A Little Sleepy

by: ReinaHW | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 1, 2022

Tired? Feeling younger the more fatigued you are?

Chapter 1
A Little Sleepy

Chapter Description: Tired? Feeling younger the more fatigued you are?

Guess you must be tired, hmm? Feeling heavy the more fatigued you are, trying to keep yourself awake a little longer while a little part of you is insisting that you're not tired, that you don't want to go to bed.
Ever noticed though how that part of you is rather childlike and gets louder the more fatigued you are?

Sure you say you're an adult but you feel like you're regressing the more fatigued you are, the adult mindset is dozing off while a more childish mindset is kicking in. Another yawn, rubbing at the eyes, insisting that you're not tired.

Little sleepy or sleepy little, maybe both. Feeling increasingly younger the harder it is to stay awake.

How old would you say you are as this is happening? You'll likely be all grown up when you wake but how young would you say you are the more you fight the need to sleep?
That was a big yawn, you sounded quite young there as well.

Go to bed, get some sleep or regress some more within if you want. Downwards all the more as the fatigue becomes too hard to fight.

How old are you now mentally? You're behaving so much like a child, perhaps a young child. Little sleepy or sleepy little? Both, neither? Another big yawn, another rub of the eyes.

All ready for bed now, so childish in presentation at this point. Under the covers and just let yourself sleep, ni ni.

How tired are you? How old do you feel due to the fatigue? Maybe it's time for bed.



End Chapter 1

A Little Sleepy

by: ReinaHW | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 1, 2022


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dee · Mar 1, 2022

Reading this at 3am, when I know I should be asleep, made it all the sweeter. *L*

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