experiencing the power of evil as he had tonight? Shaun didn’t even know if the man had a suggestive power over him or not. Maybe he just felt so awful about what he’d done he was punishing himself. But thankfully with every swallow these thoughts became harder to focus on, slipped out of focus. Mercifully Shaun surrendered his chain of thought to the mind-fogging power of the milk accepting that with each gulp of creamy goodness his mind dimmed more and he became more like Katie. He grew more at ease with his nudity, more comfortable nursing from a teat. He understood that he’d soon be making a a steamer on the carpet and then playing with his feet just like her. Maybe tomorrow he’d be toddling around the yard with Jayden and Scotty, the third little bare.

As Shaun’s mind reached a critical point in its degeneration his erection softened, he lost the ability to be aroused by the simple act of nursing. Naked as he was, the shop-keep could see this happen. He knew it was almost over. In the last moments of nursing Shaun’s mind entered a state of euphoric blankness. He thought about nothing at all, words, shapes, colours and numbers all gone. He suckled on instinct until the milk ceased to come and then he detached with a pop, sighing and spitting up some milk. The white liquid coated his chin and chest, running down his tummy. Shaun slumped onto his side and rolled on his back, luxuriating in the soft carpet under his bare skin, gazing at the ceiling, his mind still devoid of thoughts. There was some pressure below and he felt a release. Something oozed from below him. He had no idea he’d soiled the rug. The long things wagged back and forth above him. He grabbed at the wiggly things at the end and explored them with his mouth, still gazing at the ceiling and thinking only the simplest of thoughts about how the wigglies felt to his tongue.

The shop-keep gazed down at the naked sprawling form of Shaun below him. His pee-pee bobbed back and forth as his legs kicked spastically about, a brown mess on the carpet below him. Then he pulled his feet to his mouth and sucked away at his dirty toes. The shop-keep smiled and checked his watch. It was 11:59PM. He smiled down in his cruel way at the sadly reduced young man and before he disappeared into thin air he said one word. “Trick.”



Kyle awoke bright and early the following morning. The six year old stripped out of his pyjamas and pulled on the first pair of undies he saw, some dinosaur print ones. He skipped downstairs in his underoos and flipped on the TV, watching the morning toons. Now not quite four feet tall with short brown hair Kyle was a normal energetic six year old. At midnight his body had changed to match his mind. Now he had no recollection of the night before.

At some point during Scooby Doo his baby sister Katie toddled in. The 18 month old was dressed in only her nappy, her curly blonde hair sticking up in all directions. The tot sucked rhythmically on her blue binkie. There was no sign of the frosty young woman in the tot’s innocent eyes. She lay on the floor cuddling her blankie until mum took her in to eat brekkie, calling for Kyle to come to. After delaying twice to wait for a commercial mum marched in and turned the telly off, forcing Kyle into the kitchen. There he found Katie already in her highchair, well covered in gooky food, even in her hair. Standing in the kitchen as well was Kyle’s 14 year old brother, Shaun. Shaun was what mum called ?special’. The teen boy was standing there buck naked, as usual, playing with the microwave. He was pushing buttons sporadically, banging with his splayed fingers and giggling delightedly at the beeping sounds it produced.

“Shaunie, time for nummy-nums sweetie,” mum said.

Shaun turned around, his dangling pee-pee bobbing as he did so. Mum placed a bowl of applesauce on the floor before him and guided him to his bum. She still needed to get a highchair big enough to fit the oversized baby. For now she spoon-fed him the gook on the floor and naked so he wouldn’t ruin his clothing. Then Katie began wailing for some reason and mum had to deal with her.

This was Shaun’s punishment. Unlike the others his body had not changed, he was an 18 year old in a 14 year old body with an infant’s mind. As he sat there Shaun had, as he occasionally did, a moment of lucidity. For that brief few seconds he was fully aware of his situation. He realised he was sitting on the floor of his kitchen, buck naked in front of his whole family, covered in food and helpless. Luckily the milk had done its job very well, destroying the vast majority of Shaun’s brain. Thus the lucidity passed quickly, as soon as something distracted him. In this case it was Kyle. The small boy saw the look of horror on his face and took it for gas or maybe the need to make wees. Kyle knelt down beside Shaun and the teen looked at little Kyle with full awareness of what he had done to the boy and of how he now appeared to him, what a pitiful sight he was. Kyle reached over and brushed the sole of Shaun’s foot, “Need to make pee-pee buddy?” he asked.

Shaun gaped at Kyle as he felt the delightful tickle, his mind switched directions and instantly the thread of cognition was broken again. As Kyle watched Shaun’s pupils dilated and his eyes glazed. His mind went wonderfully blank again and he grinned exuberantly and dipped the tickled footsie in the applesauce raising it to his mouth to slurp the sticky goodness off his toesies.

An hour later Kyle was skippin out the door to join the walking school bus. Dressed in his red and navy school polo shirt, bucket hat and baggy calf-length navy cargo shorts he was ready to go back to primary school as a Year 1 student. Also in his class was his neighbour, Scotty. The boy was already in the queue dressed he same as Kyle right down to their bare feet. Scotty made fart noises with his hands to entertain the other boys giggling and enjoying being the centre of attention as always.

At school Scotty had to be told repeatedly to be quiet by the teacher. He was quickly becoming the class clown. The boys thought he was hilarious. The girls thought he was gross. Well at least most of them did. One girl thought he was funny. She was the oldest in the class because she’d had to repeat the year since she had trouble reading. The blonde little girl with pigtails came right up to Scotty at lunch and told him “You’re real funny!”

Scotty giggled and made more fart noises for her. She laughed all the more, then tried herself unsuccessfully. Scotty tried to show her but she wasn’t too bright, even he could see that. “What’s your name?” he asked.

“Gem. What’s yours?”


“Cool. Wanna play on the tree?”


Standing by the school gate the shop-keep eyed the group of children carefully. He spotted Gemma, now nothing but a barefooted, mucky tomboy. And there was Scotty right beside her, the new class clown and tree climber extraordinaire.

He was fully satisfied with his work this year. Perhaps this was his best year yet. In fact maybe this little city on the far side of world had seen enough of his work. Maybe it was time for his shop to open in a new mall. Someplace the people feel safe, somewhere where they would least expect it. The man, who of course was not a man at all, considered it and smiled. Yes, he knew just the right place. So watch out, because next year this proprietor of evil could be bringing his tricks to a mall near you.



End Chapter 1


by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 26, 2009


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