Halloween Night

by: Sabadava | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 29, 2009

Strange things can happen on Halloween Night, especially to those who are... immodest. Mikayla is a testament to that.

Chapter 1
Day 1: Sixteen

Chapter Description: "Why couldn't Mikayla ever pick <i>normal</i> costumes?"


"A stripper." Jenny looked like she was about to choke as her eyes widened. She quickly swallowed the Diet Pepsi in her mouth, coughing several times to clear her throat. The entire time, Mikayla sat pensively across from her, picking at her pasta salad. When she had finished hacking and taken another sip of her drink, Jenny shook her head a few times and leaned back. Why couldn’t Mikayla ever pick normal costumes? Last year she had been a leopard, wearing a skin-tight bikini with a gold and brown print. The year before, a French maid. Now she was going for a real shocker.

Jenny could remember a time when she wore nothing but normal. At age 6, when the two had gone out trick-or-treating together for the first time, Mikayla had been a princess, with she as Pocahontas. It had proceeded in a similar way for several years, right up until the eighth grade. Jenny had picked out a dress and wig that would make her ’the evil fairy godmother.’ It looked like a witch crossed with a fairy, and she was quite pleased with it. A few days before Halloween, she innocently asked her friend what she was going to dress up as. Her only response was, "You’ll see." See she did, come Halloween night. When the door to Mikayla’s house swung open, Jenny almost jumped back in surprise. Her best friend was dressed up as Lara Croft.

The film starring the womanly (and buxom) adventurer had premiered the same year, and both girls had commented that nobody could match her incredible, nigh impossible good looks. Mikayla had tried, and very nearly suceeded. She was what you could call a ’late bloomer,’ but when she bloomed, it was impressive. When she had returned to school in September, the flat chest Jenny was familiar with had been replaced by a solid B-cup. As a result, she filled out her spandex bodysuit quite nicely. She had also tied her dark brown hair into a long braid, and made herself up to look just like the action hero. That night had been when the hooting and whistles had started. Every night, when Mikayla wore more and more revealing costumes, guys would throw out catcalls and whistles, which she would then give into. The year before Halloween night had ended with Mikayla walking off to make out with a guy. Jenny was sick and tired of it, but what could she do? Nodding and finishing her lunch, the two walked off to class, still discussing when to meet.


"No! I’m putting my foot down this time!" Mikayla’s mother had just seen her clothing, which amounted to a black bra and extremely short shorts, as well as fishnet that ran to her ankles. With her considerable endowment, she looked every part of her costume. Her mother Ellen, however, was not pleased. With she and Mikayla’s father separated, it was hard to assert her authority. She had tried and failed to keep her daughter home for 3 consecutive years, and it looked like she was not going to succeed this time. Grinning devilishly, Mikayla walked towards the back door, her high heels clicking against the tiles. Sighing irritably, Ellen shook her head, walking towards the kitchen. She knew it would be impossible to stop her. Once her daughter was determined, it was as good as done. Pouring herself a glass of wine, the middle-age mother leaned back in her chair. All she could do was wait.


Mikayla met up with Jenny at the corner. Her best friend had opted to become a mummy, completely covered in gauze apart from her nose and mouth, as well as some parts where she had suggestively left off a few layers. As usual, the two headed straight for Dalewood Road. The entire lane was occupied by college-age men, who knew Mikayla enough to expect her coming. After a quick greeting the two set off. They never took candy bags. That wasn’t the point.

They moved through each house, getting exclamations and approval from each guy they met. It seemed they would all be getting together for a little ’after-party’ at the old mansion at the top of the hill. From what Jenny could tell, this didn’t mean a screening of old horror movies. After Mikayla was finished making out with every guy down the way, the two headed up to the mansion to take a look around. It was certainly appropriate for a Halloween party, with creaking wood and dusty windows. As the two approached the front door, Mikayla mused, "I’ll bet there’s some old woman behind the door, waiting to jump out at us."

As if on cue, the solid oak door creaked open, revealing a shadowy figure standing inside. Jenny nearly jumped in fright, but Mikayla managed to stay calm. The person, who appeared to be an old woman, appraised the two with glittering green eyes. After a few seconds, she spoke in a scratchy voice: "My dear, you look a bit under-dressed for such a cold night." Giving the same dark grin she had given her mother, Mikayla responded, "Oh, not at all. In fact, I think I’m a bit over-dressed for tonight’s... activities. The lady stepped closer, her eyebrows raised. Blinking a few times, she sighed, "Young ladies such as yourself should a bit more modest. Didn’t your mother ever tell you that when you were a little girl?" Smirking, Mikayla retorted, "Sure she did. But I’m not a little girl anymore." At this the woman’s eyes grew fierce, she hissed once, then began to murmur words.

"For those who have an evil hunger

They’ll find themselves growing ever younger

Like a disease it will strike with quickness

Although it will leave behind no sickness

This spell will end in three days’ time

When you have paid for all your crimes."

For a moment Mikayla stood stock still. Then her vision went black.



End Chapter 1

Halloween Night

by: Sabadava | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 29, 2009


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