Punishment for Stealing

by: iceman | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 19, 2009

even though your desperate for money there are other ways to get it

Chapter 1
Punishment for Stealing

Chapter Description: NO STEALING from your perants!!!!

Last night Sam age 19 sat in her room talking on the like

always before she went to sleep. Well on the phone she was

making plans to go out after co-op at a school where she was

an E A Teacher for specialty kids who have problams to use

the washroom,so meaning she helps changing diapers,

feeding,and making sure there in no any kind of pain. So

anyway Sam was on the phone with a frend making plans

to go see Hanna Montana the movie. So when it came to 11

at night she went to bed and the next morning her mother

woke her up to get her ready for work. Sam got up showered

got dressed and sat down to have a bowl of cereal then when

she was done that she finished getting ready to go to work

she checked her walliet to see if she had enough money

but to her surprise she had no money and she really

wanted to see this movie. So with out thinking she went

down stairs made sure her mother was no where to be seen

went in to her purse took a 10 doller bill and left for work

but all in all she was nervious that she may have gotten

cought (like who wouldn’t be!!). Well at work changing kids

have her size diapers all she kept thinking how i got away

with it. 4 oclock hit work was finished and the movie was

at 4 30 so she got to the movie at 4 20 met up with her

friend Jeremy and went to see Hanna Montana. But back

at Sams home Sams mother was verry upset that her

daughter would steal from her and she had to think of

a punishment for this childish behavour before her bad

girl theif of a daughter returns home from a not

really of a grown up film. At 6 oclock Sam returned home

and Sams mother just let her have it saying " YOU ARE



YOUR room ill be up in a minute. So Sam went to her room

and after about 15 minutes her mom came in and red her

rights to her 1st you are grounded no going out anywhere

not even work i called your school and your job placement

and told them what you did so u are fired got it your grouning

ends in two weeks but thats only the begining for what u

pulled see you in two weeks prisoner. All Sam could do know

was sit in her room scared and cry softly and eat when

her mother brought her up food and that went on for two

weeks but what she didn’t know taht the 2nd punishment

was a whole lot worse her mother was on the phone

talking to lab that her friend works at and told her

what happen and said "i need that AR stuff you been dealing

with". Then she asked Sams mother "how old do you want

to put her and Sams mother answered back about 2 years

old ok bye. So two weeks finally went bye and Sams mother

called her down and when Sam came down stairs she saw

a high chair playpen with baby toys in it so Sam looked at her

mother and said are we sitting for a baby and her mother

of course didn’t say anything and said lets go to the mall

alright and forget what happen. Of course Sam agreed and

they headed off to the mall. Mean while back at the Sams

room was being redecerated to a nursery and at the mall

Sams mother told Sam to sit at table in wendys and eat well

she did some shopping for some baby items but of

course she didn’t tell Sam that. So in the baby section of

WallMart she bought some diapers,bibs,pacifires,and some

cute clothes. But back at wendys Sam was dinking her pop

but didn’t know her mom put that AR stuff in it and well

drinking it Jeremy showed up and they talked for a bit and

Jeremy asked if he can finish Sams drink and sam said sure

i’m done with it. When Sams mother came back she was

happy but shocked at the same time cause Sam was a

2 year old baby but so was Jeremy. So with no hassatshion

Sams mother picked up the 2 years old and took them

to the car where she first laid Sam down and got her diapered

then looked at Jeremy and told him she was sorry and called

his mom the whole story and to meet us back at the house

and before leaving the mall even though Jeremy wasn’t to

happy about it Sam’s mom laid him down and diapered him.

so back at the house Jeremys mom Michelle picked him

up with 7 diapers to make everything up and took off.

But as for Sam well in her new room Sams mother told her

well changing her wet diaper "this is your 2nd punishment

that will last a life time kissy kissy my cute baby girl.

as for Jeremy if people are wondering about him even

though he didn’t do anything this will last a life time

but the differance is he likes being craddled in his

mommys arms.






End Chapter 1

Punishment for Stealing

by: iceman | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 19, 2009


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