Stupid Cupid

by: kira | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 16, 2014

a man tries to find his wife that something for Valentine's Day.

Chapter 1
Stupid Cupid

It was getting close to Valentine’s Day and I didn’t know what to get my woman, we had been married for a couple of years now and we both wanted to have a baby. I tried to think of what to get her but had no luck at all, I was walking by different stores until I came across one I had never seen before and decided to go in; once I walked in the store there was an old man behind the counter. He noticed that something was wrong and asked me about it, I thought it couldn’t hurt to tell him; he stood there and then said “ah I know what you want to make her happy but you don’t know how right?” I told him “yes did you think of something?” he then came back carrying a dusty old book and gave it to me, telling me to be very careful using the spells in it because it’s very powerful; I then thought the old man had lost his marbles but thought okay what the heck.

I flipped through the book until I found a spell that was titled her every desire, I thought that’s the one that will help me the most plus it had a picture of what looked like Cupid; I then asked the old man if he would cast the spell for me. He looked at me and said he would but for every spell there is each one has a consequence to it, I told him I didn’t care that this was the one that I needed to make my wife happy; he said “okay” and he started his incantation and within minutes something flew up out from the book and landed on the counter. I couldn’t believe my eyes because it was Cupid himself only much smaller then I had thought only this Cupid had a cigar in his mouth, he then pulled the cigar out and asked me if I wanted to give my wife her every desire; I was so happy I said yes without thinking and agreed to anything he did.

Cupid looked at the old man and then back at me and said “okay but this might hurt a bit,” he then pointed his arrow at me and fired; the next thing I knew I was being awoken on the floor by the old man and I looked at Cupid and asked if that was it? He looked at me and nodded his head, he then said that it wouldn’t take affect until the next day which was Valentine’s Day; I was so happy I completely forgot about the old man telling me about the consequence and ran out the door. I went home to my wife and told her everything; she looked at me and shook her head saying that I got scammed but thought oh well; that night we went to bed wondering what the outcome would be. When morning came I woke up being engulfed in blankets not knowing what had happened, then my wife rolled over and squealed with delight while looking at me; I didn’t know what to think nor why my wife looked to be towering over me.

The next thing I knew she picked me up and carried me to the full length mirror where I noticed what the consequence was, because instead of my original reflection of a 29 year-old 5ft 9 man was now the reflection of a baby no older than 1; I started screaming and crying not wanting to be like this but my wife looked at me and said “honey this was my every desire.” Course now you know why I think Cupid is stupid because thanks to him not only do I have to start my life over but the worst part is my diaper is wet, “grr stupid Cupid note to self next time I’ll make sure to get my wife something for Valentine’s Day like a normal person.



End Chapter 1

Stupid Cupid

by: kira | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 16, 2014


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